mirror of https://github.com/xplosionmind/quitsocialmedia.club.git synced 2025-02-19 21:10:51 +01:00

formatting fixes and improved compression

This commit is contained in:
Tommi 2021-02-05 10:19:05 +01:00
parent 9a24cdc2ea
commit 172f8597bc
25 changed files with 49 additions and 36 deletions

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<!DOCTYPE html> <!DOCTYPE html>
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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ title: But…
ref: ma ref: ma
permalink: /but permalink: /but
redirect_from: ["/yet", "/objections"] redirect_from: ["/yet", "/objections"]
layout: page
description: "There are a ton of reasons to abandon Social Media, but there are a lot of arguably equally valuable ones not to do so. Here I will go through the main ones and show how nuch they are not completely valid." description: "There are a ton of reasons to abandon Social Media, but there are a lot of arguably equally valuable ones not to do so. Here I will go through the main ones and show how nuch they are not completely valid."
tags: wip tags: wip
--- ---

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
--- ---
title: Contribute title: Contribute
permalink: /contribute permalink: /contribute
ref: contribute ref: contrib
description: "If you think this website is useful, insightful, necessary and/or important, you should consider contributing to make it even better!" description: "If you think this website is useful, insightful, necessary and/or important, you should consider contributing to make it even better!"
redirect_from: ["/contribution", "/contribution-guide", "/contrib", "/l1000", "/l-1000", "/l-1000", "/level05", "/level-1000", "/level1000"] redirect_from: ["/contribution", "/contribution-guide", "/contrib", "/l1000", "/l-1000", "/l-1000", "/level05", "/level-1000", "/level1000"]
layout: page toc: false
--- ---
There are several ways to contribute to this website, and any of it is very much appreciated. There are several ways to contribute to this website, and any of it is very much appreciated.

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@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
--- ---
title: "Contributors" title: "Contributors"
permalink: /contributors permalink: /contributors
ref: contributors
description: "Everyone who made this website" description: "Everyone who made this website"
layout: page
--- ---
This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website"). This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website").
@ -14,4 +12,4 @@ This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal websit
Everyone who localized content: Everyone who localized content:
- [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website") - 🇮🇹🇬🇧 - [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website") - 🇮🇹🇬🇧

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
--- ---
title: Development title: Development
layout: page
permalink: /development permalink: /development
redirect_from: ["/dev-roadmap", "/dev", "/dev-path", "/development-roadmap"] redirect_from: ["/dev-roadmap", "/dev", "/dev-path", "/development-roadmap"]
description: "Technical stuff to do" description: "Technical stuff to do"
toc: false
--- ---
<div> <div>
My personal roadmap to Internet Freedom, where <q>quitting Social Media</q> is at the top of the list, can be found <a href="https://tommi.space/path-to-internet-freedom" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Tommi's path to Internet Freedom">here</a>. My personal roadmap to Internet Freedom, where <q>quitting Social Media</q> is at the top of the list, can be found <a href="https://tommi.space/path-to-internet-freedom" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="Tommi's path to Internet Freedom">here</a>.

