/* start_end.c Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "bet.h" #include "cup.h" #include "file.h" #include "finance.h" #include "fixture.h" #include "free.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "gui.h" #include "job.h" #include "league.h" #include "live_game.h" #include "load_save.h" #include "main.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "name.h" #include "news.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "start_end.h" #include "stat.h" #include "table.h" #include "team.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "user.h" #include "variables.h" #include "xml_name.h" #include "youth_academy.h" /** Prototype of a function called at the start or end of a week round. */ typedef void(*WeekFunc)(void); /** Array of functions called when a week round is ended. */ WeekFunc end_week_round_funcs[] = {end_week_round_results, end_week_round_sort_tables, end_week_round_update_fixtures, NULL}; /* {end_week_round_results, end_week_round_sort_tables, */ /* end_week_round_update_fixtures, end_week_round_generate_news, NULL}; */ /** Array of functions called when a week round is started. */ WeekFunc start_week_round_funcs[] = {start_week_round_update_teams, bet_update, NULL}; /** Array of functions called when a week is started. */ WeekFunc start_week_funcs[] = {start_week_update_leagues, start_week_add_cups, start_week_update_users, start_week_update_teams, start_week_update_user_finances, youth_academy_update_weekly, transfer_update, job_update, finance_update_current_interest, NULL}; WeekFunc end_week_funcs[] = {stat_update_leagues, end_week_hide_cups, NULL}; /** Generate the teams etc. */ void start_new_game(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_new_game\n"); #endif start_write_variables(); start_generate_league_teams(); start_new_season(); } /** Make new fixtures, nullify things etc. */ void start_new_season(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_new_season\n"); #endif gint i, j; gchar buf[SMALL]; week = week_round = 1; free_names(TRUE); stat5 = STATUS_GENERATE_TEAMS; for(i = acps->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { g_ptr_array_free(acp(i)->team_names, TRUE); acp(i)->team_names = g_ptr_array_new(); if(acp(i)->add_week > 0) g_ptr_array_remove_index(acps, i); } for(i=cps->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if(cp(i).add_week == -1) { cup_reset(&cp(i)); fixture_write_cup_fixtures(&cp(i)); } if(season > 1) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) { sprintf(buf, "%d", team_get_league_rank(usr(i).tm)); user_history_add(&usr(i), USER_HISTORY_END_SEASON, usr(i).tm->name, league_cup_get_name_string(usr(i).tm->clid), buf, NULL); usr(i).counters[COUNT_USER_TRAININGS_LEFT_SEASON] = const_int("int_training_camps_per_season"); } start_new_season_league_changes(); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { usr(i).tm = team_of_id(usr(i).team_id); usr(i).youth_academy.tm = usr(i).tm; for(j=0;jlen;j++) { g_array_index(usr(i).youth_academy.players, Player, j).team = usr(i).tm; player_season_start( &g_array_index(usr(i).youth_academy.players, Player, j), 0); } live_game_reset(&usr(i).live_game, NULL, TRUE); } start_new_season_reset_ids(); } else { for(i=0;ilen;i++) { league_add_table(&lig(i)); league_check_new_tables(&lig(i)); } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(cp(i).add_week <= 0) g_ptr_array_add(acps, &cp(i)); } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_league_active(&lig(i))) fixture_write_league_fixtures(&lig(i)); for(i=cps->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(cp(i).add_week >= 0) { cup_reset(&cp(i)); if(cp(i).add_week == 0) fixture_write_cup_fixtures(&cp(i)); } else if(cp(i).add_week == -1) { for(j=0;jlen;j++) { g_array_index(cp(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[0] = team_of_id(g_array_index(cp(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).team_ids[0]); g_array_index(cp(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[1] = team_of_id(g_array_index(cp(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).team_ids[1]); } } } for(i = acps->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if(!cup_check_fixtures(acp(i))) { cup_reset(acp(i)); g_ptr_array_remove_index(acps, i); } stat5 = -1; for(i=0;ilen;i++) name_shorten_list(&nli(i)); if(season == 1) bet_update(); } /** Fill some global variables with default values at the beginning of a new game. */ void start_write_variables(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_write_variables\n"); #endif gint i; season = 1; cur_user = 0; for(i=0;ilen;i++) file_load_user_conf_file(&usr(i)); } /** Generate the teams in the leagues. */ void start_generate_league_teams(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_generate_league_teams\n"); #endif gint i, j; stat5 = STATUS_GENERATE_TEAMS; if(ligs->len == 0) main_exit_program(EXIT_NO_LEAGUES, "start_generate_league_teams: no leagues found. There must be at least one league in the game.\n"); for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) team_generate_players_stadium(&g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j), 0); stat5 = -1; } /** Reset the cup and league ids to the smallest possible value to avoid an overflow (gotta admit, the id system isn't perfect). */ void start_new_season_reset_ids(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_new_season_reset_ids\n"); #endif gint i, max; max = -1; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(lig(i).id > max) max = lig(i).id; counters[COUNT_LEAGUE_ID] = max + 1; max = -1; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(cp(i).id > max) max = cp(i).id; counters[COUNT_CUP_ID] = max + 1; } /** End a week round. */ void end_week_round(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week_round\n"); #endif gint i = 0; gboolean new_week = TRUE; WeekFunc *end_func = end_week_round_funcs; if(debug > 100) g_print("End w %d r %d \n", week, week_round); while(*end_func != NULL) { (*end_func)(); end_func++; } week_round++; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_fixture_in_week_round(lig(i).id, week, week_round)) { new_week = FALSE; break; } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_fixture_in_week_round(acp(i)->id, week, week_round)) { new_week = FALSE; break; } if(new_week) { end_week(); if(query_start_end_season_end()) { end_season(); season++; week = 1; start_new_season(); } else week++; week_round = 1; start_week(); } start_week_round(); } /** Calculate the match results of a week round. */ void end_week_round_results(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week_round_results\n"); #endif gint i, j, done = 0; LiveGame live_game; gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL]; gfloat num_matches = (gfloat)fixture_get_number_of_matches(week, week_round); gint usr_idx; /** Free the matches from last week. */ for(i = 0; i < live_games->len; i++) free_live_game(&g_array_index(live_games, LiveGame, i)); g_array_free(live_games, TRUE); live_games = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(LiveGame)); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1) { usr_idx = fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)); if(usr_idx == -1) { g_array_append_val(live_games, live_game); live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j), &g_array_index(live_games, LiveGame, live_games->len - 1)); } else live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j), &usr(usr_idx).live_game); done++; fixture_result_to_buf(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j), buf, FALSE); sprintf(buf2, "%s %s %s", g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[0]->name, buf, g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[1]->name); gui_show_progress((gfloat)done / num_matches, buf2, PIC_TYPE_MATCHPIC); if(debug > 120) g_print("%s \n", buf2); } } for(i=0;ilen;i++) { for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) { if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1) { usr_idx = fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)); if(usr_idx == -1) { g_array_append_val(live_games, live_game); live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j), &g_array_index(live_games, LiveGame, live_games->len - 1)); } else live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j), &usr(usr_idx).live_game); done++; fixture_result_to_buf(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j), buf, FALSE); sprintf(buf2, "%s %s %s", g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[0]->name, buf, g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[1]->name); gui_show_progress((gfloat)done / num_matches, buf2, PIC_TYPE_MATCHPIC); if(debug > 120) g_print("%s \n", buf2); } } } gui_show_progress(-1, "", PIC_TYPE_MATCHPIC); } /** Sort league and cup tables. */ void end_week_round_sort_tables(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week_round_sort_tables\n"); #endif gint i, j, k; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_fixture_in_week_round(lig(i).id, week, week_round)) { for(k = 0; k < lig(i).tables->len; k++) { for(j=0;jlen;j++) g_array_index(g_array_index(lig(i).tables, Table, k).elements, TableElement, j).old_rank = j; g_array_sort_with_data(g_array_index(lig(i).tables, Table, k).elements, (GCompareDataFunc)table_element_compare_func, GINT_TO_POINTER(lig(i).id)); } } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_fixture_in_week_round(acp(i)->id, week, week_round) && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, acp(i)->fixtures->len - 1).round == cup_has_tables(acp(i)->id)) for(j=0;jid)->len;j++) { for(k=0;kid), Table, j).elements->len;k++) g_array_index( g_array_index(cup_get_last_tables(acp(i)->id), Table, j).elements, TableElement, k).old_rank = k; g_array_sort_with_data( g_array_index(cup_get_last_tables(acp(i)->id), Table, j).elements, (GCompareDataFunc)table_element_compare_func, GINT_TO_POINTER(acp(i)->id)); } } /** Update cup fixtures. */ void end_week_round_update_fixtures(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week_round_update_fixtures\n"); #endif gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(acp(i)->next_fixture_update_week == week && acp(i)->next_fixture_update_week_round == week_round) fixture_update(acp(i)); for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_league_active(&lig(i)) && week == g_array_index( lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, lig(i).fixtures->len - 1).week_number && week_round == 1 && team_is_user(g_array_index(league_table((&lig(i)))->elements, TableElement, 0).team) != -1) user_history_add(&usr(team_is_user(g_array_index(league_table((&lig(i)))->elements, TableElement, 0).team)), USER_HISTORY_CHAMPION, g_array_index(league_table((&lig(i)))->elements, TableElement, 0).team->name, league_cup_get_name_string(lig(i).id), NULL, NULL); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(cp(i).add_week == 1000 && cp(i).fixtures->len == 0 && query_cup_begins(&cp(i))) { cp(i).last_week = cup_get_last_week_from_first(&cp(i), week + 1); if(fixture_write_cup_fixtures(&cp(i))) g_ptr_array_add(acps, &cp(i)); } } } /** Write newspaper articles after week round. */ void end_week_round_generate_news(void) { gint i; /** News for user matches. */ for(i = 0; i < users->len; i++) if(usr(i).live_game.fix != NULL && usr(i).live_game.fix->week_number == week && usr(i).live_game.fix->week_round_number == week_round) news_generate_match(&usr(i).live_game); /** News for other matches. */ for(i = 0; i < live_games->len; i++) if(news_check_match_relevant(&g_array_index(live_games, LiveGame, i))) news_generate_match(&g_array_index(live_games, LiveGame, i)); } /** Start a new week round. */ void start_week_round(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_round\n"); #endif WeekFunc *start_func = start_week_round_funcs; if(debug > 100) g_print("Start w %d r %d \n", week, week_round); while(*start_func != NULL) { (*start_func)(); start_func++; } if(!query_start_end_season_end() && opt_int("int_opt_skip") && !query_user_games_this_week_round() && !query_user_events() && ((week_round == 1 && !query_user_games_in_week_round(week - 1, fixture_get_last_week_round(week - 1))) || (week_round > 1 && !query_user_games_in_week_round(week, week_round - 1)))) { user_event_show_next(); end_week_round(); } else { cur_user = 0; game_gui_show_main(); user_event_show_next(); } } /** Start a new week. */ void start_week(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week\n"); #endif WeekFunc *start_func = start_week_funcs; while(*start_func != NULL) { (*start_func)(); start_func++; } } /** Finish a week. */ void end_week(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week\n"); #endif WeekFunc *end_func = end_week_funcs; while(*end_func != NULL) { (*end_func)(); end_func++; } if(debug > 150) stat_show_av_league_goals(); } /** Hide some not-so-important cups that are already finished. */ void end_week_hide_cups(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_week_hide_cups\n"); #endif gint i; for(i=acps->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if(query_league_cup_has_property(acp(i)->id, "hide") && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, acp(i)->fixtures->len - 1).attendance > 0) g_ptr_array_remove_index(acps, i); } /** Add the cups that begin later in the season to the acps array. */ void start_week_add_cups(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_add_cups\n"); #endif gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(cp(i).add_week == week) { if(fixture_write_cup_fixtures(&cp(i))) g_ptr_array_add(acps, &cp(i)); } } /** Age increase etc. of players. CPU teams get updated at the end of their matches (to avoid cup teams getting updated too often). */ void start_week_update_teams(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_update_teams\n"); #endif gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) team_update_team_weekly(&g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j)); for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) team_update_team_weekly((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(cp(i).teams, j)); } /** Do some things at the beginning of each new round for the user teams. */ void start_week_round_update_teams(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_round_update_teams\n"); #endif gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) team_update_team_week_roundly(&g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j)); for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) team_update_team_week_roundly((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(cp(i).teams, j)); } /** Deduce wages etc. */ void start_week_update_user_finances(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_update_user_finances\n"); #endif gint i; if(sett_int("int_opt_disable_finances")) return; for(i=0;ilen;i++) finance_update_user_weekly(&usr(i)); } /** Some general user update. */ void start_week_update_users(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_update_users\n"); #endif gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(usr(i).scout >= 100) usr(i).scout = math_get_place(usr(i).scout, 2); if(usr(i).physio >= 100) usr(i).physio = math_get_place(usr(i).physio, 2); if(usr(i).youth_academy.coach >= 100) usr(i).youth_academy.coach = math_get_place(usr(i).youth_academy.coach, 2); user_weekly_update_counters(&usr(i)); } } /** Create new tables if necessary etc. */ void start_week_update_leagues(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_week_update_leagues\n"); #endif gint i; for(i = 0; i < ligs->len; i++) league_check_new_tables(&lig(i)); } /** Check whether the season has ended. */ gboolean query_start_end_season_end(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("query_start_end_season_end\n"); #endif gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number > week - 1) return FALSE; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number > week - 1) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** Manage promotions and relegations at the beginning of a new season. */ void start_new_season_league_changes(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("start_new_season_league_changes\n"); #endif gint i, j, k; gint league_size[ligs->len]; GArray *team_movements = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(TeamMove)); for(i=0;ilen;i++) league_get_team_movements(&lig(i), team_movements); for(i=0;ilen;i++) league_size[i] = lig(i).teams->len; for(i=0;ilen;i++) league_remove_team_with_id( league_from_clid(g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).tm.clid), g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).tm.id); league_team_movements_destinations(team_movements, league_size); for(i = team_movements->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if(g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).prom_rel_type == PROM_REL_RELEGATION) g_array_prepend_val( lig(g_array_index( g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_idcs, gint, 0)).teams, g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).tm); for(i=1;ilen;i++) if(g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).prom_rel_type != PROM_REL_RELEGATION) g_array_append_val( lig(g_array_index( g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_idcs, gint, 0)).teams, g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).tm); for(i=0;ilen;i++) g_array_free(g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_idcs, TRUE); g_array_free(team_movements, TRUE); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { for(j=0;jlen;j++) { g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j).clid = lig(i).id; for(k=0;klen;k++) g_array_index(g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j).players, Player, k).team = &g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j); } league_season_start(&lig(i)); } } /** End a season (store stats etc.) */ void end_season(void) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("end_season\n"); #endif stat_create_season_stat(); }