
1008 lines
33 KiB

# Bygfoot constants file. a lot of fine-tuning stuff gets loaded
# from here. constants affecting the appearance of the game
# can be found in 'bygfoot_app'.
# debug level
int_debug 0
# write debug messages to console debug_writer=1
# write debug messages to file debug_writer=2 (not implemented)
# write debug messages to file console+file debug_writer=2 (not implemented)
int_debug_writer 0
#### float constants get divided by 100000 and loaded as floats
#### so we write 50000 if we'd like to have 0.5
# commands for unix filesystem interaction
string_fs_compress_command_unix zip
string_fs_compress_switches_unix -q
string_fs_uncompress_command_unix unzip
string_fs_uncompress_switches_unix -qq -o
string_fs_copy_file_command_unix cp
string_fs_remove_file_command_unix rm
string_fs_save_suffix_unix .zip
# commands for win32 filesystem interaction
string_fs_compress_command_win32 zip
string_fs_compress_switches_win32 -q
string_fs_uncompress_command_win32 unzip
string_fs_uncompress_switches_win32 -qq -o
string_fs_copy_file_command_win32 copy
string_fs_remove_file_command_win32 erase
string_fs_save_suffix_win32 .zip
# number of seconds until messages disappear
int_game_gui_message_duration 5
# number of seconds to delay for delayed messages
int_game_gui_message_delay 3
# base values for stadium improvement: 500 seats and 5%
int_stadium_improvement_base_seats 500
float_stadium_improvement_base_safety 5000
# values at which maximum discount is reached
int_stadium_improvement_max_discount_seats 2000
float_stadium_improvement_max_discount_safety 20000
# maximum discount
float_stadium_improvement_max_discount 40000
# wage unit factor for 500 seats or 5% safety
float_stadium_improvement_wage_unit_factor_seats 2500000
float_stadium_improvement_wage_unit_factor_safety 1200000
# these determine how much the weekly seats and
# safety increase can deviate from the base values 500 and 5%
int_stadium_improvement_seats_variance 100
float_stadium_improvement_safety_variance 1000
# lower limit for player ages.
float_player_age_lower 1800000
# upper limit for player ages.
float_player_age_upper 3600000
# lower limit for player peak ages.
float_player_peak_age_lower 2900000
# upper limit for player peak ages.
float_player_peak_age_upper 3200000
# lower limit for player peak region.
float_player_peak_region_lower 150000
# upper limit for player peak region.
float_player_peak_region_upper 400000
# by how many years the peak age of goalies is
# greater.
float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition 200000
# limits for initial fitness (read it as 85%)
float_player_fitness_lower 85000
# limits for initial fitness.
float_player_fitness_upper 100000
# bounds for the contract time at player generation.
float_player_contract_lower 100000
float_player_contract_upper 400000
# default contract value for youths
float_player_contract_youth 400000
# bounds for the last skill update at player generation.
float_player_lsu_lower 200000
float_player_lsu_upper 1000000
# stadium safety bounds at generation
float_team_stadium_safety_lower 80000
float_team_stadium_safety_upper 100000
# ticket price; this determines together with
# the player wages the size of the stadium at
# generation. Also used in attendance
# calculation
int_team_stadium_ticket_price 25
# price vs attendace. This determines together
# with the prices how high the attedace will be
float_team_stadium_price_attendance_factor 4000
# factor for stadium size; this determines the income
# of the user teams
float_team_stadium_size_wage_factor 180000
# stadium safety deterioration values (per game)
float_game_stadium_safety_deterioration_lower 200
float_game_stadium_safety_deterioration_upper 500
# journey cost factor for national and international games
float_game_finance_journey_factor_national 30000
float_game_finance_journey_factor_international 60000
# how many spectators in a perfectly safe stadium
float_game_stadium_attendance_percentage_lower 70000
float_game_stadium_attendance_percentage_upper 110000
# percentage increasing factor in cup games
float_game_stadium_attendance_cup_national_factor 115000
float_game_stadium_attendance_cup_international_factor 125000
# how many rounds before the final there's full house
int_game_stadium_attendance_cup_rounds_full_house 3
# below which rank (in pct. of the number of teams in the league)
# there are more spectators
float_game_stadium_attendance_rank_percentage 25000
# factor for an opponent with high rank
float_game_stadium_attendance_rank_factor 110000
# exponent of the stadium safety (the bigger the greater
# the influence of the safety on the percentage)
float_game_stadium_attendance_safety_exponent 50000
# how many spectators there can be at most compared to
# the average stadium size in the league
float_game_stadium_attendance_average_exceed_factor 200000
