#include "cup.h" #include "fixture.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "league.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "team.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "user.h" /** Generate a team with default values, e.g. random playing structure and an empty string as name. @return A new team. */ Team team_new(gboolean new_id) { Team new; new.name = g_string_new(""); new.names_file = g_string_new(""); new.symbol = g_string_new(""); new.clid = -1; new.id = (new_id) ? team_id_new : -1; new.structure = team_assign_playing_structure(); new.style = team_assign_playing_style(); new.boost = 0; new.players = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Player)); return new; } /** Return a random playing style. @see The #TeamPlayingStyle enumeration. */ gint team_assign_playing_style(void) { gfloat rndom; rndom = math_rnd(0,1); /* all out defend */ if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_style_prob1")) return -2; /* defend */ else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_style_prob2")) return -1; /* balanced */ else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_style_prob3")) return 0; /* attack */ else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_style_prob4")) return 1; /* all out attack */ return 2; } /** Return a random playing structure. */ gint team_assign_playing_structure(void) { gfloat rndom = math_rnd(0,1); if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_structure_prob1")) return 532; else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_structure_prob2")) return 442; else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_structure_prob3")) return 352; else if(rndom < const_float("float_team_playing_structure_prob4")) return 433; return 343; } /** Return a stadium struct with default values. */ Stadium team_stadium_new(void) { Stadium new; new.capacity = -1; new.safety = 0; new.average_attendance = new.possible_attendance = new.games = 0; return new; } /* Fill the players array of the team and the stadium. @param tm The team that gets filled. */ void team_generate_players_stadium(Team *tm) { gint i; gfloat skill_factor = math_rnd(1 - const_float("float_team_skill_variance"), 1 + const_float("float_team_skill_variance")); Player new; gfloat average_skill; gfloat wages = 0; if(tm->clid < ID_CUP_START) average_skill = const_float("float_player_max_skill") * skill_factor * (((gfloat)league_from_clid(tm->clid)->average_skill) / 10000); else average_skill = skill_factor * team_get_average_skills(lig(0).teams) * (1 + ((gfloat)cup_from_clid(tm->clid)->skill_diff / 10000)); average_skill = CLAMP(average_skill, 0, const_float("float_player_max_skill")); for(i=0;iplayers, new); } tm->stadium.average_attendance = tm->stadium.possible_attendance = tm->stadium.games = 0; tm->stadium.safety = math_rnd(const_float("float_team_stadium_safety_lower"), const_float("float_team_stadium_safety_upper")); tm->stadium.capacity = math_round_integer((gint)rint((wages / (gfloat)const_int("int_team_stadium_ticket_price")) * const_float("float_team_stadium_size_wage_factor")), 2); } /** Check whether the team is already part of an international cup. We'd like to avoid having Real Madrid both in the Champions' League and in the CWC. @param tm The team we check (by comparing names). @param group The cup group the team shouldn't be in. @return TRUE if the team's already participating in a cup, FALSE otherwise. */ gboolean query_team_is_in_international_cups(const Team *tm, gint group) { gint i, j; if(group == -1) return FALSE; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(cp(i).group == group) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(strcmp(tm->name->str, ((GString*)g_ptr_array_index(cp(i).team_names, j))->str) == 0) { if(debug > 90) printf("team %s group %d found in %s \n", tm->name->str, group, cp(i).name->str); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Check whether a team participates in a cup. @param tm The team. @param cup The cup. @return TRUE or FALSE. */ gboolean query_team_is_in_cup(const Team *tm, const Cup *cup) { gint i; for(i=0;iteam_names->len;i++) if(strcmp(tm->name->str, ((GString*)g_ptr_array_index(cup->team_names, i))->str) == 0) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Return a GPtrArray containing the pointers to the teams from the teams array. @param teams The teams array we use. @return A GPtrArray containing pointers to the teams. */ GPtrArray* team_get_pointers_from_array(const GArray *teams) { gint i; GPtrArray *team_pointers = g_ptr_array_new(); for(i=0;ilen;i++) g_ptr_array_add(team_pointers, (gpointer)&g_array_index(teams, Team, i)); return team_pointers; } /** Return the pointer to the team belonging to the id. */ Team* team_of_id(gint id) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j).id == id) return &g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j); for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(cp(i).teams, j))->id == id) return (Team*)g_ptr_array_index(cp(i).teams, j); g_warning("team_of_id: team with id %d not found.", id); return NULL; } /** Return the players of the team in a pointer array. @param tm The team we examine. @return The players of the team in an