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<h1 id="what-the-heck-is-this-website">What the heck is this website? <a href="#what-the-heck-is-this-website" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Hi! My name is Massimo, I&rsquo;m Italian and I recently started writing some <a href="https://crooked.ink" target="_blank" rel="noopener">short stories</a>, mostly based on folklore. While doing researches for those, I started flicking through some texts about myths, folklore, and curiosities always as a hobby. They were quite easy readings as <em>Folklore and Legends from Britain</em> or collections of short stories about fairies. After a while, I came across <em>The Golden Bough</em>. It took me a few months to finish it, but it caught me much more than I would have thought! Since then, I decided to take notes of my readings about this topic.</p>
<p>I don&rsquo;t consider myself a scholar at all, but a hobbyst with a great curiosity and the tendency to make connections. This website is a collection of some interesting logical associations, oddities, small discoveries, and some other stuff that I think would arouse interest in any mildly inquisitive person.</p>
<h1 id="did-you-design-that-awesome-logo">Did you design that awesome logo? <a href="#did-you-design-that-awesome-logo" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>No, I just used a free template by <a href="https://hyperpix.net/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Hyperpix</a> <em>ain&rsquo;t nobody got time for that</em>!</p>
<h1 id="is-the-_gossip_-pun-intended">Is the <em>gossip</em> pun intended? <a href="#is-the-_gossip_-pun-intended" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Yes. 😔</p>
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="A Tiny White Mouse 🔗Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the soul and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.
Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had waken up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.
It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that."/>
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<h1 class="title">You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</h1>
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<time datetime="2021-11-20 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Nov 20, 2021</time>
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<h1 id="a-tiny-white-mouse">A Tiny White Mouse <a href="#a-tiny-white-mouse" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the <em>soul</em> and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.</p>
<p>Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had waken up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.</p>
<p>It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that. In the sleep, something leaves our body and continues living. Because of that, to cover the mouth of a sleeping person would be considered as despicable at least: what would happen if the spirit wouldnt be able to return to the owner?</p>
<figure><img src="/img/sleeping-kitten.jpg"
alt="Please note how this tiny kitten keeps his mouth wisely closed while he sleeps."/><figcaption>
<p>Please note how this tiny kitten keeps his mouth wisely closed while he sleeps.</p>
<p>This could also be the reason why it is a common rule to avoid to wake up a sleeper abruptly: his soul wouldnt have time to get back to the body. Someone says that he would get sicker and sicker until it wont come back. Worst of all, in Bombay it was considered <em>murder</em> to change a sleepers aspect, for instance painting the face. The soul then wouldnt recognise the person and hence couldnt return to the body.</p>
<h1 id="when-in-doubt-close-it">When In Doubt, Close It <a href="#when-in-doubt-close-it" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>In general, the soul is conceived literally as a bird ready to take flight. Its easy to “scare it” or to lose it, especially when a person is:</p>
<li>Sick (or about to die)</li>
<p>In all these cases, the spirit could just exit an orifice and fly out. <em>An orifice</em>, thats correct, not necessarily the mouth. Sometimes the nose and the eyes can be a way out, too!</p>
<p>Note that I dont want to make fun of ancient beliefs, but sometimes, as a foolish game, I try to imagine what could have meant to live in a society with such great taboos. Just consider that in Celebes, in Indonesia, fishing hooks were fastened to a sick mans nose, navel and feet to “catch” the soul in case it would escape. <em>Fishing hooks</em>. Marquesans, from French Polynesia, held the mouth and nose of dying people in order to prevent his spirit to fade away imagine those poor souls<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>, suffocated while trying to grasp to their life. We really cant realise how such far and ancient civilisations lived one or two thousand years ago… Even without going too far in time, there are some intriguing examples from recent times.</p>
<h1 id="look-at-this-photograph">Look At This Photograph <a href="#look-at-this-photograph" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Shame on you, Nickelback, you shouldnt expose your spirit so much! You see, people from Andaman archipelago, in the Indian Ocean, thought that the soul is in one persons <em>reflection</em>, even in water pools. People are more vulnerable when they walk next to ponds, so they have to keep their eyes low to avoid hurting themselves and the others. Also, it was believed that those were sorcerers hunting grounds, who had the power to <em>steal a mans soul</em> and therefore make him fall sick. In primitive cultures, a great knowledge meant a great power.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/puddle-reflection.jpg"
alt="This man clearly has no idea about the risk he&amp;rsquo;s taking. (Via Marc Olivier-Jodoin/Unsplash)"/><figcaption>
<p>This man clearly has no idea about the risk he&rsquo;s taking. (Via Marc Olivier-Jodoin/Unsplash)</p>
<p>Since the reflection could be harmful, when someone passed away, in the home, all the mirrors had to be covered with a cloth. Otherwise, the alive ones spirits could be taken away by the one of the dead, which continued to stay there for some days.</p>
<p>As the title says, spirits could also lie in <strong>photographs</strong>. Tepehuanes people from Mexico believed that photographers had the power to catch their souls and then devour them as they pleased. Also, a chief of a village by the Yukon River, when he examined an explorers camera, after a minute of silence, announced to his people: “He has all of your <em>shades</em> in this box.”</p>
<p>Even in <em>shadows</em> the souls could lie. In Nepal, the Grand Lama was able to defeat <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adi_Shankara" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sankara</a> while the latter was floating mid-air, by sticking a sword in his shade. Also, in China, at funerals people next to the coffin take a step back when it is about to be closed or when it is about to be lowered into the ground their shadows could get caught or fall into the grave. Now its a little clearer why grave-diggers tie a strip of cloth firmly around their waist: to avoid such accidents.</p>
<p>One of the most curious facts, though, is the <em>awe</em> and the <em>dread</em> that several cultures, especially in Australia, have towards… mothers-in-law. In some tribes of New South Wales, a man could not have any communication with his wifes mother; it was prohibited to even look in her direction. Its a bad omen if the mother-in-laws shade fell on the legs or any part of the mans body. In the New Britain Island, one of the solemn oaths was: &ldquo;Sir, if I am not telling the truth, I hope I may shake hands with my mother-in-law.&rdquo; Understandable, I guess. 😬</p>
<h1 id="profit-maximisation">Profit Maximisation <a href="#profit-maximisation" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Until now I quoted some examples that point out how fragile and somehow volatile the soul was believed to be. The question comes naturally: Are there any positive aspects in all of this? Of course! People <em>always</em> find a way to yield profit of something. In particular, thats the case of somebody with a greater knowledge who understands how spirits work: sorcerers and shamans.</p>
<p>Even in the Middle Ages, there were plenty of stories and legends with powerful mages who were invincible because their soul was kept safe somewhere <em>outside</em> their bodies. Russian <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koschei" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Koschei</a> is one of the many characters who hid their spirit in nested objects and cannot be defeated until the hero of the story is able to find the magical item that holds their life (which usually is tiny and fragile).</p>
<p>Often, in the lore, the trial to find this treasure is quite absurd. A classic example goes like this: “<em>On a remote island, there is a forest with a circle of trees. In the middle, six buckets of water lie. Under the last one, there is wild boar. In the wild boars stomach, there is a goose. Inside the goose, there is an egg. In that egg, lies the soul.</em>” What can we say? 👀</p>
<figure><img src="/img/psycho-mantis.jpg"
alt="Some videogame bosses require atypical strategies to be defeated, too."/><figcaption>
<p>Some videogame bosses require atypical strategies to be defeated, too.</p>
<p>Despite folk tales, souls depicted as objects or animals are quite common: <em>totems</em> are a great example of a deep connection between men and certain animals who are treated as <strong>sacred</strong>. Dyaks of Borneo believed that humans have seven souls; its perfectly possible, from a primitive point of view, to trust one of them to a totem animal. The <em>indivisibility</em> of the spirit is a “modern” religious dogma that never touched many civilisation, even if it was <a href="https://philosophycourse.info/platosite/3schart.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">considered by Plato</a>.</p>
