57 lines
1.5 KiB
57 lines
1.5 KiB
# Times the screen off and puts it to background
swayidle \
timeout 10 'hyprctl dispatch dpms off' \
resume 'hyprctl dispatch dpms on' &
# Locks the screen immediately
swaylock \
--screenshots \
--clock \
--indicator-idle-visible \
--inside-color 282a36 \
--inside-clear-color 282a36 \
--inside-ver-color 282a36 \
--inside-wrong-color 282a36 \
--key-hl-color bd93f9 \
--line-color 282a36 \
--line-clear-color 282a36 \
--line-ver-color 282a36 \
--line-wrong-color 282a36 \
--ring-color 282a36 \
--ring-clear-color 282a36 \
--ring-ver-color 282a36 \
--ring-wrong-color 282a36 \
--separator-color bd93f9 \
--text-color bd93f9 \
--text-clear-color bd93f9 \
--text-ver-color bd93f9 \
--text-caps-lock-color bd93f9 \
--text-wrong-color ff5555 \
--effect-blur 4x2 \
--text-clear Cleared \
--text-caps-lock Maj \
--text-ver Checking \
--text-wrong Cheh \
--bs-hl-color bd93f9 \
--fade-in 0.5
# Kills last background task so idle timer doesn't keep running
kill %%
swaylock \
--screenshots \
--clock \
--indicator \
--indicator-radius 100 \
--indicator-thickness 7 \
--effect-blur 7x5 \
--effect-vignette 0.5:0.5 \
--ring-color BD93F9 \
--key-hl-color 6272A4 \
--line-color 00000000 \
--inside-color 00000088 \
--separator-color 00000000 \
--grace 2 \
--fade-in 0.2