
314 lines
11 KiB

#### int constants
# number of seconds until messages disappear
int_game_gui_message_duration 5
# lower limit for player ages.
int_player_age_lower 936
# upper limit for player ages.
int_player_age_upper 1872
# lower limit for player peak ages.
int_player_peak_age_lower 1560
# upper limit for player peak ages.
int_player_peak_age_upper 1716
# by how many weeks the peak age of goalies is
# greater.
int_player_peak_age_goalie_addition 104
# limits for initial fitness (read it as 85%)
int_player_fitness_lower 8500
# limits for initial fitness.
int_player_fitness_upper 10000
# the bounds determining the player positions in a newly created
# team for players 13 to constant_team_max_players.
# player 11 is always the second goalie.
int_player_pos_bound1 15
int_player_pos_bound2 18
# bounds for the contract time at player generation.
int_player_contract_lower 52
int_player_contract_upper 208
# bounds for the last skill update at player generation.
int_player_lsu_lower 2
int_player_lsu_upper 10
# this determines the accuracy of the scout's
# talent estimate. the smaller the better.
int_player_etal_scout_factor 7
# fitness limits below which fitness is shown
# in orange and red etc.
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_fitness_below1 8500
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_fitness_below2 7000
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_fitness_below3 6000
# contract limits below which contract time is shown
# in orange and red etc.
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_contract_below1 52
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_contract_below2 40
int_treeview_cell_limit_player_contract_below3 20
# the integer that the cell data functions will interpret as an empty string.
int_treeview_cell_int_empty -5
# transfer list configuration
int_transfer_max_players 20
int_transfer_deadline 35
# maximum number of players in a team.
int_team_max_players 20
# highest skill and talent a player can have.
int_player_max_skill 99
# determines initial money of the users
int_initial_money_lower 80
int_initial_money_upper 110
#### float constants
#### these get divided by 1000 and loaded as floats
#### so we write 500 if we'd like to have 0.5
# live game scale configuration
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_attack 300
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_chance 450
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_range 10000
# How much a player's skill can deviate from
# the average skill in his team.
float_player_average_skill_variance 100
# these determine the value calculation of players.
# value is a function of skill and talent involving
# a power.
float_player_value_skill_weight 650
float_player_value_power 3500
# these determine the wage calculation of players.
# wage depends on the value and a random factor near 1.
float_player_wage_value_factor 10
float_player_wage_random_dev 150
# constants determining the probabilities for
# the playing styles of cpu teams.
float_team_playing_style_prob1 100
float_team_playing_style_prob2 250
float_team_playing_style_prob3 750
float_team_playing_style_prob4 900
# constants determining the probabilities for
# the playing structures of cpu teams.
float_team_playing_structure_prob1 150
float_team_playing_structure_prob2 500
float_team_playing_structure_prob3 700
float_team_playing_structure_prob4 850
# kinda hard to explain.
# @see team_generate_players()
# @see player_generate()
float_team_skill_variance 75
# base probability that the ball gets from defending area
# to midfield area.
float_live_game_area_def_mid 500
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_def_mid_team_exponent 1000
# base probability that the ball gets from midfield area
# to attack area or back to defend area.
float_live_game_area_mid_att 500
float_live_game_area_mid_def 300
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_mid_team_exponent 1250
# base probability that the ball gets from attacking area
# to midfield area.
float_live_game_area_att_mid 300
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_att_mid_team_exponent 1000
# base probability of a general event (no foul, no injury, no goal etc.)
float_live_game_event_general 500
# base probability for possession change.
float_live_game_possession_changes 200
# influence of the team values on the possession change.
float_live_game_possession_team_exponent 4000
# base prob for a scoring chance if a team is attacking.
float_live_game_scoring_chance 300
# team values influence on the scoring chance.
float_live_game_scoring_chance_team_exponent 1250
# probability that it's the player in possession who
# has the scoring chance.
float_live_game_player_in_poss_shoots 500
# base probability to score with a scoring chance.
float_live_game_score_base_prob 300
# base probability to score with a free kick.
float_live_game_score_free_kick 50
# base probability to score with a penalty.
float_live_game_score_penalty 800
# influence of the attacker/goalie skills on the probability to score.
float_live_game_score_duel_exponent 300
# influence of the team attacking/defending values on the probability to score.
float_live_game_score_team_exponent 700