<h1 id="the-little-people-not-_those-ones_">The Little People (not <em>those ones</em>!) <a href="#the-little-people-not-_those-ones_" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>To close the circle, we could say that souls perception is quite… diversified around the globe, but indeed evident. Another form it can take is the same of the host just smaller. Nootkas Indians believed that we have a small man, one-inch tall, in our head. If it holds a standing position, we are healthy; if it happens to lose its upright stance, the owner loses the senses.</p>
<p>By combining some of the concepts above, we get interesting <em>cocktails</em>. Among the Indian tribes of the Lower Fraser River, a person has four souls: the first one has the shape of a mannikin, while the others are the shadows of it. Moreover, until now we didnt mention <em>trees</em>! It is a firm conviction that a bond exists between men and woods, and there are so many fascinating stories.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/1q84.jpg"
alt="Little People, a concept widely spread across the globe — &amp;ldquo;1Q84&amp;rdquo; by Degdeg on DeviantArt.com"/><figcaption>
<p>Little People, a concept widely spread across the globe — &ldquo;1Q84&rdquo; by Degdeg on DeviantArt.com</p>
<p>Despite the credence that spirits inhabit the forestland, which is so vast that it will be addressed in a separate article, it is quite common to plant a fruit tree when a baby is born, even in modern times. Since then, the fate of both beings will be connected. Maori people had the same belief and used to place the babys umbilical cord and a tiny plant in a sacred field. In England, to cure rupture or rickets, children were passed through cracked ash trees; therefore, a sympathetic connection was established between them.</p>
<p>Last, but not least, genealogical trees are quite spread. Though, it is told that some families have special affinities with particular physical trees, as the Scottish Edgwells. Nearby Castle of Dalhousie, an old oak tree stands from decades; it was told that every time a branch fell, a member of the family was about to pass away. Even Sir Walter Scott noted it <a href="https://www.online-literature.com/walter_scott/journal-of-scott/39/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">in his journal</a>.</p>
<h4 id="_all-of-these-curiosities-have-been-extracted-from_-the-golden-bough-_by-james-g-frazer_"><em>All of these curiosities have been extracted from</em> The Golden Bough <em>by James G. Frazer.</em> <a href="#_all-of-these-curiosities-have-been-extracted-from_-the-golden-bough-_by-james-g-frazer_" class="anchor">🔗</a></h4><section class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Poor… <em>souls</em>! Ah! 🥶&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures."/>
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<h1 class="title">Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</h1>
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<time datetime="2021-12-05 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Dec 5, 2021</time>
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1079 words
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<h1 id="first-avoid-being-chased-down">First: Avoid Being Chased Down <a href="#first-avoid-being-chased-down" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Befana" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Befana</a></em>, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually <em>hunted down</em> by a horned demon the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krampus" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Krampus</a>.</p>
<p>Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or <em>Krampuslauf</em>, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures. <a href="https://godsip.club/articles/if-trees-could-talk/#let-me-stand-next-to-your-fire" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Large bonfires</a> are lit in the snowy streets as the quiet Alpine villages come to life.</p>
<p>The Krampus is clearly St. Nicholas counterpart, or <em>Santas villain</em> from a modern perspective a very bad Grinch. He leaves wooden sticks for bad children and takes the meanest with him. Christianity tried to banish these figures and traditions, but in this case, at the end of 19th century, this folklore was rediscovered because of… consumerism. Since when Austrian government quit the monopolisation of postcards, <em>Krampuskarten</em> boomed: Krampus-themed holiday cards filled with dark humor.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/krampus-postcard.jpg"
alt="&amp;ldquo;Greetings from Krampus&amp;rdquo;&amp;hellip; isn&amp;rsquo;t it lovely? I feel like I designed it myself."/><figcaption>
<p>&ldquo;Greetings from Krampus&rdquo;&hellip; isn&rsquo;t it lovely? I feel like I designed it myself.</p>
<h1 id="second-chase-the-origins">Second: Chase the Origins <a href="#second-chase-the-origins" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>As always, the fascinating aspect of this tradition is its origin even if these are hypotheses and we will never have the absolute certainty. What is sure, though, is that the <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perchta" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Percht</a></em> (female: <em>Perchta</em>) was widely known in the same regions before the Krampus itself. It&rsquo;s the figure of a woman considered the goddess of the Winter. She has two forms: one is a beautiful young lady white as snow, while the other one is an ugly elderly woman.</p>
<p>The name <em>Perchta</em> may mean “the bright one”, suggesting the ladys pale skin, but there are also common aspects with the Krampus and the old hag: in historical descriptions, both have two different feet one human and a larger one, called “goose foot”. Overall, though, <em>Percht-themed</em> masks were already worn during festivals in past times and this tradition continues nowadays. They reflected the duality of the figure: some costumes were beautiful and bright, while others were horrible horned demons wearing animal furs. Those festivals are still called <em>Perchtenlaufen</em>, probably an earlier form of the Krampus runs.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/percht-costume.jpg"
alt="This costume represents the duality of the Perchta both beauty and beast&amp;hellip; Maybe a bit tending to the latter."/><figcaption>
<p>This costume represents the duality of the Perchta both beauty and beast&hellip; Maybe a bit tending to the latter.</p>
<p>Probably, the <em>Percht</em> evolved in the Krampus after St. Nicholas introduction. Nowadays, the two shapes may a bit intertwined, but what is interesting is their past. In fact, similarities with the <em>Perchta</em> and other European figures and names can be observed: <em>Bertha</em>, <em>Holda</em> (who also appears in a Grimms fairy tale), the Russian <em>Baba Yaga</em>, and even the Italian <em>Befana</em> that I cited before. All these folklore characters, with so many common traits… <strong>must</strong> have some common roots! This was one of the thoughts fascinating me when I decided to explore our lore.</p>
<h1 id="third-connect-the-gods-dots">Third: Connect the <del>Gods</del> Dots <a href="#third-connect-the-gods-dots" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>A simple answer may be also the best one: those were goddesses, or a sort of. All of them were often referred as “guardians of the animals” and, in the form of beautiful women, probably they were <em>Freya</em>. She, Odins wife, was often linked to the nature and the animals she was often identified with boars and cats. Also, the latter ones are a universal symbol for witches. Freya, indeed, was the most powerful sorceress of the whole Norse pantheon; so powerful that she could have been Odins teacher regarding magical arts.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/freya-gehrts.jpg"
alt="Freya by Johannes Gehrts. Note the cats at her feet&amp;hellip; they used to tow her chariot!"/><figcaption>
<p>Freya by Johannes Gehrts. Note the cats at her feet&hellip; they used to tow her chariot!</p>
<p>It is possible that, in Slavic countries, Freya had been a “Winter queen” and then evolved into figures as <em>Holda</em>: the Middle Ages may have shaped her from Norse goddess into a folklore character. But if Freya had been undoubtedly beautiful, why was the <em>Perchta</em> depicted also as an ugly witch?</p>
<p>Short answer: as often happened in the past centuries, probably some roles were mixed. Freya herself is already a notable example of how deities could be merged together or even split! <em>Frigg</em>, in fact, is another name with which she is referred to in the poems; it is never clear if they are two distinct goddesses and what are the differences between them. One hypothesis is that, at some point, there had been the tendency to split her in two different beings<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>.</p>
<p>But if Freya had been undoubtedly beautiful, why was the <em>Perchta</em> depicted also as an ugly witch?</p>
<p>Another resemblance with Norse mythology is again about the Krampus, maybe inherited from the <em>Percht</em>: it is told to be the son of <em>Hel</em>, the ruler of the homonymous world, the Land of the Dead. <em>Hel</em> was one of <em>Loki</em>s daughters<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup> and she was portrayed with a gloomy appearance. Her name means “the hidden one” do you know which name could have the same meaning, according to the Old German language? <em>Percht</em>, thats correct!</p>
