diff --git a/infographics/fatti_stellari.tex b/infographics/fatti_stellari.tex new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a05724c --- /dev/null +++ b/infographics/fatti_stellari.tex @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +\documentclass{standalone} +% +\usepackage{tikz} +\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds,decorations.pathmorphing,arrows.meta} +\usepackage{tkz-euclide} +\usetkzobj{all} +% +\usepackage{xcolor} +% +\definecolor{space}{HTML}{0A2543} +\definecolor{earth}{HTML}{0089FA} +\definecolor{dida}{HTML}{FFDE00} +\definecolor{title}{HTML}{FBA706} +\definecolor{moon}{HTML}{AFAFAF} +\definecolor{craterm}{HTML}{616060} +\definecolor{star}{HTML}{45457D} +\definecolor{radiation}{HTML}{FFD016} +\definecolor{core1}{HTML}{FF5E16} +\definecolor{core2}{HTML}{FF9616} +\definecolor{core3}{HTML}{FFD016} +\definecolor{hydro}{HTML}{00EFFF} +\definecolor{helium}{HTML}{52267B} +% +\usepackage{fontspec} +\setmainfont{Open Dyslexic} +% +\title{Fatti stellari} +\begin{document} + \tikzset{ + partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}, + } + \begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=white},show background rectangle,>={[inset=0,angle'=27]Stealth}] + %title + \draw [black,ultra thick,fill=title] (0,9.8) rectangle (30,16.8); + \node at (15,14.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{90}{91}\selectfont Fatti e misfatti}}; + \node at (15,11.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{90}{91}\selectfont stellari}}; + % + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,4)}] + %dida + \begin{scope} + \draw[fill=dida,thick] (12,3.7) rectangle (28.7,-3); + \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=16cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (12.5,0.5) {Il Sole è la nostra stella. Ha una massa di $1.9891 \cdot 10^{30}$ kg e un diametro medio di $1.39095 \cdot 10^9$ m. La sua massa è quasi il $99.9 \%$ della massa totale di tutto il sistema planetario che gli ruota intorno.}; + \end{scope} + % sun + \begin{scope} + \tkzDefPoint(6.5,0){S} + \tkzDefPoint(1.5,0){s1} + \tkzDrawCircle[fill=white,ultra thick](S,s1) + \end{scope} + \end{scope} + % sun-moon-earth + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-11)}] + \draw [fill=space, ultra thick] (2,9) rectangle (28,-5); + % earth orbit + \draw (2.3,0) [color=gray, ultra thick, partial ellipse=-12:23:21.7 and 21.7]; + \draw (2.5,0) [->,color=white, ultra thick, partial ellipse=7:13:21.7 and 21.7]; + % moon orbit + \draw [color=gray, ultra thick] (24,0) circle (3.6cm); + \draw (24,0) [->,color=white, ultra thick, partial ellipse=45:65:3.8 and 3.8]; + % sun + \draw (2.3,0) [fill=white, partial ellipse=-90:90:4 and 4]; + \draw (2.3,-4) -- (2.3,4); + % earth + \draw [fill=earth] (24,0) circle (1cm); + \draw (24,0) [->,color=white, ultra thick, partial ellipse=100:130:1.3 and 1.3]; + % moon + \draw [fill=moon] (27,2) circle (0.3cm); + \draw (27,2) [->,color=white, ultra thick, partial ellipse=20:80:0.5 and 0.5]; + % + \draw[<->,dashed,gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (6.5,0) -- (22.8,0) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{earth}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont 150 milioni di chilometri}}; + \draw[<->,dashed,gray,opacity=0.5,ultra thick] (24.9,0.6) -- (26.7,1.8) node [midway, above, sloped,opacity=1] (TextNode) {\textcolor{earth}{\fontsize{10}{11}\selectfont 384000 km}}; + % + \end{scope} + % constitution + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-26)}] + \draw [fill=space,ultra thick] (0.5,6.5) rectangle (29.5,-6); + %on the earth + \tkzDefPoint(6.5,0){S} + \tkzDefPoint(1.5,0){s1} + \tkzDrawCircle[fill=white,ultra thick](S,s1) + % + \draw[fill=hydro,color=hydro] (15,-4) rectangle (15.5,4); + \draw[fill=helium,color=helium] (20,-1.35) rectangle (20.5,1.35); + \draw[fill=black,color=black] (25,-0.1) rectangle (25.1,0.1); + % + \draw[fill=dida,thick] (6.2,9.3) rectangle (24.3,5.3); + \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=18cm, color=black, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (6.5,7.3) {E' costituito principalmente da idrogeno (al $74 \%$ della sua massa) ed elio (al $24-25 \%$) e piccole tracce di altri elementi più pesanti.