# upper and lower percentages for attendance on neutral
# ground (compared to the average capacity of cup teams
# in international cups and average capacity of league 1
# teams in national cups)
float_game_stadium_attendance_neutral_lower 90000
float_game_stadium_attendance_neutral_upper 145000
# reduce (in percentage) of capacity for different
# stadium events
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_breakdown_lower 3000
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_breakdown_upper 6000
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_riots_lower 5000
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_riots_upper 10000
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_fire_lower 10000
float_game_stadium_safety_reduce_fire_upper 15000
# factor we multiply the safety reduction with to obtain the
# capacity reduction; the bigger the higher the reduction
float_game_stadium_capacity_reduce_factor 150000
# position weights determining what kind of player
# gets picked in the live game for an event (depending
# on the area the live game is in
float_game_player_weight_attack_def 22500
float_game_player_weight_attack_mid 40000
float_game_player_weight_attack_fwd 120000
float_game_player_weight_midfield_def 50000
float_game_player_weight_midfield_mid 100000
float_game_player_weight_midfield_fwd 50000
float_game_player_weight_defend_def 100000
float_game_player_weight_defend_mid 50000
float_game_player_weight_defend_fwd 25000
# lsu addition for injured players who are older
# than their peak age
float_player_lsu_injured_old 150000
# percentage of league games a player has to participate
# in to have his lsu increased
float_player_lsu_games_percentage 30000
# probability that the lsu gets increased even
# if the player didn't participate in that many games
float_player_lsu_increase_prob 40000
# the lsu above which a skill update is considered
float_player_lsu_update_limit 1500000
# 1 - probability that the update occurs right away
float_player_lsu_update_base_prob 80000
# this determines the accuracy of the scout's
# talent estimate. the smaller the better.
float_player_etal_scout_factor 700000
# fitness limits below which fitness is shown
# in orange and red etc.
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_fitness_below1 85000
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_fitness_below2 70000
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_fitness_below3 60000
# contract limits below which contract time is shown
# in orange and red etc.
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_contract_below1 100000
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_contract_below2 70000
float_treeview_helper_limit_player_contract_below3 40000
# the factor that determines how much money the user has to pay
# if he fires a player
float_player_fire_wage_factor 1000000
# the integer that the cell data functions will interpret as an empty string.
int_treeview_helper_int_empty -5
# number of results shown in the next opponent
# info
int_treeview_latest_results 10
# number of matches shown in the preview
int_treeview_coming_matches 4
# number of |'s for an ideal 442 team in the opponent preview
int_treeview_max_pipes 50
# the bounds determining the player positions in a newly created
# team for players 13 to int_team_max_players.
# player 11 is always the second goalie.
float_player_pos_bound1 37550
float_player_pos_bound2 75100
# minimum number of players in a user team.
int_team_min_players 11
# maximum number of players in a user team.
int_team_max_players 22
# number of players in cpu teams. should be
# less or equal int_team_max_players
int_team_cpu_players 20
# highest skill and talent a player can have.
float_player_max_skill 9900000
# determines initial money of the users
int_initial_money_lower 70
int_initial_money_upper 100
# how many teams and players there
# are in the league statistics
int_stat_teams_len 3
int_stat_players_len 5
# percentage of team matches a goalie has to participate
# in to get counted in the best goalies statistics
float_stat_goalie_percentage 40000
# below and above which percentages of ranks
# in the league table the user's success counter
# gets incremented or decremented
float_user_success_table_bound_upper 30000
float_user_success_table_bound_lower 70000
# how many points the user loses or gains (so that
# his success counter converges to 0) if the team
# rank is between the above bounds
int_user_success_mediocre_rank_change 2
# success points for reaching some cup rounds
int_user_success_international_winner 80
int_user_success_international_final 70
int_user_success_international_semis 60
int_user_success_international_quarter 40
int_user_success_national_winner 70
int_user_success_national_final 60
int_user_success_national_semis 50
int_user_success_national_quarter 30
# success points for promotion and relegation
int_user_success_promotion 60