<p>It&rsquo;s not over yet: it is told that the <em>Perchta</em> howled in the woods in winter nights, as the <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wild Hunt</a></em> did, and lived in the elderberry bush, which is often linked to Freya. The list of common features could be <em>so much</em> longer! But of course (it is mandatory to remind that) all of these are thesis with no &ldquo;real&rdquo; proofs. I feel so heavy-hearted when I think about all that past knowledge that we won&rsquo;t be able to recover.</p>
<p>What is certain, though, is that today is the 5th of December, and tonight the Krampus will run through the snowy streets of small rural Alpine villages, chasing down children and it will happen again next year, and the next, and the next…</p>
<figure><img src="/img/nikolaus-krampus.jpg"
alt="That glance&amp;hellip; Enough said. Children, beware! 👀"/><figcaption>
<p>That glance&hellip; Enough said. Children, beware! 👀</p>
<section class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Unfortunately, we have only relatively “modern” poems of Norse mythology since, until less one thousand years ago, those stories were retold verbally and with rock carvings.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Loki had offspring as father… but <em>as mother</em> too! Did you know that he gave birth to an eight-legged horse? Well talk about that.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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Norse people had a special connection with woods and trees and they werent the only ones. First of all, they hadnt actual temples, so they primarily held celebrations outdoor. They had special places, or altars, named hörgar, where the presence of the otherworld was stronger."/>
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<h1 class="title">If Trees Could Talk</h1>
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<time datetime="2021-11-27 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Nov 27, 2021</time>
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<h1 id="it-came-from-the-north">It Came from The North <a href="#it-came-from-the-north" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>More than one thousand years ago, Vikings ruled the North Sea. They werent mainly sailors, but they had a great knowledge about building ships and taking long journeys. Legend says that, while travelling to colonise the new Icelandic land, wooden pillars were brought aboard the long ships. When the coast was on sight, the great poles were thrown overboard; wherever they had touched the shoreline, new settlements would be built. In their villages, those posts were put in the center of the farmhouses, with other two lower ones on the sides, because they were believed to have a <em>sacred power</em>.</p>
<p>Norse people had a special connection with woods and trees and they werent the only ones. First of all, they hadnt actual temples, so they primarily held celebrations outdoor. They had special places, or altars, named <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%B6rgr" target="_blank" rel="noopener">hörgar</a>, where the presence of the <em>otherworld</em> was stronger. That is a general definition for “all the worlds other than Midgard”, where all the supernatural beings live. In these revered sites, during particular moments as the start of their year, at the end of the modern October, the boundary between the worlds was narrower, and strange events could happen.</p>
<p>Among the pantheon of deities, Thor was undoubtedly the most famous. He was the mighty slayer of the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B6tunn" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jötnar</a>, the giants which wanted to bring <em>chaos</em> in this world. It was told that, when a lightning was seen, it was Thor hitting the target with his hammer Mjölnir; the thunder, then, was the giant crumbling to the ground. He was the god praised by common people, while the most powerful Odin was worshipped mostly by chiefs or, generally, by “major figures”. So, why was Thor so popular?</p>
<figure><img src="/img/thor-hemsworth.jpg"
alt="Marvel&amp;rsquo;s Thor is totally different than the Norse god described in the myths (Marvel Studios)"/><figcaption>
<p>Marvel&rsquo;s Thor is totally different than the Norse god described in the myths (Marvel Studios)</p>
<p>One of the reasons could have been his <strong>temper</strong>: almost every Norse god had his unique personality, and Thor was particularly stubborn, touchy, and wrathful. Thats pretty much the stereotype of a Viking. More than that, he was also related to important notions as fertility<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup> and… trees; <em>oaks</em>, more accurately. It may seem odd that a slaughterer of giants was associated to a shrub, but maybe it wasnt so uncommon.</p>
<h1 id="let-me-stand-next-to-your-fire">Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire <a href="#let-me-stand-next-to-your-fire" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Fun fact: what is the tree most hit by the lightning? You can guess the answer; or just <del>Google</del> DuckDuckGo it. In the last few centuries, oaks have been observed as <em>especially tending to</em> be hit during a thunderstorm. It probably isnt a coincidence that this is also the tree related to the god of thunder, but the fascinating fact is that the Norse one is <em>one of many</em>.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/google-oak.jpg"
alt="See? Told ya! 🌳⚡️ (I didn&amp;rsquo;t use DuckDuckGo just because Google is better known)"/><figcaption>
<p>See? Told ya! 🌳⚡️ (I didn&rsquo;t use DuckDuckGo just because Google is better known)</p>
<p><strong>Perkūnas</strong> was the thunder god in the Baltic area, and was also related to the same tree. In the Slavic mythology, <strong>Perun</strong> was its counterpart. The Roman Jupiter and the Greek Zeus were thunder gods, too. Of course, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_thunder_gods" target="_blank" rel="noopener">there were many more</a>, but they all had curiously similar traits. If these already seem cool coincidences… sit back and grab the popcorns.</p>
<p>Amid cultures from Europe, that due to the same latitude had the same calendar, which depended on harvest or shepherding, it was common to light up <strong>large bonfires</strong> in specific dates, among which:</p>
<li>First days of Spring</li>
<li>Summer Solstice</li>
<li>All Hallows Eve (Halloween)</li>
<li>Winter Solstice</li>
<p>Of course, each country had its own customs, names and traditions, and obviously the days may have differed. Norse people, for instance, called the midsummer fires “Balder&rsquo;s balefires” (<em>Balder&rsquo;s Balar</em>), which recalled the gods funeral pyre. In the Highlands of Scotland, in the first day of May, “Beltane fires” were set on probably with human sacrifices until some centuries ago. Also, they could have different meanings: Celtic people, for instance, were mostly shepherds and probably their observances were different from the ones of the farmers who lived on the Mediterranean Sea.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/bonfire.jpg"
alt="Bonfires always have a cozy charm&amp;hellip; but the ones described were MUCH larger than this!"/><figcaption>
<p>Bonfires always have a cozy charm&hellip; but the ones described were MUCH larger than this!</p>
<p>There were some notable common points between all these fires, though. All of them symbolised the power of the sun, that <em>dissolved</em> all the negative influences and blessed the harvest and the farm animals. Interestingly, fire also was the only weapon known against <em>witches</em>, that long ago were considered the main (or even the only) cause of illness, curses, etc. In many countries, the last sheaf of corn was called “the Old Woman” or “the Witch” and it was burned; but this is so intriguing that it is worth a further discussion.</p>
<p><strong>Fertility</strong> could have been another great mutual peculiarity: the sun had the power to make the vegetation grow, so the fire could have resembled the stars fertilising strength. This could explain why even the farm animals were driven through the flames, sometimes hurting themselves badly.</p>
<h1 id="youve-been-thunderstruck">Youve Been Thunderstruck <a href="#youve-been-thunderstruck" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>A lot more could be said about these pyres, and surely there will be occasion, but what links them to Thor and his fellow thunder gods… are the gods themselves, in the form of oak trees. In fact, it was an ordinary tradition to burn a big log of oak in these special events. The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yule_log" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Yule log</a> is probably the best-known heritage from those times, but it was not the only one.</p>
<p>The log was burned slowly: it was taken off the fire soon and kept safe for the whole year. In case of thunderstorms, it was put again on the fire. It was said to have the power to <em>keep the house safe from thunders</em> and to protect it from <em>wildfires</em>. Also, chunks of the burnt wood were put in the animals drinker to increase their fertility.</p>
<p>To conclude this brief trip through European fires, a question: what grows on trees, very noticeable during the winter, while the plant itself seems dead? <strong>Mistletoe</strong>. Since it is so flourishing through the winter, while the tree itself flounders, from a primitive point of view it could have been normal to associate it to the <em>soul</em>. It contains its vitality, the life-giving power of the Sun, which will be reborn in the next Spring. And yes, it often can be found on oak trees.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/mistletoe.jpg"
alt="What if the mistletoe kiss tradition was born to commemorate someone? (Paul Zoetemeijer/Unsplash)"/><figcaption>
