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\title{Percorso diurno del sole dall'equatore}
\tikzset{partial ellipse/.style args = {#1:#2:#3}{insert path={+ (#1:#3) arc (#1:#2:#3)}}}
\draw (0,0) [color=space, ultra thick, dashed, partial ellipse=162:342:2.6 and 7.8];%equinozio linea tratteggiata
\draw (2.8,0) [color=space, ultra thick, dashed, partial ellipse=159:344:2.4 and 7.2];%solstizio estate linea tratteggiata
\draw (-2.9,0) [color=space, ultra thick, dashed, partial ellipse=164:339:2.3 and 7.15];%solstizio inverno linea tratteggiata
\draw [fill=earth, opacity=0.5] (0,0) ellipse (7.8cm and 2.6cm);%piano nord-sud
\draw [->,ultra thick, color=black] (-9,0) -- (9,0);%asse nord-sud
\node at (-10.7,0.5) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Polo sud}};
\node at (-10.5,-0.3) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont celeste}};
\node at (10.9,0.5) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Polo nord}};
\node at (10.4,-0.3) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont celeste}};
\draw (0,0) [color=space, ultra thick, latex-, partial ellipse=36:-18:2.6 and 7.8];%equinozio linea continua
\draw (0,0) [color=space, ultra thick, partial ellipse=162:35:2.6 and 7.8];%equinozio linea continua
\draw (2.8,0) [color=space, ultra thick, latex-, partial ellipse=36:-16:2.4 and 7.2];%solstizio estate linea continua
\draw (2.8,0) [color=space, ultra thick, partial ellipse=159:35:2.4 and 7.2];%solstizio estate linea continua
\draw (-2.9,0) [color=space, ultra thick, latex-, partial ellipse=36:-21:2.3 and 7.15];%solstizio inverno linea continua
\draw (-2.9,0) [color=space, ultra thick, partial ellipse=146:35:2.3 and 7.15];%solstizio inverno linea continua
\draw (-2.9,0) [color=red, ultra thick, latex-, partial ellipse=164:145:2.3 and 7.15];%linea rossa Mario
\draw [color=space, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (7.8cm);%meridiana osservatore
\draw [fill=earth] (0,0) circle (0.1cm);%osservatore
\draw [->, thick, color=black] (-0.5,-0.5) -- (-0.1,-0.1);
\node at (-2.8,-0.5) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Osservatore}};
\draw [->, thick, color=black] (-4,-2.8) -- (-3.6,-2.4);
\node at (-5.8,-2.8) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Orizzonte}};
\draw [-, ultra thick, color=black] (0,7.6) -- (0,8);
\node at (0,8.5) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Zenit}};
\draw [-, ultra thick, color=black] (0,-7.6) -- (0,-8);
\node at (0,-8.3) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Nadir}};
\draw [-, ultra thick, color=black] (3.1,7.2) -- (3.1,7.6);
\node at (3.4,8) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont $23.5^\circ$ N}};
\draw [-, ultra thick, color=black] (-3.1,7.2) -- (-3.1,7.6);
\node at (-3.2,8) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont $23.5^\circ$ S}};
\draw [<-, thick, color=black] (-4.2,-6) -- (-4.6,-6.4);
\node at (-6,-6.5) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Solstizio}};
\node at (-6.2,-7.1) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont d'inverno}};
\draw [<-, thick, color=black] (4.2,-6) -- (4.6,-6.4);
\node at (6.2,-6.3) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Solstizio}};
\node at (6.2,-6.9) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont d'estate}};
\draw [<-, thick, color=black] (5.1,3) -- (5.8,3);
\node at (8.5,3.1) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Cerchio diurno}};
\draw [<-, thick, color=black] (2.7,-1.1) -- (3.4,-1.1);
\node at (6.4,-1.1) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Equatore celeste}};
\draw [<-, thick, color=black] (2.2,-4.7) -- (2.9,-4.7);
\node at (4.7,-4.7) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Equinozio}};
\draw [->, thick, color=black] (-6.2,5.9) -- (-5.9,5.5);
\node at (-8.2,6.2) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont Meridiano}};
\node at (-9.2,5.6) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont dell'osservatore}};
\node at (-3,2.9) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont O}};
\node at (2.8,-2.9) () {\textcolor{black}{\fontsize{20}{21}\selectfont E}};