# French translations for bygfoot package.
# Copyright (C) 2004 THE bygfoot'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the bygfoot package.
# Arnaud LE ROUZIC <arnaud.lerouzic@oreka.com>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bygfoot 1.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-10-28 22:05+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-10-28 23:20+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Arnaud LE ROUZIC <arnaud.lerouzic@oreka.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"

#: src/interface.c:1038 src/interface.c:1060 src/interface.c:1082
#: src/interface.c:1104 src/interface.c:1206 src/interface.c:1228
#: src/interface.c:1263 src/interface.c:1298
msgid "   "
msgstr "..."

#: src/options_interface.c:369
msgid "       "
msgstr "......."

#: src/options_interface.c:352
msgid "       Live game duration factor   "
msgstr "      Facteur de durée des matchs en direct   "

#: src/editor_interface.c:570
msgid "  Move player"
msgstr "  Déplacer le joueur"

#: src/options_interface.c:776 src/options_interface.c:782
#: src/options_interface.c:788
msgid "  and  "
msgstr "  et  "

#: src/options_interface.c:537
msgid "  weeks"
msgstr "  semaines"

#: src/interface.c:609
msgid " Week "
msgstr "Semaine"

#: src/options_interface.c:406
msgid " used in the main windows"
msgstr " utilisé dans la fenêtre principale"

#: src/misc_interface.c:708 src/misc_interface.c:718 src/misc_interface.c:728
msgid "-1"
msgstr "-1"

#: src/interface.c:604 src/interface.c:615 src/interface.c:659
#: src/editor_interface.c:410
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#: src/interface.c:675
msgid "2000"
msgstr "2000"

#: src/editor_interface.c:337
msgid "332"
msgstr "332"

#: src/editor_interface.c:329
msgid "442"
msgstr "442"

#: src/options_interface.c:633 src/options_interface.c:1005
msgid "Age"
msgstr "Âge"

#: src/options_interface.c:698
msgid "Age between "
msgstr "Âge entre"

#: src/interface.c:868
msgid "All Out Attack"
msgstr "Attaque totale"

#: src/interface.c:852
msgid "All Out Defend"
msgstr "Défense totale"

#: src/options_interface.c:575
msgid "Allow compressing in the background"
msgstr "Autoriser la compression en arrière-plan"

#: src/options_interface.c:498
msgid "Apperance and behaviour of the game"
msgstr "Apparence et comportement du jeu"

#: src/editor_interface.c:344
msgid "Apply changes"
msgstr "Appliquer les changements"

#: src/interface.c:633
msgid "Arsenal"
msgstr "Arsenal"

#: src/options_interface.c:656
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Croissant"

#: src/options_interface.c:314
msgid "At the beginning of a new week show first"
msgstr "Au début d'une nouvelle semaine, montrer en premier"

#: src/interface.c:864
msgid "Attack"
msgstr "Attaque"

#: src/options_interface.c:940
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attribut"

#: src/options_interface.c:526
msgid "Autosave every "
msgstr "Sauvegarde automatique tous les"

#: src/interface.c:694
msgid "Av. skills:  "
msgstr "Efficacités moy:  "

#: src/interface.c:975 src/interface.c:999
msgid "Average"
msgstr "Moyen"

#: src/editor_interface.c:368
msgid "Average skill"
msgstr "Éfficacité moyenne"

#: src/interface.c:470
msgid "Back to main menu (Esc)"
msgstr "Retour au menu principal (Esc)"

#: src/interface.c:979 src/interface.c:1003
msgid "Bad"
msgstr "Mauvais"

#: src/interface.c:860
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Équilibré"

#: src/interface.c:563
msgid "Begin a new week (Space)"
msgstr "Commencer une nouvelle semaine (Espace)"

#: src/interface.c:967 src/interface.c:991
msgid "Best"
msgstr "Expert"

#: src/interface.c:540
msgid "Best players"
msgstr "Meilleurs joueurs"

#: src/editor_interface.c:465
msgid "Birth year and month"
msgstr "Année et mois de naissance"

#: src/misc_interface.c:174
msgid "Bottom league"
msgstr "Championnat du bas"

#: src/misc_interface.c:315
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brésil"

#: src/interface.c:1046
msgid "Browse teams to find and buy new players"
msgstr "Parcourir les équipes pour chercher et acheter des nouveaux joueurs"

