The plugin add a widget and a shortcode in order to show authors of an article. It is compatible with Co-Authors Plus.
# Description
[Co-Authors Plus]( is one of the most useful plugin for multiple authors blogs. This plugin add a widget to add users' avatars to post also for guest authors and for posts with multiple authors.
You can also add avatars with a shordcode [blog-post-coauthors].
The plugin add also a slider in order to show user's profile. If you want change the style, you can modify blog-spoiler.css file in the plugin folder.
# Installation
1. Make sure that Co-Authors Plus is installed and active.
2. Extract the file and upload its contents to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Alternately, you can install directly from the Plugin directory within your WordPress Install.
3. Activate the plugin through the \"Plugins\" menu in WordPress.
4. Add the widget to your sidebar or the shortcode to your posts or pages.