
82 lines
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2019-04-17 12:18:29 +02:00
\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.text}
\title{Eratosthenes method}
\tikzset{partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}}
\draw [fill=space,ultra thick] (-11.2,14) -- (11.2,14) -- (11.2,-17.2) -- (-11.2,-17.2) -- (-11.2,14);
\draw [fill=dida,ultra thick] (-8.4,15.8) -- (8.4,15.8) -- (8.4,13.2) -- (-8.4,13.2) -- (-8.4,15.8);
\node at (0,15) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{24}{25}\selectfont Eratosthenes method for determining}};
\node at (0,14) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{24}{25}\selectfont the size of the Earth}};
%earth surface
\draw [fill=earth] (-11,1) arc(90:0:18) -- (-11,-17) -- (-11,1);
%surface label
\draw [decorate,decoration={text along path, raise=8pt, text align=right, text={|\fontsize{27}{28}\selectfont\color{white}|Earth's surface}}] (-11,1) arc(90:0:18);
%earth center label
\draw [ultra thick] (-11,-16) arc(90:0:1);
\node at (-5,-16.5) () {\fontsize{27}{28}\selectfont Center of the Earth};
\draw[rotate around={-38:(0.18,-2.9)},ultra thick,fill=white, opacity=0.5] (0.18,-2.9) -- (0.7,-2.9) -- (0.7,-4.4) -- (0.18,-4.4) -- (0.18,-2.9);
2019-04-17 12:38:08 +02:00
2019-04-17 12:18:29 +02:00
%alexandria vertical label
\draw [decorate,decoration={text along path, raise=6pt, text align=center, text={|\fontsize{24}{25}\selectfont\color{red}|Vertical at Alexandria}}] (-1.88,-1.48) -- (4.8,9.9);
%parallels label
\draw[shift={(-1,0.8)}] [decorate, decoration={text along path, raise=2pt, text align=center, text={|\fontsize{24}{25}\selectfont\color{blue}|Parallel ray's to the Sun}}] (0.36,-3.05) -- (11.1,10.1);
%sun rays vertical label syene
\draw[arrows=->, color=blue, ultra thick] (0.36,-3.05) -- (11.1,10.1) node [below, midway, sloped] (TextNode) {\textcolor{red}{\fontsize{24}{25}\selectfont Vertical to Syene}};
%sun rays alexandria
\draw[arrows=->, color=blue, ultra thick, shift={(-2.24,1.57)}] (0.36,-3.05) -- (11.1,10.1);
%vertical alexandria syene
\draw[arrows=->, color=red, ultra thick] (-11,-17) -- (4.8,9.9);
\draw[arrows=->, color=red, ultra thick, rotate around={-8.75:(-11,-17)}] (-11,-17) -- (4.8,9.9);
%5000 stadia
\draw[arrows=<->,color=white, ultra thick] (-1.38,-0.58) -- (0.98,-2.35);
\draw [decorate,decoration={text along path, raise=10pt, text align=center, text={|\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont\color{white}|stadia}}] (-1.38,-0.58) -- (0.98,-2.35);
\draw [decorate,decoration={text along path, raise=25pt, text align=center, text={|\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont\color{white}|5000}}] (-1.38,-0.58) -- (0.98,-2.35);
%alexandri arrow
\draw[arrows=<-, ultra thick, color=white] (-1.88,-1.48) -- (-2.3,1.5) -- (-3,1.7) node [left] (TextNode) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{21}{22}\selectfont Alexandria}};
%syene arrow
\draw[arrows=<-, ultra thick, color=white] (0.36,-3.05) -- (2.3,-2) -- (3.3,-2) node [right] (TextNode) {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{21}{22}\selectfont Syene (aswan) Wall}};
\draw[-,dashed, ultra thick, rotate around={1:(0.4,-10.8)}] (0.4,-10.8) -- (4.9,-8.5) node [above, midway, sloped] (TextNode) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{21}{22}\selectfont Equator}};
\draw [ultra thick] (-8.75,-13) arc(90:63:2) node [right] (TextNode) {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{15}{16}\selectfont $\;$ 7\textdegree 12' or 1/50th of a circle}};
\draw [ultra thick] (0.52,2.7) arc(90:63:2);
\node at (-5.5,8.5) () {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{21}{22}\selectfont 50 $\cdot$ 5000 $=$ 250000 stadia}};
\node at (-3.05,7.5) () {\textcolor{white}{\fontsize{21}{22}\selectfont $\simeq$ 56000000 meters}};