#: src/misc_interface.c:698
msgid "Bygfoot"
msgstr "Bygfoot"

#: src/interface.c:271
msgid "Bygfoot Football Manager 1.7.3"
msgstr "Bygfoot Football Manager 1.7.3"

#: src/editor_interface.c:175
msgid "Bygfoot Team Editor"
msgstr "Éditeur d'équipes Bygfoot"

#: src/misc_interface.c:1151
msgid "Bygfoot help"
msgstr "Aide de Bygfoot"

#: src/options_interface.c:569
msgid "Bzip2"
msgstr "Bzip2"

#: src/misc_interface.c:189
msgid "CL"
msgstr "CL"

#: src/interface.c:1357
msgid "CL / Libertad."
msgstr "CL / Libertad."

#: src/interface.c:1361 src/misc_interface.c:197
msgid "CWC / Conm."
msgstr "CWC / Conm."

#: src/options_interface.c:1454 src/misc_interface.c:482
#: src/misc_interface.c:817
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"

#: src/options_interface.c:401
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Modifier la police"

#: src/interface.c:904
msgid ""
"Change or update team structure (C) You can enter custom structures like "
"334, too."
msgstr ""
"Modifie ou met à jour la formation de l'équipe (C) Vous pouvez aussi entrer "
"une formation de votrechoix, comme 334"

#: src/options_interface.c:415
msgid "Change team name "
msgstr "Modifier le nom de l'équipe"

#: src/editor_interface.c:296
msgid "Change team name to  "
msgstr "Nouveau nom de l'équipe "

#: src/options_interface.c:423
msgid ""
"Change the name of your current team for this game. Use the Bygfoot Team "
"Editor to change a team name permanently."
msgstr "Modifier le nom de votre équipe actuelle pour cette partie. Utilisez l'éditeur d'équipes de "
"Bygfoot pour modifier les noms de manière permanente."

#: src/options_interface.c:668
msgid ""
"Check this if you want Bygfoot to keep an eye on the transfer list for you."
msgstr "Cocher cette case pour que Bygfoot garde un oeil pour vous sur la liste de transferts"

#: src/misc_interface.c:400
msgid ""
"Check this if you'd like to have your team loaded from the definitions file "
"no matter what the other checkbuttons say."
msgstr "Cochez cette case si vous voulez que votre équipe soit chargée à partir "
"du fichier de définition, quels que soient les autres options."

#: src/options_interface.c:578
msgid ""
"Checking this speeds up saving and loading games when compression is "
"selected, but you might experience problems."
msgstr "Cocher cette case accélère la sauvegarde et le chargement des parties quand "
"la compression est activée, mais vous pourriez avoir des problèmes."

#: src/misc_interface.c:352
msgid "Choose a custom country file (see Help)"
msgstr "Choisir un fichier de pays personnalisé (voir l'aide)"

#: src/misc_interface.c:222
msgid "Choose country"
msgstr "Choisissez un pays"

#: src/editor_interface.c:239
msgid "Choose or enter country file"
msgstr "Choisissez ou entrer un fichier de pays"

#: src/misc_interface.c:838 src/misc_interface.c:1198
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"

#: src/options_interface.c:918
msgid "Confirmations"
msgstr "Confirmations"

#: src/support.c:90 src/support.c:114
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find pixmap file: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier image: %s"

#: src/editor_interface.c:225
msgid "Country file"
msgstr "Fichier de pays"

#: src/misc_interface.c:166
msgid "Current league"
msgstr "Championnat courrant"

#: src/options_interface.c:957
msgid "Current position"
msgstr "Position actuelle"

#: src/options_interface.c:969
msgid "Current skill"
msgstr "Efficacité actuelle"

#: src/misc_interface.c:926
msgid "Datei auswahlen"
msgstr "Datei·auswahlen (en allemand dans le texte)"

#: src/interface.c:856
msgid "Defend"
msgstr "Défense"

#: src/options_interface.c:804
msgid "Defender   "
msgstr "Défenseur   "

#: src/options_interface.c:1277
msgid "Delete history at end of season"
msgstr "Supprimer l'historique à la fin de la saison"

#: src/editor_interface.c:784
msgid "Discard / Play"
msgstr "Écarter / Jouer"

#: src/misc_interface.c:764
msgid "Don't bother me with this next time"
msgstr "Ne pas demander la prochaine fois"

