--- title: Contribute permalink: /contribute ref: contribute description: "If you think this website is useful, insightful, necessary and/or important, you should consider contributing to make it even better!" redirect_from: ["/contribution", "/contribution-guide", "/contrib", "/contribuisci"] layout: page --- There are several ways to contribute to this website, and any of it is very much appreciated. - [**Spread the word**](/share "Share") - [**Translate**](/l10n "Localization page") the website's content - **Add knowledge**: suggest videos, talks, researches, articles, etc. - **Improve content**: fix typos, suggest better ways to explain things, report incorrect data or unreliable sources - Tommi is a student, he has no income and nevertheless he spent months [studying](/why "Why") the topic, developing the idea, building this website, and curating its content. You might consider **[making a donation](https://liberapay.com/tommi/donate "Make a donation through Liberapay")** for the time he devoted to quitsocialmedia.club.