Refactor commands with decorators

This commit is contained in:
Simone Baracchi 2019-03-07 22:46:55 +01:00
parent 5f3f9b1443
commit 7fb634537b
2 changed files with 250 additions and 261 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import telepot
import functools
import db
import diceroller
all_commands = {}
@ -9,6 +10,21 @@ def newgame_already_started_usage():
Now invite some players, make them join with `/player <character name>`, check your characters with `/show`, adjust your character sheet with `/update`, and roll dices with `/roll`.
For a more complete list of commands, see"""
def start_usage():
return """Howdy, human.
I am a character sheet bot for Fate RPG.
To use my services, add me to a group, then start a new game with `/newgame <game name>`.
Other players can join with `/player <character name>`.
You can check your character with `/show`, adjust your character sheet with `/update`, and roll dices with `/roll`.
This is only a quick starter guide. For a more complete list of commands, see
Hope you have fun!"""
def send(bot, chat_id, msg, disablepreview=True):
if msg == None or len(msg) == 0 or len(msg.split()) == 0:
msg = '(no message)'
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg, disable_web_page_preview=disablepreview)
def add_command(name):
global all_commands
def decorator(func):
@ -24,7 +40,7 @@ def need_args(number, errormessage):
def wrapper(*args, bot, chat_id, input_args, **kwargs):
if len(input_args) < 1 + number:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, errormessage)
send(bot, chat_id, errormessage)
return False
return func(*args, bot=bot, chat_id=chat_id, input_args=input_args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
@ -34,18 +50,27 @@ def need_group(func):
def wrapper(*args, bot, chat_id, is_group, **kwargs):
if is_group is not True:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
return False
return func(*args, bot=bot, chat_id=chat_id, is_group=is_group, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def need_gameid(mustbenone, errormessage):
def check_too_many_games(func):
def wrapper(*args, dbc, bot, chat_id, sender_id, **kwargs):
if db.number_of_games(dbc, sender_id) > 10:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of games. Please close some first.')
return False
return func(*args, dbc=dbc, bot=bot, chat_id=chat_id, sender_id=sender_id, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def need_gameid(mustbenone, errormessage=None):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, bot, dbc, chat_id, **kwargs):
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
if mustbenone and gameid is not None or not mustbenone and gameid is None:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, errormessage)
if mustbenone is True and gameid is not None or mustbenone is False and gameid is None:
send(bot, chat_id, errormessage)
return False
return func(*args, bot=bot, dbc=dbc, gameid=gameid, chat_id=chat_id, **kwargs)
return wrapper
@ -57,7 +82,7 @@ def need_role(role, errormessage):
def wrapper(*args, bot, dbc, sender_id, gameid, chat_id, **kwargs):
user_role = db.get_player_role(dbc, sender_id, gameid)
if user_role != role:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, errormessage)
send(bot, chat_id, errormessage)
return False
return func(*args, bot=bot, dbc=dbc, gameid=gameid, sender_id=sender_id, chat_id=chat_id, **kwargs)
return wrapper
@ -68,17 +93,19 @@ def need_role(role, errormessage):
@need_gameid(mustbenone=True, errormessage=newgame_already_started_usage())
@need_args(1, 'Please specify the game name like this: `/newgame <name>`.')
def newgame(bot, dbc, chat_id, sender_id, username, groupname, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
if db.number_of_games(dbc, sender_id) > 10:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of games. Please close some first.')
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of games. Please close some first.')
return False
gameid = db.new_game(dbc, sender_id, username, input_args[1], chat_id, groupname, 'fae')
gamename = ' '.join(input_args[1:])
gameid = db.new_game(dbc, sender_id, username, gamename, chat_id, groupname, 'fae')
if gameid is None:
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, newgame_already_started_usage())
send(bot, chat_id, newgame_already_started_usage())
return False
db.add_default_items(dbc, sender_id, gameid, 'fae')
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'New game created: {}.'.format(input_args[1]))
send(bot, chat_id, 'New game created: {}.'.format(gamename))
@ -87,4 +114,213 @@ def newgame(bot, dbc, chat_id, sender_id, username, groupname, input_args, *args
@need_role(db.ROLE_MASTER, 'You need to be a game master to close a game.')
def delgame(bot, dbc, chat_id, gameid, *args, **kwargs):
db.del_game(dbc, gameid)
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'GG, humans.')
send(bot, chat_id, 'GG, humans.')
