/* Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "cup.h" #include "fixture.h" #include "free.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "league.h" #include "main.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "name.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "team.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "user.h" /** Create and return a new player. @param tm The team the player will belong to. @param average_talent The average talent of the team. @return A newly created player. */ Player player_new(Team *tm, gfloat average_talent, gboolean new_id) { gint i; gfloat skill_factor = math_rnd(1 - const_float("float_player_average_talent_variance"), 1 + const_float("float_player_average_talent_variance")); Player new; new.name = (new_id) ? name_get(tm->names_file) : NULL; new.id = (new_id) ? player_id_new : -1; new.pos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm->structure, tm->players->len); new.cpos = new.pos; new.age = math_gauss_dist(const_float("float_player_age_lower"), const_float("float_player_age_upper"));//30; new.peak_age = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_peak_age_lower") + (new.pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition"), const_float("float_player_peak_age_upper") + (new.pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition"));//30; new.peak_region = math_gauss_dist(const_float("float_player_peak_region_lower"), const_float("float_player_peak_region_upper"));//2; new.talent = CLAMP(average_talent * skill_factor, 0, const_float("float_player_max_skill"));//85; new.skill = player_skill_from_talent(&new); new.cskill = new.skill; player_estimate_talent(&new); new.fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_fitness_upper")); new.health = new.recovery = 0; new.value = player_assign_value(&new); new.wage = player_assign_wage(&new); new.contract = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_contract_lower"), const_float("float_player_contract_upper")); new.lsu = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_lsu_lower"), const_float("float_player_lsu_upper")); new.cards = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerCard)); new.games_goals = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerGamesGoals)); for(i=0;ipeak_age = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_peak_age_lower") + (pl->pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition"), const_float("float_player_peak_age_upper") + (pl->pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition")); if(opt_int("int_opt_load_defs") == 2) { pl->age = math_gauss_dist(const_float("float_player_age_lower"), const_float("float_player_age_upper")); pl->peak_age = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_peak_age_lower") + (pl->pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition"), const_float("float_player_peak_age_upper") + (pl->pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition")); pl->peak_region = math_gauss_dist(const_float("float_player_peak_region_lower"), const_float("float_player_peak_region_upper")); pl->talent = CLAMP(average_talent * skill_factor, 0, const_float("float_player_max_skill")); pl->skill = player_skill_from_talent(pl); } pl->cpos = pl->pos; player_estimate_talent(pl); pl->cskill = pl->skill; pl->fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_fitness_upper")); pl->health = pl->recovery = 0; pl->value = player_assign_value(pl); pl->wage = player_assign_wage(pl); pl->contract = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_contract_lower"), const_float("float_player_contract_upper")); pl->lsu = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_lsu_lower"), const_float("float_player_lsu_upper")); pl->cards = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerCard)); pl->games_goals = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerGamesGoals)); for(i=0;icareer[i] = 0; pl->participation = FALSE; pl->offers = 0; } /** Return the appropriate position for the player with the given number. The position depends on the team structure if the player number is < 11 and on some constants otherwise. @param structure The team structure, something like 442 or 352. @param player_number The number of the player within the team. @return A new position for the player. */ gint player_get_position_from_structure(gint structure, gint player_number) { gint position = -1; gint bound[2] = {math_get_place(structure, 3) + 1, math_get_place(structure, 3) + math_get_place(structure, 2) + 1}; if(player_number == 0 || player_number == 11) position = PLAYER_POS_GOALIE; else if(player_number < bound[0] || (player_number > 10 && player_number < (11 + (const_int("int_team_cpu_players") - 11) * const_float("float_player_pos_bound1")))) position = PLAYER_POS_DEFENDER; else if(player_number < bound[1] || (player_number > 10 && player_number < (11 + (const_int("int_team_cpu_players") - 11) * const_float("float_player_pos_bound2")))) position = PLAYER_POS_MIDFIELDER; else position = PLAYER_POS_FORWARD; return position; } /** Calculate a player's skill depending on his age and talent. */ gfloat player_skill_from_talent(const Player *pl) { gfloat skill = pl->talent, cur_age = pl->peak_age; if(pl->age < pl->peak_age) { while(cur_age > pl->age) { cur_age -= ((const_float("float_player_lsu_update_limit") + 2) * 0.0192); if(pl->peak_age - cur_age > pl->peak_region) skill *= (1 - ((pl->peak_age - cur_age) * const_float("float_player_skill_update_younger_factor") + const_float("float_player_skill_update_younger_add"))); } } else { while(cur_age < pl->age) { cur_age += ((const_float("float_player_lsu_update_limit") + 2) * 0.0192); if(cur_age - pl->peak_age > pl->peak_region) skill *= (1 - ((cur_age - pl->peak_age) * const_float("float_player_skill_update_older_factor") + const_float("float_player_skill_update_older_add"))); } } if(skill > pl->talent) skill = pl->talent; return skill; } /** Estimate a player's talent. @param pl The player of which we'd like to estimate the talent. */ void player_estimate_talent(Player *pl) { gint i, j; gfloat scout_deviance[QUALITY_END]; /* the maximal deviance in both directions */ gfloat deviance_bound[2] = {pl->talent - pl->skill, const_float("float_player_max_skill") - pl->talent}; for(i=0;ietal[i] = math_rnd(pl->talent - deviance_bound[0], pl->talent + deviance_bound[1]); } } /** Assign a (transfer) value to a player. The value depends on skill, talent and age. @param pl The player we examine. @return The value of the player. */ gint player_assign_value(const Player *pl) { gfloat value; value = powf((const_float("float_player_value_skill_weight") * pl->skill + (1 - const_float("float_player_value_skill_weight")) * pl->talent * 0.7), const_float("float_player_value_power")); if(pl->peak_age > pl->age) value *= (1 + const_float("float_player_value_younger_factor") * (pl->peak_age - pl->age)); else value *= (1 - const_float("float_player_value_older_factor") * (pl->age - pl->peak_age)); return math_round_integer((gint)rint(value), 2); } /** Assign a wage to a player. The wage depends mainly on the value. @param pl The player we examine. @return The wage of the player. */ gint player_assign_wage(const Player *pl) { gfloat wage; wage = rint(((gfloat)pl->value * const_float("float_player_wage_value_factor")) * math_rnd(1 - const_float("float_player_wage_random_dev"), 1 + const_float("float_player_wage_random_dev") )); return math_round_integer((gint)wage, 1); } /** Get a player's index in the players array from his id. @param tm The team. @param player_id The player's id. @return The array index or -1. */ gint player_id_index(const Team *tm, gint player_id) { gint i; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) if(g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i).id == player_id) return i; main_exit_program(EXIT_INT_NOT_FOUND, "player_id_index: didn't find player with id %d of team %s\n", player_id, tm->name); return -1; } /** Return a pointer to the number'th player of the team. @param tm The team. @param number The player number. @return A pointer to the player or NULL. */ Player* player_of_idx_team(const Team *tm, gint number) { if(tm->players->len <= number) main_exit_program(EXIT_POINTER_NOT_FOUND, "player_of_idx_team: Player list of team %s too short for number %d.\n", tm->name, number); return &g_array_index(tm->players, Player, number); } /** Return a pointer to the player with specified id of the team. @param tm The team. @param id The player's id. @return A pointer to the player or NULL. */ Player* player_of_id_team(const Team *tm, gint id) { gint i; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) if(g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i).id == id) return &g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i); main_exit_program(EXIT_POINTER_NOT_FOUND, "player_of_id_team: didn't find player with id %d of team %s\n", id, tm->name); return NULL; } /** Find out whether the given player id is in the team. */ gboolean query_player_id_in_team(gint player_id, const Team *tm) { gint i; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) if(g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i).id == player_id) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Return the number of all games or goals the player's participated in / scored in all cups and leagues. @param pl The player we examine. @param goals Whether we sum up the goals. @return The number of goals. */ gint player_all_games_goals(const Player *pl, gint type) { gint i, sum = 0; for(i=0;igames_goals->len;i++) if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GOALS) sum += g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).goals; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES) sum += g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).games; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_SHOTS) sum += g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).shots; return sum; } /** Return the sum of all the yellow cards in all leagues and cups for the player. @param pl The player we examine. @return The number of all cards.