int_user_success_relegation 60
# points above or below which there might be a job
# offer
int_user_success_offer_limit 400
# base probability that the counter is considered at all
float_user_success_counter_check 25000
# probability that user gets job offer or fired if he
# is below or above the limit
float_user_success_base_prob 50000
# factor determining the growth of the probability
float_user_success_prob_factor 540
# how often a user may overdraw his bank account
int_finance_overdraw_limit 3
# how many weeks until he's got to be positive
int_finance_overdraw_positive 6
# wage factors for scout and physio
# four apiece because of the different qualities
float_finance_scout_factor1 200000
float_finance_scout_factor2 150000
float_finance_scout_factor3 100000
float_finance_scout_factor4 50000
float_finance_physio_factor1 60000
float_finance_physio_factor2 50000
float_finance_physio_factor3 40000
float_finance_physio_factor4 30000
# wage factor for youth coach
float_finance_yc_factor1 350000
float_finance_yc_factor2 250000
float_finance_yc_factor3 180000
float_finance_yc_factor4 100000
# interest rate
float_finance_interest 2000
# weight of player values and stadium capacity
# for drawing credit and loan
float_finance_credit_player_value_weight 6000
float_finance_credit_stadium_weight 3000000
# influence of the stadium safety on the value of the stadium
float_finance_credit_stadium_safety_exponent 25000
# scaling factors for the drawing credit and loan
float_finance_credit_factor_drawing 30000
float_finance_credit_factor_loan 70000
# number of weeks to pay back a loan
int_finance_payback_weeks 15
# lower and upper limit for the current interest
# and the change step between weeks
float_finance_interest_lower 500
float_finance_interest_upper 5000
float_finance_interest_step 250
# live game scale configuration
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_attack 30000
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_chance 45000
float_game_gui_live_game_scale_range 1000000
# live game speed (milliseconds
int_game_gui_live_game_speed_grad -87500
int_game_gui_live_game_speed_max 3500010
# factor changing the speed when penalties
float_game_gui_live_game_speed_penalties_factor 200000
# How much a player's talent can deviate from
# the average talent in his team.
float_player_average_talent_variance 7500
# these determine the value calculation of players.
# value is a function of skill and talent involving
# a power.
float_player_value_skill_weight 65000
float_player_value_power 350000
# linear function parameters influencing the value
# increase/reduction depending on the difference between
# age and peak age; the higher the values, the bigger
# the influence
float_player_value_younger_factor 2000
float_player_value_older_factor 2500
# these determine the wage calculation of players.
# wage depends on the value and a random factor near 1.
float_player_wage_value_factor 1000
float_player_wage_random_dev 15000
# constants determining the probabilities for
# the playing styles of cpu teams.
float_team_playing_style_prob1 10000
float_team_playing_style_prob2 25000
float_team_playing_style_prob3 75000
float_team_playing_style_prob4 90000
# constants determining the probabilities for
# the playing structures of cpu teams.
float_team_playing_structure_prob1 15000
float_team_playing_structure_prob2 50000
float_team_playing_structure_prob3 70000
float_team_playing_structure_prob4 85000
# kinda hard to explain.
# @see team_generate_players()
# @see player_generate()
float_team_skill_variance 7500
# maximum player skill changes in cpu teams at
# the beginning of a new season in percent
float_season_end_team_change_lower -4000
float_season_end_team_change_upper 4000
# additional percentage if a user was first league
# champion
float_season_end_user_champ_addition 2000
# additional percentage if a user was first league
# champion and the team is among the best ones
# (this means basically that we improve the top teams
# so that they can challange the user's team better)
float_season_end_user_champ_best_teams_addition 1500
# the table rank limit below which we count
# a team as a top team
int_season_end_user_champ_best_teams_limit 5
# how much the user's luck deteriorates if he
# becomes champion
float_season_end_user_champ_luck_factor 97500
# how much it regenerates if he's not champ
float_season_end_user_champ_luck_factor_regen 101000
# lower limit for the user's luck
float_luck_limit 90000
float_season_end_league_above_talent_factor 103000
# bounds for new teams when user's been fired
# counted in the tables relative to his team
int_team_new_bound_upper 10
int_team_new_bound_lower 20
# base probability that the ball gets from defending area
# to midfield area.
float_live_game_area_def_mid 50000
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_def_mid_team_exponent 100000