#: src/misc_interface.c:384
msgid "Don't load team definitions"
msgstr "Ne pas charger les définitions des équipes"

#: src/editor_interface.c:628
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Bas"

#: src/misc_interface.c:244
msgid "England"
msgstr "Angleterre"

#: src/options_interface.c:1437 src/misc_interface.c:465
#: src/misc_interface.c:800 src/misc_interface.c:941 src/misc_interface.c:1093
msgid "Esc"
msgstr "Echap"

#: src/misc_interface.c:1175
msgid "Esc / Return / Space"
msgstr "Echap / Entrée / Espace"

#: src/options_interface.c:639 src/options_interface.c:1011
msgid "Estimated talent"
msgstr "Talent estimé"

#: src/options_interface.c:691
msgid "Estimated talent between "
msgstr "Talent estimé entre "

#: src/options_interface.c:705
msgid "Estimated value less than"
msgstr "Talent estimé inférieur à"

#: src/editor_interface.c:761
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporter"

#: src/editor_interface.c:747
msgid ""
"Export the current team to a file (which will be overwritten if it exists)"
msgstr "Exporter l'équipe actuelle dans un fichier (qui sera écrasé s'il existe)"

#: src/interface.c:528
msgid "Figures"
msgstr "Figures"

#: src/editor_interface.c:238
msgid ""
"File with the team names (country-specific, e.g. country_eng for the English "
msgstr "Fichier des noms des équipes (un par pays, par exemple country_eng pour "
"les équipes anglaises)"

#: src/options_interface.c:702
msgid ""
"Filter players by their age (NOTE: You must have at least a 'good' scout in "
"order to be able to filter by age)"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par leur âge (NOTE : vous devez avoir un observateur 'Bon' pour trier "
"les joueurs par leur âge)"

#: src/options_interface.c:695
msgid "Filter players by their estimated talent"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par le talent estimé"

#: src/options_interface.c:709
msgid "Filter players by their estimated value"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par leur valeur estimée"

#: src/options_interface.c:721
msgid "Filter players by their league"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par championnat"

#: src/options_interface.c:715
msgid "Filter players by their position"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par leur position"

#: src/options_interface.c:688
msgid "Filter players by their skill"
msgstr "Trier les joueurs par leur efficacité"

#: src/interface.c:1125
msgid "Finances / Stadium"
msgstr "Finances / Stade"

#: src/interface.c:496
msgid "Finances and stadium (F)"
msgstr "Finances et stade (F)"

#: src/interface.c:758
msgid "Fire"
msgstr "Renvoyer"

#: src/interface.c:761
msgid "Fire player (Middle click)"
msgstr "Renvoyer le joueur (clic du milieu)"

#: src/interface.c:688
msgid ""
"First value: average current skill of the first 11 players. Second value: "
"average skill of all players."
msgstr ""
"Premier nombre: efficacité moyenne des 11 premiers jours. Deuxième nombre: "
"efficacité moyenne de tous les joueurs."

#: src/options_interface.c:981
msgid "Fitness"
msgstr "Forme"

#: src/interface.c:532 src/interface.c:1254
msgid "Fixtures"
msgstr "Résultats"

#: src/interface.c:1310
msgid "Fixtures by league"
msgstr "Résultats par championnat"

#: src/options_interface.c:856
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Avancer"

#: src/misc_interface.c:278
msgid "France"
msgstr "France"

#: src/options_interface.c:987
msgid "Games"
msgstr "Jeux"

#: src/misc_interface.c:256
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Allemagne"

#: src/interface.c:1145
msgid "Get loan"
msgstr "Obtenir un prêt"

#: src/options_interface.c:757
msgid "Goalie"
msgstr "Gardien"

#: src/options_interface.c:993
msgid "Goals"
msgstr "Buts"

#: src/interface.c:971 src/interface.c:995
msgid "Good"
msgstr "Bon"

#: src/options_interface.c:565
msgid "Gzip"
msgstr "Gzip"

#: src/editor_interface.c:663
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"

#: src/interface.c:576
msgid "Help (H)"
msgstr "Aide (H)"

#: src/interface.c:896
msgid ""
"Here you can enter a custom structure like 334 (or 019, for that matter)"
msgstr "Vous pouvez rentrer ici une formation, comme 334 (ou 019, par exemple)"

#: src/options_interface.c:1362
msgid "Histories"
msgstr "Historiques"