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
def showgame(bot, dbc, gameid, chat_id, *args, **kwargs):
gamename, groups, players = db.get_game_info(dbc, gameid)
players_string = [x + (' (gm)' if (y == db.ROLE_MASTER) else '') for x,y in players.items()]
ret = '{}\nGroups: {}\nPlayers: {}'.format(gamename, ', '.join(groups), ', '.join(players_string))
items = db.get_items(dbc, gameid, chat_id)
if db.room_container in items:
room_items = [' - {}: {}\n'.format(key, items[db.room_container][key]) for key in sorted(items[db.room_container])]
if len(room_items) > 0:
ret += '\nRoom aspects:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(room_items))
send(bot, chat_id, ret)
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
@need_args(1, 'Please specify the player name like this: `/player <name>`.')
def player(bot, dbc, chat_id, sender_id, gameid, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
new_player_added = db.add_player(dbc, sender_id, input_args[1], gameid, db.ROLE_PLAYER)
if new_player_added:
template = db.get_template_from_gameid(dbc, gameid)
db.add_default_items(dbc, sender_id, gameid, template)
send(bot, chat_id, 'Welcome, {}.'.format(input_args[1]))
send(bot, chat_id, 'You will now be known as {}.'.format(input_args[1]))
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
@need_args(2, 'Use the format: /add <container> <key> [change].')
def add(bot, dbc, chat_id, gameid, command, sender_id, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
if command == '/add' and db.number_of_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id) > 50:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of items. Please delete some first.')
container = input_args[1]
key = input_args[2]
if len(input_args) <= 3:
change = '+1'
change = ' '.join(input_args[3:])
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
if command == 'update':
replace_only = True
replace_only = False
oldvalue, newvalue = db.update_item(dbc, gameid, owner, container, key, change, replace_only)
if newvalue is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Item {}/{} not found.'.format(container, key))
elif isinstance(oldvalue, int) and isinstance(newvalue, int):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Updated {}/{} from {} to {} (changed {}).'.format(container, key,
oldvalue, newvalue, newvalue-oldvalue))
send(bot, chat_id, 'Updated {}/{} to "{}".'.format(container, key, newvalue))
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
@need_args(2, 'Use the format: /addlist <container> <description>.')
def addlist(bot, dbc, chat_id, gameid, sender_id, command, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
if db.number_of_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id) > 50:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of items. Please delete some first.')
container = input_args[1]
description = ' '.join(input_args[2:])
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
db.add_to_list(dbc, gameid, owner, container, description)
send(bot, chat_id, 'Added "{}" to container {}.'.format(description, container))
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
@need_args(2, 'Use the format: /del <container> <key>.')
def delitem(bot, dbc, chat_id, gameid, command, sender_id, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
container = input_args[1]
key = input_args[2]
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
oldvalue = db.delete_item(dbc, gameid, owner, container, key)
if oldvalue == None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Item {}/{} not found.'.format(container, key))
send(bot, chat_id, 'Deleted {}/{} (was {}).'.format(container, key, oldvalue))
@need_gameid(mustbenone=False, errormessage='No game found.')
def show(bot, dbc, sender_id, chat_id, gameid, command, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
items = db.get_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
playername = db.get_player_name(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
if playername is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
ret = ''
ret += 'Character sheet for {}:\n'.format(playername)
if items is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'No items found.')
for container in db.preferred_container_order:
if container not in items:
if container in db.preferred_key_order:
keys = db.preferred_key_order[container]
keys = []
ret += container + ':\n'
# print keys in preferred order
for key in keys:
if key not in items[container]:
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
del items[container][key]
# print remaining keys
for key in sorted(items[container]):
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
del items[container]
# print everything in remaining containers
for container in items:
ret += container + ':\n'
for key in items[container]:
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
send(bot, chat_id, ret)
def roll(bot, dbc, chat_id, gameid, sender_id, command, input_args, *args, **kwargs):
if len(input_args) < 2:
template = db.get_template_from_groupid(dbc, chat_id)
if template == 'fae':
dice = '4dF'
# more templates here
dice = '1d20'
dice = input_args[1].strip()
value = 0
description = ''
invalid_format = False
value, description = diceroller.roll(dice)
except (diceroller.InvalidFormat):
invalid_format = True
except (diceroller.TooManyDices):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Sorry, try with less dices.')
if invalid_format:
# Check saved rolls
saved_roll = db.get_item_value(dbc, gameid, sender_id, db.rolls_container, dice)
if saved_roll is None:
invalid_format = True
invalid_format = False
dice = saved_roll
value, description = diceroller.roll(dice)
except (diceroller.InvalidFormat):
invalid_format = True
except (diceroller.TooManyDices):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Sorry, try with less dices.')
if invalid_format:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Invalid dice format.')
if command == 'roll' or command == 'r':
send(bot, chat_id, 'Rolled {} = {}.'.format(description, value))
elif command == 'gmroll':
if gameid is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
playername = db.get_player_name(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
if playername is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
masters = db.get_masters_for_game(dbc, gameid)
send(bot, sender_id, 'You rolled {} = {}.'.format(description, value))
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
send(bot, chat_id, '{}, I couldn\'t send you the roll results. Please send me a private message to allow me sending future rolls.'.format(username))
for master in masters:
if sender_id == master:
send(bot, master, '{} ({}) rolled {} = {}.'.format(playername, username, description, value))
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
send(bot, chat_id, '{}, I couldn\'t send you the roll results. Please send me a private message to allow me sending future rolls.'.format(username))
def start(bot, chat_id, *args, **kwargs):
send(bot, chat_id, start_usage())

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import json
import config
import db
import diceroller
import commands
log_file = 'service.log'
@ -49,11 +48,6 @@ def log_msg(msg):
chat_name = username
log('{}: {}'.format(chat_name, text))
def send(bot, chat_id, msg):
if msg == None or len(msg) == 0 or len(msg.split()) == 0:
msg = '(no message)'
bot.sendMessage(chat_id, msg)
def get_value_from(entry, value, default):
if isinstance(value, list):
for attempt in value:
@ -64,16 +58,6 @@ def get_value_from(entry, value, default):
return entry[value]
return default
def start_usage():
return """Howdy, human.
I am a character sheet bot for Fate RPG.
To use my services, add me to a group, then start a new game with `/newgame <game name>`.
Other players can join with `/player <character name>`.
You can check your character with `/show`, adjust your character sheet with `/update`, and roll dices with `/roll`.
This is only a quick starter guide. For a more complete list of commands, see
Hope you have fun!"""
def process_message(msg):
Process received messages.
@ -94,7 +78,7 @@ def process_message(msg):
if text[0] != '/':
# get command, ignore bot username
command = args[0]
if '@' in command:
more_split = command.split('@', maxsplit=1)
@ -116,244 +100,13 @@ def process_message(msg):
'username': username,
'groupname': groupname,
'input_args': args,
'is_group': is_group
'is_group': is_group,
'command': command
if command in commands.all_commands:
return commands.all_commands[command](**cmd_params)
# do I really have legacy code already?
command = '/' + command
if command == '/showgame':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
gamename, groups, players = db.get_game_info(dbc, gameid)
players_string = [x + (' (gm)' if (y == db.ROLE_MASTER) else '') for x,y in players.items()]
ret = '{}\nGroups: {}\nPlayers: {}'.format(gamename, ', '.join(groups), ', '.join(players_string))
items = db.get_items(dbc, gameid, chat_id)
if db.room_container in items:
room_items = [' - {}: {}\n'.format(key, items[db.room_container][key]) for key in sorted(items[db.room_container])]
if len(room_items) > 0:
ret += '\nRoom aspects:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(room_items))
send(bot, chat_id, ret)
if command == '/roll' or command == '/r' or command == '/gmroll':
if len(args) < 2:
template = db.get_template_from_groupid(dbc, chat_id)
if template == 'fae':
dice = '4dF'
# more templates here
dice = '1d20'
dice = args[1].strip()
value = 0
description = ''
invalid_format = False
value, description = diceroller.roll(dice)
except (diceroller.InvalidFormat):
invalid_format = True
except (diceroller.TooManyDices):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Sorry, try with less dices.')
gameid = None
if invalid_format:
# Check saved rolls
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
saved_roll = db.get_item_value(dbc, gameid, sender_id, db.rolls_container, dice)
if saved_roll is None:
invalid_format = True
invalid_format = False
dice = saved_roll
value, description = diceroller.roll(dice)
except (diceroller.InvalidFormat):
invalid_format = True
except (diceroller.TooManyDices):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Sorry, try with less dices.')
