\documentclass{standalone} % \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{backgrounds,bending,arrows.meta} % \usepackage{tkz-euclide} \usetkzobj{all} % \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{space}{HTML}{1F2C4E} \definecolor{earth}{HTML}{0089FA} \definecolor{mars}{HTML}{DC7B4E} \definecolor{dida}{HTML}{FFDE00} \definecolor{title}{HTML}{FBA706} \definecolor{moon}{HTML}{AFAFAF} \definecolor{craterm}{HTML}{616060} \definecolor{linem}{HTML}{DBDBDB} \definecolor{core1}{HTML}{FF5E16} \definecolor{core2}{HTML}{FF9616} % \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Open Dyslexic} % \title{Fatti marziani} \begin{document} \tikzset{partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}} \begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=white},show background rectangle,>={[inset=0,angle'=27]Stealth}] %title \draw [black,ultra thick,fill=title] (0,8) rectangle (30,11.5); \node at (14,9.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{90}{91}\selectfont Fatti marziani}}; %mars \begin{scope}[scale=2.5] \coordinate (E) at (2.6,0.4); \coordinate (F) at (3.7,0.7); \draw[fill=mars,ultra thick] (3,0.5) circle (2.1cm); %scar \draw[-,thick] (1.8,0.2) -- (2.9,1.5); \draw[-] (1.9,0.2) -- (1.9,0.4); \draw[-] (2,0.35) -- (2,0.55); \draw[-] (2.1,0.45) -- (2.1,0.65); \draw[-] (2.6,1.05) -- (2.6,1.25); \draw[-] (2.7,1.15) -- (2.7,1.35); \draw[-] (2.8,1.25) -- (2.8,1.45); %eyebrows \draw[-,thick] (2.25,1.3) -- (2.45,1.2); \draw[-,thick] (3.45,1.2) -- (3.65,1.3); %nose \draw[-,thick] (2.95,0.1) to[out=105,in=85] (2.75,0) to[out=275,in=205] (3,-0.1); %mouth \draw[-,thick] (2.8,-0.6) -- (3,-0.55); %eyes \draw[fill=white] (2.4,0.7) ellipse (7pt and 10pt); \draw[fill=white] (3.5,0.7) ellipse (7pt and 10pt); \draw[fill=black,rotate around={-30:(E)}] (2.5,0.5) ellipse (2pt and 5pt); \draw[fill=black,rotate around={-30:(F)}] (3.75,0.5) ellipse (2pt and 5pt); \end{scope} %dida mars \begin{scope}[shift={(1,0)}] \draw[fill=dida,thick] (13,-1.7) rectangle (27,4.2); \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=13cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (13.5,1.5) {Marte è il 4.o pianeta dal Sole. Possiede due lune: Phobos, con un diametro di 22.2 chilometri e Deimos, con un diametro di 12.6 chilometri.}; \end{scope} %dimensions \begin{scope}[scale=0.8,shift={(23.5,-14.5)}] \draw[fill=space, ultra thick] (-22.5,8.5) rectangle (12.5,-9); \draw[fill=moon, ultra thick] (8,0) circle (2cm); \draw[fill=mars, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (3.9cm); \draw[fill=earth, ultra thick] (-14,0) circle (7.34cm); % \draw[<->,earth] (-21.34,-8.5) -- (-6.66,-8.5) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{earth}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Terra: 6371 km}}; \draw[<->,mars] (-3.9,-5) -- (3.9,-5) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{mars}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Marte: 3390 km}}; \draw[<->,moon] (6,-3) -- (10,-3) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{moon}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Luna: 1737 km}}; \end{scope} %orbits \begin{scope}[scale=1.5,shift={(0.4,-23.5)}] \coordinate (S) at (0,5); \coordinate (E) at (12,3); \coordinate (M) at (18,9); % \draw[fill=space, ultra thick] (0,10) rectangle (19,-1.2); %earth orbit \draw[gray,ultra thick] (11,0) to[out=50,in=70] (E); \draw[gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (E) to[out=90,in=300] (9.8,10); %mars orbit \draw[gray,ultra thick] (17.5,0) to[out=70,in=290] (M); \draw[gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (M) to[out=110,in=300] (17.5,10); %sun \draw[fill=white] (S) arc (90:-90:2) -- (S); %earth \draw[fill=earth] (E) circle (0.5cm); %mars \draw[fill=mars] (M) circle (0.25cm); %arrows \draw[<->,dashed,gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (2.2,3) -- (11.3,3) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{earth}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 150 milioni di chilometri}}; \draw[<->,dashed,gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (2.15,3.7) -- (17.7,8.9) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{mars}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 229 milioni di chilometri}}; % \draw [fill=dida,thick] (0.5,9.3) rectangle (8.8,7.7); \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=12cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (0.7,8.5) {Distanza media tra il Sole e le orbite di Terra e Marte.}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[shift={(10,-35)}] \draw[fill=dida, thick] (1.9,1) rectangle (18.1,-3.4); \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=16cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (2.3,-1.2) {Un anno su Marte dura 687 giorni, quasi il doppio di un anno terrestre. La sua temperatura media è di $-63 ^\circ C$, con variazioni da $-140 ^\circ C$ a $+30 ^\circ C$.