#: src/interface.c:544
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historique"

#: src/interface.c:548
msgid "History graph"
msgstr "Graphique de l'historique"

#: src/options_interface.c:1265 src/options_interface.c:1311
#: src/options_interface.c:1349
msgid ""
"How long the history can get at most (data from the beginning of the list "
"gets removed afterwards). WARNING: The higher this value is, the more memory "
"is needed, especially for the player histories."
msgstr "Nombre d'entrées au maximum dans l'historique (les données les plus anciennes "
"seront effacées). ATTENTION : plus cette valeur est élevée et plus la mémoire nécessaire "
"sera importante, surtout pour l'historique des joueurs."

#: src/options_interface.c:1255 src/options_interface.c:1304
#: src/options_interface.c:1342
msgid "How often new data is added to the history."
msgstr "Fréquence de mise à jour de l'historique."

#: src/options_interface.c:468
msgid ""
"If checked, messages are shown instead of popups when possible (ie. when you "
"don't have to make an 'OK/Cancel'-type of decision."
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:394
msgid ""
"If you check this, only the player names and the team structures are loaded "
"from the definition file, values like skill or age are generated randomly"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:388
msgid ""
"If you check this, the game generates all players randomly and won't read "
"the file with team definitions"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:520
msgid "If you uncheck this, clicking on 'Save' will pop up a 'Save as' window"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:738
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:724
msgid ""
"Import teams from a definition file (the existing definition file will be "
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1129
msgid "Increase capacity"
msgstr "Augmenter la capacité"

#: src/interface.c:1137
msgid "Increase safety"
msgstr "Augmenter la sécurité"

#: src/options_interface.c:866
msgid "International"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:267
msgid "Italy"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:442
msgid "Job offers"
msgstr "Offres d'emploi"

#: src/misc_interface.c:491
msgid "L"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:645 src/options_interface.c:718
#: src/options_interface.c:1041
msgid "League"
msgstr "Championnat"

#: src/interface.c:1319 src/options_interface.c:762
msgid "League 1"
msgstr "Première division"

#: src/interface.c:1323 src/options_interface.c:814
msgid "League 2"
msgstr "Deuxième division"

#: src/interface.c:1327 src/options_interface.c:861
msgid "League 3"
msgstr "Troisième division"

#: src/interface.c:1331 src/options_interface.c:767
msgid "League 4"
msgstr "Quatrième division"

#: src/interface.c:1335 src/options_interface.c:819
msgid "League 5"
msgstr "Cinquième division"

#: src/options_interface.c:324
msgid "League results"
msgstr "Résultats du championnat"

#: src/interface.c:448 src/misc_interface.c:1042
msgid "Live game"
msgstr "Match en direct"

#: src/options_interface.c:593
msgid "Load & Save"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:508
msgid "Load game"
msgstr "Charger jeu"

#: src/interface.c:375
msgid "Load game (L or Ctrl - O)"
msgstr "Charger (L ou Ctrl - O)"

#: src/misc_interface.c:396
msgid "Load my team from definitions file"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:390
msgid "Load only names from team definition file"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:503
msgid "Look & Feel"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1267
msgid "Maximal history length"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:439
msgid "Messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:454
msgid "Messages just appear in the message window"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:447
msgid "Messages slide into the message window from the right"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:809
msgid "Midfielder"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1388
msgid "Misc"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1383
msgid "Miscellaneous options"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:669
msgid "Money "
msgstr "Finances"

#: src/editor_interface.c:611
msgid "Move player down (Ctrl-Down)"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:585
msgid "Move player up (Ctrl-Up)"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:444
msgid "Moving"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:331
msgid "My games plus preview"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:580
msgid ""
"NOTE: You can influence the format and compression of a savegame by giving "
"it an appropriate extension. If you save a file 'save.xml.bz2', Bygfoot will "
"save in XML format and compress with bzip2 -- no matter what the options say."
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:951 src/editor_interface.c:420
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1344
msgid "Nation. Cup 1"
msgstr "Coupe Nat. 1"

#: src/interface.c:1348
msgid "Nation. Cup 2"
msgstr "Coupe Nat. 2"

#: src/options_interface.c:895
msgid "New week"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1069
msgid "Next (W)"
msgstr "Prochain (W)"

#: src/options_interface.c:461
msgid "No messages"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:561
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"