array. */ GPtrArray* team_get_player_pointers(const Team *tm) { gint i; GPtrArray *players = g_ptr_array_new(); for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) g_ptr_array_add(players, &g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i)); return players; } /** Return a pointer to the next or last fixture the team participates in. @param tm The team we examine. @return The pointer to the fixture or NULL if none is found. */ Fixture* team_get_fixture(const Team *tm, gboolean last_fixture) { gint i, j; Fixture *fix = NULL; if(!last_fixture && (stat0 == STATUS_LIVE_GAME_PAUSE || stat0 == STATUS_SHOW_LIVE_GAME) && (tm == ((LiveGame*)statp)->fix->teams[0] || tm == ((LiveGame*)statp)->fix->teams[1])) return ((LiveGame*)statp)->fix; if(!last_fixture) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(lig(i).id == tm->clid) { for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1 && query_fixture_team_involved((&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)), tm->id)) { fix = &g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j); break; } break; } } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(fix == NULL || fix->week_number != week || fix->week_round_number != week_round) { if(query_cup_is_national(acp(i)->id) || query_team_is_in_cup(tm, acp(i))) { for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1 && query_fixture_team_involved((&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)), tm->id) && (fix == NULL || query_fixture_is_earlier(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j), fix))) { fix = &g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j); break; } } } } else { for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(lig(i).id == tm->clid) { for(j=lig(i).fixtures->len - 1;j>=0;j--) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance != -1 && query_fixture_team_involved((&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)), tm->id)) { fix = &g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j); break; } break; } } for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(fix == NULL || fix->week_number != week || fix->week_round_number != week_round - 1) { if(query_cup_is_national(acp(i)->id) || query_team_is_in_cup(tm, acp(i))) { for(j=acp(i)->fixtures->len - 1;j>=0;j--) if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance != -1 && query_fixture_team_involved((&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)), tm->id) && (fix == NULL || query_fixture_is_later(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j), fix))) { fix = &g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j); break; } } } } return fix; } /** Check whether the team is a user-managed team. @param tm The team we examine. @return The user's index in the #users array or -1.*/ gint team_is_user(const Team *tm) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(usr(i).tm == tm) return i; return -1; } /** Return the overall average skill or the cskill of the first 11 players. @param tm The team we examine. @param cskill Whether to take into account all players. */ gfloat team_get_average_skill(const Team *tm, gboolean cskill) { gint i, counter = 0; gfloat sum = 0; if(!cskill) { for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) if(player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cskill != 0) { sum += player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->skill; counter++; } } else for(i=0;i<11;i++) { sum += player_get_game_skill(player_of_idx_team(tm, i), FALSE); counter++; } return (counter > 0) ? sum / (gfloat)counter : 0; } /** Return the rank of the team in the league tables. */ gint team_get_league_rank(const Team *tm) { gint i; GArray *elements = league_from_clid(tm->clid)->table.elements; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(g_array_index(elements, TableElement, i).team == tm) return i + 1; g_warning("team_get_league_rank: no rank found for team %s in league %s. \n", tm->name->str, league_cup_get_name_string(tm->clid)); return -1; } /** Return the rank of the team in the round robin stage. */ gint team_get_cup_rank(const Team *tm, const CupRound *cupround) { gint i, j; for(i=0;itables->len;i++) { for(j=0;jtables, Table, i).elements->len;j++) if(g_array_index(g_array_index(cupround->tables, Table, i).elements, TableElement, j).team_id == tm->id) return j + 1; } g_warning("team_get_cup_rank: no rank found for team %s. \n ", tm->name->str); return -1; } /** Return the structure that fits the positions of the first 11 players. @param tm The team we examine. @return A new structure. */ gint team_find_appropriate_structure(const Team *tm) { gint i; gint structure = 0; for(i=0;i<11;i++) if(player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cskill > 0 && player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->pos != 0) structure += (gint)rint(powf(10, PLAYER_POS_FORWARD - player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->pos)); return structure; } /** Change the structure of a team and the appropriate cpos and cskill values. @param tm The team. @param new_structure The new structure value, e.g. 442. */ void team_change_structure(Team *tm, gint new_structure) { gint i; tm->structure = new_structure; for(i=1;i<11;i++) { player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(new_structure, i); player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cskill = player_get_cskill(player_of_idx_team(tm, i), player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cpos, FALSE); } } /* Try to set each of the first 11 players on his favoured position and sort the substitutes by position. @param tm The team we rearrange. */ void team_rearrange(Team *tm) { gint i; g_array_sort_with_data(tm->players, (GCompareDataFunc)player_compare_func, GINT_TO_POINTER(100 + PLAYER_COMPARE_ATTRIBUTE_POS)); for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) { player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cpos = (i < 11) ? player_get_position_from_structure(tm->structure, i) : player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->pos; if(player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cskill > 0) player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cskill = (i < 11) ? player_get_cskill(player_of_idx_team(tm, i), player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->cpos, TRUE) : player_of_idx_team(tm, i)->skill; } } /** Return the name of the current setting of a team attribute, e.g. style. @param tm The team. @param attribute The attribute. */ gchar* team_attribute_to_char(gint attribute, gint value) { switch(attribute) { default: g_warning("team_attribute_to_char: unknown attribute %d\n", attribute); break; case TEAM_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE: switch(value) { case -2: return _("ALL OUT DEFEND"); case -1: return _("DEFEND"); case 0: return _("BALANCED"); case 1: return _("ATTACK"); case 2: return _("ALL OUT ATTACK"); } break; case TEAM_ATTRIBUTE_BOOST: switch(value) { case -1: return _("ANTI"); case 0: return _("OFF"); case 1: return _("ON"); } break; } return NULL; } /** Change a team attribute of the current user and print a message. @param attribute The attribute. @param new_value The new value. */ void team_change_attribute_with_message(Team *tm, gint attribute, gint new_value) { gchar buf[SMALL]; switch(attribute) { default: g_warning("team_attribute_to_char: unknown attribute %d\n", attribute); break; case TEAM_ATTRIBUTE_STYLE: current_user.tm->style = new_value; sprintf(buf, "Team style changed to %s.", team_attribute_to_char(attribute, new_value)); break; case TEAM_ATTRIBUTE_BOOST: current_user.tm->boost = new_value; sprintf(buf, "Boost changed to %s.", team_attribute_to_char(attribute, new_value)); break; } game_gui_print_message(buf); } /** Make cpu players healthy etc. @param tm The cpu team. @param reset_fitness Whether to reset the fitness values of playes. */ void team_update_cpu_corrections(Team *tm, gboolean reset_fitness) { gint i, j; Player *pl; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) { pl = player_of_idx_team(tm, i); for(j=0;jcards->len;j++) g_array_index(pl->cards, PlayerCard, j).red = 0; if(pl->cskill == 0) { pl->health = pl->recovery = 0; pl->cskill = player_get_cskill(pl, pl->cpos, FALSE); pl->fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_fitness_upper")); } if(pl->pos != pl->cpos) { pl->pos = pl->cpos; pl->cskill = player_get_cskill(pl, pl->cpos, FALSE); } if(reset_fitness) pl->fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_fitness_upper")); } team_rearrange(tm); tm->structure = team_find_appropriate_structure(tm); if(!player_substitution_good_structure(tm->structure, PLAYER_POS_DEFENDER, PLAYER_POS_DEFENDER)) { tm->structure = team_assign_playing_structure(); for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) { pl = player_of_idx_team(tm, i); pl->pos = pl->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm->structure, i); } } } /** Make some random substitutions in the cpu team. */ void team_update_cpu_subs(Team *tm) { gint i; gint number_of_subs = math_rndi(const_int("int_team_subs_lower"), const_int("int_team_subs_upper")); gint player_numbers[11]; math_generate_permutation(player_numbers, 0, 10); for(i=0;istructure = team_assign_playing_structure(); for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) { pl = &g_array_index(tm->players, Player, i); pl->pos = pl->cpos = player_get_position_from_structure(tm->structure, i); } } /** Replace some players by new ones in a team. */ void team_update_cpu_new_players(Team *tm) { gint i; gint number_of_new = math_rndi(const_int("int_team_new_players_lower"), const_int("int_team_new_players_upper")); gint player_numbers[tm->players->len]; math_generate_permutation(player_numbers, 0, tm->players->len - 1); for(i=0;istyle = team_assign_playing_style(); if(math_rnd(0, 1) < const_float("float_team_new_structure")) team_update_cpu_structure(tm); } /** Increase player ages etc. @param tm The user team we examine. */ void team_update_user_team_weekly(Team *tm) { gint i; for(i=tm->players->len - 1;i>=0;i--) player_update_weekly(tm, i); } /** Regenerate player fitness etc. after a match. @param tm The user team we examine. @param clid The fixture clid. */ void team_update_post_match(Team *tm, gint clid) { gint i; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) player_update_post_match(player_of_idx_team(tm, i), clid); } /** Some updates each round. @param tm The user team