<p>What if the mistletoe kiss tradition was born to commemorate someone? (Paul Zoetemeijer/Unsplash)</p>
<p>Though it is a parasitic plant, that may be why mistletoe is widely picked up during winter, and why it was so important in Europe. It was believed to cure epilepsy because, since it was so tangled to the branches on the tree, a person who had kept it in the pocket surely wouldnt fall with seizures. Its modern Celtic name in Brittany, Wales or Ireland still means &ldquo;all-healer” because of its healing power which is <strong>not</strong> proven by scientific studies. Druids had specific <em>golden tools</em> to pick the plant, and special rituals: mistletoe had not to touch the ground, otherwise it would have lost its powers, so a white cloth was used to let it fall on it.</p>
<p>Lets close the loop. Fire, thunder, trees. Three concepts so distant, yet identical in certain ways. A few paragraphs before, the Norse god Balder was quoted. In one version of the <a href="https://norse-mythology.org/tales/the-death-of-baldur/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">myth of his death</a>, he was killed by his brother Hod, who had been tricked by Loki. <em>Classic Loki</em>. With what object has he been able to kill him, even if the god was invulnerable? With <em>a branch of mistletoe</em>.</p>
<p>So, a god was killed by a plant, which is related to the power of the Sun, which is enclosed in an oak tree, related to a god. From another perspective, we could say that Balder was killed by its own power or <em>by himself</em>. An impossible paradox? Not at all, we just have to explore a little deeper our past, and maybe ourselves.</p>
<section class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Sif, Thors wife, had a lush blonde hair that was affiliated to wheat. His husband was related to rain, so he had the responsibility to fertilise the crop.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)
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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>
<title>The Rites of Passage</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Flea Markets = Source of Treasures 🔗A few weeks ago, at the local flea market, I was very lucky to find a copy of The Rites of Passage by Arnold Van Gennep. It is an Italian edition from 1960s and it belonged to the library of a nearby village. It shows the signs of time, but for the price (about 1€) I couldnt really complain! I immediately started studying it and I was glad to find, since the first pages, references to The Golden Bough, which I finished previously!
It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&amp;rsquo;s glorious!
Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.
First, the life of a human being is a series of stages: childhood, puberty, married life , etc.</description>
<title>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures.</description>
<title>If Trees Could Talk</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>It Came from The North 🔗More than one thousand years ago, Vikings ruled the North Sea. They werent mainly sailors, but they had a great knowledge about building ships and taking long journeys. Legend says that, while travelling to colonise the new Icelandic land, wooden pillars were brought aboard the long ships. When the coast was on sight, the great poles were thrown overboard; wherever they had touched the shoreline, new settlements would be built. In their villages, those posts were put in the center of the farmhouses, with other two lower ones on the sides, because they were believed to have a sacred power.
Norse people had a special connection with woods and trees and they werent the only ones. First of all, they hadnt actual temples, so they primarily held celebrations outdoor. They had special places, or altars, named hörgar, where the presence of the otherworld was stronger.</description>
<title>You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A Tiny White Mouse 🔗Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the soul and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.
Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had waken up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.
It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that.</description>
<title>The Golden Bough</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 13 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>An Unexpected Journey 🔗First of all, thank you if you are reading this. It will be different from the other blog articles I have in mind: as an introduction, I want to let you know how the idea about this website was born and what it is meant to be in my mind, at least.
Now, Id like to point out that I usually didnt like talking about religion — or generally, that I didnt like religions. Despite that, in the summer of 2021, a friend of mine, a neighbor, while chatting about religion(!) and myths, recommended a text: “You should read The Golden Bough by Frazer. Therein, there is everything”. I never heard about Frazer before, so I immediately searched on Wikipedia. The book abstract looked interesting, but not great: starting from the legend behind a painting, the author explores the reasons of a brutal yet methodical ritual that was committed in central Italy, in the woods near Aricia (Ariccia in modern Italian).</description>

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The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &ldquo;magical&rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods."/>
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<h1 class="title">Pagan Gods Trinity</h1>
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<time datetime="2022-01-11 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Jan 11, 2022</time>
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<h1 id="get-lucky">Get Lucky <a href="#get-lucky" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After <em><a href="/articles/the-rites-of-passage/">Rites of Passage</a></em>, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent <em>Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities</em>. I confess that when I discovered it was <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Woodruffs-Slavic-Deities-Patricia-Woodruff/dp/1735614904/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">printed by Amazon</a>, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!</p>
<p>The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/slovenia.jpg"
alt="A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!"/><figcaption>
<p>A photo I took in Slovenia. The &ldquo;magical&rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!</p>
<p>One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the <em>polyvalence</em> of the gods. There are no such distinct categories as “god for fertility”, “god of war”, etc. Each god has a female goddess counterpart, which can be seen as his partner, his daughter or, more simply, another form of the god itself. Of course, there isnt <em>one</em> Slavic culture there are dozens! So confusion is inevitable among names and roles.</p>
<p>But mostly, more interestingly, the concept of polyvalence regards <em>mutation</em>: in the time span of a solar year, a Spring god would transform in a Summer god, and the latter would transform then in a Winter god. At the beginning of the year<sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>, the Spring god will be born again from the Winter one. In ancient times, <em>resurrection</em> was much more “common” than in the last two millennia.</p>
<h1 id="winter-nightmares">Winter Nightmares <a href="#winter-nightmares" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Lets get down to <del>business</del> curiosities. One of the main Slavic deities is <strong>Mora</strong>, which is defined a “dark goddess” because shes related to the dim part of the year, the Winter and its long nights. In the death/life cycle, Winter would be <em>death</em> with no doubt. She was depicted mainly in two ways: as a beautiful, pale young woman with dark hair, or as an old woman dressed in white. Havent we already seen this figure <a href="/articles/christmas-in-europe-is-no-joke/#second-chase-the-origins">somewhere else</a>?</p>
<p>Mora is also known as a “dream goddess”. Why, though? Well, from her name probably derive <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mare_%28folklore%29" target="_blank" rel="noopener">mares</a></em>, spirits that give night_mares_ to sleeping people. In addition, another animal which she is linked to is the <em>moth</em>, which represents the <a href="/articles/better-shut-your-mouth/">soul flying out the body</a> while we are asleep.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/wodan-wild-hunt.jpg"
alt="&amp;ldquo;Wodan&amp;rsquo;s Wild Hunt&amp;rdquo; by Friedrich W. Heine. A procession of angry spirits riding across the sky. No wonder it was considered a bad presage."/><figcaption>
<p>&ldquo;Wodan&rsquo;s Wild Hunt&rdquo; by Friedrich W. Heine. A procession of angry spirits riding across the sky. No wonder it was considered a bad presage.</p>
<p>Another interesting association comes from German language: <em>Mohr</em> or <em>Mahri</em> were “riders of the storm”, spirits that rode among the clouds in winter nights. They can be easily linked to the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Hunt" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Wild Hunt</a>, a myth that was spread across whole Europe. Final note: one of the other names is <em>Pethra Baba</em> and her worshippers/followers were called <em>pethra</em>… doesnt it sound like <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perchta" target="_blank" rel="noopener">perchta</a></em>?</p>
<p>So, we were able to link three topics already discussed in these pages <em>with just one</em><sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup> Slavic deity. Not bad!</p>