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@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ title: Objections and replies
ref: faq ref: faq
permalink: /faq permalink: /faq
redirect_from: ["/wtf", "/frequently-asked-questions", "/replies-and-objections", "/objections-replies", "/objections-and-replies", "/replies-objections"] redirect_from: ["/wtf", "/frequently-asked-questions", "/replies-and-objections", "/objections-replies", "/objections-and-replies", "/replies-objections"]
layout: page
description: "As most of writers do, I sent an early preview of this website to friends and people I admire to share their impressions. In a philosopher-like style, I address some of their objections and questions in this page." description: "As most of writers do, I sent an early preview of this website to friends and people I admire to share their impressions. In a philosopher-like style, I address some of their objections and questions in this page."
toc: true
--- ---
## Coherence ## Coherence
@ -15,6 +13,8 @@ Not quite so. Think about this: if I love the strawberry flavour of the ice crea
This apparently incoherent decision conceals in itself one of the very reasons of quitting: you have no way (or if you do, it's very unlikely) of being noticed or reaching some audience unless it's done through those platforms. This apparently incoherent decision conceals in itself one of the very reasons of quitting: you have no way (or if you do, it's very unlikely) of being noticed or reaching some audience unless it's done through those platforms.
The authors of <cite><a href="https://thesocialdilemma.com" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="The Social Dilemma">The Social Dilemma</a></cite> created official Social Media accounts of the movie, [giving a similar explanation](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/code-of-ethics/ "The Social Dilemmas Code of Ethics"). The authors of <cite><a href="https://thesocialdilemma.com" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="The Social Dilemma">The Social Dilemma</a></cite> created official Social Media accounts of the movie, [giving a similar explanation](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/code-of-ethics/ "The Social Dilemmas Code of Ethics").
##### *If you quit social media, you should quit **all*** Social Media. *Why do you consider only the big platforms?* ##### *If you quit social media, you should quit **all*** Social Media. *Why do you consider only the big platforms?*
Mainly, because the vast majority of the problems derives from the fact that the most famous social media are owned by corporations which make profit by managing unethically their platforms. Strictly speaking, by definition social media are not something which is mainly bad, and as a shorthand it's quicker and simpler to write “Social Media” instead of “Social Media owned by for-profit companies that make money from activities users do for free”, or, as [Jaron Lanier](http://jaronlanier.com "Jaron Lanier") calls them, [BUMMER](https://thefourthrevolution.org/wordpress/archives/6262 "How BUMMER Became a New Acronym for Social Media"). Mainly, because the vast majority of the problems derives from the fact that the most famous social media are owned by corporations which make profit by managing unethically their platforms. Strictly speaking, by definition social media are not something which is mainly bad, and as a shorthand it's quicker and simpler to write “Social Media” instead of “Social Media owned by for-profit companies that make money from activities users do for free”, or, as [Jaron Lanier](http://jaronlanier.com "Jaron Lanier") calls them, [BUMMER](https://thefourthrevolution.org/wordpress/archives/6262 "How BUMMER Became a New Acronym for Social Media").
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Please refer to [what](/what) for further info.
I thoroughly explain the main reasons in the [About page](/about "About - quitsocialmedia.club"), but it's important to specify that I did not want to build a whole website to explain why *I* quit Social Media, or I would've done this on [my personal website](https://tommi.space "tommi.space"); I did this because I couldn't find a comprehensive list of reasons [why](/why "Why Quit Social Media") Social Media are bad anywhere on the web: there were articles (which I linked), videos and papers, but they all focused on very few points, never providing the whole picture. Since making this website has been a stressful, long and intense work, I believe it's not about me or my personal reasons for quitting, but it extensively covers all of the possible negative arguments which would make someone quit. I thoroughly explain the main reasons in the [About page](/about "About - quitsocialmedia.club"), but it's important to specify that I did not want to build a whole website to explain why *I* quit Social Media, or I would've done this on [my personal website](https://tommi.space "tommi.space"); I did this because I couldn't find a comprehensive list of reasons [why](/why "Why Quit Social Media") Social Media are bad anywhere on the web: there were articles (which I linked), videos and papers, but they all focused on very few points, never providing the whole picture. Since making this website has been a stressful, long and intense work, I believe it's not about me or my personal reasons for quitting, but it extensively covers all of the possible negative arguments which would make someone quit.
##### *Why the `.club` domain?* ##### *Why the `.club` domain?*
I chose the `.club` domain because it was among the cheapest, but it also makes sense: [as I pointed out](/about "About - quitsocialmedia.club"), quitting Social Media alone and it makes very little sense. I chose the `.club` domain because it was among the cheapest, but it also makes sense: [as I pointed out](/about "About - quitsocialmedia.club"), quitting Social Media alone and it makes very little sense.

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
title: Home title: Home
ref: home ref: home
permalink: /home permalink: /home
layout: wrapper
toc: false
--- ---
<div class="one column"> <div class="one column">
<div class="row"> <div class="row">

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@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
title: Links title: Links
permalink: /links permalink: /links
redirect_from: ["/bibliography", "/resources", "/link"] redirect_from: ["/bibliography", "/resources", "/link"]
layout: page
description: "Links to related topics" description: "Links to related topics"
tags: wip tags: wip
toc: true ref: links
--- ---
<div> <div>
If you are a podcast lover, please notice that audio content is <mark>highlighted in blue</mark>, while if you prefer to watch to talks or documentaries, look for <mark>what is highlighted in red</mark> If you are a podcast lover, please notice that audio content is <mark>highlighted in blue</mark>, while if you prefer to watch to talks or documentaries, look for <mark>what is highlighted in red</mark>