#: src/interface.c:437
msgid "Notify"
msgstr "Prévenir"

#: src/options_interface.c:665
msgid ""
"Notify me whenever a player appears on the transfer list who fulfills my "
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:404
msgid "Nr"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1428 src/misc_interface.c:456
#: src/misc_interface.c:792
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:458
msgid "Off"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1238
msgid "Option"
msgstr "Option"

#: src/interface.c:416
msgid "Options (O)"
msgstr "Options (O)"

#: src/options_interface.c:876
msgid "Options concering the transfer list"
msgstr "Options de la liste de transferts"

#: src/options_interface.c:588
msgid "Options for loading and saving games"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:454
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Écraser"

#: src/interface.c:457
msgid "Overwrite old savegame"
msgstr "Écraser une ancienne sauvegarde"

#: src/interface.c:1153
msgid "Pay loan"
msgstr "Rembourser un prêt"

#: src/misc_interface.c:153
msgid "Play normal league games and cups"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:193
msgid "Play only in Champions' League / Copa Libertadores"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:201
msgid "Play only in Cup Winners' Cup / Copa Conmebol"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:209
msgid "Play only in UEFA Cup / Copa Sul-Americana"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:714
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Joueur"

#: src/interface.c:712 src/interface.c:717
msgid "Player actions"
msgstr "Actions des joueurs"

#: src/options_interface.c:1220
msgid "Player attributes"
msgstr "Attributs des joueurs"

#: src/options_interface.c:1215
msgid "Player attributes that are shown in the two player lists"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1328
msgid "Player histories"
msgstr "Historique du joueur"

#: src/interface.c:814 src/options_interface.c:1056
msgid "Player list 1"
msgstr "Liste des joueurs 1"

#: src/interface.c:823 src/options_interface.c:1140
msgid "Player list 2"
msgstr "Liste des joueurs 2"

#: src/interface.c:836
msgid "Playing style"
msgstr "Style de jeu"

#: src/misc_interface.c:326
msgid "Poland"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:620 src/options_interface.c:963
msgid "Position"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:712
msgid "Positions"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:465
msgid "Prefer messages to popups"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:639
msgid "Premier Division"
msgstr "Première Division"

#: src/interface.c:1091
msgid "Previous (Q)"
msgstr "Précédent (Q)"

#: src/interface.c:740
msgid "Put on transfer list"
msgstr "Mettre sur la liste des transferts"

#: src/interface.c:743
msgid "Put player on transfer list (Right click in transfer mode)"
msgstr ""
"Mettre le joueur sur la liste des transferts (clic droit dans le mode "

#: src/interface.c:429
msgid "Quick options"
msgstr "Options rapides"

#: src/interface.c:433
msgid "QuickOpt"
msgstr "OptRap"

#: src/editor_interface.c:689
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Quitter"

#: src/editor_interface.c:672
msgid "Quit (Esc)"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:401
msgid "Quit (Q or Ctrl - Q)"
msgstr "Quitter (Q ou Ctrl - Q)"

#: src/options_interface.c:907
msgid "Quit when not saved"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:653
msgid "Rank "
msgstr "Rang"

#: src/options_interface.c:484
msgid "Rearrange / "
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:917
msgid ""
"Rearrange team (R) (try to put each player on his prefered position and sort "
"the substitutes)"
msgstr ""
"Réarranger l'équipe (R) (essaye de mettre chaque joueur à sa position "
"préférée, et trie les remplaçants)"

#: src/interface.c:749
msgid "Remove from transfer list"
msgstr "Retirer de la liste des transferts"

#: src/interface.c:752
msgid "Remove player from transfer list (Click in the transfer list)"
msgstr ""
"Retirer le joueur de la liste des transferts (cliquer sur la liste des "

#: src/options_interface.c:1411 src/misc_interface.c:439
#: src/misc_interface.c:775 src/misc_interface.c:933
msgid "Return"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:304
msgid "Romania"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:715
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:807
msgid "Save / Play"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:698
msgid "Save current team to file (Ctrl-S)"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:388
msgid "Save game (S or Ctrl - S)"
msgstr "Sauvegarder (S ou Ctrl - S"

#: src/options_interface.c:1405
msgid ""
"Save options to $HOME/.bygfoot/bygfoot.conf. If you start Bygfoot again, "
"they get loaded from the file."
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:517
msgid "Save overwrites old savegame"
msgstr "Cette action écrasera une ancienne sauvegarde"

