<p>All of the reasons why Social Media platforms are bad and possible solutions to live a happy life on the web without them</p>
<divclass="red box row">
<h2class="title">WTF is this website?</h2>
<b>Short answer</b>: a place where all the reasons why social media are harmful are listed and several resources to deepen knowledge on the topic are provided.
<b>Long answer</b>: read the <ahref="/about">About page</a>
<h3class="title">Where to start</h3>
You probably are a busy person who doesn't have time to go through all of the stuff that's on here. Ok, I got you: just read this <ahref="/quick">quick summary</a>
If devoting a bit more of your time to the dopic does not bother you, I ca assure you it's definitely worth it. I suggest you to follow <ahref="/path"title="Path">this path</a>
<p>If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to <ahref="mailto:{{ site.email | encode_email }}"target="_blank"rel="noopener noreferrer"title="Send me an email">write me an email</a> (<ahref="https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/D435660C86733BA1C4C22F4D922BA2D96336049E"title="PGP Key hello@quitsocialmedia.club">PGP key</a>).</p>
<p>An overview of all the pages in the website:</p>
{% for p in site.pages %}
{% if p.lang == page.lang %}
{% unless p.url contains '.json' or p.url contains '.csv' or p.url contains '.css' or p.url contains '.txt' or p.title contains '404' or p.url contains '.xml' or p.title == nil or p.title == 'Home' %}