title: Quick
permalink: /quick
ref: quick
description: "You don't have time to read through everything and you just want to know the key points? This is the right page to read."
toc: false
1. This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website") because he felt people should acknowledge that social media aren't **only bad**, but their *cons* strongly overweight their *pro*s and, most importantly, that the individual's actions are the key to improve digital wellbeing and make the internet a healthier place. More in the [about page](/about "About quitsocialmedia.club")
2. The final purpose to [delete your social media accounts](/delete) (duh), but there are some [intermediate steps](/path) which could make your life a lot better
3. If you don't feel like reading, you can get an idea of the importance and relevance of social media issues by watching some talks or documentaries (a mre comprehensive list is in the [*Watch* page](/watch "Watch")):
- [The Great Hack](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/The_Great_Hack), a documentary on the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and much more.
- Carole Cadwalladr's Ted Talk on [Facebook's role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy](https://www.ted.com/talks/carole_cadwalladr_facebook_s_role_in_brexit_and_the_threat_to_democracy "Facebook's role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy, TED Talk")
- [The Social Dilemma](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com "The Social Dilemma website"), a documentary on the risks and threats of Social Media
4. In short, the key reasons which make Social Media bad are mainly the one above. They are better explained in the [Why page](/why "Why")
- They foster [anger](/why#anger "Anger - Why") and [hate](/why#hate), leading to a [polarization](/why#polarization) of society
- They make [misinformation](/why#misinformation) spread faster
- They make us live in a [bubble](/why#bubble)
- They lower the [quality](/why#quality) of the content, which is less valued than quantity
- They keep us [hooked](/why#addiction) and make us very [distracted](/why#distraction)
- They store a huge amount of [data](/why#data) on us which is used to [understand who we are](/why#profilation) and target us with specific advertisement to influence our behavior and beliefs
- They are [closed](/why#closed) [monopolies](/why#monopolization) and they crush competition, leaving very little choice to enterprises and communicators
- They [standardize](/why#standardization) rules and parameters by making everything look the same
- Everything is built to be [quick](/why#hurry) and rewarding; slow reading and focus are losing their crucial importance
- [They use us](/why#being-used), while we believe we are using them instead.
- You may now say I agree, but…
: [I got you covered](/but "“But…”")
- Still not convinced enough? Read the [FAQs](/faq "Objections and Replies")
- Everything done? Good. Now [delete your accounts](/delete "Delete")