# base probability that the ball gets from midfield area
# to attack area or back to defend area.
float_live_game_area_mid_att 50000
float_live_game_area_mid_def 30000
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_mid_team_exponent 125000
# base probability that the ball gets from attacking area
# to midfield area.
float_live_game_area_att_mid 30000
# influence of attack/defend values on the base probability; the lower
# the smaller the influence.
float_live_game_area_att_mid_team_exponent 100000
# base probability of a general event (no foul, no injury, no goal etc.)
float_live_game_event_general 50000
# base probability for possession change.
float_live_game_possession_changes 20000
# influence of the team values on the possession change.
float_live_game_possession_team_exponent 400000
# base prob for a scoring chance if a team is attacking.
float_live_game_scoring_chance 30000
# team values influence on the scoring chance.
float_live_game_scoring_chance_team_exponent 125000
# probability that it's the player in possession who
# has the scoring chance.
float_live_game_player_in_poss_shoots 30000
# prob that the scoring chance is a header
float_live_game_scoring_chance_is_header 25000
# probability that a scoring chance is an own goal.
float_live_game_scoring_chance_is_own_goal 1000
# base probability to score with a scoring chance.
float_live_game_score_base_prob 30000
# base probability to score with a free kick.
float_live_game_score_free_kick 5000
# base probability to score with a penalty.
float_live_game_score_penalty 80000
# influence of the attacker/goalie skills on the probability to score.
float_live_game_score_duel_exponent 30000
# influence of the team attacking/defending values on the probability to score.
float_live_game_score_team_exponent 70000
# the smaller this number, the smaller the probability of
# many stopping minutes after 90 or 45 minutes.
float_live_game_break_base 60000
# the bigger this number, the faster the probability of
# yet another additional minute after the 45th minute decays.
float_live_game_45_break_exponent_factor 130000
# the bigger this number, the faster the probability of
# yet another additional minute after the 90th minute decays.
float_live_game_90_break_exponent_factor 70000
# the probability that the team that shot on the goal stays
# in possession after a post or cross-bar hit.
float_live_game_possession_after_post 30000
# probability that there is a passing event after a special event.
float_live_game_general_event_second_player 50000
# constants for stadium events.
# influence of the stadium safety on the stadium
# event probability
float_live_game_stadium_event_exponent 130
# probabilities of different events; should add
# up to 10000
float_live_game_stadium_event_breakdown 60000
float_live_game_stadium_event_riots 30000
float_live_game_stadium_event_fire 10000
# foul probabilities.
float_live_game_foul 11000
float_live_game_foul_red_injury 1500
float_live_game_foul_red 3800
float_live_game_foul_yellow 28000
# ban duration probabilities
# should add up to 1000
float_live_game_ban_1 70000
float_live_game_ban_2 15000
float_live_game_ban_3 10000
float_live_game_ban_4 3000
float_live_game_ban_5 2000
# probability that the foul player is from the
# team that has the ball
float_live_game_foul_by_possession 20000
# injury probabilities.
float_live_game_injury 1000
float_live_game_injury_goalie_factor 20000
float_live_game_injury_is_temp 75000
# probabilities for different injuries
# these should add up to 1000
float_player_injury_concussion 20000
float_player_injury_pulled_muscle 20000
float_player_injury_hamstring 15000
float_player_injury_groin 15000
float_player_injury_frac_ankle 10000
float_player_injury_rib 7500
float_player_injury_leg 4000
float_player_injury_brok_ankle 4000
float_player_injury_arm 2000
float_player_injury_shoulder 1500
float_player_injury_ligament 700
float_player_injury_career_stop 300
# duration of the injuries (mean and deviance)
int_player_injury_duration_concussion 2
int_player_injury_duration_dev_concussion 1
int_player_injury_duration_pulled_muscle 3
int_player_injury_duration_dev_pulled_muscle 1
int_player_injury_duration_hamstring 5
int_player_injury_duration_dev_hamstring 2
int_player_injury_duration_groin 5
int_player_injury_duration_dev_groin 2
int_player_injury_duration_frac_ankle 6
int_player_injury_duration_dev_frac_ankle 2
int_player_injury_duration_rib 8
int_player_injury_duration_dev_rib 4
int_player_injury_duration_leg 9
int_player_injury_duration_dev_leg 4
int_player_injury_duration_brok_ankle 11
int_player_injury_duration_dev_brok_ankle 5
int_player_injury_duration_arm 6
int_player_injury_duration_dev_arm 2
int_player_injury_duration_shoulder 10
int_player_injury_duration_dev_shoulder 5
