--- title: Links permalink: /links redirect_from: ["/bibliography", "/resources", "/link"] description: "Links to related topics" tags: wip ref: links ---
If you are a podcast lover, please notice that audio content is highlighted in blue, while if you prefer to watch to talks or documentaries, look for what is highlighted in red
## General - Check out the [**Center for Humane Technology**’s website](https://www.humanetech.com "Center for Humane Technology") and its podcast, Your Undivided Attention. - [Delete Facebook](https://deletefacebook.com "DeleteFacebook.com") is the main website you want to refer to. Keep in mind that both Instagram and WhatsApp are owned by Facebook. - [quitfacebook.org](https://quitfacebook.org "Quit Facebook"), a website which is something like this page: a list of links to resources Go back to the [homepage](/home "Home")
## Anger
## Hate Go back to [Why > Hate](/why#hate "Hate") - [Content Moderation on the Fediverse vs on Big Social media](https://conf.tube/videos/watch/d8c8ed69-79f0-4987-bafe-84c01f38f966 "Decentralized Social Networks vs. The Trolls"), a video by [Derek Caelin](https://mastodon.technology/@Argus "[Derek Caelin on Mastodon") on conf.tube - [Facebook can’t fix itself](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself "Facebook can’t fix itself"), an article by [Andrew Marantz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marantz "Andrew Marantz on Wikipedia") on [The New Yorker] - [Facebook Executives Shut Down Efforts to Make the Site Less Divisive](https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-knows-it-encourages-division-top-executives-nixed-solutions-11590507499 "Facebook Executives Shut Down Efforts to Make the Site Less Divisive"), an article on [The Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com "The Wall Street Journal") - [Facebook admits it was used to 'incite offline violence' in Myanmar](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46105934 "Facebook admits it was used to 'incite offline violence' in Myanmar") on BBC News - [YouTube’s algorithm seems to be funneling people to alt-right videos](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/01/29/276000/a-study-of-youtube-comments-shows-how-its-turning-people-onto-the-alt-right/ "YouTube’s algorithm seems to be funneling people to alt-right videos") on MIT Technology Review - [Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/facebook-conservatives-2020-421146 "Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook") on Politico - [A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/decade-after-arab-spring-platforms-have-turned-their-backs-critical-voices-middle "A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa")
## Polarization Go back to [Why > Polarization](/why#polarization "Polarization")
## Misinformation Go back to [Why > Misinformation](/why#disinformation "Disinformation") - [Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not](https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-is-an-arbiter-of-truth-whether-he-likes-it-or-not/ "Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not"), by Steven Levy on [WIRED](https://wired.com "WIRED")
## Bubble Go back to [Why > Bubble](/why#bubble "Bubble")
## Quality Go back to [Why > Quality](/why#quality "Quality")
## Addiction Go back to [Why > Addiction](/why#addiction "Addiction")
## Distraction Go back to [Why > Distraction](/why#distraction "Distraction")
## Data Go back to [Why > Data](/why#data "Data")
## Profilation Go back to [Why > Profilation](/why#profilation "Profilation")
## Monopolization Go back to [Why > Monopolization](/why#monopolization "Monopolization") - [Facebook is a social network monopoly that buys, copies or kills competitors, antitrust committee finds](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/06/house-antitrust-committee-facebook-monopoly-buys-kills-competitors.html "Facebook is a social network monopoly that buys, copies or kills competitors, antitrust committee finds"), by Salvador Rodriguez on CNBC
## Sociality Go back to [Why > Sociality](/why#sociality "Sociality")
## Standardization Go back to [Why > Standardization](/why#standardization "Standardization") - [The internet didn’t kill counterculture—you just won’t find it on Instagram](https://www.documentjournal.com/2021/01/the-internet-didnt-kill-counterculture-you-just-wont-find-it-on-instagram/ "The internet didn’t kill counterculture—you just won’t find it on Instagram")
## Content ownership Go back to [Why > Content ownership](/why#content-ownership "Content Ownership")
## Hurry Go back to [Why > Hurry](/why#hurry "Hurry")
## Simplicity vs simplification Go back to [Why > Simplicity vs Simplification](/why#simplicity-vs-simplification "Simplicity vs Simplification")
## Being always connected Go back to [Why > Being always connected](/why#being-always-connected "Being Always Connected")
## Environment Go back to [Why > Environment](/why#environment "Environment")
## Closed Go back to [Why > Closed](/why#closed "Closed")
## Saturation Go back to [Why > Saturation](/why#saturation "Saturation")
## Being used Go back to [Why > Being used](/why#being-used "Being used")