diff --git a/graphics/earth-hot.tex b/graphics/earth-hot.tex new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a4c0d96 --- /dev/null +++ b/graphics/earth-hot.tex @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +\documentclass{standalone} +% +\usepackage{tikz} +\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} +% +\usepackage{tkz-euclide} +\usetkzobj{all} +% +\usepackage{xcolor} +\definecolor{space}{HTML}{0A2543} +\definecolor{earth}{HTML}{0089FA} +\definecolor{earthn}{HTML}{0C5898} +\definecolor{land}{HTML}{309347} +% +\title{Earth} +\begin{document} + \tikzset{partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}} + \begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=space},show background rectangle,] + \begin{scope} + \tkzDefPoint(0,0){O} + \tkzDefPoint(5.5,0){E} + \tkzDrawCircle[fill = earth](O,E) + \tkzClipCircle(O,E) + \tkzDefPoint(0.6,0.4){A} + \tkzDefPoint(-0.6,0.4){B} + % + \tkzDefShiftPoint[A](-0.2,0.3){A1} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[A1](0,-0.25){A2} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[B](-0.2,0.3){B1} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[B1](0,-0.25){B2} + % + % lands + % + \fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (5,5) (4,4) (4.5,0) (4.5,-4) (4.3,-5.5) (6,0) (5,5) }; + \begin{scope}[xscale=3] + \fill [land] (0,-5.5) circle (1cm); + \end{scope} + \fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (-2,0.5) (0,1) (3,0.5) (2.2,-1.2) (0.3,-3) (-0.1,-2) (-2.5,-0.7) (-2,0.5) }; + \fill [land] plot [smooth, tension=0.9] coordinates { (0,4) (2,3.2) (2.2,1.6) (1.8,1) (1.5,1.8) (0.1,2) (-1.2,1.7) (-2.3,2) (-2.4,3.5) (0,4) }; + % + % clouds + % + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,4.5) -- (-1.5,4.5); + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,4.1) -- (-1.2,4.1); + \fill [white] (-1.5,4.55) circle (0.2cm); + \fill [white] (-1.2,4.1) circle (0.25cm); + % + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,1.1) -- (-3.5,1.1); + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,0.7) -- (-3.2,0.7); + \fill [white] (-3.5,1.15) circle (0.2cm); + \fill [white] (-3.2,0.7) circle (0.25cm); + % + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,-4.1) -- (-1.5,-4.1); + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (-5.5,-4.5) -- (-1.2,-4.5); + \draw [line width=4mm, color=white] (-2.3,-4.8) -- (-1.6,-4.8); + \fill [white] (-1.5,-4.05) circle (0.2cm); + \fill [white] (-1.2,-4.5) circle (0.25cm); + \fill [white] (-1.6,-4.8) circle (0.2cm); + \fill [white] (-2.3,-4.8) circle (0.2cm); + % + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (3,-2.5) -- (5.5,-2.5); + \draw [line width=5mm, color=white] (2.5,-2.9) -- (5.5,-2.9); + \draw [line width=4mm, color=white] (3.5,-3.2) -- (5,-3.2); + \fill [white] (3,-2.45) circle (0.2cm); + \fill [white] (2.5,-2.9) circle (0.25cm); + \fill [white] (3.5,-3.2) circle (0.2cm); + % + \begin{scope}[yscale=0.5] + \foreach \i in {1,2,...,6}{ + \pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{(rand*0.2 + 1)*12-12} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{(rand*0.5 + 1)*10-10} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\opacVal}{rand*0.5+1} + \fill[white] (\x,\y) circle (0.5cm); + } + \end{scope} + %hot color + \tkzDrawCircle[fill = orange,opacity=0.5](O,E) + %mouth + \draw[-,thick] (-0.2,-0.6) to[out=95,in=165] (0.2,-0.5); + %nose + \draw[-,thick,fill=earthn!50!red] (-0.2,0.1) to[out=105,in=85] (-0.8,-1.1) to[out=275,in=205] (0.1,-0.05); + %eyes + \draw[fill=white] (A1) ellipse (7pt and 13pt); + \draw[fill=white] (B1) ellipse (7pt and 13pt); + \draw[fill=black] (A2) ellipse (2pt and 5.5pt); + \draw[fill=black] (B2) ellipse (2pt and 5.5pt); + % sweat drops + \foreach \j in {1,2,...,4}{ + \pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{(rand*0.2 + 1)*12-12} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{(rand*0.5 + 1)*10-10} + \pgfmathsetmacro{\opacVal}{rand*0.5+1} + \tkzDefPoint(\x,\y){G} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[G](-0.1,-0.5){G1} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[G](0,-0.6){G2} + \tkzDefShiftPoint[G](0.1,-0.5){G3} + \draw[fill=earth,thick] (G) to[out=80,in=100] (G1) to[out=100,in=180] (G2) to[out=0,in=80] (G3) to[out=80,in=100] (G); + } + %\tkzDefPoint(1,1){G} + + \end{scope} + \end{tikzpicture} +\end{document} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/graphics/pdf/earth-hot.pdf b/graphics/pdf/earth-hot.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c1374e Binary files /dev/null and b/graphics/pdf/earth-hot.pdf differ