Radiazione elettromagnetica

Diagramma della radiazione elettromagnetica
This commit is contained in:
ulaulaman 2020-06-13 02:05:46 +02:00
parent 4228d36738
commit 6b210b1141
2 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

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radiazione_em.tex Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
\title{radiazione elettromagnetica}
declare function={f(\x)=sin(540*\x);}
\draw [ultra thick,->] (-0.5,0) -- (28,0);
\foreach \x in {1,...,12}
{\draw [ultra thick] (2*\x,-0.2) -- (2*\x,0.2);
\node at (2*\x,0.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{19}{20}\selectfont 10}};
\node [right] at (2*\x+0.2,0.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{10}{11}\selectfont -\x}};}
\node at (1,-0.7) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont lunghezza d'onda}};
\node at (1,-1.2) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont (m)}};
\draw [thick] (4,1.2) -- (4,1.7) -- (1,1.7);
\node [left] at (4,2.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont radioonde}};
\node [left] at (4,2.6) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont microonde}};
\draw [thick] (10,1.2) -- (10,1.7) -- (12,1.7) -- (12,1.2);
\node at (11,2.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont visibile}};
\node at (11,2.6) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont luce}};
\draw [thick] (14,1.2) -- (14,1.7) -- (22,1.7) -- (22,1.2);
\node at (18,2.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont raggi X}};
\draw [thick] (4,-0.5) -- (4,-1) -- (10,-1) -- (10,-0.5);
\node at (7,-1.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont infrarossi}};
\draw [thick] (12,-0.5) -- (12,-1) -- (16,-1) -- (16,-0.5);
\node at (14,-1.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont ultravioletti}};
\draw [thick] (18,-0.5) -- (18,-1) -- (26,-1) -- (26,-0.5);
\node at (22,-1.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont raggi gamma}};
\draw[ultra thick, color=space, domain=0:9.8,variable=\x,samples=500] plot
\draw [ultra thick,<-] (15.5,0) -- (44,0);
\foreach \x in {10,14,17,20}
{\draw [ultra thick] (2*\x,-0.2) -- (2*\x,0.2);
\node at (2*\x,-0.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{19}{20}\selectfont 10}};
\node [right] at (2*\x+0.2,-0.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{10}{11}\selectfont \x}};}
\node at (17,-0.7) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont frequenza}};
\node at (17,-1.2) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont (Hz)}};