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Listen title: Listen
layout: page
description: "Instead of reading or watching, you may prefer listening to podcasts about the topic. Here are some." description: "Instead of reading or watching, you may prefer listening to podcasts about the topic. Here are some."
permalink: /listen permalink: /listen
toc: false
ref: listen
--- ---
In order to find podcasts on the topic, please visit the [links](/links "Link") page and look for contern <mark class="blue">marked in blue</mark>. In order to find podcasts on the topic, please visit the [links](/links "Link") page and look for contern <mark class="blue">marked in blue</mark>.

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@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ title: Localization
permalink: /l10n permalink: /l10n
redirect_from: ["/it/l10n", "/localization", "/translate", "/translation"] redirect_from: ["/it/l10n", "/localization", "/translate", "/translation"]
description: "Localization and translation guidelines" description: "Localization and translation guidelines"
layout: page toc: false
toc: 0
--- ---
Localizing a content means translating it in another language to make it available to a broader public. If you'd like to do it, first of all thank you very much, secondly, there are a few things you need to know. Localizing a content means translating it in another language to make it available to a broader public. If you'd like to do it, first of all thank you very much, secondly, there are a few things you need to know.

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ permalink: /path
redirect_from: ["/pathway"] redirect_from: ["/pathway"]
ref: path ref: path
description: "Too much information got you disoriented? This is the path to follow to free yourself from Social Media dependence." description: "Too much information got you disoriented? This is the path to follow to free yourself from Social Media dependence."
layout: page
anchor: false
toc: false toc: false
--- ---
You should not rush it (and very likely you don't even want to): don't delete any account straight away.\ You should not rush it (and very likely you don't even want to): don't delete any account straight away.\

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Quick
permalink: /quick permalink: /quick
ref: quick ref: quick
description: "You don't have time to read through everything and you just want to know the key points? This is the right page to read." description: "You don't have time to read through everything and you just want to know the key points? This is the right page to read."
layout: page toc: false
--- ---
1. This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website") because he felt people should acknowledge that social media aren't **only bad**, but their *cons* strongly overweight their *pro*s and, most importantly, that the individual's actions are the key to improve digital wellbeing and make the internet a healthier place. More in the [about page](/about "About quitsocialmedia.club") 1. This website was created by [Tommi](https://tommi.space "Tommi's personal website") because he felt people should acknowledge that social media aren't **only bad**, but their *cons* strongly overweight their *pro*s and, most importantly, that the individual's actions are the key to improve digital wellbeing and make the internet a healthier place. More in the [about page](/about "About quitsocialmedia.club")
2. The final purpose to [delete your social media accounts](/delete) (duh), but there are some [intermediate steps](/path) which could make your life a lot better 2. The final purpose to [delete your social media accounts](/delete) (duh), but there are some [intermediate steps](/path) which could make your life a lot better

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@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
title: Solutions and alternatives title: Solutions and alternatives
permalink: /solutions permalink: /solutions
ref: sol ref: sol
toc: true
layout: page
redirect_from: ["/sol", "/solution"] redirect_from: ["/sol", "/solution"]
description: "Being “social” without “Social Media” seems impossible. Nevertheless, it's a whole new life, full of surprises, excitement and authenticity, but, above all, <strong>freedom</strong>. There are a few solutions which make life without Social Media connected and interactive anyway." description: "Being “social” without “Social Media” seems impossible. Nevertheless, it's a whole new life, full of surprises, excitement and authenticity, but, above all, <strong>freedom</strong>. There are a few solutions which make life without Social Media connected and interactive anyway."
tags: l10n tags: l10n

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@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ title: Watch
layout: page layout: page
description: "Instead of reading, you may start diving into the topic by watching some of these great talks and documentaries." description: "Instead of reading, you may start diving into the topic by watching some of these great talks and documentaries."
permalink: /watch permalink: /watch
ref: watch
--- ---
Please go to the [links](/links "Links") page and look for content <mark class="red">highlighted in red</mark> Please go to the [links](/links "Links") page and look for content <mark class="red">highlighted in red</mark>