*/ gint player_all_cards(const Player *pl) { gint i, sum = 0; for(i=0;icards->len;i++) sum += g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).yellow; return sum; } /** Compare two players in a (pointer) array. @param pl1 Pointer to the pointer to the first player. @param pl2 Pointer to the pointer to the second player. @param data Coded integer that tells us which attribute to compare. @return 1, 0 or -1 (see the C qsort() function). */ gint player_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { gint data_int = ABS(GPOINTER_TO_INT(data)); gint data_int2 = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); gint type = data_int % 100; const Player *pl1 = (data_int < 100) ? *(const Player**)a : (const Player*)a; const Player *pl2 = (data_int < 100) ? *(const Player**)b : (const Player*)b; gint return_value = 0; if(type == PLAYER_COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_GAME_SKILL) return_value = misc_float_compare(player_get_game_skill(pl1, FALSE, TRUE), player_get_game_skill(pl2, FALSE, TRUE)); else if(type == PLAYER_COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_POS) { if(MIN(player_id_index(pl1->team, pl1->id), player_id_index(pl2->team, pl2->id)) < 11 && MAX(player_id_index(pl1->team, pl1->id), player_id_index(pl2->team, pl2->id)) >= 11) return_value = (player_id_index(pl1->team, pl1->id) > player_id_index(pl2->team, pl2->id)) ? 1 : -1; else if(pl1->cskill == 0) return_value = (pl2->cskill == 0) ? 0 : 1; else if(pl2->cskill == 0) return_value = (pl1->cskill == 0) ? 0 : -1; else if(pl2->pos != pl1->pos) return_value = misc_int_compare(pl2->pos, pl1->pos); else return_value = 0; } else if(type == PLAYER_COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_LEAGUE_GOALS) { gint goals1 = player_games_goals_get(pl1, pl1->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_GOALS), games1 = player_games_goals_get(pl1, pl1->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES), shots1 = player_games_goals_get(pl1, pl1->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_SHOTS), goals2 = player_games_goals_get(pl2, pl2->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_GOALS), games2 = player_games_goals_get(pl2, pl2->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES), shots2 = player_games_goals_get(pl2, pl2->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_SHOTS); if(goals1 != goals2) return_value = misc_int_compare(goals1, goals2); else if(games1 != games2) return_value = misc_int_compare(games2, games1); else return_value = misc_int_compare(shots2, shots1); } if(data_int2 != 0) return_value *= (data_int / data_int2); return return_value; } /** Compare two players in a pointer array. @param pl1 Pointer to the pointer to the first player. @param pl2 Pointer to the pointer to the second player. @param data Coded integer that tells us which position we would like to substitute. @return 1, 0 or -1 (see the C qsort() function). */ gint player_compare_substitute_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { const Player *pl1 = *(const Player**)a; const Player *pl2 = *(const Player**)b; gint position = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); gfloat skill_for_pos1 = player_get_cskill(pl1, position, FALSE) * powf(pl1->fitness, const_float("float_player_fitness_exponent")), skill_for_pos2 = player_get_cskill(pl2, position, FALSE) * powf(pl2->fitness, const_float("float_player_fitness_exponent")); gfloat game_skill1 = player_get_game_skill(pl1, FALSE, TRUE), game_skill2 = player_get_game_skill(pl2, FALSE, TRUE); gboolean good_structure1 = player_substitution_good_structure(pl1->team->structure, position, pl1->pos), good_structure2 = player_substitution_good_structure(pl2->team->structure, position, pl2->pos); gint return_value = 0; if(pl1->pos == position && pl2->pos == position) return_value = misc_float_compare(game_skill1, game_skill2); else if(pl1->pos == position) return_value = -1; else if(pl2->pos == position) return_value = 1; else if(position != PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) { if(good_structure1 && good_structure2) return_value = misc_float_compare(game_skill1, game_skill2); else if(good_structure1) return_value = misc_float_compare(game_skill1, skill_for_pos2); else if(good_structure2) return_value = misc_float_compare(skill_for_pos1, game_skill2); else return_value = misc_float_compare(skill_for_pos1, skill_for_pos2); } else return_value = misc_float_compare(skill_for_pos1, skill_for_pos2); return return_value; } /** Find out whether substituting a player into a team and adapting the team structure results in a normal structure. @param old_structure The team's structure before substituting. @param old_pos The position of the player that gets replaced. @param player_pos The position of the player that comes into the game. @return TRUE or