#: src/editor_interface.c:793
msgid "Save team definition file and start Bygfoot"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1402
msgid "Save to file"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:547
msgid "Savegame compression:"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:951
msgid "Scout / Physio"
msgstr "Observateur / Kiné"

#: src/interface.c:1163
msgid "Scout recommends"
msgstr "L'observateur recommande"

#: src/interface.c:598
msgid "Season "
msgstr "Saison"

#: src/misc_interface.c:366
msgid "Select a country file"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:211 src/editor_interface.c:245
msgid "Select file"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:976
msgid "Select font"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:517
msgid "Select next player (Ctrl-Right)"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:504
msgid "Select previous player (Ctrl-Left)"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:118
msgid "Select team and country"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:545
msgid "Set default savegame format to XML (instead of binary)."
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:767
msgid "Shoots penalties"
msgstr "Tire les penalties"

#: src/options_interface.c:339 src/options_interface.c:342
msgid "Show 'live' games"
msgstr "Montrer les matchs en direct"

#: src/options_interface.c:899
msgid "Show a warning before beginning a new week"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:911
msgid "Show a warning if I want to quit with a game that isn't saved"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:905
msgid ""
"Show a warning when injured or banned players are in the team when beginning "
"a new week"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:646
msgid "Show editor help (F1)"
msgstr "Aide de l'éditeur (F1)"

#: src/options_interface.c:334
msgid ""
"Show extended info on my games (with injuries etc.) and a preview of my next "
msgstr "Montrer les informations complètes des matchs (blessures etc) et un aperçu "
"des prochains matchs"

#: src/interface.c:729
msgid "Show extended player information (Right click)"
msgstr "Montrer les informations complètes du joueur (clic droit)"

#: src/options_interface.c:492
msgid "Show fitness colors"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1237
msgid "Show fixtures (F4)"
msgstr "Montrer les résultats (F4)"

#: src/interface.c:735
msgid "Show history"
msgstr "Montrer l'historique"

#: src/interface.c:726
msgid "Show info"
msgstr "Montrer les infos"

#: src/interface.c:445 src/options_interface.c:470
msgid "Show job offers"
msgstr "Montrer les offres d'emploi"

#: src/options_interface.c:374
msgid "Show live game tendency bar"
msgstr "Montrer la barre de tendance des matchs en direct"

#: src/interface.c:451 src/misc_interface.c:1080
msgid "Show live games"
msgstr "Montrer les matchs en direct"

#: src/interface.c:509
msgid "Show my last games and a preview of my next games (P or F1)"
msgstr "Montrer mes dernier matchs et mes prochains matchs (P ou F1)"

#: src/interface.c:1113
msgid "Show my league results"
msgstr "Montrer les résultats du championnat"

#: src/interface.c:738
msgid "Show player statistics graph"
msgstr "Montrer le graphique des statistiques du joueur"

#: src/interface.c:1272
msgid "Show tables (F5)"
msgstr "Montrer les grilles de résultats (F5)"

#: src/misc_interface.c:1085
msgid "Show tendency bar"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:327
msgid ""
"Show the results of all games in the league / cups my team participates in"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:483
msgid "Show transferlist (T)"
msgstr "Montrer la liste des transferts (T)"

#: src/options_interface.c:627 src/options_interface.c:975
#: src/editor_interface.c:435
msgid "Skill"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:684
msgid "Skill between "
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1376
msgid "Skip weeks when my team doesn't play"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:611
msgid "Sort transfer list by"
msgstr "Trier la liste de transferts par"

#: src/misc_interface.c:293
msgid "Spain"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:334
msgid "Start Bygfoot Online Update"
msgstr "Démarrage de la mise à jour de Bygfoot en ligne"

#: src/interface.c:326 src/misc_interface.c:426
msgid "Start Bygfoot Team Editor"
msgstr "Démarrage de l'éditeur des équipes"

#: src/editor_interface.c:770
msgid "Start Bygfoot without saving changes"
msgstr "Démarrage de Bygfoot sans sauvegarder les modifications"

#: src/misc_interface.c:144
msgid "Start in"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:451
msgid "Static"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:999
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:488
msgid "Swap  adapts team structure"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:554
msgid "Swap players"
msgstr "Échanger les joueurs"

