Since you can take action at different levels, actions which get you closer to <ahref=""target="_blank"title="“Internet Freedom” in Tommi's notes">Internet Freedom</a> are gameified and displayed as levels, from <ahref="/l00">Level 0</a> to <ahref="/l1000">Level 1000</a>.
- **Level 0**: Find out more [about](/about "About") this website and [its purpose](/about#purpose "Purpose -")
- **Level 1**: understand [why](/why "Why") you should quit Social Media
- **Level 2**: go through [more resources](/links "Links") and deepen your knowledge, also by [watching videos](/watch "Watch") and [listening to podcasts](/listen "Listen").
- **Level 3**: try **taking control** by first taking some [intermediate steps]( "Take Control - Humane Center of Technology")
- **Level 4**: before doing something you may regret, try to <u>deactivate your accounts</u> for some time. Start with a week off, then a month, then the whole summer, and eventually consider testing your endurance for one whole year. If you are satisfied, you may proceed to the next level.
- **Level 5**: [delete](/delete "Delete") your Social Media accounts