FALSE. */ gboolean player_substitution_good_structure(gint old_structure, gint old_pos, gint player_pos) { gint accepted_structures[5] = {532, 442, 352, 433, 343}; gint new_structure = old_structure - (gint)rint(powf(10, PLAYER_POS_FORWARD - old_pos)) + (gint)rint(powf(10, PLAYER_POS_FORWARD - player_pos)); return query_integer_is_in_array(new_structure, accepted_structures, 5); } /** Copy a player into a team. @param pl The player. @param tm The dest team. @param insert_at The new index of the player in the players array. */ void player_copy(Player *pl, Team *tm, gint insert_at) { Player new = *pl; new.team = tm; g_array_insert_val(tm->players, insert_at, new); if(insert_at < 11) player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at)->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm->structure, insert_at); else player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at)->cpos = player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at)->pos; player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at)->cskill = player_get_cskill(player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at), player_of_idx_team(tm, insert_at)->cpos, TRUE); } /** Move a player from one player array to another one. @param tm1 The source team. @param player_number The index of the player in the players array. @param tm2 The dest team. @param insert_at The new index of the player in the players array. */ void player_move(Team *tm1, gint player_number, Team *tm2, gint insert_at) { Player pl = *player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number); pl.team = tm2; g_array_remove_index(tm1->players, player_number); g_array_insert_val(tm2->players, insert_at, pl); } /** Swap two players. */ void player_swap(Team *tm1, gint player_number1, Team *tm2, gint player_number2) { gint move = (tm1 == tm2 && player_number1 < player_number2) ? -1 : 1; if(stat0 == STATUS_LIVE_GAME_PAUSE) { if((player_number1 < 11 && player_is_banned(player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)) > 0 && player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->participation) || (player_number2 < 11 && player_is_banned(player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)) > 0 && player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->participation)) { game_gui_show_warning(_("You can't replace a banned player.")); return; } } player_move(tm1, player_number1, tm2, player_number2); if(player_number2 < 11) player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm2->structure, player_number2); else player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->cpos = player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->pos; player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->cskill = player_get_cskill(player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2), player_of_idx_team(tm2, player_number2)->cpos, TRUE); player_move(tm2, player_number2 + move, tm1, player_number1); if(player_number1 < 11) player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm1->structure, player_number1); else player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->cpos = player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->pos; player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->cskill = player_get_cskill(player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1), player_of_idx_team(tm1, player_number1)->cpos, TRUE); } /** Return the player's cskill depending on whether he's on his normal position or not. @param pl The player we examine. @param position The position we's like to put the player. @param check_health Whether to check for injury and ban (profiling reasons). @return A new cskill. */ gfloat player_get_cskill(const Player *pl, gint position, gboolean check_health) { gfloat cskill_factor; if(check_health && (pl->health != PLAYER_INJURY_NONE || player_is_banned(pl) > 0)) return 0; if(pl->pos != position) { if(position == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE || pl->pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) cskill_factor = 0.5; else if(abs(position - pl->pos) == 2) cskill_factor = 0.65; else cskill_factor = 0.75; return MIN(pl->talent * cskill_factor, pl->skill); } else return pl->skill; } /** Find out whether the player is banned in the next match or whether he will be if he gets a yellow card. @param pl The player we examine. @return Number of games banned, or 0 if not banned, or -1 if yellow. */ gint player_is_banned(const Player *pl) { Fixture *fix = team_get_fixture(pl->team, FALSE); gint yellow_red = -1, yellow, red; if(fix == NULL) return 0; if(fix->clid < ID_CUP_START) yellow_red = league_from_clid(fix->clid)->yellow_red; else yellow_red = cup_from_clid(fix->clid)->yellow_red; yellow = player_card_get(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_YELLOW); red = player_card_get(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED); if(red > 0) return red; if(yellow == yellow_red - 1) return -1; return 0; } /** Return the player's skill contribution to his team. @param pl The player. @param skill Whether to take his skill or current skill into account. @param special Whether to count special influence like boost and streak. @return A float value representing the player's contribution. */ gfloat player_get_game_skill(const Player *pl, gboolean skill, gboolean count_special) { gfloat boost = (count_special) ? 