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2022-09-21 16:29:25 +02:00
baseURL: https://example.com
languageCode: en-us
title: Hugo
theme: hugo-theme-mini
# Default content language, support en (English) / zh (Chinese) / nl (Dutch), default 'en'
defaultContentLanguage: en
# !!! exampleSite only, you may need to delete the line: `themesDir: ../../`
themesDir: ../../
hasCJKLanguage: true
posts: /posts/:title/
googleAnalytics: your-google-analytics-id
disqusShortname: your-disqus-shortname
# Hugo Configure Markup
# More info: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup#
guessSyntax: true
style: emacs
endLevel: 3
ordered: false
startLevel: 2
# Social links in footer, support github,twitter,stackoverflow,facebook
# e.g.
github: your-github-link
twitter: your-github-link
stackoverflow: your-github-link
# facebook: your-facebook-link
# Site parameters
# Site Author
author: Author
# Author biography
bio: Software Engineer
# Site Description, used in HTML meat
description: My Blog
# Optional Configuration
# To enable RSS, you could set `enableRSS: true`, default is `true`
enableRSS: true
# To enable comments, you may need to set `disqusShortname`
enableComments: true
# To enable comments, you may need to set `googleAnalytics`
enableGoogleAnalytics: true
# To enable table of content, you could set `showToc: true`, default is `false`
showToc: true
# To hidden powerBy message in the page footer, you could set: `showPowerBy: false`, default is `true`
showPowerBy: true
# To enable math typesetting , you could set `math: true`, default is `false`
math: false
# To hidden post summary in home page, you could set `hiddenPostSummaryInHomePage: true`, default is `false`
hiddenPostSummaryInHomePage: false
# Website copy write, default: '© Copyright 2021 ❤️ {params.author}'
copyright: ''
# Extra links in navigation
## e.g.
# - name: Project
# path: /project
# You can put your custom css and js to `static` directory, or use remote css and js files which start with `http://` or `https://`
## e.g.
# - css/custom.css # local css in `static/css/custom.css`
# - https://example.com/custom.css # remote css
## e.g.
# - js/custom.js # local js in `static/js/custom.js`
# - https://example.com/custom.js # remote js