
44 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

printf "Installing Packages...\n"
apt-get install -y python nmap dnsutils mtr python-pip && pip install telepot
printf "\n\n--------------------------------\n\n"
echo "Enter your Telegram BOT Token. "
read -r TG_BOT_TOKEN
echo "bot_token = '$TG_BOT_TOKEN'" > tempconfig.py
printf "\n\n--------------------------------\n\n"
echo "Fetching last Telegram messages. This will help finding your Telegram ID."
echo "If you can't see your Telegram ID, try sending a private message to this bot."
python get-sender-id.py | grep "'id'" | uniq -c | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed s'/,//'
rm tempconfig.py
echo "Enter your Telegram ID. This will be the default admin user."
read -r SENDER_ID
cp custom_config.example.py custom_config.py
sed -i s"/MY-TG-BOT-TOKEN/$TG_BOT_TOKEN/" custom_config.py
sed -i s"/MY-SENDER-ID-LIST/$SENDER_ID/" custom_config.py
printf "\n\n--------------------------------\n\n"
echo "Do you want to configure the daemon with systemctl? (y/n)"
read -r DAEMON
case $DAEMON in
exit 0
cp rpgbot.systemd-example.service /tmp/rpgbot.service
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
sed -i s"#MY-PATH#$DIR#" /tmp/rpgbot.service
mv /tmp/rpgbot.service /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/rpgbot.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart rpgbot
echo Unrecognized option $DAEMON, exiting
exit 1