# the smaller this number, the smaller the probability of
# many stopping minutes after 90 or 45 minutes.
float_live_game_break_base 600
# the bigger this number, the faster the probability of
# yet another additional minute after the 45th minute decays.
float_live_game_45_break_exponent_factor 1300
# the bigger this number, the faster the probability of
# yet another additional minute after the 90th minute decays.
float_live_game_90_break_exponent_factor 700
# the probability that the team that shot on the goal stays
# in possession after a post or cross-bar hit.
float_live_game_possession_after_post 300
# probability that there is a passing event after a special event.
float_live_game_general_event_second_player 500
# constants for stadium events.
float_live_game_stadium_event_exponent 50
float_live_game_stadium_event_fire 200
float_live_game_stadium_event_riots 500
float_live_game_stadium_event_breakdown 1000
# foul probabilities.
float_live_game_foul 110
float_live_game_foul_red_injury 50
float_live_game_foul_red 80
float_live_game_foul_yellow 230
# injury probabilities.
float_live_game_injury 17
float_live_game_injury_goalie_factor 200
float_live_game_injury_is_temp 700
# probability that a scoring chance is an own goal.
float_live_game_scoring_chance_is_own_goal 10
# probability of a free kick after a foul.
float_live_game_free_kick_prob 150
# probability of a penalty after a foul.
float_live_game_penalty_prob 50
# probability that a scoring chance is a header.
float_live_game_scoring_chance_is_header 350
# influence in % of the game style towards more attack.
float_game_style_factor 75
# influence of boost on player's skill.
float_player_boost_skill_effect 150
# influence of boost on player's fitness decay.
float_player_boost_fitness_effect 1000
# influence of boost on injury probability.
float_player_boost_injury_effect 1000
# influence of boost on cards probability.
float_player_boost_card_effect 1000
# the influence of the fitness on the current skill.
# this determines the player's contribution to the team
# during a game. the higher the value the bigger the influence.
float_player_fitness_impact_on_skill 250
# influence of the fitness on the player contribution.
# the higher the worse. @see game_get_player_contribution()
float_player_fitness_exponent 250
# bounds for the home advantage factor
float_game_home_advantage_lower 40
float_game_home_advantage_upper 80
# How the cskill of field players get weighted for the team values in
# a match
float_player_team_weight_defender_defense 1000
float_player_team_weight_defender_midfield 400
float_player_team_weight_defender_attack 250
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_defense 625
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_midfield 1000
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_attack 625
float_player_team_weight_forward_defense 200
float_player_team_weight_forward_midfield 600
float_player_team_weight_forward_attack 1300
#### string constants
# live game scale configuration
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_defend lightblue
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_midfield khaki
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_attack gold
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_chance orange
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_goal red
string_game_gui_live_game_scale_color_miss lightgreen
# default background and foreground in treeviews
string_treeview_cell_color_default_background white
string_treeview_cell_color_default_foreground black
# player list colours
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_goalie_bg black
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_goalie_fg white
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_defender_bg darkgreen
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_defender_fg white
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_midfielder_bg darkblue
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_midfielder_fg white
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_forward_bg darkred
string_treeview_cell_color_player_pos_forward_fg white
string_treeview_cell_color_player_injury lightgreen
string_treeview_cell_color_player_banned red
string_treeview_cell_color_player_yellow_danger yellow
string_treeview_cell_color_player_fitness_normal darkgreen
string_treeview_cell_color_player_fitness_below1 darkorange
string_treeview_cell_color_player_fitness_below2 orangered
string_treeview_cell_color_player_fitness_below3 red
string_treeview_cell_color_player_contract_normal darkgreen
# see also the int constants for contract limits
string_treeview_cell_color_player_contract_below1 darkorange
string_treeview_cell_color_player_contract_below2 orangered
string_treeview_cell_color_player_contract_below3 red
# colours for cskill in wrong position
string_treeview_cell_color_player_bad_cskill_bg lightblue
string_treeview_cell_color_player_bad_cskill_fg red
# font attributes for the live game window result.
string_treeview_cell_live_game_result_attributes weight='bold' size='large'
# icons used in live games
string_live_game_event_goal_icon goal.png
string_live_game_event_own_goal_icon goal.png
string_live_game_event_save_icon save.png
string_live_game_event_foul_yellow_icon yellow.png
string_live_game_event_send_off_icon red.png