<h1 id="baba-yaga">Baba Yaga <a href="#baba-yaga" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Maybe the most popular figure of the Slavic pantheon is <em>Baba Yaga</em>, which is described as a terrible, malignant crone. She recently appeared in Netflixs <em>Witcher</em> adaptation with a fictional name, but the character has many of her features: she is an evil witch and she lives in a cottage that stands on fowls legs probably her best known detail. A little ~<strong>spoiler</strong>~ about the season finale: when she gets free, she even flies to ride with the Wild Hunt!</p>
<figure><img src="/img/baba-yaga-netflix.jpg"
alt="Her name was &amp;ldquo;Voleth Meir&amp;rdquo;, but she&amp;rsquo;s clearly Baba Yaga. Fun fact: the name means &amp;ldquo;Immortal Mother&amp;rdquo; immortal as her male counterpart!"/><figcaption>
<p>Her name was &ldquo;Voleth Meir&rdquo;, but she&rsquo;s clearly Baba Yaga. Fun fact: the name means &ldquo;Immortal Mother&rdquo; immortal as her male counterpart!</p>
<p>Baba Yagas temperament hasnt always been so much negative: as I mentioned earlier, when life was intended more as a <em>cycle of life and death</em>, Winter deities had also great <strong>regenerating powers</strong> because, from them, life sprang anew. In later centuries, when life became conceived as “linear” (birth -&gt; death), then the witch was seen as “purely evil”. So, even an ugly crone who was said to fly around in an <em>iron mortar</em>, propelling it with a <em>pestel</em>, was originally not feared, but respected.</p>
<p>In fact, she was a harsh “bringer of justice”. Her motto could have been: <em>you dont disrespect nature or magic without consequences</em>. She was also a <strong>spinning goddess</strong>, which was a very common figure among cultures because it was said the god(desse)s <em>weaved</em> peoples fate. And finally, as many other goddesses, she had a male counterpart: <em>Koshchei</em>.</p>
<h1 id="birds-and-snakes">Birds and Snakes <a href="#birds-and-snakes" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>He was known as <em>the deathless</em>. We already <a href="/articles/better-shut-your-mouth/#profit-maximisation">talked about him</a> referencing his soul hidden outside the body, so that the owner is immortal until the fragile object that contains it is destroyed. As we noticed, it was often an egg. Reading this book, I found a very interesting link: in the stories, the egg was contained in a duck, or a dove it was always a <em>white bird</em>.</p>
<p>White birds (mostly swans, doves, and ducks) are linked to <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BDiva_%28mythology%29" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Siva</a></em>, the Summer deity known as the “Bird Goddess”. Her name literally means “life” and she represents the blossoming of nature during summertime. Shes connected to the constellation of the Cygnus and the planet Venus (the homonymous Roman goddess was very similar to Siva). In some parts of Russia, it was forbidden to shoot swans because they were related to the fairy world.</p>
<p>Siva was also linked to <strong>snakes</strong>. It gets fascinating because it was said that white serpents could <em>fly like birds</em>. Also, by eating or licking a snake, a person would get the ability to understand the language of birds. The image of the winged snake could have easily evolved into the winged dragon remember that in Medieval times dragons were often depicted with extremely long bodies that could envelop a hill.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/mora-zalkis.jpg"
alt="The zalkis, linked to Mora. It looks like a snake and the infinite symbol, resembling resurrection."/><figcaption>
<p>The zalkis, linked to Mora. It looks like a snake and the infinite symbol, resembling resurrection.</p>
<p>Other than that, going back to the goddess Mora, one of her symbols was the <em>zalkis</em> (see picture above). It resembles both a <em>snake</em> and the <em>infinite loop</em>. According to its description on <a href="https://latvians.com/index.php?en/CFBH/Zimes/zimes-00-sheet.ssi" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Latvians.com</a>:</p>
<p>[…] Māras sign. Wisdom and knowledge. The changeable. Energy of life and renewal. The waxing and waning of the moon. Latvians believed that catching and eating the <em>zalktis</em> would allow them to commune with their ancestors, to understand the speech of ancient tongues.</p>
<p>Now, last question: what is called <em>zalktis</em> in Latvian? The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grass_snake" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Grass snake</a>, obviously. This is one of the many connections that link different cultures and show how apparently different pagan deities were associated. Some of them come from a remote past<sup id="fnref:3"><a href="#fn:3" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">3</a></sup> while, in comparison, other ones are very recent. Many, though, resisted up to present day thanks to scholars and… <strong>Christian Saints</strong>.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/spiderman-triple-gods.jpg"
alt="Actual situation of Slavic deities during festivities."/><figcaption>
<p>Actual situation of Slavic deities during festivities.</p>
<h1 id="cant-befriend-someone-absorb-it">Cant Befriend Someone? Absorb It. <a href="#cant-befriend-someone-absorb-it" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>While it may seem a paradox, it is well known that Christianity just <em>made up</em> many of its Saints stories. Since many cultures across Europe and up to Asia had to be “converted” into Christianity, their pagan gods and traditions were simply <em>absorbed</em> and mutated in Saints. <strong>Temples</strong> and holy places were turned into churches. Even the <strong>sacred days</strong> of the original gods were preserved to avoid altering the heritage.</p>
<p>Some examples: <strong>St. George</strong> could be <em>Jūrgis</em>, one of Ausekliss names, or <em>Jarilo</em> they both were Slavic Spring gods. Georges days is 23rd of April or the 6th of May, according to the versions, and they correspond to pagan festivities. <strong>St. Ursula</strong> (21st of October) may be related to celebrations of Sivas transformation in her winter form. The pagan goddess is also related with the <em>Ursa Major</em> constellation (Great Bear), which could have become the Saints name.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/st-george-dragon.jpg"
alt="St. George is often depicted while fighting a dragon&amp;hellip; but I hope nobody really thinks he actually fought that animal. I may exaggerate when asking if he actually existed or I may not."/><figcaption>
<p>St. George is often depicted while fighting a dragon&hellip; but I hope nobody really thinks he actually fought that animal. I may exaggerate when asking if he actually existed or I may not.</p>
<p>These may seem overstatements, but its easy to go on. One last case: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrude_of_Nivelles" target="_blank" rel="noopener">St. Gertrude</a>s sacred animals are mice and cats. The Saint seems related to <em>Mora</em> again: mice live underground (remember that she is a Winter goddess, therefore related to the Underworld and death); cats have always been linked to witches. And, as <a href="/articles/christmas-in-europe-is-no-joke/#third-connect-the-gods-dots">I already pointed out</a>, Freya&rsquo;s chariot was pulled by two cats, so this aspect could connect Christianity with both Norse and Slavic pantheons.</p>
<section class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Through time, many calendars have been used. At some point, the end of the year also matched the Spring equinox (the actual March).&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2" role="doc-endnote">
<p>That is probably wrong. Deities roles often exchanged across cultures, so in this case maybe it was not <em>everything</em> linked to Mora… but surely to a figure (or figures) with those features.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:3" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Some depictions of what looks like a “Bird Goddess” are about 30,000 years old!&#160;<a href="#fnref:3" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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Now, Id like to point out that I usually didnt like talking about religion — or generally, that I didnt like religions. Despite that, in the summer of 2021, a friend of mine, a neighbor, while chatting about religion(!) and myths, recommended a text: “You should read The Golden Bough by Frazer. Therein, there is everything”. I never heard about Frazer before, so I immediately searched on Wikipedia. The book abstract looked interesting, but not great: starting from the legend behind a painting, the author explores the reasons of a brutal yet methodical ritual that was committed in central Italy, in the woods near Aricia (Ariccia in modern Italian)."/>
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<h1 class="title">The Golden Bough</h1>
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<time datetime="2021-11-13 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Nov 13, 2021</time>
<span class="split">
898 words
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5 minutes read
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<h1 id="an-unexpected-journey">An Unexpected Journey <a href="#an-unexpected-journey" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>First of all, <em>thank you</em> if you are reading this. It will be different from the other blog articles I have in mind: as an introduction, I want to let you know how the idea about this website was born and what it is meant to be in my mind, at least.</p>
<p>Now, Id like to point out that I usually didnt like talking about religion — or generally, that <em>I didnt like religions</em>.