int_player_injury_duration_ligament 22
int_player_injury_duration_dev_ligament 8
# probability of injury time decrease for
# best and good physios (values of average and bad are
# obtained by mirroring these
# the values should add up to 10000
float_player_injury_recovery_best0 10000
float_player_injury_recovery_best1 65000
float_player_injury_recovery_best2 25000
float_player_injury_recovery_good0 15000
float_player_injury_recovery_good1 65000
float_player_injury_recovery_good2 20000
# fitness bounds after the player is recovered
float_player_injury_recovery_fitness_lower 50000
float_player_injury_recovery_fitness_upper 70000
# fitness decrease when injury is temporary
float_live_game_temp_injury_fitness_decrease_lower 2000
float_live_game_temp_injury_fitness_decrease_upper 8000
# probability of a free kick after a foul.
float_live_game_free_kick_prob 15000
# probability of a penalty after a foul.
float_live_game_penalty_prob 5000
# influence in % of the game style towards more attack.
float_game_style_factor 7500
# influence of boost on player's skill.
# these should be between 0 and 1
float_player_boost_skill_effect 12500
# influence of boost on player's fitness decay.
float_player_boost_fitness_effect 80000
# influence of boost on injury probability.
float_player_boost_injury_effect 80000
# influence of boost on cards probability.
float_player_boost_card_effect 80000
# influence of team boost on probability that the team in possession
# of the ball fouls
float_team_boost_foul_by_possession_factor1 50000
float_team_boost_foul_by_possession_factor2 90000
# influence of boost on foul probability
float_team_boost_foul_factor 40000
# costs factor of boost per minute
float_boost_cost_factor 2000
# probability that be better goalie gets substituted
# when updating the cpu teams
float_team_replace_worse_goalie 80000
# prob that new players come into the cpu team
float_team_new_player_probability 5000
# upper and lower limits for the number of new players
int_team_new_players_lower 1
int_team_new_players_upper 2
# upper and lower limits for the number of subs
# in cpu teams
int_team_subs_lower 1
int_team_subs_upper 3
# prob that the team style gets changed
float_team_new_style 10000
# prob that the team structure gets changed
float_team_new_structure 20000
# the influence of the fitness on the current skill.
# this determines the player's contribution to the team
# during a game. the higher the value the bigger the influence.
float_player_fitness_exponent 25000
# skill update parameters for players not within
# their peak region
float_player_skill_update_younger_factor 250
float_player_skill_update_younger_add 250
float_player_skill_update_older_factor 300
float_player_skill_update_older_add 250
# how much the skill varies during peak region
float_player_skill_update_peak 1500
# these determine the players' fitness decrease during
# a match (depending on the peak age diff)
float_player_fitness_decrease_younger_factor 3
float_player_fitness_decrease_older_factor 7
# addition value is the same for both, as it coincides
# with the decrease in the peak region
float_player_fitness_decrease_add 12
# player fitness increase parameters
float_player_fitness_increase_younger_factor -850
float_player_fitness_increase_older_factor -1400
float_player_fitness_increase_add 15000
# sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less:
# variance in percent
float_player_fitness_increase_variance 25000
# goalies get affected less by the decrease
float_player_fitness_decrease_factor_goalie 50000
# bounds for the home advantage factor
float_game_home_advantage_lower 3000
float_game_home_advantage_upper 7000
# How the cskill of field players get weighted for the team values in
# a match
float_player_team_weight_defender_defense 100000
float_player_team_weight_defender_midfield 40000
float_player_team_weight_defender_attack 25000
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_defense 62500
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_midfield 100000
float_player_team_weight_midfielder_attack 62500
float_player_team_weight_forward_defense 20000
float_player_team_weight_forward_midfield 60000
float_player_team_weight_forward_attack 130000
# transfer list configuration
# maximal number of players on the list
int_transfer_max_players 20
# deadline in perc. of the longest league
# e.g if a league has 100 matchdays deadline would be after
# week 70
float_transfer_deadline_percentage 80000
# number of new players on the list each week
int_transfer_new_players_lower 0
int_transfer_new_players_upper 3
# how long they stay on the list
int_transfer_time_lower 4
int_transfer_time_upper 7
# percentage of players from international cup teams
float_transfer_cup_percentage 25000
# restrictions applying to very good players
float_transfer_good_player_skill_bound 9000