}; + \end{scope} + % sun structure + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-45)}] + \draw [fill=core1,ultra thick] (15,0) circle (10cm); + \draw [fill=core3] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:9.5 and 9.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:7 and 9.5]; + \draw [fill=core2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:9.5 and 9.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:4 and 9.5]; + \draw [fill=core3] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:4 and 4] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:2 and 4]; + \draw (15,9.5) -- (15,-9.5); + \draw [fill=white] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:2 and 2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:0.7 and 2]; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (16,8) -- (21,10); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (18.2,9.5) rectangle (25.8,11.5); + \node at (22,10.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont zona convettiva}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (16,3.3) -- (19,6); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (17.5,5.5) rectangle (24.5,7.5); + \node at (21,6.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont zona radiativa}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (16,0) -- (20,-2.8); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (19.9,-2) rectangle (24,-3.2); + \node at (22,-2.6) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont nucleo}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (10,8) -- (7.5,10); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (2.4,9.8) rectangle (7.6,11); + \node at (5,10.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont cromosfera}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (10,-1.5) -- (7.2,-2.6); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (2.7,-2) rectangle (7.3,-3.2); + \node at (5,-2.6) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont fotosfera}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (15,-9.7) -- (14,-11); + \draw [fill=space,thick] (7.5,-18.5) rectangle (27.5,-25.5); + \draw [fill=space,thick] (2,-11) rectangle (22,-18.5); + \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=19cm, color=white, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (2.5,-14.8) {Classificato come \emph{nana gialla} di tipo G2 V ha una temperatura superficiale di $5500^\circ C$, ovvero $5777 \, K$, da cui discende una colorazione bianca e particolarmente fredda che in alcuni momenti della giornata può apparire giallognola in funzione della sua elevazione nel cielo e della limpidezza dell'atmosfera.}; + % + \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=19cm, color=white, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (8,-22) {La V, che in realtà è il 5 in numeri romani, indica che il Sole, in questo momento della sua vita, è all'interno della sequenza principale, ovvero una fase relativamente lunga di stabilità in cui all’interno del nucleo si svolgono processi di fusione nucleare che trasformano l'idrogeno in elio.}; + \end{scope} + % radiation + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-78)},decoration=snake] + \draw[color=star,fill=star] (10,0) circle (6cm); + \draw[color=radiation!20!star,fill=radiation!20!star] (10,0) circle (5.5cm); + \draw[color=radiation,fill=radiation] (10,0) circle (4.5cm); + \foreach \x in {0,1,2,3} + {\begin{scope}[rotate around={(90 * \x):(10,0)}] + \draw [->, color=white, ultra thick] (10,5.5) -- (10,4.5); + \draw [-,decorate,color=radiation,ultra thick,rotate around={45:(10,0)}] (10,4.5) -- (10,5.3); + \draw [->,color=radiation,ultra thick,rotate around={45:(10,0)}] (10,5.3)-- (10,5.5); + \end{scope}} + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (15,0) -- (15,-0.5) -- (16.5,-0.5); + \draw [fill=white,thick] (16.5,0.3) rectangle (21.5,-1.5); + \node at (18.4,-0.2) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Attrazione}}; + \node at (19,-0.9) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont gravitazionale}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (13.5,3.4) -- (14.4,2.5) -- (16.5,2.5); + \draw [fill=white,thick] (16.5,3.3) rectangle (23.2,1.6); + \node at (19.8,2.8) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont Radiazione nucleare}}; + \node at (17.5,2.