Despite that, in the summer of 2021, a friend of mine, a neighbor, while chatting about religion(!) and myths, recommended a text: “You should read <em><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Bough" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Golden Bough</a></em> by Frazer. Therein, there is <strong>everything</strong>”.
I never heard about Frazer before, so I immediately searched on Wikipedia. The book abstract looked interesting, but not great: starting from the legend behind a painting, the author explores the reasons of a brutal yet methodical ritual that was committed in central Italy, in the woods near Aricia (<em>Ariccia</em> in modern Italian).</p>
<figure><img src="/img/golden-bough-painting.jpg"
alt="&amp;ldquo;The Golden Bough&amp;rdquo; by J. M. W. Turner, which ingnited James G. Frazer&amp;rsquo;s curiosity."/><figcaption>
<p>&ldquo;The Golden Bough&rdquo; by J. M. W. Turner, which ingnited James G. Frazer&rsquo;s curiosity.</p>
<p>Cool, I know that area, I thought while my mind immediately went to the famous <a href="https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porchetta_di_Ariccia" target="_blank" rel="noopener">porchetta</a>. Since it was very cheap, I immediately bought the volume; only the next day, when I could hold it in my hands, I realised how massive it was. In that pocket edition, it is still a 840-page bold compendium about lore. Nevertheless, I wasnt discouraged and slowly started flipping through its pages.</p>
<h1 id="a-new-perspective">A New Perspective <a href="#a-new-perspective" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>After a while, it was clear to me that it was necessary to take notes about that <em>enormous</em> amount of information. Until then, I used a paper <em>moleskine-like</em> notebook filled with bad writings, but in this case it would have been a mess. Luckily, in those days I became aware of <a href="https://obsidian.md/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Obsidian</a>, a powerful tool which allows you to link easily one note with another, so I immediately started writing down annotations.</p>
<p>The first hundreds of pages introduce the story of Aricias King of the Wood (a high-priest) and the mysterious ritual regarding his succession: he was killed violently using a blade, every year. To simplify, the question is: why using such violence in the Classical era (Greek and Roman), when barbarian traditions should have been abandoned? It was a very interesting question, but the book rhythm is very VERY slow. To do a comparison, it was like asking: After how much time should a pancake be flipped on the pan? and answering: Well, Ill first explain why Earth is round. To be honest, my interest grew very slowly through the first half of the book.</p>
<p><em>It was like asking: After how much time should a pancake be flipped on the pan? and answering: Well, Ill first explain why Earth is round.</em></p>
<p>My enthusiasm was dropping quicker than I expected, but then one of the great strong points of the tome came out: <em>logical connections</em>. Some terrific observations started to make me think and the interest was kept alive with examples and hypotheses: one above all, the <strong>evolution of magic into religion</strong>. I began to really appreciate the authors style, but anyway it was a very time-consuming read.</p>
<h1 id="therein-there-is-everything">Therein, There Is Everything <a href="#therein-there-is-everything" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Work duties needed attention, Summer passed and Fall came quickly. Leaves were already on the ground when I opened again the tome; but something had changed in the meanwhile. During these last few weeks or better, days I finished the book with a sprint. In the last two-hundred pages, as the end of the journey was approaching, I realised what the big change was: the authors talent as teacher erupted like a volcano.</p>
<p>I was aware that Frazers intention was to explain the common roots of traditions of civilisations from all the globe since the first pages, but only towards the end I became conscious of his great ability to gradually prepare the reader to accept his hypotheses. Of course, he humbly repeats that he could be wrong through his passages; but while the two of them (author and reader) finally close the loop in the very final chapters, everything makes perfect sense. For me, the last pages were almost emotional after such a long trip through time and space!</p>
<figure><img src="/img/sun-always-has-been.jpg"
alt="A little spoiler about the book meme edition."/><figcaption>
<p>A little spoiler about the book meme edition.</p>
<p>Now, despite the huge pleasure that it gave me, I dont know if I would ever suggest everyone to read <em>The Golden Bough</em>. Id only make them angry because it can be <strong>so heavy</strong>. But thats when the idea for this website came it. Wouldnt a collection of cool findings about folklore be awesome? An explanation (not to be taken too seriously) about, for instance, why the <em>oak tree</em> is so important for many civilisations? Why Vampirism was accepted in all the continents? Or, simply, a fun fact about why the oceans low tide is considered a bad omen?</p>
<p>Out there, in the internet wilderness, its full of blogs like this. But this is <em>mine</em>, and it will be replenished of interesting notes as long as Ill keep doing in my opinion remarkable discoveries in my spare time. I <em>LOVE</em> reading and writing about these topics, so I hope to shake up your interest.</p>
<p>Last thing: if I got your attention, you could consider reading or downloading <em>The Golden Bough</em> for free on <a href="https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3623" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Project Gutenberg</a> I hope you will be hooked as I was.</p>
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It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&rsquo;s glorious!
Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.
