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<title>Pagan Gods Trinity</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Get Lucky 🔗Either Im very lucky, or I keep finding evidence that everything is connected. After Rites of Passage, Ive been reading one of my Christmas presents: the very recent Woodruffs Guide to Slavic Deities. I confess that when I discovered it was printed by Amazon, after flipping through the pages, at first I had some prejudices. I thought it was mainly a sort of list, maybe a catalogue… oh boy, I was so wrong!
The text is full of interesting notions and what I look for most connections among civilisations. In brief, by studying the roots of names (often Proto-Indo-European), very interesting details can be discovered. Especially in countries like the Slavic ones, close each other, some small differences of pronunciation can help to find new details.
A photo I took in Slovenia. The &amp;ldquo;magical&amp;rdquo; atmosphere is quite powerful!
One of the main aspects discussed by this book concerns the polyvalence of the gods.</description>