}; \end{scope} %retrograde motion \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-52)}] \clip (1,15) rectangle (30,-10); \draw [fill=black] (1,9) rectangle (29,-9); \tkzDefPoint(3,0){S} \tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=white](S,1.5 cm) \tkzDefShiftPoint[S](4,0){A} \tkzDrawCircle[color=white, ultra thick](S,A) \tkzDefShiftPoint[S](6,0){B} \tkzDrawCircle[color=white, ultra thick](S,B) % \tkzDefShiftPoint[S](1,0){L} \foreach \i in {-1,-2,1,2} {\tkzDefPointBy[rotation = center S angle 30*\i](A) \tkzGetPoint{A\i}} % \foreach \i in {-1,-2,1,2} {\tkzDefPointBy[rotation = center S angle 16.5*\i](B) \tkzGetPoint{B\i}} % \tkzInterLL(A,B)(A1,B1) \tkzGetPoint{AB} \tkzDefShiftPoint[AB](4.5,0){H} \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](-3,8){H1} \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](3,5){H2} \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](3,-8){H3} \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](-3,-5){H4} \tkzDrawPolygon[fill=space](H1,H2,H3,H4) % \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](0,0){F} \tkzDefLine[parallel=through F](H2,H3) \tkzGetPoint{f} \tkzInterLL(F,f)(A,B) \tkzGetPoint{M3} % \tkzDefShiftPoint[F](0.5,0){F1} \tkzDefLine[parallel=through F1](H2,H3) \tkzGetPoint{f1} \tkzInterLL(F1,f1)(A-1,B-1) \tkzGetPoint{M2} % \tkzDefShiftPoint[F](-0.5,0){F2} \tkzDefLine[parallel=through F2](H2,H3) \tkzGetPoint{f2} \tkzInterLL(F2,f2)(A1,B1) \tkzGetPoint{M4} % \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](2,0){F3} \tkzDefLine[parallel=through F3](H2,H3) \tkzGetPoint{f3} \tkzInterLL(F3,f3)(A-2,B-2) \tkzGetPoint{M1} % \tkzDefShiftPoint[H](-2,0){F4} \tkzDefLine[parallel=through F4](H2,H3) \tkzGetPoint{f4} \tkzInterLL(F4,f4)(A2,B2) \tkzGetPoint{M5} % \tkzDefShiftPoint[M2](1,2.5){I1} \tkzDefShiftPoint[M4](-1,-2.5){I2} % \draw [white] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (M1) (I1) (M2) (M3) (M4) (I2) (M5) }; % \tkzDrawSegments[color=white](A-2,M1 A,M3 A-1,M2 A1,M4 A2,M5) \tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=earth](A,0.2 cm) \foreach \i in {-1,-2,1,2} {\tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=earth](A\i,0.2 cm)} \tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=mars](B,0.2 cm) \foreach \i in {-1,-2,1,2} {\tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=mars](B\i,0.2 cm)} \foreach \i in {1,...,5} {\tkzDrawCircle[R,fill=mars](M\i,0.2 cm)} % \draw[fill=dida, thick] (1.3,12) rectangle (28.8,8); \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=27cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (1.5,10) {Quando Marte si avvicina all'opposizione, sembra mostrare un moto retrogrado apparente, ovvero sembra momentaneamente tornare indietro lungo la sua traiettoria per poi riprendere la direzione usuale.}; \end{scope} %gravity \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-70)}] \draw [fill=space,ultra thick] (0.5,6.5) rectangle (29.5,-5); %on the earth \draw [fill=mars] (7,4.1) circle (0.5cm); \draw (7,3.8) [color=craterm,fill=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=200:340:3 and 0.5]; \draw [color=craterm,ultra thick] (7,3) -- (7,3.3); \draw [color=craterm,fill=linem,ultra thick] (4,3) rectangle (10,-3); \foreach \o in {0,1,...,9} \draw [thick,rotate around={36*\o:(7,0)}] (7,2) -- (7,2.4); \draw [color=red,ultra thick,rotate around={-353.16:(7,0)}] (7,0) -- (7,1.8); \draw [fill=black] (7,0) circle (0.2cm); \draw [fill=earth,opacity=0.4] (7,0) circle (2.5cm); %on mercury \draw [fill=mars] (23,4.1) circle (0.5cm); \draw (23,3.8) [color=craterm,fill=linem,ultra thick,partial ellipse=200:340:3 and 0.5]; \draw [color=craterm,ultra thick] (23,3) -- (23,3.3); \draw [color=craterm,fill=linem,ultra thick] (20,3) rectangle (26,-3); \foreach \o in {0,1,...,9} \draw [thick,rotate around={36*\o:(23,0)}] (23,2) -- (23,2.4); \draw [color=red,ultra thick,rotate around={-133.15:(23,0)}] (23,0) -- (23,1.8); \draw [fill=black] (23,0) circle (0.2cm); \draw [fill=earth,opacity=0.4] (23,0) circle (2.5cm); % \draw [thick,fill=title] (9,8.3) rectangle (21,6.3); \node at (15,7.3) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Accelerazione di gravità}}; \node at (15,3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Sulla Terra}}; \node at (15,2) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 9.81 m/s}}; \node at (17,2.3) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{11}{12}\selectfont 2}}; % \node at (15,0) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Su Marte}}; \node at (15,-1) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 3.69 m/s}}; \node at (17,-0.7) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{11}{12}\selectfont 2}}; \node at (15,-4) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Peso di 10 kg}}; % \draw [fill=white,thick] (8.8,-4.5) rectangle (5.2,-3.5); \node at (7,-4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 98.1 N}}; \draw [fill=white,thick] (24.8,-4.5) rectangle (21.2,-3.5); \node at (23,-4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 36.9 N}}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-90)}] \draw [fill=dida] (2,14) rectangle (28.1,10.2); \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=center, text width=26cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (2,12.2) {La gravità su Marte risulta, quindi, il $62.4 \%$ inferiore rispetto a quella sulla Terra. Questo vuol dire che, a parità di spinta, il record di salto in alto su Marte sarebbe più... alto!