#include "cup.h" #include "fixture.h" #include "free.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "league.h" #include "live_game.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "team.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "treeview.h" #include "user.h" #include "window.h" /** Create a new user with default values. */ User user_new(void) { User new; new.name = g_string_new("NONAME"); new.tm = NULL; new.team_id = -1; live_game_reset(&new.live_game, NULL, FALSE); new.events = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Event)); new.history = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(UserHistory)); new.options.list = NULL; new.options.datalist = NULL; return new; } /** Move a user's team to top or bottom league at the beginning of a new game and set up the team. @param user The user we set up the team for. */ void user_set_up_team_new_game(User *user) { gchar buf[SMALL]; gint rndom, max, lig_idx = -1; if(user->scout == 0) { user_set_up_team(user); user_history_add(user, USER_HISTORY_START_GAME, user->tm->id, user->tm->clid, -1, ""); } else { if(user->scout == 1 && lig(0).id != user->tm->clid) lig_idx = 0; else if(lig(ligs->len - 1).id != user->tm->clid) lig_idx = ligs->len - 1; max = lig(lig_idx).teams->len - 1; rndom = math_rndi(0, max); sprintf(buf, "%s", g_array_index(lig(lig_idx).teams, Team, rndom).name->str); g_string_printf(g_array_index(lig(lig_idx).teams, Team, rndom).name, "%s", user->tm->name->str); g_string_printf(user->tm->name, "%s", buf); user->tm = &g_array_index(lig(lig_idx).teams, Team, rndom); user->team_id = g_array_index(lig(lig_idx).teams, Team, rndom).id; user_history_add(user, USER_HISTORY_START_GAME, user->tm->id, user->tm->clid, -1, ""); user_set_up_team(user); } } /** Set up finances, remove some players etc. for a new user team. @param user The user whose team we set up. */ void user_set_up_team(User *user) { gint i, j; for(i=PLAYER_POS_DEFENDER; i<=PLAYER_POS_FORWARD; i++) for(j=user->tm->players->len - 1; j > 10; j--) if(g_array_index(user->tm->players, Player, j).pos == i) { player_remove_from_team(user->tm, j); break; } user->scout = user->physio = QUALITY_AVERAGE; user->tm->style = 0; user_set_up_finances(user); user_set_up_counters(user); } /** Set the counters of the user to their initial values. */ void user_set_up_counters(User *user) { gint i; for(i=0;icounters[i] = 0; user->counters[COUNT_USER_LOAN] = user->counters[COUNT_USER_POSITIVE] = -1; } /** Set up the user's finances when he's got a new team. @param user The user we set up the finances for. */ void user_set_up_finances(User *user) { gint i; for(i=0; imoney_out[0][i] = user->money_out[1][i] = 0; for(i=0; imoney_in[0][i] = user->money_in[1][i] = 0; user->debt = 0; user->money = math_round_integer(user->tm->stadium.capacity * math_rndi(const_int("int_initial_money_lower"), const_int("int_initial_money_upper")), 2); } /** Remove a user from the game. @param idx The index of the user in the #users array. @param regenerate_team Whether the user's team has to be regenerated. */ void user_remove(gint idx, gboolean regenerate_team) { gint i; if(regenerate_team) { for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) free_player(&g_array_index(usr(idx).tm->players, Player, i)); g_array_free(usr(idx).tm->players, TRUE); usr(idx).tm->players = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Player)); team_generate_players_stadium(usr(idx).tm); for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) g_array_index(usr(idx).tm->players, Player, i).team = usr(idx).tm; } free_user(&usr(idx)); g_array_remove_index(users, idx); cur_user = 0; if(window.main != NULL) game_gui_show_main(); } void user_set_player_list_attributes(const User *user, PlayerListAttribute *attribute, gint list_number) { gint i, cnt = 0; gchar prefix[SMALL]; sprintf(prefix, "int_opt_user_pl%d_att", list_number); for(i=0;ioptions.list->len;i++) if(g_str_has_prefix(g_array_index(user->options.list, Option, i).name->str, prefix)) { attribute->on_off[cnt] = g_array_index(user->options.list, Option, i).value; cnt++; } } /** Find out whether there are user games at the specified date. */ gboolean query_user_games_in_week_round(gint week_number, gint week_round_number) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_user_game_in_week_round(i, week_number, week_round_number)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Find