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
title: What are Social Media? title: What are Social Media?
permalink: /what permalink: /what
ref: what ref: what
layout: page
redirect_from: ["/what-social", "/what-are-social-media"] redirect_from: ["/what-social", "/what-are-social-media"]
description: "This website is about quitting Social Media, we got that. But <i>what</i> does a Social Medium actually is? Here, we aren't speaking of <b><i>all</i></b> Social Media platforms, but only some of them." description: "This website is about quitting Social Media, we got that. But <i>what</i> does a Social Medium actually is? Here, we aren't speaking of <b><i>all</i></b> Social Media platforms, but only some of them."
toc: false
--- ---
The first few rows of the entry “[Social Media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media "“Social Media„ on Wikipedia")„ on Wikipedia recite the following words: The first few rows of the entry “[Social Media](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_media "“Social Media„ on Wikipedia")„ on Wikipedia recite the following words:

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@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ title: Why
permalink: /why permalink: /why
redirect_from: ["/arguments", "/reasons", "/l1", "/l01", "/l-01", "/level01", "/level1", "/level-1", "/level-01"] redirect_from: ["/arguments", "/reasons", "/l1", "/l01", "/l-01", "/level01", "/level1", "/level-1", "/level-01"]
ref: why ref: why
toc: true
layout: page
description: "The heart of the matter: all of the reasons why we should quit Social Media" description: "The heart of the matter: all of the reasons why we should quit Social Media"
todo: todo:
- "Scientifically proven link" - "Scientifically proven link"

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ ref: about
lang: en lang: en
permalink: /about permalink: /about
redirect_from: ["/who", "/purpose", "/l00", "/l0", "/l-0", "/l-00", "/level0", "/level-0", "/level-00", "/level00"] redirect_from: ["/who", "/purpose", "/l00", "/l0", "/l-0", "/l-00", "/level0", "/level-0", "/level-00", "/level00"]
layout: page
description: "What <cite>quitsocialmedia.club</cite> is, how it's born and what its purposes are." description: "What <cite>quitsocialmedia.club</cite> is, how it's born and what its purposes are."
toc: false
--- ---
Hi, I'm Tommi, and I created this website. Let's skip the part [about me](https://tommi.space/about "About - tommi.space"), you can read it [on my website](https://tommi.space/ "tommi.space, Tommi's personal website"). Hi, I'm Tommi, and I created this website. Let's skip the part [about me](https://tommi.space/about "About - tommi.space"), you can read it [on my website](https://tommi.space/ "tommi.space, Tommi's personal website").
@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ This website has three main purposes:
I know there are many other [great communities](/communities "Internet Freedom communities") which promote **internet freedom** and **independence** from big ugly social media corporations, but I feel that theres an important point which isn't stressed out enough: **individual choices and actions are the key to global change**. **We shouldn't wait** for policies and laws to be rolled out; similarly, we cant expect someone else will make everything better, someday. We need to understand (if possible) what's going on and steer towards [healthy solutions](/solutions "Solutions"). I know there are many other [great communities](/communities "Internet Freedom communities") which promote **internet freedom** and **independence** from big ugly social media corporations, but I feel that theres an important point which isn't stressed out enough: **individual choices and actions are the key to global change**. **We shouldn't wait** for policies and laws to be rolled out; similarly, we cant expect someone else will make everything better, someday. We need to understand (if possible) what's going on and steer towards [healthy solutions](/solutions "Solutions").
<b>!!</b> I absolutely dont want to force anyone to quit social media, and I definitely dont want to convince you its the best thing to do. I want everybody who lands here to <U>carefully go through <a href="/why">the exposed arguments</a></u>, <u>to acquire enough knowledge to decide by him/herself what's the best thing to do</u>. <div class="red box">
{:.red .box} <b>!!</b> I absolutely dont want to force anyone to quit social media, and I definitely dont want to convince you its the best thing to do. I want everybody who lands here to <U>carefully go through <a href="/why">the exposed arguments</a></u>, <u>to acquire enough knowledge to decide by him/herself what's the best thing to do</u>.
We need to understand whats happening and look for a way to make our internet experience better.\ We need to understand whats happening and look for a way to make our internet experience better.\
Then, unite, stand out and be (part of) the change. Then, unite, stand out and be (part of) the change.
@ -42,6 +43,6 @@ Quitting Social Media might be a great start.
<br /> <br />
## Something is missing? ## Is something missing?
If you have some questions or doubts which this page could not answer, please check the [Objections and Replies](/faq "Objections and Replies") (<abbr title="Also Known As">a.k.a.</abbr> <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>). If you have some questions or doubts which this page could not answer, please check the [Objections and Replies](/faq "Objections and Replies") (<abbr title="Also Known As">a.k.a.</abbr> <abbr title="Frequently Asked Questions">FAQ</abbr>).