#: src/editor_interface.c:539
msgid "Swap two players   "
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:536 src/interface.c:1289
msgid "Tables"
msgstr "Grilles"

#: src/editor_interface.c:450
msgid "Talent"
msgstr "Talent"

#: src/options_interface.c:1035
msgid "Team"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:363
msgid "Team Editor Help"
msgstr "Aide de l'éditeur des équipes"

#: src/interface.c:883
msgid "Team Structure"
msgstr "Formation"

#: src/options_interface.c:1357
msgid "Team and player histories"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:197
msgid "Team definitions file"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1290
msgid "Team histories"
msgstr "Historique des équipes"

#: src/editor_interface.c:315
msgid "Team structures"
msgstr "Formations"

#: src/editor_interface.c:284
msgid "Teams found in the country file. Choose one to edit it."
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:264
msgid "Teams in the country file"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:362
msgid ""
"The average skills of the five leagues in the first season are: 8.0, 7.0, "
"6.0, 5.0 and 4.0."
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:205
msgid ""
"The file team definitions are read from and written to. Default is $HOME/."
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:770
msgid ""
"The selected player will shoot the penalties in regulation and extra time if "
"he plays."
msgstr "Le joueur sélectionné tirera les penalties s'il joue."

#: src/options_interface.c:377
msgid ""
"The tendency bar shows in the live game window which team is closer to "
"scoring a goal"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:327
msgid "These digits must add up to 10."
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:335
msgid "These digits must add up to 8."
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:387
msgid ""
"This affects the two windows in the main screen, the help window and the "
"live game window"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:361
msgid "This can be between -100 and 100"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:159
msgid "Top league"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1174
msgid "Transfer fee"
msgstr "Montant du transfert"

#: src/interface.c:440
msgid "Transferlist notification"
msgstr "Prévenir des transferts"

#: src/options_interface.c:881
msgid "Transfers"
msgstr "Transferts"

#: src/interface.c:1365
msgid "UEFA / Sul-Amer."
msgstr "UEFA / Sud-Amer."

#: src/misc_interface.c:205
msgid "UEFA / Sul-Americana"
msgstr "UEFA / Sud-Amer."

#: src/options_interface.c:1380
msgid ""
"Unchecking this is particularly useful if you only play an international cup "
"and want to keep a close eye on the transfer list.\n"
"There's also a drawback: player wages get deduced each week."
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:930
msgid "Undo! (Y / Ctrl-Z)"
msgstr "Annuler (Y / Ctrl-Z)"

#: src/options_interface.c:901
msgid "Unfit players in the team"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:602
msgid "Up"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1257
msgid "Update interval (in weeks)"
msgstr ""

#: src/editor_interface.c:491
msgid "Update player information"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1023
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:1190 src/options_interface.c:1029
msgid "Wage"
msgstr "Salaire"

#: src/options_interface.c:1275 src/options_interface.c:1317
#: src/options_interface.c:1355
msgid "Whether each season begins with an empty history list."
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:495
msgid "Whether fitness percentage is shown in green and red shades"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:473
msgid "Whether or not other teams offer you a job when you are successful"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:478
msgid ""
"Whether or not pressing the rearrange button or swapping two players adapts "
"the team structure automatically"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:557
msgid ""
"Whether to compress save files and what kind of program to use. Compressing "
"savegames can lead to a lot longer save / load times (especially if "
"background compression is disabled)."
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:913
msgid "Whether to confirm certain actions"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:542
msgid "XML save / load"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:1017
msgid "Yellow cards"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:412
msgid ""
"You can start the editor from the commandline with 'bygfoot -e' or '--editor'"
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:337
msgid ""
"You can use the online update feature only if you have the Bygfoot source "
"package installed"
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez utiliser la mise à jour en ligne de Bygfoot seulement si vous "
"avez installé des sources du logiciel"

#: src/interface.c:289
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fichier"

#: src/interface.c:352
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Aide"

#: src/misc_interface.c:851
msgid "button10"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:843
msgid "button8"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:847
msgid "button9"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:746
msgid "label23"
msgstr "label23"

#: src/interface.c:699
msgid "label70"
msgstr "label70"

#: src/misc_interface.c:753
msgid "radiobutton0"
msgstr ""

#: src/misc_interface.c:759
msgid "radiobutton1"
msgstr ""

#: src/options_interface.c:290
msgid "window1"
msgstr ""