--- title: Links permalink: /links/ redirect_from: [/liens/,/bibliography/,/resources/] description: Links to related topics ref: links ---
an ethical social network for a brighter tomorrow. - [How did your life change after quitting social media?](https://www.quora.com/How-did-your-life-change-after-leaving-social-media 'How did your life change after quitting social media?') question on Quora ## What - [Social Media statistics](https://chrissniderdesign.com/blog/resources/social-media-statistics/ 'Social Media statistics'): active users, revenue, data about the main Social Media platforms - [Facebook ads library](https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/ 'Facebook ads Library'), look for ads and advertisers ## Anger ## Hate Go back to [Why > Hate](/why#hate 'Hate') - [Content Moderation on the Fediverse vs on Big Social media](https://conf.tube/videos/watch/d8c8ed69-79f0-4987-bafe-84c01f38f966 'Decentralized Social Networks vs. The Trolls'), a video by [Derek Caelin](https://mastodon.technology/@Argus '[Derek Caelin on Mastodon') on conf.tube - [Bodies in seats](https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/19/18681845/facebook-moderator-interviews-video-trauma-ptsd-cognizant-tampa 'Bodies in seats'), by [Casey Newton](https://www.theverge.com/authors/casey-newton 'Casey Newton author page on The Verge') on [The Verge] - [Facebook can’t fix itself](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/10/19/why-facebook-cant-fix-itself 'Facebook can’t fix itself'), an article by [Andrew Marantz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Marantz 'Andrew Marantz on Wikipedia') on [The New Yorker] - [Facebook Executives Shut Down Efforts to Make the Site Less Divisive](https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-knows-it-encourages-division-top-executives-nixed-solutions-11590507499 'Facebook Executives Shut Down Efforts to Make the Site Less Divisive'), an article on [The Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com 'The Wall Street Journal') - [Facebook admits it was used to 'incite offline violence' in Myanmar](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-46105934 'Facebook admits it was used to 'incite offline violence' in Myanmar') on BBC News - [YouTube’s algorithm seems to be funneling people to alt-right videos](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/01/29/276000/a-study-of-youtube-comments-shows-how-its-turning-people-onto-the-alt-right/ 'YouTube’s algorithm seems to be funneling people to alt-right videos') on MIT Technology Review - [Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/26/facebook-conservatives-2020-421146 'Why the right wing has a massive advantage on Facebook') on Politico - [A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/decade-after-arab-spring-platforms-have-turned-their-backs-critical-voices-middle 'A Decade After the Arab Spring, Platforms Have Turned Their Backs on Critical Voices in the Middle East and North Africa') ## Polarization - [How Facebook profits from polarization](https://ted.com/talks/yael_eisenstat_how_facebook_profits_from_polarization 'How Facebook profits from polarization'), a TED Talk by [Yael Eisenstat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yael_Eisenstat 'Yael Eisenstat on Wikipedia') - [Facebook Can’t Fix what it won’t admit to](https://www.wired.com/story/plaintext-facebook-cant-fix-what-it-wont-admit-to/ 'Facebook Can’t Fix what it won’t admit to') by [Steven Levy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Levy 'Steven Levy on Wikipedia') on [Wired](https://wired.com 'Wired') - [Exposure to opposing views on social media canincrease political polarization](https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/115/37/9216.full.pdf 'Exposure to opposing views on social media canincrease political polarization'), a paper by Christopher A. Baila,b,c,1, Brian Guaya,d,2, Emily Maloneya,b,2, Aidan Combsa,b, D. Sunshine Hillygusa,c,d,Friedolin Merhouta,e, Deen Freelonf, and Alexander Volfovskya Go back to [Why > Polarization](/why#polarization 'Polarization') ## Misinformation Go back to [Why > Misinformation](/why#misinformation 'DMisinformation') - [How to save Facebook from democracy](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-11-24/fukuyama-how-save-democracy-technology 'How to save Facebook from democracy'), by Francis Fukuyama, Barak Richman, and Ashish Goel on [Foreign Affairs](https://www.foreignaffairs.com 'Foreign Affairs') - [Don’t Blame Section 230 for Big Tech’s Failures. Blame Big Tech.](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/11/dont-blame-section-230-big-techs-failures-blame-big-tech 'Don’t Blame Section 230 for Big Tech’s Failures. Blame Big Tech. - EFF') by Elliot Harmon on [EFF](https://eff.org 'EFF official website') - [Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Media’s Toxic Double-Edged Policies](https://thereboot.com/control-stifle-censor-social-media-toxic-double-edged-policies/ 'Control, Stifle, Censor: Social Media’s Toxic Double-Edged Policies') by Jillian C. York on [The Reboot] - [Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not](https://www.wired.com/story/mark-zuckerberg-is-an-arbiter-of-truth-whether-he-likes-it-or-not/ 'Mark Zuckerberg Is an Arbiter of Truth—Whether He Likes It or Not'), by Steven Levy on [WIRED] {% comment %} ## Bubble - [Silicon Valley Pretends That Algorithmic Bias Is Accidental. It’s