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
--- ---
title: Ascolta title: Ascolta
layout: page
lang: it lang: it
description: "Invece di leggere o guardare contemuti sullargomento, potresti preferire dei podcast. eccone alcuni" description: "Invece di leggere o guardare contemuti sullargomento, potresti preferire dei podcast. eccone alcuni"
permalink: /ascolta permalink: /ascolta

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@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
title: Contribuisci title: Contribuisci
permalink: /contribuisci permalink: /contribuisci
redirect_from: ["/it/contrib", "/it/l1000", "/it/l-1000", "/it/l-1000", "/it/level05", "/it/level-1000", "/it/level1000"] redirect_from: ["/it/contrib", "/it/l1000", "/it/l-1000", "/it/l-1000", "/it/level05", "/it/level-1000", "/it/level1000"]
ref: contribute ref: contrib
description: "Se pensi che questo sito sia utile e ricco di spunti, potresti considerare di contribuire a renderlo ancora migliore." description: "Se pensi che questo sito sia utile e ricco di spunti, potresti considerare di contribuire a renderlo ancora migliore."
layout: page
lang: it lang: it
toc: false
--- ---
Ci sono diversi modi per contribuire a *quitsocialmedia.club*; ognuno di essi sarebbe molto apprezzato. Ci sono diversi modi per contribuire a *quitsocialmedia.club*; ognuno di essi sarebbe molto apprezzato.

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@ -3,9 +3,7 @@ title: Obiezioni e risposte
ref: faq ref: faq
permalink: /it/faq permalink: /it/faq
redirect_from: ["/risposte-e-obiezioni", "/obiezioni-e-risposte", "/risposte-obiezioni", "/obiezioni-risposte", "/domande", "/domande-frequenti", "/domande-e-risposte", "/domande-risposte"] redirect_from: ["/risposte-e-obiezioni", "/obiezioni-e-risposte", "/risposte-obiezioni", "/obiezioni-risposte", "/domande", "/domande-frequenti", "/domande-e-risposte", "/domande-risposte"]
layout: page
description: "Come fanno gli scrittori seri, ho inviato in anteprima questo sito a persone particolarmente informate su questi temi e di cui valuto molto l'opinione affinché condividessero con me le loro impressioni. In stile pseudo-filosofico, affronto alcune delle loro domande ed obiezioni qui di seguito." description: "Come fanno gli scrittori seri, ho inviato in anteprima questo sito a persone particolarmente informate su questi temi e di cui valuto molto l'opinione affinché condividessero con me le loro impressioni. In stile pseudo-filosofico, affronto alcune delle loro domande ed obiezioni qui di seguito."
toc: true
lang: it lang: it
--- ---
## Coerenza ## Coerenza

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
--- ---
title: Guarda title: Guarda
layout: page
description: "Invece di leggere, potresti preferire alcuni documentari o conferenze sui Social Media." description: "Invece di leggere, potresti preferire alcuni documentari o conferenze sui Social Media."
permalink: /guarda permalink: /guarda
lang: it lang: it
ref: watch
--- ---
Per trovare contenuti visivi da guardare, cercare nella pagina [link](/it/links "Link") i link <mark class="red">evidenziati in rosso</mark>. Per trovare contenuti visivi da guardare, cercare nella pagina [link](/it/links "Link") i link <mark class="red">evidenziati in rosso</mark>.

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
title: Home title: Home
lang: it lang: it
ref: home ref: home
layout: wrapper
permalink: /it/home permalink: /it/home
redirect_from: ["/home-it", "/it-home", "/home/it", "/tuffo"] redirect_from: ["/home-it", "/it-home", "/home/it", "/tuffo"]
--- ---

View File

@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ time {
font-weight: 300; font-weight: 300;
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h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {
text-transform: uppercase; text-transform: uppercase;
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