out whether the specified user has a match at the specified date. */ gboolean query_user_game_in_week_round(gint usr_idx, gint week_number, gint week_round_number) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)) == usr_idx && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round_number) return TRUE; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) if(fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)) == usr_idx && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round_number) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Get the user managing the team. @param tm The team. @return A pointer to the user. */ User* user_from_team(const Team *tm) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(usr(i).tm == tm) return &usr(i); g_warning("User going with team %s not found.\n", tm->name->str); return NULL; } /** Check the success counter of the user and offer a new job or fire him if the counter says so. */ void user_job_offer(User *user) { gchar buf[SMALL]; Team *new_team = NULL; if(math_rnd(0, 1) > const_float("float_user_success_counter_check") || ABS(user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS]) < (gfloat)const_int("int_user_success_offer_limit") * 0.9) return; if(user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] < -(gfloat)const_int("int_user_success_offer_limit") * 0.9 && !user->counters[COUNT_USER_WARNING]) { sprintf(buf, _("The owners of %s are not satisfied with the recent performance of the team. There are rumours they're looking for a new manager."), user->tm->name->str); user_event_add(user, EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, buf); user->counters[COUNT_USER_WARNING] = 1; return; } if(math_rnd(0, 1) < const_float("float_user_success_base_prob") * log((gfloat)ABS(user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS]) * const_float("float_user_success_prob_factor"))) { if(user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] < 0) { new_team = team_get_new(user->tm, TRUE); user_event_add(user, EVENT_TYPE_FIRE_FAILURE, -1, -1, new_team, NULL); user_history_add(user, USER_HISTORY_FIRE_FAILURE, user->tm->id, new_team->id, new_team->clid, ""); } else if(option_int("int_opt_user_show_job_offers", &user->options)) { new_team = team_get_new(user->tm, FALSE); user_event_add(user, EVENT_TYPE_JOB_OFFER, -1, -1, new_team, NULL); } } } /** Update the counters of the users. */ void user_weekly_update_counters(User *user) { gint rank = team_get_league_rank(user->tm); gint teamslen = ((GArray*)(league_cup_get_teams(user->tm->clid)))->len; gint rank_bounds[2] = {(gint)rint(const_float("float_user_success_table_bound_upper") * (gfloat)teamslen), (gint)rint(const_float("float_user_success_table_bound_lower") * (gfloat)teamslen)}; gint *cnts = user->counters; gint increase_capacity; gfloat increase_safety; if(cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_CAPACITY] > 0) { increase_capacity = math_rndi(const_int("int_stadium_improvement_base_seats") - const_int("int_stadium_improvement_seats_variance"), const_int("int_stadium_improvement_base_seats") + const_int("int_stadium_improvement_seats_variance")); user->tm->stadium.capacity += MIN(cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_CAPACITY], increase_capacity); cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_CAPACITY] = MAX(cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_CAPACITY] - increase_capacity, 0); } if(cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_SAFETY] > 0) { increase_safety = math_rnd(const_float("float_stadium_improvement_base_safety") - const_float("float_stadium_improvement_safety_variance"), const_float("float_stadium_improvement_base_safety") + const_float("float_stadium_improvement_safety_variance")); user->tm->stadium.safety += MIN((gfloat)cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_SAFETY] / 100, increase_safety); user->tm->stadium.safety = MIN(user->tm->stadium.safety, 1); cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_SAFETY] = MAX(cnts[COUNT_USER_STADIUM_SAFETY] - (gint)rint(increase_safety * 100), 0); } if(query_league_matches_in_week(league_from_clid(user->tm->clid), week)) { if(rank < rank_bounds[0]) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += (rank_bounds[0] - rank); else if(rank > rank_bounds[1]) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] -= (rank - rank_bounds[1]); else { if(user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] > 0) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] -= const_int("int_user_success_mediocre_rank_change"); else user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_mediocre_rank_change"); } } } /** Return a default new user event. */ Event user_event_new(void) { Event new; new.user = NULL; new.type = -1; new.value1 = new.value2 = -1; new.value_pointer = NULL; new.value_string = NULL; return new; } /** Add an event with the specified values to the event array of the user. */ void user_event_add(User *user, gint type, gint value1, gint value2, gpointer value_pointer, gchar *value_string) { Event new = user_event_new(); new.user = user; new.type = type; new.value1 = value1; new.value2 = value2; new.value_pointer = value_pointer; if(value_string != NULL) new.value_string = g_string_new(value_string); else new.value_string = NULL; g_array_append_val(user->events, new); } /** Remove an event from the user event array. @param user The user. @param idx The index of the event in the array. */ void user_event_remove(User *user, gint idx) { free_event(&g_array_index(user->events, Event, idx)); g_array_remove_index(user->events, idx); } /** Find the event index going with the values. */ gint user_event_get_index(User *user, gint type, gint value1, gint value2, gpointer value_pointer, gchar *value_string) { gint i; for(i=0;ievents->len;i++) if(g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).type == type && g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).value1 == value1 && g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).value2 == value2 && g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).value_pointer == value_pointer && ((gpointer)g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).value_string == (gpointer)value_string || strcmp(g_array_index(user->events, Event, i).value_string->str, value_string) == 0)) return i; g_warning("user_event_get_index: didn't find index."); return -1; } /** Show the next event for the current user. */ void user_event_show_next(void) { Event *event = NULL; gchar buf[BIG], buf2[SMALL], buf3[SMALL]; gint temp_int = -1; if(current_user.events->len == 0) return; stat4 = STATUS_SHOW_EVENT; event = &g_array_index(current_user.events, Event, 0); switch(event->type) { default: g_warning("user_event_show_next: unknown event type %d\n", event->type); break; case EVENT_TYPE_PLAYER_LEFT: sprintf(buf, _("%s has left your team because his contract expired."), event->value_string->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_WARNING: game_gui_show_warning(event->value_string->str); break; case EVENT_TYPE_FIRE_FINANCE: stat2 = STATUS_JOB_OFFER_FIRE_FINANCE; statp = event->value_pointer; game_gui_show_job_offer((Team*)event->value_pointer, STATUS_JOB_OFFER_FIRE_FINANCE); break; case EVENT_TYPE_FIRE_FAILURE: stat2 = STATUS_JOB_OFFER_FIRE_FAILURE; statp = event->value_pointer; game_gui_show_job_offer((Team*)event->value_pointer, STATUS_JOB_OFFER_FIRE_FAILURE); break; case EVENT_TYPE_JOB_OFFER: stat2 = STATUS_JOB_OFFER_SUCCESS; statp = event->value_pointer; game_gui_show_job_offer((Team*)event->value_pointer, STATUS_JOB_OFFER_SUCCESS); break; case EVENT_TYPE_OVERDRAW: if(event->value1 == 1) sprintf(buf, _("You have overdrawn your bank account. The team owners give you %d weeks to get above your drawing credit limit."), const_int("int_finance_overdraw_positive")); else sprintf(buf, _("You have overdrawn your bank account once again. Bear in mind that after the fourth time you get fired.\nThe team owners give you %d weeks to get above your drawing credit limit."), const_int("int_finance_overdraw_positive")); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER_REJECTED: sprintf(buf, _("The owners of %s have rejected your offer for %s. Either the fee or the wage you suggested was too low, apparently."), ((Team*)event->value_pointer)->name->str, event->value_string->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER_MONEY: sprintf(buf, _("You didn't have enough money to buy %s from %s."), event->value_string->str, ((Team*)event->value_pointer)->name->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER_ROSTER: sprintf(buf, _("Your roster is full. You couldn't