1 + const_float("float_player_boost_skill_effect") * pl->team->boost : 1; gfloat streak = (count_special) ? 1 + (gfloat)pl->streak * const_float("float_player_streak_influence_skill") : 1; return (skill) ? pl->skill * boost * streak * powf(pl->fitness, const_float("float_player_fitness_exponent")) : pl->cskill * boost * streak * powf(pl->fitness, const_float("float_player_fitness_exponent")); } /** Decrease a player's fitness during a match. @param pl The player. */ void player_decrease_fitness(Player *pl) { gfloat goalie_factor = 1 - const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_factor_goalie") * (pl->cpos == 0); gfloat boost_factor = 1 + (gfloat)pl->team->boost * const_float("float_player_boost_fitness_effect"); gfloat streak_factor = 1 + (gfloat)pl->streak * const_float("float_player_streak_influence_fitness_decrease"); if(pl->age < pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region) pl->fitness -= (((pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region - pl->age) * const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_younger_factor") + const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_add")) * goalie_factor * boost_factor * streak_factor); else if(pl->age > pl->peak_age + pl->peak_region) pl->fitness -= (((pl->age - pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region) * const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_older_factor") + const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_add")) * goalie_factor * boost_factor * streak_factor); else pl->fitness -= (const_float("float_player_fitness_decrease_add") * goalie_factor * boost_factor * streak_factor); pl->fitness = MAX(0, pl->fitness); } /** Increase of player fitness after a match. Depends on the decrease values and the percentage values that determine how much of the decrease a player gains. @param pl The player we edit. */ void player_update_fitness(Player *pl) { gfloat variance = math_rnd(1 - const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_variance"), 1 + const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_variance")); gfloat streak_factor = 1 + (pl->streak * const_float("float_player_streak_influence_fitness_increase")); if(pl->participation) { pl->participation = FALSE; return; } if(pl->age < pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region) pl->fitness += (((pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region - pl->age) * const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_younger_factor") + const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_add")) * variance * streak_factor); else if(pl->age > pl->peak_age + pl->peak_region) pl->fitness += (((pl->age - pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region) * const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_older_factor") + const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_add")) * variance * streak_factor); else pl->fitness += (const_float("float_player_fitness_increase_add") * variance * streak_factor); pl->fitness = MIN(pl->fitness, 1); } /** Return the number of yellow cards of a player or the number of weeks banned. @param pl The player. @param clid The cup or league id. @param card_type Whether red or yellow cards. */ gint player_card_get(const Player *pl, gint clid, gint card_type) { gint i; gint return_value = 0; for(i=0;icards->len;i++) if(g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).clid == clid) { if(card_type == PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_YELLOW) return_value = g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).yellow; else return_value = g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).red; break; } return return_value; } /** Change a card value for the player. @param pl The player. @param clid The cup or league id. @param card_type Whether red or yellow card. @param value The new value. @param diff Whether we add the value to the old one or replace the old value by the new one. */ void player_card_set(Player *pl, gint clid, gint card_type, gint value, gboolean diff) { gint i, *card_value = NULL; PlayerCard new; for(i=0;icards->len;i++) if(g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).clid == clid) { if(card_type == PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_YELLOW) card_value = &g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).yellow; else if(card_type == PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED) card_value = &g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, i).red; if(diff) *card_value += value; else *card_value = value; if(*card_value < 0) { g_warning("player_card_set: negative card value; setting to 0\n"); *card_value = 0; } return; } new.clid = clid; new.yellow = new.red = 0; g_array_append_val(pl->cards, new); player_card_set(pl, clid, card_type, value, diff); } /** Return the number of games or goals. @param pl The player. @param clid The cup or league id. @param card_type Whether games or goals cards. */ gint player_games_goals_get(const Player *pl, gint clid, gint type) { gint i, return_value = 0; for(i=0;igames_goals->len;i++) if(g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).clid == clid) { if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES) return_value = g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).games; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GOALS) return_value = g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).goals; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_SHOTS) return_value = g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).shots; else main_exit_program(EXIT_INT_NOT_FOUND, "player_games_goals_get: unknown type %d.\n", type); } return return_value; } /** Change a card value for the player. @param pl The player. @param clid The cup or league id. @param type Whether games or goals or shots. @param value The new value. @param diff Whether we add the value to the old one or replace the old value by the new one. */ void player_games_goals_set(Player *pl, gint clid, gint type, gint value) { gint i, *games_goals_value = NULL; PlayerGamesGoals new; for(i=0;igames_goals->len;i++) if(g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).clid == clid) { if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES) games_goals_value = &g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).games; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_GOALS) games_goals_value = &g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).goals; else if(type == PLAYER_VALUE_SHOTS) games_goals_value = &g_array_index(pl->games_goals, PlayerGamesGoals, i).shots; *games_goals_value += value; if(*games_goals_value < 0) { g_warning("player_games_goals_set: negative value; setting to 0\n"); *games_goals_value = 0; } return; } new.clid = clid; new.games = new.goals = new.shots = 0; g_array_append_val(pl->games_goals, new); player_games_goals_set(pl, clid, type, value); } /** Update skill and lsu of a user player. @param pl The player we update. */ void player_update_skill(Player *pl) { gint i; if(!query_player_is_youth(pl)) { if(pl->age > pl->peak_age) pl->lsu += (pl->health == 0) ? 1 : const_float("float_player_lsu_injured_old"); else if(pl->health == 0 && ((gfloat)player_games_goals_get(pl, pl->team->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_GAMES) / (gfloat)week >= const_float("float_player_lsu_games_percentage") || math_rnd(0, 1) <= const_float("float_player_lsu_increase_prob"))) pl->lsu++; } else pl->lsu += (pl->health != 0) ? 0 : const_float("float_youth_academy_lsu_addition_best") - (user_from_team(pl->team)->youth_academy.av_coach * const_float("float_youth_academy_lsu_penalty")); if(pl->lsu < const_float("float_player_lsu_update_limit") || math_rnd(0, 1) < powf(const_float("float_player_lsu_update_base_prob"), pl->lsu - const_float("float_player_lsu_update_limit"))) return; pl->lsu = 0; if(pl->age < pl->peak_age - pl->peak_region) pl->skill *= (1 + ((pl->peak_age - pl->age) * const_float("float_player_skill_update_younger_factor") + const_float("float_player_skill_update_younger_add"))); else if(pl->age > pl->peak_age + pl->peak_region) pl->skill *= (1 - ((pl->age - pl->peak_age) * const_float("float_player_skill_update_older_factor") + const_float("float_player_skill_update_older_add"))); else pl->skill *= math_rnd(1 - const_float("float_player_skill_update_peak"), 1 + const_float("float_player_skill_update_peak")); pl->skill = CLAMP(pl->skill, 0, pl->talent); pl->cskill = player_get_cskill(pl, pl->cpos, TRUE); pl->value = player_assign_value(pl); for(i=0;iskill > pl->etal[i]) { player_estimate_talent(pl); break; } } /** Decrement the number of weeks until recovery depending on the user's physio. @param pl An injured player. */ void player_update_injury(Player *pl) { gint i, j; gfloat rndom; gint physio = (query_player_is_cpu(pl)) ? QUALITY_GOOD : user_from_team(pl->team)->physio; gfloat injury_decrease_probs[4][3] = {{const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best0"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best1"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best2")}, {const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good0"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good1"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good2")}, {const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good2"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good1"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_good0")}, {const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best2"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best1"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_best0")}}; for(j=1;j<3;j++) injury_decrease_probs[physio][j] += injury_decrease_probs[physio][j - 1]; rndom = math_rnd(0, 1); for(i=0;i<3;i++) if(rndom <= injury_decrease_probs[physio][i]) { pl->recovery = MAX(pl->recovery - i, 0); break; } if(pl->recovery == 0) { pl->health = 0; pl->fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_injury_recovery_fitness_upper")); } } /** Weekly test whether a player goes on a hot/cold streak; if he's on a streak, decrease the streak counter. */ void player_update_streak(Player *pl) { gfloat streak_type, streak_prob, streak_length, decrease_factor = 0; gfloat streak_prob_factor = const_float("float_player_streak_prob_max") - const_float("float_player_streak_prob_zero"), streak_prob_add = const_float("float_player_streak_prob_zero"); /** Player streak is locked. */ if(pl->streak_count < 0) { pl->streak_count++; if(pl->streak_count >= 0) pl->streak_count = 0; return; } else if(pl->streak_count > 0) { if(pl->streak == PLAYER_STREAK_HOT) decrease_factor = -1; else if(pl->streak == PLAYER_STREAK_COLD) decrease_factor = 1; else g_warning("player_update_streak: streak count is positive (%.1f) but player %s is not on a streak!\n", pl->streak_count, pl->name); pl->streak_count -= (pl->streak_prob * decrease_factor * const_float("float_player_streak_count_decrease_factor") + const_float("float_player_streak_count_decrease_add")); /** Streak is over. */ if(pl->streak_count <= 0) { pl->streak = PLAYER_STREAK_NONE; player_streak_reset_count(pl); } return; } if(query_player_is_in_ya(pl)) return; /** Now let's find out whether there's a new streak. */ streak_type = math_rnd(-1, 1); streak_prob = math_rnd(0, 1); streak_length = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_streak_length_lower"), const_float("float_player_streak_length_upper")); if(streak_type < pl->streak_prob && ((pl->streak_prob > 0 && streak_prob < streak_prob_factor * pl->streak_prob + streak_prob_add) || (pl->streak_prob <= 0 && streak_prob < streak_prob_add * pl->streak_prob + streak_prob_add))) { pl->streak = PLAYER_STREAK_HOT; pl->streak_count = streak_length; } else if(streak_type > pl->streak_prob && ((pl->streak_prob > 0 && streak_prob < -streak_prob_add * pl->streak_prob + streak_prob_add) || (pl->streak_prob <= 0 && streak_prob < -streak_prob_factor * pl->streak_prob + streak_prob_add))) { pl->streak = PLAYER_STREAK_COLD; pl->streak_count = streak_length; } } /** Update a player in a team (age, skill etc.). */ void player_update_weekly(Player *pl) { if(pl->health > 0) player_update_injury(pl); else player_update_streak(pl); if(query_player_is_cpu(pl)) return; pl->age += 0.0192; if(debug < 50) if(!sett_int("int_opt_disable_contracts") && pl->age > const_float("float_player_age_lower")) pl->contract -= 0.0192; if(!sett_int("int_opt_disable_contracts") && debug < 50 && pl->contract * 12 <= opt_user_int("int_opt_user_contract_limit") && (pl->contract + 0.0192) * 12 > opt_user_int("int_opt_user_contract_limit")) user_event_add(user_from_team(pl->team), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("%s's contract expires in %.1f years."), pl->name, pl->contract); if(pl->contract <= 0) player_remove_contract(pl); player_update_skill(pl); } /** Remove a player from a user team after the contract expired. @param tm The user team. @param idx The player index. */ void player_remove_contract(Player *pl) { user_event_add(user_from_team(pl->team), EVENT_TYPE_PLAYER_LEFT, -1, -1, NULL, pl->name); player_remove_from_team(pl->team, player_id_index(pl->team, pl->id)); } /** Remove a player from a team. @param idx The player index in the players array. */ void player_remove_from_team(Team *tm, gint idx) { transfer_remove_player_ptr(player_of_idx_team(tm, idx)); free_player(player_of_idx_team(tm, idx)); g_array_remove_index(tm->players, idx); } /** Make some player updates after a match for players. @param pl The player we update. @param clid The fixture clid. */ void player_update_post_match(Player *pl, const Fixture *fix) { gint yellow_red = league_cup_get_yellow_red(fix->clid); gint winner = -1; if(player_card_get(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED) > 0) player_card_set(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED, -1, TRUE); if(player_card_get(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_YELLOW) >= yellow_red) { player_card_set(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_YELLOW, 0, FALSE); if(player_card_get(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED) == 0 && debug < 50) player_card_set(pl, fix->clid, PLAYER_VALUE_CARD_RED, 1, FALSE); } if(pl->cpos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE && ((fix->result[0][0] == 0 && fix->teams[1] == pl->team) || (fix->result[1][0] == 0 && fix->teams[0] == pl->team))) player_streak_add_to_prob( pl, const_float("float_player_streak_add_goalie_clean")); /** No