#!/bin/sh ### ### Usage: ./optimizer.sh ### ### -h | --help Shows this message ### ### optimizer.sh ### Necessary parameters: ### - sg device of the library ### - parallelism ### ### The script checks the parallelism with the available drives of the library/partition, then ### proceeds with loading *all* the tapes found in the slots. Mailboxes are ignored. ### It launches several child processes. The `timeout` command tries to unload the drives, ### it succeeds when the the tape optimization is done. ### ### Kill switch to stop the running processes: `killall optimizer.sh` ### help() { sed -rn 's/^### ?//;T;p' "$0" } if [[ "$1" == "-h" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--help" ]] || [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then help exit 1 fi log() { echo -e "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') $1" | tee -a ${LOG_FILE} } alive() { # $1 "${LIB_SG}" # $2 "${SLOT}" # $3 "${DRIVE}" # $4 "${BARCODE}" echo "${4}" > "${TMP}/.drive${3}.lock" local PID_ALIVE='1' local WAIT=$((3600 + $RANDOM % 7200)) # from 1 to 2 hours local TIMEOUT="600" # 10 minutes wait before dismounting the tape while [ $PID_ALIVE -eq 1 ]; do log "ALIVE [$$] - Waiting ${WAIT} secondi..." sleep "${WAIT}" log "ALIVE [$$] - Trying to unload drive ${3} into slot ${2} (Timeout: ${TIMEOUT} seconds)..." timeout "${TIMEOUT}" mtx -f "${1}" unload "${2}" "${3}" # Kill after ${TIMEOUT} seconds if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then log "ALIVE [$$] - OK. Drive ${3} unloaded." grep -q "$4;drive$3;WIP" "${PROCESSED_BARCODES}" # Check if barcode is WIP if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then log "ALIVE [$$] - Barcode $4 processed." sed -i "s/$4;drive$3;WIP/$4;OK/g" "${PROCESSED_BARCODES}" rm -f "${TMP}/.drive${3}.lock" touch "${TMP}/.drive${3}.ready" log "ALIVE [$$] - Drive ${3} newly available. Exit." local PID_ALIVE='0' return 0 # End Alive else log "ALIVE [$$] - ERROR. Can't find the barcode among the WIP. Exit." return 1 fi # Barcode processed --> OK elif [ -f "${TMP}/.drive${3}.lock" ]; then # Drive in use log "ALIVE [$$] - Unmount drive ${3} failed, still in use (file .lock). Checking the content." grep -q "${4}" "${TMP}/.drive${3}.lock" if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then log "ALIVE [$$] - File content OK. Waiting." continue else log "ALIVE [$$] - ERROR. File content of ${TMP}/.drive${3}.lock not coherent. Exit." return 1 fi elif [ -f "${TMP}/.drive${3}.ready" ]; then # Drive available log "ALIVE [$$] - Found file ${TMP}/.drive${3}.ready. Drive available. Exit." local PID_ALIVE='0' return 0 fi done log "End ALIVE [$$]" return 0 } LIB_SG=$1 PARALLELISM=$2 WAIT=$((300)) TMP='/tmp' LIB_CONFIG="${TMP}/lib_config.txt" PROCESSED_SLOTS="${TMP}/processed-slots.txt" PROCESSED_BARCODES="/root/processed-barcodes.txt" log "***** New execution *****" SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) LOG_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/log" LOG_FILE="${LOG_PATH}/optimizer.log" if [ ! -d "${LOG_PATH}" ]; then echo "Creating the log directory: ${LOG_PATH}" mkdir -vp ${LOG_PATH} fi mtx -f "${LIB_SG}" status > "${LIB_CONFIG}" # Check if there are enough ($PARALLELISM) free drives if [[ $(grep "Data Transfer Element" ${LIB_CONFIG} | grep 'Empty' | wc -l) -lt "${PARALLELISM}" ]]; then log "ERROR. Not enough free drives. Exit." exit 1 fi # Clean the WIP barcodes from old executions sed -i '/WIP/d' "${PROCESSED_BARCODES}" # Cleaning orphan files rm -rf ${TMP}/.drive* rm -rf ${PROCESSED_SLOTS} for (( i = 0 ; i < ${PARALLELISM} ; i++ )); do grep -q "Data Transfer Element ${i}:Empty" ${LIB_CONFIG} if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then if [[ ! -f "${TMP}/.drive${i}.ready" ]]; then log "Creating file ${TMP}/.drive${i}.ready" touch "${TMP}/.drive${i}.ready" fi fi done # List full slots SLOTS_FULL="${TMP}/slots_full.txt" grep 'Storage Element' ${LIB_CONFIG} | grep 'Full' | grep -v IMPORT | grep -v CLN | grep -v "(" > ${SLOTS_FULL} COUNT=1 OFS=$IFS IFS=" " while [ $COUNT -le $(cat ${SLOTS_FULL} | wc -l) ]; do RUNNING=$(ls -1q ${TMP}/.drive*.lock | wc -l) if [[ "${RUNNING}" -lt "${PARALLELISM}" ]]; then SLOT=$(sed "${COUNT}q;d" ${SLOTS_FULL} | awk '{print $3;}' | cut -d ':' -f 1) BARCODE=$(sed "${COUNT}q;d" ${SLOTS_FULL} | awk '{print $4;}' | cut -d '=' -f 2) grep -q "${SLOT}" "${PROCESSED_SLOTS}" # Check if slot is aready processed if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then echo "Slot ${SLOT} already processed." ((COUNT++)) continue fi grep -q "${BARCODE};OK" "${PROCESSED_BARCODES}" # Check if barcode is already processed if [[ $(echo $?) == '0' ]]; then echo "Barcode ${BARCODE} already processed. Skip." ((COUNT++)) continue fi log "### SLOT ${SLOT} - BARCODE ${BARCODE}" for (( i = 0 ; i < ${PARALLELISM} ; i++ )); do # Look for an available drive if [ -f "${TMP}/.drive${i}.ready" ]; then # Look for ".ready" file DRIVE=${i} mv "${TMP}/.drive${DRIVE}.ready" "${TMP}/.drive${DRIVE}.lock" break fi done log "Loading slot ${SLOT} into drive ${DRIVE}." mtx -f "${LIB_SG}" load "${SLOT}" "${DRIVE}" echo "${BARCODE};drive${DRIVE};WIP" >> "${PROCESSED_BARCODES}" # Barcode WIP echo ${SLOT} >> "${PROCESSED_SLOTS}" log "Launching ALIVE with parameters: ${LIB_SG} - ${SLOT} - ${DRIVE} - ${BARCODE}" alive "${LIB_SG}" "${SLOT}" "${DRIVE}" "${BARCODE}" & RUNNING=$(ls -1q ${TMP}/.drive*.lock | wc -l) log "MAIN - RUNNING processes: $RUNNING" if [[ "${RUNNING}" -ge "${PARALLELISM}" ]]; then log "MAIN (if) - Maximum parallelism. Waiting ${WAIT} seconds…" sleep "${WAIT}" else ((COUNT++)) log "Waiting 2 minutes to avoid too many commands." sleep 120 fi else log "MAIN - Maximum parallelism. Waiting ${WAIT} seconds…" sleep "${WAIT}" fi done IFS=$OFS rm -rf "${LIB_CONFIG}" rm -rf "${SLOTS_FULL}" rm -rf "${PROCESSED_SLOTS}" log "***** End execution *****\n\n"