float_transfer_good_player_prob 50000
# scout deviance in percent of the players' values and wages
# these values are the deviance for the best scout; the others
# are obtained by multiplying it
float_transfer_scout_deviance_value 2000
float_transfer_scout_deviance_wage 3000
# probability for an offer when a user
# player's on the list
float_transfer_offer_prob_max 50000
# reduce factor (multiplied by the scout value)
float_transfer_offer_prob_reduce 10000
# deviance bounds of the fee from the value
# values for average and bad scout are mirrored
# best scout
float_transfer_offer_fee_best_lower -5000
float_transfer_offer_fee_best_upper 15000
# good scout
float_transfer_offer_fee_good_lower -8000
float_transfer_offer_fee_good_upper 12000
# bounds for contract time of a newly acquired player
int_transfer_contract_lower 1
int_transfer_contract_upper 4
# wage increase/decrease in percentage for players above
# or below their peak age for longer contracts than 1 year
float_contract_scale_factor 3000
# max. number of offers when a new contract is negotiated
int_contract_max_offers 3
# ratio we'd like to have between the number
# of first and last names in a player name list
# (ie. #first names /#last names)
float_name_first_last_ratio 50000
# maximum number of possibilities we want to have
# in a shortened name list (ie. #first * #last)
int_name_max_product 2000
# probability that a name is chosen from a random
# list instead of the specified one
float_name_random_list_prob 20000
string_language_names Български Dansk Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Nedersaksisch Polski Português Português-Brasileiro Română Svenska 中文
string_language_codes bg da de C es fr it nl pl pt_PT pt_BR sv ro zh
string_language_symbols flag_bulgaria.png flag_dk.png flag_germany.png flag_england.png flag_spain.png flag_france.png flag_italy.png flag_netherlands.png flag_poland.png flag_portugal.png flag_brazil.png flag_romania.png flag_sweden.png flag_china.png
string_language_defs country_bulgaria.xml country_denmark.xml country_germany.xml country_england.xml country_spain.xml country_france.xml country_italy.xml country_netherlands.xml country_poland.xml country_portugal.xml country_brazil.xml country_romania.xml country_sweden.xml NONE
# lower and upper limits of which percentage
# of the player wages a sponsor pays; the actual
# value depends on the team's success
float_sponsor_wage_percentage_lower 20000
float_sponsor_wage_percentage_upper 70000
# percentage difference between shorter and longer
# contracts. whether this counts positively or negatively
# depends on whether the success counter is positive or negative
float_sponsor_contract_length_factor 12000
# lower and upper limits for number of sponsor offers
int_sponsor_offers_lower 1
int_sponsor_offers_upper 5
# limits for weeks without sponsor
int_sponsor_without_weeks_lower 3
int_sponsor_without_weeks_upper 6
# probability that the current sponsor wants
# to continue engagement if the team is completely
# unsuccessful
float_sponsor_continue_prob 10000
# how many live game units we check backwards to avoid
# having the same commentary text too often
int_lg_commentary_check_backwards 15
# default percentage for youth academy
int_youth_academy_default_percentage 5
# upper and lower bounds for number of youths
# in the academy
int_youth_academy_youths_lower 1
int_youth_academy_youths_upper 2
# upper and lower values for the counter determining
# when a new youth appears (in weeks)
float_youth_academy_youth_counter_lower 1500000
float_youth_academy_youth_counter_upper 2500000
# upper and lower values for youth ages
float_youth_academy_age_lower 1550000
float_youth_academy_age_upper 1750000
# weight of the coach for the average talent
# between 0 and 1
float_youth_academy_coach_weight 25000
# upper and lower factor values for average talent
# (actual value depends on coach and percentage)
float_youth_academy_talent_factor_lower 67000
float_youth_academy_talent_factor_upper 105000
# youth talent variance (to have random
# talents, not always the same)
float_youth_academy_talent_variance 15000
# probabilities for the different positions
# cumulative listing, adding up to 1
float_youth_academy_pos_goalie 10000
float_youth_academy_pos_defender 35000
float_youth_academy_pos_midfielder 35000
float_youth_academy_pos_forward 20000
# by how much the probability of getting the position
# yearned for increases with a bad youth coach
float_youth_academy_coach_search_addition 12000
# maximum percentage the user can devote to the youth academy
int_youth_academy_max_percentage 25
# Last skill update addition when the user's average
# youth coach is BEST
float_youth_academy_lsu_addition_best 130000