Not.](https://slate.com/technology/2021/07/silicon-valley-algorithmic-bias-structural-racism.html), by [Amber M. Hamilton](http://ambermhamilton.com 'Amber M. Hamilton personal website') on [Slate] Go back to [Why > Bubble](/why#bubble 'Bubble') {% endcomment %} ## Quality Go back to [Why > Quality](/why#quality 'Quality') ## Addiction - [An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators’ Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10899-015-9525-2 'An Exploratory Study of Gambling Operators’ Use of Social Media and the Latent Messages Conveyed') Go back to [Why > Addiction](/why#addiction 'Addiction') {% comment %} ## Distraction Go back to [Why > Distraction](/why#distraction 'Distraction') ## Data Go back to [Why > Data](/why#data 'Data') {% endcomment %} ## Profilation Go back to [Why > Profilation](/why#profilation 'Profilation') - [How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism](https://onezero.medium.com/how-to-destroy-surveillance-capitalism-8135e6744d59 'How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism'), by [Cory Doctorow](https://pluralistic.net 'Pluralistic - Cory Doctorow') - [Twenty years of surveillance marketing](https://www.wired.com/beyond-the-beyond/2018/11/twenty-years-surveillance-marketing/ 'Twenty years of surveillance marketing'), by [Bruce Sterling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Sterling 'Bruce Sterling on Wikipedia') on [Wired](https://wired.com 'Wired') - [The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained](https://www.wired.com/amp-stories/cambridge-analytica-explainer/ 'The Cambridge Analytica Story, Explained'), by [WIRED] - [Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy](https://www.ted.com/talks/carole_cadwalladr_facebook_s_role_in_brexit_and_the_threat_to_democracy 'Facebook’s role in Brexit — and the threat to democracy'), a TED Talk by [Carole Cadwalladr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carole_Cadwalladr 'Carole Cadwalladr on Wikipedia') - [How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web](https://thereboot.com/how-surveillance-advertising-seized-our-data-and-hijacked-the-web/ 'How Surveillance Advertising Seized Our Data and Hijacked the Web') by Matthew Crain on [The Reboot] - [How Social Media tracking works](https://twitter.com/RobertGReeve/status/1397032784703655938), a Twitter thread by [Robert G. Reeve](https://twitter.com/RobertGReeve 'Robert G. Reeve Twitter profile') ## Monopolization Go back to [Why > Monopolization](/why#monopolization 'Monopolization') - [Facebook is a social network monopoly that buys, copies or kills competitors, antitrust committee finds](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/06/house-antitrust-committee-facebook-monopoly-buys-kills-competitors.html 'Facebook is a social network monopoly that buys, copies or kills competitors, antitrust committee finds'), by Salvador Rodriguez on CNBC - [The end of the Facebook crime spree](https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-facebook-crime-spree 'The end of the Facebook crime spree'), by [Matt Stoller](https://mattstoller.substack.com/people/759128-matt-stoller 'Matt Stoller on Substack') - [Behind Washington’s one-eighty on Facebook: A rethink of monopoly power](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/13/facebook-antitrust-flip-flop-444652), an article by [Leah Nylen](https://www.politico.com/staff/leah-nylen 'Leah Nylen') on [Politico](https://www.politico.com 'Politico') - [U.S. and States Say Facebook Illegally Crushed Competition](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/09/technology/facebook-antitrust-monopoly.html?smid=url-share 'U.S. and States Say Facebook Illegally Crushed Competition - New York Times') by Cecilia Kang and Mike Isaac on [The New York Times](https://nytimes.com 'New York Times') {% comment %} ## Sociality Go back to [Why > Sociality](/why#sociality 'Sociality') {% endcomment %} ## Standardization Go back to [Why > Standardization](/why#standardization 'Standardization') - [The internet didn’t kill counterculture—you just won’t find it on Instagram](https://www.documentjournal.com/2021/01/the-internet-didnt-kill-counterculture-you-just-wont-find-it-on-instagram/ 'The internet didn’t kill counterculture—you just won’t find it on Instagram') {% comment %} ## Content ownership Go back to [Why > Content ownership](/why#content-ownership 'Content Ownership') ## Hurry Go back to [Why > Hurry](/why#hurry 'Hurry') ## Simplicity vs simplification Go back to [Why > Simplicity vs Simplification](/why#simplicity-vs-simplification 'Simplicity vs Simplification') ## Being always connected Go back to [Why > Being always connected](/why#being-always-connected 'Being Always Connected') ## Environment Go back to [Why > Environment](/why#environment 'Environment') ## Closed Go back to [Why > Closed](/why#closed 'Closed') ## Saturation Go back to [Why > Saturation](/why#saturation 'Saturation') {% endcomment %} ## Being used - [Who does that server really serve?](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html 'Who does that server really serve?'), by [Richard Stallman](https://stallman.org 'Richard Stallman’s personal website') on [GNU.org](https://gnu.org 'GNU') Go back to [Why > Being used](/why#being-used 'Being used') [The New Yorker]: https://www.newyorker.com/ 'The New Yorker' [WIRED]: https://wired.com 'Wired' [The Reboot]: https://thereboot.com/ 'The Reboot' [The Verge]: https://www.theverge.com 'The Verge' [Slate]: https://slate.com/ 'Slate'