127 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
127 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
\setmainfont{Open Dyslexic}
partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}},
\node (example-textwidth-2) [align=center, text width=16cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (13,6.5) {Sistema di riferimento solidale con la Terra in caduta libera sulla Luna};
\draw [color=craterm, fill=moon, ultra thick] (6.5,0) circle (4.5cm);
\foreach \x in {1,...,5}
\draw [color=craterm, ultra thick, rotate around={72*\x:(6.5,0)}] (6.5,0) -- (6.5,2);
\foreach \x in {1,3,...,20}
\draw [color=craterm, ultra thick, rotate around={18*\x:(6.5,0)}] (6.5,0) -- (6.5,1.2);
\foreach \x in {2,6,...,18}
\draw [color=craterm, ultra thick, rotate around={18*\x:(6.5,0)}] (6.5,0) -- (6.5,0.9);
\draw[fill=craterm, ultra thick] (6.5,0) circle (0.5cm);
\draw (3.3,-2.5) [rotate around={-45:(3.3,-2.5)}, color=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=20:160:1.5 and 0.5];
\foreach \x in {0.01,0.02,...,0.1}
\draw (3.3+\x,-2.5-\x) [rotate around={-45:(3.3,-2.5)}, color=craterm,ultra thick,partial ellipse=20:160:1.5 and 0.5];
\draw (9.7,-2.5) [rotate around={45:(9.7,-2.5)}, color=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=20:160:1 and 0.3];
\foreach \x in {0.01,0.02,...,0.1}
\draw (9.7+\x,-2.5-\x) [rotate around={45:(9.7,-2.5)}, color=craterm,ultra thick,partial ellipse=20:160:1 and 0.3];
\draw (3.5,3.2) [rotate around={45:(3.5,3.2)}, color=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=180:360:0.5 and 0.3];
\foreach \x in {0.01,0.02,...,0.1}
\draw (3.5+\x,3.2-\x) [rotate around={45:(3.5,3.2)}, color=craterm,ultra thick,partial ellipse=180:360:0.5 and 0.3];
%up-dx shadow
\draw (9.5,3) [rotate around={-50:(9.5,3)}, color=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=180:360:0.9 and 0.7];
\foreach \x in {0.01,0.02,...,0.1}
\draw (9.5+\x,3-\x) [rotate around={-50:(9.5,3)}, color=craterm,ultra thick,partial ellipse=180:360:0.9 and 0.7];
\tkzDrawCircle[fill = earth](O,E)
% lands
\fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (5,5) (4,4) (4.5,0) (4.5,-4) (4.3,-5.5) (6,0) (5,5) };
\fill [land] (0,-5.5) circle (1cm);
\fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (-2,0.5) (0,1) (3,0.5) (2.2,-1.2) (0.3,-3) (-0.1,-2) (-2.5,-0.7) (-2,0.5) };
\fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (0,4) (2,3.2) (2.2,1.6) (1.8,1) (1.5,1.8) (0.1,2) (-1.2,1.7) (-2.3,2) (-2.4,3.5) (0,4) };
% clouds
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,4.5) -- (-1.5,4.5);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,4.1) -- (-1.2,4.1);
\fill [white] (-1.5,4.55) circle (0.2cm);
\fill [white] (-1.2,4.1) circle (0.25cm);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,1.1) -- (-3.5,1.1);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,0.7) -- (-3.2,0.7);
\fill [white] (-3.5,1.15) circle (0.2cm);
\fill [white] (-3.2,0.7) circle (0.25cm);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,-4.1) -- (-1.5,-4.1);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,-4.5) -- (-1.2,-4.5);
\draw [line width=4mm, color=white] (-2.3,-4.8) -- (-1.6,-4.8);
\fill [white] (-1.5,-4.05) circle (0.2cm);
\fill [white] (-1.2,-4.5) circle (0.25cm);
\fill [white] (-1.6,-4.8) circle (0.2cm);
\fill [white] (-2.3,-4.8) circle (0.2cm);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (3,-2.5) -- (5.5,-2.5);
\draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (2.5,-2.9) -- (5.5,-2.9);
\draw [line width=4mm, color=white] (3.5,-3.2) -- (5,-3.2);
\fill [white] (3,-2.45) circle (0.2cm);
\fill [white] (2.5,-2.9) circle (0.25cm);
\fill [white] (3.5,-3.2) circle (0.2cm);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,6}{
\pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{(rand*0.2 + 1)*12-12}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{(rand*0.5 + 1)*10-10}
\fill[white] (\x,\y) circle (0.5cm);
\draw [->,ultra thick] (5.5,0) -- (7.5,0);
\node at (6,0.4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont $\vec a'_B$}};
\draw [->,ultra thick] (-5.5,0) -- (-7.5,0);
\node at (-6.5,0.4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont $\vec a'_A$}};
\end{document} |