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synced 2025-03-13 21:00:06 +01:00
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47 lines
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\tikzset{partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[background rectangle/.style={fill=white},show background rectangle,]
\fill[space] (0.5,3) rectangle (5.5,-2);
\draw[fill=mercury,ultra thick] (3,0.5) circle (2.1cm);
\draw[thick] (2.95,0.1) -- (3.05,-0.1) -- (2.9,0);
\draw[ultra thick,fill=black,opacity=0.6] (2.95,-0.12) -- (3.05,-0.2) -- (3.15,-0.1) -- (3.65,-0.3) to[out=175,in=10] (2.45,-0.5) -- (2.95,-0.12);
\begin{scope}[rotate around={10:(3.1,-0.5)}]
\draw (3.1,-0.5) [thick, partial ellipse=200:340:0.4 and 0.2];
\draw (3.1,-0.6) [thick, partial ellipse=240:300:0.2 and 0.2];
\draw (3.25,-0.55) [thick, partial ellipse=-10:20:0.3 and 0.4];
\draw (2.95,-0.55) [thick, partial ellipse=160:190:0.3 and 0.4];
\draw (2.4,0.4) [fill=white, partial ellipse=0:180:0.15 and 0.6];
\draw (3.5,0.4) [fill=white, partial ellipse=0:180:0.15 and 0.6];
\draw (2.5,0.5) [fill=black, partial ellipse=-50:230:0.07 and 0.18];
\draw (3.6,0.5) [fill=black, partial ellipse=-50:230:0.07 and 0.18];
\draw (2.4,0.8) [fill=glasses, opacity=0.5, partial ellipse=180:360:0.3 and 0.5];
\draw (2.4,0.8) [fill=glasses, opacity=0.5, partial ellipse=0:180:0.3 and 0.2];
\draw (3.5,0.8) [fill=glasses, opacity=0.5, partial ellipse=180:360:0.3 and 0.5];
\draw (3.5,0.8) [fill=glasses, opacity=0.5, partial ellipse=0:180:0.3 and 0.2];
\draw (2.4,0.8) [ultra thick, color=yellow, partial ellipse=0:180:0.3 and 0.2];
\draw (3.5,0.8) [ultra thick, color=yellow, partial ellipse=0:180:0.3 and 0.2];
\draw (2.95,0.8) [ultra thick, color=yellow, partial ellipse=0:180:0.2 and 0.07];