First, the life of a human being is a series of stages: childhood, puberty, married life , etc."/>
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<h1 class="title">The Rites of Passage</h1>
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<time datetime="2021-12-30 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Dec 30, 2021</time>
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<h1 id="flea-markets--source-of-treasures">Flea Markets = Source of Treasures <a href="#flea-markets--source-of-treasures" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>A few weeks ago, at the local flea market, I was very lucky to find a copy of <em>The Rites of Passage</em> by Arnold Van Gennep. It is an Italian edition from 1960s and it belonged to the library of a nearby village. It shows the signs of time, but for the price (about 1€) I couldnt really complain! I immediately started studying it and I was glad to find, since the first pages, references to <em><a href="/articles/the-golden-bough/">The Golden Bough</a></em>, which I finished previously!</p>
<figure><img src="/img/rites-of-passage.jpg"
alt="It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&amp;rsquo;s glorious!"/><figcaption>
<p>It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&rsquo;s glorious!</p>
<p>Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.</p>
<p>First, the life of a human being is a series of <em>stages</em>: childhood, puberty, married life , etc. Also, just as important, throughout life, there are <em>communities</em> which a person belongs to. They can be categorised. The most basic partition is sexual-based: <em>men</em> and <em>women</em> its too well-known that they have never been put on the same level. The other clear separation in everyday actions is based on magical-religious aspects: <em>sacred</em> and <em>profane</em>. It may seem subtle, but the distinction is very used even nowadays.</p>
<p>Similarities can be observed with both our modern society and even remote past civilisations around the globe.</p>
<p>In addition to the previous distinctions, imagine that a civilisation is composed essentially by <em>classes</em>: based on professions, castes, religious associations,… We could find so many examples. Moreover, you can picture the <em>sub-classes</em> that we could find, for example, if we divide them geographically (e.g., local parishes).</p>
<p>IT. IS. A. MESS.</p>
<h1 id="_i-dont-belong-here_--t-yorke"><em>I Dont Belong Here</em> T. Yorke <a href="#_i-dont-belong-here_--t-yorke" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Ok, its like Monopoly: before starting, we have set <strong>many</strong> pieces on the table, but it gets easier once the game begins. The golden rule is that <em><strong>an individual cannot be part of different classes</strong></em><sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup>. So, in order to change group, a <em>rite</em> (or ceremony) must take place. Thats the focal point and goal of the book: to understand the <em>sequence</em> and, when possible, the <em>meaning</em> of the rituals that are performed in such occasions.</p>
<p>Another powerful picture is given in the very first pages: societies are like <strong>buildings with many rooms</strong>, one for each “class”. In the primitive civilisations, the walls of the rooms were thicker, so the communication among them was more difficult. In modern society the walls are thinner, so the distinctions are less pronounced. In other words, less rites are required to change class. <em>Progress</em>, we could say. Very true indeed, if it werent for some very archaic remnants part of our inner culture.</p>
<p>As other anthropologists did before, Van Gennep pointed out that similarities could be found in ceremonies dedicated to completely different situations: for instance, weddings, funerals, and coronations of kings. What is a common point among them?</p>
<figure><img src="/img/bride-veil.jpg"
alt="The veil was used for many types of celebrations, not just for weddings. It acted as a protection."/><figcaption>
<p>The veil was used for many types of celebrations, not just for weddings. It acted as a protection.</p>
<p>It was common, since Roman times, to cover the spouses with a <em>veil</em>. The modern bride still wears it while she walks towards the altar. Why, though? It is to <em>protect</em> her holiness from the profane world that she comes from. The wedding is a change of state to a higher level, in which the woman will be seen with more attributes. The same goes for a king, which wears a cloak during the enthroning ceremony. And the same principle is valid for death: corpses were often covered in sheets because the place where the soul is headed is sacred its journey must not be impeded by our “filthy” world.</p>
<h1 id="separation---transition---incorporation">Separation - Transition - Incorporation <a href="#separation---transition---incorporation" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>So, if the <em>rites of passage</em> are the ones required to pass from a class to another (or even from a world to a distinct one), this three-step sequence is their key:</p>
<li>Separation rites (from the previous reality)</li>
<li>Transition rites</li>
<li>Incorporation rites (to the new reality)</li>
<p>It may seem absurd to force such classification for all the ceremonies, but the results of Van Genneps analysis are quite stunning.</p>
<p>One very important concept is the <em>threshold</em>. Our homes door, for example: it protects us <em>from the outside world</em>. In the past, both Arabs and Jews stroked an effigy or a casket near the door when entering or exiting the house an incorporation or separation gesture, depending on the case. Also, in some parts of the world, pregnant women cant enter through the main door of their houses<sup id="fnref:2"><a href="#fn:2" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">2</a></sup>. Even bodies, in funeral rites, are not let pass through the main door because it is seen as a bad omen.</p>
<p>Another great example of this concept, often underrated, is the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumphal_arch" target="_blank" rel="noopener">triumphal arch</a>: in Roman times, armies and important personalities passed under the arch to enter symbolically and physically into the new reality and to “wash away” the contamination of the <em>outside</em><sup id="fnref:3"><a href="#fn:3" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">3</a></sup>. The simplest threshold can be seen as a barrier between worlds: among many civilisations, it is spread the belief that spirits cannot cross <em>water courses</em>, which in this case act like some other type of boundaries.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/woman-river.jpg"
alt="In ancient times, swimmers used to mock spirits that couldn&amp;rsquo;t follow them into the water."/><figcaption>
<p>In ancient times, swimmers used to mock spirits that couldn&rsquo;t follow them into the water.</p>
<h1 id="is-he-dead-no-its-just-puberty">Is He Dead? No, Its Just Puberty <a href="#is-he-dead-no-its-just-puberty" class="anchor">🔗</a></h1><p>Other similarities between rituals related to different moments in life can be observed analysing the <em>initiation rites</em> for special societies or, simply, just the ones for puberty. In a few words, the initiated boy temporarily <em>dies</em> to exit his previous state and enter the new one (adulthood). The example is clearer in Congo, for instance, where the kid was exiled (<em>separation</em>) and painted white, which is a color often related to death (<em>margin</em>). Other than that, when he was re-admitted in his village, he had to act like a baby for weeks, or months: adults had to teach him again the basic tasks, and he also ate baby food (<em>incorporation</em>).</p>
<p>The book is intriguing because there are many other cases illustrated and explained. One for all: circumcision. Why is it performed, and why at different ages (some cultures do it after a few weeks from birth, others after ten years)? Simple answer: it is a <em>way to show the membership to a special class</em>, or society. Quoting the text:</p>
<p>The mutilated individual is removed from the common mass of humanity by a rite of separation (this is the idea behind cutting, piercing, etc.) which automatically incorporates him into a defined group.</p>
<figure><img src="/img/circumcision-bellini.jpg"
alt="&amp;ldquo;Circumcision of Christ&amp;rdquo; by Giovanni Bellini. We&amp;rsquo;re with you, little fella."/><figcaption>
<p>&ldquo;Circumcision of Christ&rdquo; by Giovanni Bellini. We&rsquo;re with you, little fella.</p>
<p>Finally, probably the most obvious rite to assign a newborn to a “category”, even unintentionally, is by giving him or her a name. Its not about using a middle name, as nowadays. In the past, a child could change name several times: first, it was named according to the sex with a generic one; then, an ancestors name was chosen; later, depending on the “phase”, or his age, he could change it again. In totemic societies, at the time of initiation, the name could vary once more. And even when a man becomes father, it could <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teknonymy" target="_blank" rel="noopener">be changed again</a> with his sons.</p>
<p>To conclude the overview of this amazing book, which is such dense of notions yet brief, it is a must for me to spread the word that it is <a href="https://archive.org/details/theritesofpassage" target="_blank" rel="noopener">available for free on the Internet Archive</a>!</p>
<section class="footnotes" role="doc-endnotes">
<li id="fn:1" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Of course there are exceptions. It is just a rule to simplify the understanding.&#160;<a href="#fnref:1" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:2" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Nursing mothers and pregnant women have always been treated as “special”, but not always in a good way.&#160;<a href="#fnref:2" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
<li id="fn:3" role="doc-endnote">
<p>Interestingly, Norse people had a similar tradition and divided their world between inside (<em>Innangard</em>) and outside (<em>Utangard</em>), and the village walls (<em>gardr</em>) were very important. Well talk about that.&#160;<a href="#fnref:3" class="footnote-backref" role="doc-backlink">&#x21a9;&#xfe0e;</a></p>
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<h1>Welcome to the Go<i>d</i>sip Club! 🍸</h1>
<h2>This is a collection of stories, notes and curiosities about mythology, folklore, myths, and religion.</h2>
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<h3 class="list-page">Latest articles:</h3>
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<h1 class="title"><a href='/articles/pagan-gods-trinity/'>Pagan Gods Trinity</a></h1>
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<time datetime="2022-01-11 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Jan 11, 2022</time>
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<h1 class="title"><a href='/articles/the-rites-of-passage/'>The Rites of Passage</a></h1>
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<time datetime="2021-12-30 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Dec 30, 2021</time>
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<h1 class="title"><a href='/articles/christmas-in-europe-is-no-joke/'>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</a></h1>
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<time datetime="2021-12-05 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Dec 5, 2021</time>
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<h1 class="title"><a href='/articles/if-trees-could-talk/'>If Trees Could Talk</a></h1>
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<time datetime="2021-11-27 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Nov 27, 2021</time>
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<h1 class="title"><a href='/articles/better-shut-your-mouth/'>You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</a></h1>
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<time datetime="2021-11-20 00:00:00 &#43;0000 UTC">Nov 20, 2021</time>
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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>
<title>The Rites of Passage</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Dec 2021</pubDate>
<description>Flea Markets = Source of Treasures 🔗A few weeks ago, at the local flea market, I was very lucky to find a copy of The Rites of Passage by Arnold Van Gennep. It is an Italian edition from 1960s and it belonged to the library of a nearby village. It shows the signs of time, but for the price (about 1€) I couldnt really complain! I immediately started studying it and I was glad to find, since the first pages, references to The Golden Bough, which I finished previously!