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{17}{18}\selectfont forte}}; + % + \draw [fill=space,thick] (1.5,-6.5) rectangle (29.5,-12.5); + \node (example-textwidth-2) [right, align=left, text width=27cm, color=white, font=\fontsize{23pt}{24pt}\selectfont] at (2,-9.5) {L'energia all'interno delle stelle viene prodotta da reazioni nucleari. In particolare l'equilibrio tra la radiazione nucleare forte, che trasforma i nuclei leggeri in pesanti, e la forza di gravità, che tenderebbe a concentrare la massa nel nucleo, permette alla stella di non collassare su se stessa. Almeno per un po' di tempo.}; + \end{scope} + % nucleus structure + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-105)}] + \draw [fill=title,thick] (10,12.5) rectangle (20,11.5); + \node at (15,12) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont Struttura del nucleo}}; + % + \draw [fill=core3,ultra thick] (15,0) circle (10cm); + \draw [fill=core2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:9.5 and 9.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:4 and 9.5]; + \draw [fill=craterm] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:6 and 6] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:3 and 6]; + \draw [fill=moon] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:5.5 and 5.5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:2.8 and 5.5]; + \draw [fill=core3] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:5 and 5] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:2.5 and 5]; + \draw [fill=core2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:4 and 4] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:2 and 4]; + \draw [fill=core1] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:3 and 3] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:1.2 and 3]; + \draw (15,9.5) -- (15,-9.5); + \draw [fill=core3] (15,0) [partial ellipse=-90:90:2 and 2] (15,0) [partial ellipse=90:270:0.7 and 2]; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (19.2,7) -- (20.6,7); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (20.5,7.5) rectangle (28.5,6.5); + \node [align=left] at (24.5,7) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont idrogeno non fuso}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (19.2,3.7) -- (21.1,4); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (21,4.5) rectangle (29,3.5); + \node [align=left] at (25,4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont fusione dell'idrogeno}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (20,1.2) -- (21.1,1.5); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (21,1) rectangle (28,2); + \node [align=left] at (24.5,1.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont fusione dell'elio}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (19,-1) -- (20.1,-1); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (20,-0.5) rectangle (29,-1.5); + \node [align=left] at (24.5,-1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont fusione del carbonio}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (16,-2) -- (19.6,-6.5); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (19.5,-6) rectangle (27.5,-7); + \node [align=left] at (23.5,-6.5) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont fusione del silicio}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (15,-1) -- (18.9,-9); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (18.8,-8.5) rectangle (28.2,-9.5); + \node [align=left] at (23.5,-9) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{23}{24}\selectfont nucleo interno: ferro}}; + % + \draw [<-,ultra thick] (18,-1) -- (22.5,-3.6); + \draw [fill=dida,thick] (16,-3.5) rectangle (29,-4.5); + \node [align=left] at (22.5,-4) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{19}{20}\selectfont fusione di ossigeno, neon, magnesio}}; + \end{scope} + % + \begin{scope}[shift={(0,-117)}] + \node at (27,0) () {\includegraphics[width=3.7cm]{licenza}}; + \node at (18,-0.1) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{14}{15}\selectfont Testo e illustrazioni: @ulaulaman - Gianluigi Filippelli}}; + \end{scope} + \end{tikzpicture} +% +\end{document} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/infographics/pdf/fatti_stellari.pdf b/infographics/pdf/fatti_stellari.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3044387 Binary files /dev/null and b/infographics/pdf/fatti_stellari.pdf differ