}; % \draw [fill=earth] (14,4.5) ellipse (0.2cm and 0.7cm); \draw (14.2,2.3) [fill=mars] ellipse (0.3cm and 1.5cm); \draw (14.2,1.9) [fill=black] circle (0.3cm); \draw [fill=earth] (15,4.2) ellipse (0.9cm and 2.1cm); \draw [fill=earth] (16,4.9) ellipse (0.2cm and 0.9cm); \draw [fill=moon] (16,5.9) ellipse (0.1cm and 0.3cm); \draw [fill=mars] (15.8,2.3) ellipse (0.3cm and 1.5cm); \draw [fill=black] (15.8,2.7) circle (0.3cm); \draw [fill=moon] (15,7) circle (0.8cm); % \draw [fill=black] (10,8.7) -- (20,8.7) -- (20,8.6) -- (10,8.6) -- (10,8.7); \draw [fill=white] (10.5,0) -- (10.5,8.9) -- (10.6,8.9) -- (10.6,0) -- (10.5,0); \draw [fill=white] (19.4,0) -- (19.4,8.9) -- (19.5,8.9) -- (19.5,0) -- (19.4,0); \fill [craterm] (2,0.8) rectangle (28,-0.1); % \node at (7,8.7) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Sulla Terra}}; \node at (7,8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 2.45 m}}; \node at (23,8.7) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Su Marte}}; \node at (23,8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont 6.51 m}}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-108)}] \draw [fill=earth, opacity=0.4] (15,0) circle (11cm); \draw [fill=mars,ultra thick] (15,0) circle (10cm); \draw [fill=craterm] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:9.5 and 9.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:4 and 9.5]; % \draw [fill=core2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:8.8 and 8.8] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:3.4 and 8.8]; \draw (15,9.5) -- (15,-9.5); \draw [fill=core1] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:3.5 and 3.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:2.5 and 3.5]; % \draw [->,ultra thick] (10,14) -- (12,10); \draw [fill=dida,thick] (2.5,16) rectangle (10,10); \node [right] at (3,15.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont atmosfera}}; \node [right] at (3,14.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont composizione:}}; \node [right] at (3,13.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont anidride carbonica $95 \%$}}; \node [right] at (3,12.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont azoto $2.6 \%$}}; \node [right] at (3,11.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont argon $1.6 \%$}}; \node [right] at (3,10.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont altri $0.8 \%$}}; % \draw [<-,ultra thick] (16,9) -- (20.3,10); \draw [fill=dida,thick] (19.5,15) rectangle (25.5,9); \node [right] at (20,14.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont crosta}}; \node [right] at (20,13.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont spessore: 50 km}}; \node [right] at (20,12.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont composizione:}}; \node [right] at (20,11.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont ferro, magnesio,}}; \node [right] at (20,10.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont alluminio, calcio,}}; \node [right] at (20,9.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont potassio}}; % \draw [->,ultra thick] (21.5,4) -- (16,5.5); \draw [fill=dida,thick] (21.5,5) rectangle (28,1); \node [right] at (22,4.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont mantello}}; \node [right] at (22,3.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont spessore: 1500 km}}; \node [right] at (22,2.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont composizione:}}; \node [right] at (22,1.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont silicato}}; % \draw [->,ultra thick] (11,-6) -- (15,-2); \draw [fill=dida,thick] (4.5,-5) rectangle (11,-9); \node [right] at (5,-5.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont nucleo}}; \node [right] at (5,-6.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont raggio: 1800 km}}; \node [right] at (5,-7.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont composizione:}}; \node [right] at (5,-8.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont ferro, nichel, zolfo}}; % \draw [fill=dida,thick] (4.5,-11.5) rectangle (25.5,-12.5); \node at (15,-12) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont La superficie di Marte è di colore rosso a causa delle sferule di ematite.}}; \end{scope} % \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-122.5)}] \node at (27,0) () {\includegraphics[width=3.7cm]{licenza}}; \node at (18,-0.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont Testo e illustrazioni: @ulaulaman - Gianluigi Filippelli}}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}