# how much we substract from the above value when the
# coach is worse
float_youth_academy_lsu_penalty 20000
# how much the average youth coach and
# investment percentage weighs; the higher
# the slower the change of the value when
# the user changes the coach (e.g. BAD -> BEST)
# or the percentage (e.g. 5% -> 20%)
float_youth_academy_average_weight 170000
# new youth counter decrease if the average percentage
# is approx. 0
float_youth_academy_counter_decrease_min 100000
# additional lsu change if a youth plays a match
float_youth_lsu_addition_match 150000
# how many youths there may be at most in the YA
int_youth_academy_max_youths 10
# influence of various events on the streak
# probabililty
float_player_streak_add_startup 5000
float_player_streak_add_no_startup -3000
float_player_streak_add_sub_in 3000
float_player_streak_add_sub_out -2000
float_player_streak_add_goal 12000
float_player_streak_add_own_goal -15000
float_player_streak_add_assist 5000
float_player_streak_add_win 4000
float_player_streak_add_loss -4000
float_player_streak_add_goalie_save 2000
float_player_streak_add_goalie_goal -3000
float_player_streak_add_goalie_clean 6000
float_player_streak_add_injury -18000
float_player_streak_add_sendoff -12000
# influence of the streak on player values
# in percent
float_player_streak_influence_skill 7000
float_player_streak_influence_fitness_decrease -12000
float_player_streak_influence_fitness_increase 12000
# how many weeks there mustn't be an new streak
int_player_streak_count_lower 3
int_player_streak_count_upper 6
# parameters (linear function) that determine how
# fast the streak count decreases depending on the
# current streak prob
float_player_streak_count_decrease_factor 75000
float_player_streak_count_decrease_add 100000
# upper and lower bounds for streak lock length
# (ie. how many weeks a player may not go on a new
# streak)
int_player_streak_lock_length_lower 3
int_player_streak_lock_length_upper 6
# upper and lower bounds for streak length
float_player_streak_length_lower 150000
float_player_streak_length_upper 400000
# the two values determining the probability
# that a player goes on a streak
# maximum probabililty (when the player's streak_prob
# is 1 or -1)
float_player_streak_prob_max 40000
# probability at streak_prob=0 (this is >0 because
# the streak_prob is between -1 and 1, not 0 and 1)
float_player_streak_prob_zero 5000
# factors for the betting odds functions
float_bet_better_factor 2430
float_bet_worse_factor -1290
# this determines how much worse the odds
# are made because of betting commission
float_bet_commission_decrease 25000
# how small the odds may become
float_bet_lower_limit 5000
# how many wage units the user may wager at most
float_bet_wager_limit_factor 50000
# how much the user may wager at most
int_bet_wager_max 25000
# lower and upper bounds for the number
# of new job offers when the job exchange gets updated
int_job_new_offers_lower 4
int_job_new_offers_upper 8
# how often (in weeks) an update occurs
int_job_update_interval 5
# percentage of international offers
float_job_international_perc 70000
# number of success points per average skill
# difference unit (needed when finding out whether
# a user's application for a job is successful)
int_job_application_points_per_av_skill 20
# how many points a league layer difference is worth
int_job_application_points_per_layer 30
# how many points more are needed for an international
# application
int_job_application_points_international 200
# how many points a country rating difference is worth
int_job_application_points_per_rating 80
# the chance that a new star player to be bought doesn't
# balk because of other star players already on the team
float_transfer_star_no_balk 12000
# the chance that a star player doesn't balk because
# at contract renewal time
float_contract_star_no_balk 25000
# skill limit for transfers defining what we call a star
float_transfer_star_skill_limit 9000000
# skill limit for contract renewal defining what we call a star
float_contract_star_skill_limit 9250000
# how much the presence of a star player decreases the
# probability that a new one accepts an offer
float_transfer_star_prob_decrease 15000
# probability of a star goalie accepting if there's
# already one present
float_transfer_star_goalie_accepts 12000
# wage unit factors for training camp hotel
float_training_camp_factor1 500000
float_training_camp_factor2 1000000
float_training_camp_factor3 1500000
# number of training camps allowed for one season
int_training_camps_per_season 12
# number of training camps allowed per week
int_training_camps_week 2
# how many news articles to check backwards
# to avoid news repetitions
int_news_repetition_min_check_number 3
int_news_repetition_max_check_number 10
# how many news articles to keep in memory
int_news_history_length 100