streak change if we had a draw. */ if(!fix->decisive && fix->result[0][0] == fix->result[1][0]) return; winner = GPOINTER_TO_INT(fixture_winner_of(fix, TRUE)); if(winner == pl->team->id) player_streak_add_to_prob( pl, const_float("float_player_streak_add_win")); else player_streak_add_to_prob( pl, const_float("float_player_streak_add_loss")); } /** Replace a player by a new one in a cpu team. @param free_player Whether to free the memory occupied by the player. */ void player_replace_by_new(Player *pl, gboolean free_player) { Team *tm = pl->team; gint idx = player_id_index(tm, pl->id); Player new = player_new(tm, team_get_average_skill(tm, FALSE), FALSE); new.name = name_get(pl->team->names_file); new.pos = pl->pos; new.cpos = pl->cpos; new.id = pl->id; if(free_player) player_remove_from_team(tm, idx); else g_array_remove_index(tm->players, idx); g_array_insert_val(tm->players, idx, new); } /** Update players in teams. @param tm The team of the player. @param idx The index in the players array. */ void player_update_week_roundly(Team *tm, gint idx) { Player *pl = player_of_idx_team(tm, idx); if(pl->health == 0 && (week_round == 1 || (week_round > 1 && query_team_plays(tm, week, week_round)))) player_update_fitness(pl); pl->cskill = (pl->health > 0 || player_is_banned(pl) > 0) ? 0 : player_get_cskill(pl, pl->cpos, TRUE); } /** Return injury descriptions. */ gchar* player_injury_to_char(gint injury_type) { switch(injury_type) { default: g_warning("player_injury_to_char: unknown type %d\n", injury_type); return ""; break; case PLAYER_INJURY_NONE: return _("OK"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_CONCUSSION: return _("Concussion"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_PULLED_MUSCLE: return _("Pulled muscle"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_HAMSTRING: return _("Hamstring"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_GROIN: return _("Groin injury"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_FRAC_ANKLE: return _("Fractured ankle"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_RIB: return _("Broken rib"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_LEG: return _("Broken leg"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_BROK_ANKLE: return _("Broken ankle"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_ARM: return _("Broken arm"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_SHOULDER: return _("Broken shoulder"); break; case PLAYER_INJURY_LIGAMENT: return _("Torn crucial ligament"); break; } return NULL; } /** Nullify some stuff at the beginning of the season and change the skills of cpu players. @param skill_change Skill change of the player in percentage. */ void player_season_start(Player *pl, gfloat skill_change) { gint i; if(pl->games_goals->len > 0) { g_array_free(pl->games_goals, TRUE); pl->games_goals = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerGamesGoals)); } if(pl->cards->len > 0) { g_array_free(pl->cards, TRUE); pl->cards = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerGamesGoals)); } if(skill_change != 0) { pl->skill *= (1 + skill_change); pl->skill = CLAMP(pl->skill, 0, pl->talent); pl->cskill = player_get_cskill(pl, pl->cpos, TRUE); pl->value = player_assign_value(pl); for(i=0;iskill > pl->etal[i]) { player_estimate_talent(pl); break; } } } /** Return the last name of a player. */ gchar* player_get_last_name(const gchar *name) { gint i; gchar buf[SMALL]; gchar *rev_name = NULL; const gchar *temp; if(!g_utf8_validate(name, -1, NULL)) { g_warning("player_get_last_name: invalid utf8-string: %s \n", name); return ""; } temp = name; for(i=0;ilen;i++) g_ptr_array_add(players, &g_array_index(players_array, Player, i)); return players; } /** Move a player from the team to the youth academy. */ void player_move_to_ya(gint idx) { Player *pl = player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, idx); Player player = *pl; if(query_transfer_player_is_on_list(pl)) transfer_remove_player_ptr(pl); player.cskill = player.skill; player.cpos = player.pos; g_array_remove_index(current_user.tm->players, idx); g_array_append_val(current_user.youth_academy.players, player); } /** Move a player from the youth academy to the team. */ void player_move_from_ya(gint idx) { Player *pl = &g_array_index(current_user.youth_academy.players, Player, idx); Player player = *pl; g_array_remove_index(current_user.youth_academy.players, idx); g_array_append_val(current_user.tm->players, player); } /** Wrapper for the streak probability addition operation so that it always stays between -1 and 1. */ void player_streak_add_to_prob(Player *pl, gfloat add) { pl->streak_prob += add; pl->streak_prob = CLAMP(pl->streak_prob, -1, 1); } /** Find out whether a player is in the youth academy. */ gboolean query_player_is_in_ya(const Player *pl) { gint i; for(i=0;iteam->players->len;i++) if(pl == &g_array_index(pl->team->players, Player, i)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }