Some rework of the command menus

This commit is contained in:
Simone Baracchi 2019-03-17 23:15:03 +01:00
parent 484d98e33f
commit 35af9a3f60
2 changed files with 72 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -12,14 +12,6 @@ def newgame_already_started_usage():
Now invite some players, make them join with `/player <character name>`, check your characters with `/show`, adjust your character sheet with `/update`, and roll dices with `/roll`.
For a more complete list of commands, see"""
def start_usage_not_in_group():
return """Howdy, human.
I am a character sheet bot for Fate RPG.
To use my services, add me to a group, invite other players, and call me again to start a new game.
Use the inline keyboard to navigate my character sheet functions, or use the shortcut `/roll` to roll dices.
For a more complete list of commands, see
Hope you have fun!"""
def add_command(name):
global all_commands
@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ def need_role(role, errormessage):
@need_gameid(allownotexisting=True, errormessage=newgame_already_started_usage())
#@need_args(1, 'Please specify the game name like this: `/newgame <name>`.')
@read_args('What should the game name be?', 'name')
@read_args('How are we going to call the game?', 'name')
def newgame(handler, name):
if db.number_of_games(handler.dbc, handler.sender_id) > 10:
handler.send('You exceeded the maximum number of games. Please close some first.')
@ -354,8 +346,11 @@ def show(handler):
@need_gameid(allowexisting=True, allownotexisting=True)
def roll(handler):
dbc = handler.dbc
gameid =
groupid =
gameid = None
groupid = None
if is not None:
gameid =
groupid =
sender_id = handler.sender_id
args = handler.args
command = handler.command
@ -414,6 +409,7 @@ def roll(handler):
masters = db.get_masters_for_game(dbc, gameid)
handler.send('{} secretly rolls {}...'.format(playername, description))
handler.send('You rolled {} = {}.'.format(description, value), target=sender_id)
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
@ -426,15 +422,44 @@ def roll(handler):
except telepot.exception.TelegramError:
handler.send('{}, I couldn\'t send you the roll results. Please send me a private message to allow me sending future rolls.'.format(username))
@need_gameid(allownotexisting=True, allowexisting=True)
def start(handler):
if not handler.is_group:
if handler.is_group is False and is None:
# I am in a private chat, suggest to add me to a group
message = """Howdy, human.
I am a character sheet bot for Fate RPG.
To use my services, add me to a group, invite other players, and call me again to start a new game.
Use the inline keyboard to navigate my character sheet functions, or use the shortcut `/roll` to roll dices.
Visit the official site for more details.
Hope you have fun!"""
options = OrderedDict()
options['Go to official site ->'] = {'url': ''}
handler.send(message, options=options)
elif handler.is_group is True and is None:
# I am in a group,
gameid = db.get_game_from_group(handler.dbc, handler.chat_id)
if gameid is not None:
# caller is not in game, but a game is ongoing
options = OrderedDict()
options['Join game'] = 'player'
options['Roll dices (shortcut: /roll <dice>)'] = 'roll'
handler.send('How can I help you?', options=options)
# suggest to start a new game
message = """Howdy, earthlings.
I am a character sheet bot for Fate RPG.
How can I help you?"""
options = OrderedDict()
options['Start new game'] = 'newgame'
options['Roll dices (shortcut: /roll <dice>)'] = 'roll'
options['Go to official site ->'] = {'url': ''}
handler.send(message, options=options)
elif handler.is_group is False and is None:
# I am in a private chat with a player
options = OrderedDict()
options['New game'] = 'newgame'
options['Join game'] = 'player'
options['Show game status'] = 'showgame'
options['Show player'] = 'show'
options['Add item'] = 'add'
@ -443,7 +468,31 @@ def start(handler):
options['Delete item'] = 'del'
options['Roll dices (shortcut: /roll <dice>)'] = 'roll'
options['Roll dices secretly (shortcut: /gmroll)'] = 'gmroll'
options['Delete game'] = 'delgame'
options['Go to official site ->'] = {'url': ''}
handler.send('How can I help you?', options=options)
# Game is started!
options = OrderedDict()
options['Show game status'] = 'showgame'
options['Show player'] = 'show'
options['Add item'] = 'add'
options['Update item'] = 'update'
options['Add list item'] = 'addlist'
options['Delete item'] = 'del'
options['Roll dices (shortcut: /roll <dice>)'] = 'roll'
options['Roll dices secretly (shortcut: /gmroll)'] = 'gmroll'
options['More ...'] = 'more'
handler.send('How can I help you?', options=options)
def more(handler):
# More options when game is started...
options = OrderedDict()
options['Change player name'] = 'player'
#options['Leave game'] = 'leave'
options['Delete game'] = 'delgame'
options['Go to official site ->'] = {'url': ''}
handler.send('How can I help you?', options=options)

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@ -94,11 +94,16 @@ class MessageHandler(telepot.helper.ChatHandler):
if len(options) > 0:
buttons = []
for key, value in options.items():
buttons.append([InlineKeyboardButton(text=key, callback_data=value)])
if isinstance(value, dict):
if 'url' in value:
buttons.append([InlineKeyboardButton(text=key, url=value['url'])])
buttons.append([InlineKeyboardButton(text=key, callback_data=value)])
keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=buttons)
#log('sending to chat id {}'.format(target)), msg, disable_web_page_preview=disablepreview, reply_markup=keyboard)
#self.editor.editMessageText(target, msg, disable_web_page_preview=disablepreview, reply_markup=keyboard)
def on_callback_query(self, msg):
query_id, from_id, query_data = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query')