title: Quit Social Media email: hi@quitsocialmedia.club description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Why and how to quit Social Media. baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog url: "https://quitsocialmedia.club" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com author: Tommi publisher: Tommi twitter_username: xplosionmind github_username: xplosionmind git_repository: "quitsocialmedia.club" future: true profile: true livereload: true strict_front_matter: true favicon: "/favicon.svg" image: "/logos/qsm.svg" images: "/images" assets: "/assets" video: "/video" audio: "/audio" logos: "/logos" fonts: "https://tommi.space/fonts" exclude: - riordinare/ keep_files: - images/ - assets/ social: name: xplosionmind tagline: "Living a healthier life on the web" twitter: username: xplosionmind card: summary plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-last-modified-at - jekyll-target-blank - jekyll-watch - jekyll-redirect-from - jekyll-debug - jekyll-watch - jekyll-email-protect sass: style: compressed compress_html: clippings: all comments: all endings: all startings: all permalink: /:title defaults: - scope: path: "" values: layout: "page" lang: "en" image: "/logos/qsm.svg" toc: true anchors: true