It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&amp;rsquo;s glorious!
Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.
First, the life of a human being is a series of stages: childhood, puberty, married life , etc.</description>
<title>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 05 Dec 2021</pubDate>
<description>First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures.</description>
<title>If Trees Could Talk</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Nov 2021</pubDate>
<description>It Came from The North 🔗More than one thousand years ago, Vikings ruled the North Sea. They werent mainly sailors, but they had a great knowledge about building ships and taking long journeys. Legend says that, while travelling to colonise the new Icelandic land, wooden pillars were brought aboard the long ships. When the coast was on sight, the great poles were thrown overboard; wherever they had touched the shoreline, new settlements would be built. In their villages, those posts were put in the center of the farmhouses, with other two lower ones on the sides, because they were believed to have a sacred power.
Norse people had a special connection with woods and trees and they werent the only ones. First of all, they hadnt actual temples, so they primarily held celebrations outdoor. They had special places, or altars, named hörgar, where the presence of the otherworld was stronger.</description>
<title>You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 20 Nov 2021</pubDate>
<description>A Tiny White Mouse 🔗Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the soul and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.
Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had waken up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.
It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that.</description>
<title>The Golden Bough</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 13 Nov 2021</pubDate>
<description>An Unexpected Journey 🔗First of all, thank you if you are reading this. It will be different from the other blog articles I have in mind: as an introduction, I want to let you know how the idea about this website was born and what it is meant to be in my mind, at least.
Now, Id like to point out that I usually didnt like talking about religion — or generally, that I didnt like religions. Despite that, in the summer of 2021, a friend of mine, a neighbor, while chatting about religion(!) and myths, recommended a text: “You should read The Golden Bough by Frazer. Therein, there is everything”. I never heard about Frazer before, so I immediately searched on Wikipedia. The book abstract looked interesting, but not great: starting from the legend behind a painting, the author explores the reasons of a brutal yet methodical ritual that was committed in central Italy, in the woods near Aricia (Ariccia in modern Italian).</description>

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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>
<title>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures.</description>

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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>

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<title>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures.</description>

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<title>If Trees Could Talk</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 27 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>It Came from The North 🔗More than one thousand years ago, Vikings ruled the North Sea. They werent mainly sailors, but they had a great knowledge about building ships and taking long journeys. Legend says that, while travelling to colonise the new Icelandic land, wooden pillars were brought aboard the long ships. When the coast was on sight, the great poles were thrown overboard; wherever they had touched the shoreline, new settlements would be built. In their villages, those posts were put in the center of the farmhouses, with other two lower ones on the sides, because they were believed to have a sacred power.
Norse people had a special connection with woods and trees and they werent the only ones. First of all, they hadnt actual temples, so they primarily held celebrations outdoor. They had special places, or altars, named hörgar, where the presence of the otherworld was stronger.</description>

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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>
<title>The Rites of Passage</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Flea Markets = Source of Treasures 🔗A few weeks ago, at the local flea market, I was very lucky to find a copy of The Rites of Passage by Arnold Van Gennep. It is an Italian edition from 1960s and it belonged to the library of a nearby village. It shows the signs of time, but for the price (about 1€) I couldnt really complain! I immediately started studying it and I was glad to find, since the first pages, references to The Golden Bough, which I finished previously!
It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&amp;rsquo;s glorious!
Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.
First, the life of a human being is a series of stages: childhood, puberty, married life , etc.</description>
<title>Christmas in Europe Is No Joke!</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 05 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>First: Avoid Being Chased Down 🔗I live in Italy and, when I was a child, I didnt really believe in Santa I was already asking too many questions. I didnt mind too much being a good child to receive nice gifts, but a few hundreds of kilometers from me, things were (are!) quite different. In the Eastern Alps, in Austria, Slovenia and other Slavic countries, naughty children are not gifted with black coal by the Befana, as in Italy. In those countries, bad kids are actually hunted down by a horned demon the Krampus.
Every year, the 5th of December, during the Krampusnacht (“Krampus Night”), men and women march down the street dressed up like demons, with horrifying masks that take the whole year to make. The Krampus Run, or Krampuslauf, is a joyful parade for adults, mostly drunk, but a bit less cherish for children, who are continuously scared and chased by these horrible figures.</description>
<title>You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A Tiny White Mouse 🔗Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the soul and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.
Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had waken up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.
It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that.</description>

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<title>You Better Shut Your Mouth (While You Sleep)</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>A Tiny White Mouse 🔗Vampires are not the only popular myths from Transylvania: there are other peculiar beliefs, often broaden to other countries or maybe borrowed from them, who knows. One is about the soul and it is told by mothers to their children: if you sleep with your mouth open, your soul will escape your body in the form of a tiny white mouse.
Thats a powerful image and its hard to forget Id bet that you will recall it next time youll see your partner sleeping. Silly Europeans, they have such a fantasy! one would think, blaming Medieval exaggerations… Well, sorry to tell you, but centuries before, in Guinea, if a person had woke up with bone pain, he would think that his soul was kicked by another one in the sleep.
It was quite common opinion that, while we are dreaming, all that we see and feel reflects what the soul is doing: if a primitive hunter dreamt about chasing an animal, his soul was actually doing that.</description>
<title>The Golden Bough</title>
<pubDate>Sat, 13 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>An Unexpected Journey 🔗First of all, thank you if you are reading this. It will be different from the other blog articles I have in mind: as an introduction, I want to let you know how the idea about this website was born and what it is meant to be in my mind, at least.
Now, Id like to point out that I usually didnt like talking about religion — or generally, that I didnt like religions. Despite that, in the summer of 2021, a friend of mine, a neighbor, while chatting about religion(!) and myths, recommended a text: “You should read The Golden Bough by Frazer. Therein, there is everything”. I never heard about Frazer before, so I immediately searched on Wikipedia. The book abstract looked interesting, but not great: starting from the legend behind a painting, the author explores the reasons of a brutal yet methodical ritual that was committed in central Italy, in the woods near Aricia (Ariccia in modern Italian).</description>

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<title>The Rites of Passage</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Flea Markets = Source of Treasures 🔗A few weeks ago, at the local flea market, I was very lucky to find a copy of The Rites of Passage by Arnold Van Gennep. It is an Italian edition from 1960s and it belonged to the library of a nearby village. It shows the signs of time, but for the price (about 1€) I couldnt really complain! I immediately started studying it and I was glad to find, since the first pages, references to The Golden Bough, which I finished previously!
It may be not in a perfect state, but for me it&amp;rsquo;s glorious!
Ill try to (badly) recap some of the most intriguing theories exposed here. Lets remember that the given examples are general, so similarities can be observed with both our modern society and remote past civilisations around the globe.
First, the life of a human being is a series of stages: childhood, puberty, married life , etc.</description>

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