if invalid_format:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Invalid dice format.')
if command == '/roll' or command == '/r':
send(bot, chat_id, 'Rolled {} = {}.'.format(description, value))
elif command == '/gmroll':
if gameid is None:
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
if gameid is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
playername = db.get_player_name(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
if playername is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
masters = db.get_masters_for_game(dbc, gameid)
send(bot, sender_id, 'Rolled {} = {}.'.format(description, value))
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
send(bot, chat_id, '{}, I couldn\'t send you the roll results. Please send me a private message to allow me sending future rolls.'.format(username))
for master in masters:
if sender_id == master:
send(bot, master, '{} ({}) rolled {} = {}.'.format(playername, username, description, value))
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
send(bot, chat_id, '{}, I couldn\'t send you the roll results. Please send me a private message to allow me sending future rolls.'.format(username))
if command == '/player':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
if len(args) < 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Please specify the player name.')
if db.number_of_games(dbc, sender_id) > 10:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of games. Please close some first.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
new_player_added = db.add_player(dbc, sender_id, args[1], gameid, db.ROLE_PLAYER)
if new_player_added:
template = db.get_template_from_gameid(dbc, gameid)
db.add_default_items(dbc, sender_id, gameid, template)
send(bot, chat_id, 'Welcome, {}.'.format(args[1]))
send(bot, chat_id, 'You will now be known as {}.'.format(args[1]))
if command == '/update' or command == '/add':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
if command == '/add' and db.number_of_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id) > 50:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of items. Please delete some first.')
if len(args) < 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /add <container> <key> [change].')
args = args[1].split(maxsplit=2)
(container, key, change) = ('', '', '0')
if len(args) == 2:
(container, key) = args
change = '+1'
elif len(args) == 3:
(container, key, change) = args
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /add <container> <key> [change].')
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
if command == '/update':
replace_only = True
replace_only = False
oldvalue, newvalue = db.update_item(dbc, gameid, owner, container, key, change, replace_only)
if newvalue is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Item {}/{} not found.'.format(container, key))
elif isinstance(oldvalue, int) and isinstance(newvalue, int):
send(bot, chat_id, 'Updated {}/{} from {} to {} (changed {}).'.format(container, key,
oldvalue, newvalue, newvalue-oldvalue))
send(bot, chat_id, 'Updated {}/{} to "{}".'.format(container, key, newvalue))
if command == '/addlist':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
if db.number_of_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id) > 50:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You exceeded the maximum number of items. Please delete some first.')
if len(args) < 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /addlist <container> <description>.')
args = args[1].split(maxsplit=1)
if len(args) != 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /addlist <container> <description>.')
(container, description) = args
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
db.add_to_list(dbc, gameid, owner, container, description)
send(bot, chat_id, 'Added "{}" to container {}.'.format(description, container))
if command == '/del':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
if len(args) < 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /del <container> <key>.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
args = args[1].split()
if len(args) != 2:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Use the format: /del <container> <key>.')
(container, key) = args
owner = sender_id
if container == db.room_container:
owner = chat_id
oldvalue = db.delete_item(dbc, gameid, owner, container, key)
if oldvalue == None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'Item {}/{} not found.'.format(container, key))
send(bot, chat_id, 'Deleted {}/{} (was {}).'.format(container, key, oldvalue))
if command == '/show':
if not is_group:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You must run this command in a group.')
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(dbc, chat_id)
items = db.get_items(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
playername = db.get_player_name(dbc, gameid, sender_id)
if playername is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'You are not in a game.')
ret = ''
ret += 'Character sheet for {}:\n'.format(playername)
if items is None:
send(bot, chat_id, 'No items found.')
for container in db.preferred_container_order:
if container not in items:
if container in db.preferred_key_order:
keys = db.preferred_key_order[container]
keys = []
ret += container + ':\n'
# print keys in preferred order
for key in keys:
if key not in items[container]:
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
del items[container][key]
# print remaining keys
for key in sorted(items[container]):
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
del items[container]
# print everything in remaining containers
for container in items:
ret += container + ':\n'
for key in items[container]:
ret += ' - {} ({})\n'.format(key, items[container][key])
send(bot, chat_id, ret)
if command == '/start':
send(bot, chat_id, start_usage())