buy %s from %s."), event->value_string->str, ((Team*)event->value_pointer)->name->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER_ACCEPTED: sprintf(buf, _("Congratulations! The owners of %s have accepted your offer for %s!"), ((Team*)event->value_pointer)->name->str, event->value_string->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER: temp_int = transfer_get_index(event->user->tm, event->value1); misc_print_grouped_int(transoff(temp_int, 0).fee, buf2, FALSE); misc_print_grouped_int(ABS(transoff(temp_int, 0).fee - player_of_id_team(event->user->tm, trans(temp_int).id)->value), buf3, FALSE); if(transoff(temp_int, 0).fee - player_of_id_team(event->user->tm, trans(temp_int).id)->value > 0) strcat(buf3, _(" more")); else strcat(buf3, _(" less")); sprintf(buf, _("%s would like to buy %s. They offer %s for him, which is %s than the player's value. Do you accept?"), transoff(temp_int, 0).tm->name->str, player_of_id_team(event->user->tm, trans(temp_int).id)->name->str, buf2, buf3); stat1 = STATUS_TRANSFER_OFFER; stat2 = temp_int; window_show_yesno(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_TRANSFER_OFFER_OUTBID: sprintf(buf, _("There was a higher bid for %s than yours."), event->value_string->str); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; case EVENT_TYPE_PLAYER_CAREER_STOP: sprintf(buf, _("%s's injury was so severe that he can't play football on a professional level anymore. He leaves your team."), player_of_id_team(event->user->tm, event->value1)->name->str); if(event->user->tm->players->len < 12) { strcat(buf, _(" Fortunately he's got a cousin who can help your team out.")); player_replace_by_new(player_of_id_team(event->user->tm, event->value1), TRUE); } else player_remove_from_team(event->user->tm, player_id_index(event->user->tm, event->value1)); treeview_show_user_player_list(); game_gui_show_warning(buf); break; } user_event_remove(¤t_user, 0); } /** Change the team of a user. */ void user_change_team(User *user, Team *tm) { gint i; user->tm = tm; user->team_id = tm->id; user_set_up_team(user); for(i=user->events->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) user_event_remove(user, i); } /** Return the index of the user in the users array. */ gint user_get_index(User *user) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(&usr(i) == user) return i; g_warning("user_get_index: user not found.\n"); return -1; } /** Check whether one of the user teams has an unfit player in the startup formation. */ gboolean query_user_teams_have_unfit(void) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(query_user_game_in_week_round(i, week, week_round)) { for(j=0;j<11;j++) if(g_array_index(usr(i).tm->players, Player, j).health != 0 || player_is_banned(&g_array_index(usr(i).tm->players, Player, j)) > 0) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Compare function for history sorting. */ gint user_history_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { gint return_value = 0; const UserHistory *his1 = (const UserHistory*)a, *his2 = (const UserHistory*)b; if(his1->season < his2->season) return_value = 1; else if(his1->season > his2->season) return_value = -1; else if(his1->week < his2->week) return_value = 1; else if(his1->week > his2->week) return_value = -1; return return_value; } /** Add an element to the user history filled with the given values. */ void user_history_add(User *user, gint type, gint team_id, gint value1, gint value2, gchar *string) { gint i; UserHistory new_history; UserHistory *his = &new_history; gboolean replace = FALSE; if(type == USER_HISTORY_WIN_FINAL || type == USER_HISTORY_LOSE_FINAL || type == USER_HISTORY_REACH_CUP_ROUND) { for(i=0;ihistory->len;i++) if((g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).type == USER_HISTORY_WIN_FINAL || g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).type == USER_HISTORY_LOSE_FINAL || g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).type == USER_HISTORY_REACH_CUP_ROUND) && g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).season == season && g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).team_id == team_id && g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).value1 == value1) { /** Same cup round. */ if(g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i).value2 == value2 && type == USER_HISTORY_REACH_CUP_ROUND) return; his = &g_array_index(user->history, UserHistory, i); replace = TRUE; break; } } if(type == USER_HISTORY_WIN_FINAL) { if(query_cup_is_international(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_international_winner"); else if(query_cup_is_national(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_national_winner"); } else if(type == USER_HISTORY_LOSE_FINAL) { if(query_cup_is_international(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_international_final"); else if(query_cup_is_national(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_national_winner"); const_int("int_user_success_national_final"); } else if(type == USER_HISTORY_REACH_CUP_ROUND) { if(value2 == cup_from_clid(value1)->rounds->len - 2) { if(query_cup_is_international(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_international_semis"); else if(query_cup_is_national(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_national_semis"); } else if(value2 == cup_from_clid(value1)->rounds->len - 3) { if(query_cup_is_international(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_international_quarter"); else if(query_cup_is_national(value1)) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_national_quarter"); } } else if(type == USER_HISTORY_PROMOTED) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] += const_int("int_user_success_promotion"); else if(type == USER_HISTORY_RELEGATED) user->counters[COUNT_USER_SUCCESS] -= const_int("int_user_success_relegation"); his->season = season; his->week = week; his->type = type; his->team_id = team_id; his->value1 = value1; his->value2 = value2; if(replace) { g_string_printf(his->value_string, "%s", string); g_array_sort(user->history, (GCompareFunc)user_history_compare); } else { his->value_string = g_string_new(string); g_array_prepend_val(user->history, *his); } } /** Write the text corresponding to the history event into the buffer. */ void user_history_to_string(const UserHistory *history, gchar *buf) { gchar buf2[SMALL]; switch(history->type) { default: g_warning("user_history_to_string: unknown history type %d.\n", history->type); strcpy(buf, "FIXME!!!"); case USER_HISTORY_START_GAME: sprintf(buf, _("You start the game with %s in the %s."), team_of_id(history->team_id)->name->str, league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1)); break; case USER_HISTORY_FIRE_FINANCES: sprintf(buf, _("%s fires you because of financial mismanagement.\nYou find a new job with %s in the %s."), team_of_id(history->team_id)->name->str, team_of_id(history->value1)->name->str, league_cup_get_name_string(history->value2)); break; case USER_HISTORY_FIRE_FAILURE: sprintf(buf, _("%s fires you because of unsuccessfulness.\nYou find a new job with %s in the %s."), team_of_id(history->team_id)->name->str, team_of_id(history->value1)->name->str, league_cup_get_name_string(history->value2)); break; case USER_HISTORY_JOB_OFFER_ACCEPTED: sprintf(buf, _("%s offer you a job in the %s.\nYou accept the challenge and leave %s."), team_of_id(history->value1)->name->str, league_cup_get_name_string(history->value2), team_of_id(history->team_id)->name->str); break; case USER_HISTORY_END_SEASON: sprintf(buf, _("You finish the season in the %s on rank %d."), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1), history->value2); break; case USER_HISTORY_PROMOTED: sprintf(buf, _("You get promoted to the %s."), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1)); break; case USER_HISTORY_RELEGATED: sprintf(buf, _("You get relegated to the %s."), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1)); break; case USER_HISTORY_WIN_FINAL: sprintf(buf, _("You win the %s final against %s."), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1), history->value_string->str); break; case USER_HISTORY_LOSE_FINAL: sprintf(buf, _("You lose in the %s final against %s."), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1), history->value_string->str); break; case USER_HISTORY_REACH_CUP_ROUND: cup_get_round_name(cup_from_clid(history->value1), history->value2, buf2); sprintf(buf, _("You reach the %s (round %d) of the %s."), buf2, history->value2 + 1, league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1)); break; case USER_HISTORY_CHAMPION: sprintf(buf, _("You are champion of the %s!"), league_cup_get_name_string(history->value1)); break; } }