\documentclass{standalone} % \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} \usepackage{xcolor} % \definecolor{space}{HTML}{1F2C4E} \definecolor{moon}{HTML}{AFAFAF} % \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Open Dyslexic} % \title{Fasi lunari} \begin{document} \tikzset{ partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}, newmoon/.pic = { \draw [fill=moon] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); \draw [fill=black, opacity=0.5] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); }, firstmoon/.pic = { \draw [fill=moon] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); \draw [fill=black, opacity=0.5] (0,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:1.5 and 1.5]; }, fullmoon/.pic = { \draw [fill=moon] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); }, thirdmoon/.pic = { \draw [fill=moon] (0,0) circle (1.5cm); \draw [fill=black, opacity=0.5] (0,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:1.5 and 1.5]; }, } \begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=white},show background rectangle,] \begin{scope} \draw [fill=space,ultra thick] (1.5,8) rectangle (28,1); % \pic at (4.2,5) {fullmoon}; \pic at (11.2,5) {thirdmoon}; \pic at (18.2,5) {newmoon}; \pic at (25.2,5) {firstmoon}; % \node at (4.2,7) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Luna piena}}; \node at (4.2,3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 5 maggio}}; \node at (4.2,2) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 19:34}}; % \node at (11.2,7) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Terzo Quarto}}; \node at (11.2,3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 12 maggio}}; \node at (11.2,2) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 16:28}}; % quinta fase \node at (18.2,7) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Luna Nuova}}; \node at (18.2,3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 19 maggio}}; \node at (18.2,2) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 17:53}}; % \node at (25.2,7) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Primo Quarto}}; \node at (25.2,3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 27 maggio}}; \node at (25.2,2) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 17:22}}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}