we examine. */ void team_update_user_team_week_roundly(Team *tm) { gint i; for(i=0;iplayers->len;i++) player_update_week_roundly(tm, i); } /** Return a value from the league table element going with the team. @param type The type of the value. */ gint team_get_table_value(const Team *tm, gint type) { gint i; const GArray *elements = NULL; if(tm->clid >= ID_CUP_START) { g_warning("team_get_table_value: team is not a league team: %s \n", tm->name->str); return -1; } elements = league_from_clid(tm->clid)->table.elements; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(g_array_index(elements, TableElement, i).team_id == tm->id) break; if(i == elements->len) { g_warning("team_get_table_value: table entry not found for team %s \n", tm->name->str); return -1; } return g_array_index(elements, TableElement, i).values[type]; } /** Compare function for team arrays or pointer arrays. */ gint team_compare_func(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { gint type = GPOINTER_TO_INT(data) % 100; const Team *tm1 = (GPOINTER_TO_INT(data) < 100) ? *(const Team**)a : (const Team*)a; const Team *tm2 = (GPOINTER_TO_INT(data) < 100) ? *(const Team**)b : (const Team*)b; gint return_value = 0; if(type == TEAM_COMPARE_LEAGUE_RANK) { if(tm1->clid == tm2->clid) return_value = misc_int_compare(team_get_league_rank(tm2), team_get_league_rank(tm1)); else return_value = misc_int_compare(league_from_clid(tm2->clid)->layer, league_from_clid(tm1->clid)->layer); } else if(type == TEAM_COMPARE_LEAGUE_LAYER) return_value = misc_int_compare(league_from_clid(tm2->clid)->layer, league_from_clid(tm1->clid)->layer); else if(type == TEAM_COMPARE_OFFENSIVE) { gint gf1 = team_get_table_value(tm1, TABLE_GF), gf2 = team_get_table_value(tm2, TABLE_GF), ga1 = team_get_table_value(tm1, TABLE_GA), ga2 = team_get_table_value(tm2, TABLE_GA); if(gf1 > gf2) return_value = -1; else if(gf1 < gf2) return_value = 1; else if(ga1 < ga2) return_value = -1; else if(ga1 > ga2) return_value = 1; else return_value = 0; } else if(type == TEAM_COMPARE_DEFENSE) { gint gf1 = team_get_table_value(tm1, TABLE_GF), gf2 = team_get_table_value(tm2, TABLE_GF), ga1 = team_get_table_value(tm1, TABLE_GA), ga2 = team_get_table_value(tm2, TABLE_GA); if(ga1 > ga2) return_value = 1; else if(ga1 < ga2) return_value = -1; else if(gf1 > gf2) return_value = -1; else if(gf1 < gf2) return_value = 1; else return_value = 0; } else if(type == TEAM_COMPARE_UNSORTED) return_value = 0; return return_value; } /** Return the teams from all leagues sorted by the specified function. @param type The integer to pass to the compare function. @param cup Whether we return the international cup teams or league teams. */ GPtrArray* team_get_sorted(GCompareDataFunc compare_function, gint type, gboolean cup) { gint i, j, k; GPtrArray *teams = g_ptr_array_new(); if(!cup) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) g_ptr_array_add(teams, &g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j)); } else { for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) { if(g_array_index(cp(i).rounds, CupRound, j).teams->len > 0) for(k=0;klen;k++) g_ptr_array_add(teams, &g_array_index(g_array_index(cp(i).rounds, CupRound, j).teams, Team, k)); } } g_ptr_array_sort_with_data(teams, compare_function, GINT_TO_POINTER(type)); return teams; } /** Find a new team for a user, depending on whether he's been fired or very successful. */ Team* team_get_new(const Team *tm, gboolean fire) { gint i; gint lower = 0, upper = 0; gint bound1 = (fire) ? const_int("int_team_new_bound_upper") : const_int("int_team_new_bound_lower"), bound2 = (fire) ? const_int("int_team_new_bound_lower") : const_int("int_team_new_bound_upper"); gint idx = -1; GPtrArray *teams = team_get_sorted(team_compare_func, TEAM_COMPARE_LEAGUE_RANK, FALSE); Team *return_value; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teams, i) != tm) upper++; else { idx = i; break; } for(i=teams->len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teams, i) != tm) lower++; else break; bound1 = MIN(bound1, upper); bound2 = MIN(bound2, lower); return_value = (Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teams, math_rndi(i - bound1, i + bound2)); while(return_value == tm) return_value = (Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teams, math_rndi(i - bound1, i + bound2)); g_ptr_array_free(teams, TRUE); return return_value; } /** Return the index of the team in the teams array. */ gint team_get_index(const Team *tm) { gint i; gpointer *teams = league_cup_get_teams(tm->clid); if(tm->clid < ID_CUP_START) { for(i=0;i<((GArray*)teams)->len;i++) if(&g_array_index((GArray*)teams, Team, i) == tm) return i; } else { for(i=0;i<((GPtrArray*)teams)->len;i++) if((Team*)g_ptr_array_index((GPtrArray*)teams, i) == tm) return i; } g_warning("team_get_index: team %s not found.\n", tm->name->str); return -1; } /** Return the average of the average skills of the teams in the array. */ gfloat team_get_average_skills(const GArray *teams) { gint i; gfloat sum = 0; if(teams->len == 0) return 0; for(i=0;ilen;i++) sum += team_get_average_skill(&g_array_index(teams, Team, i), FALSE); return sum / teams->len; } /** Find out whether a team plays at a given date. */ gboolean query_team_plays(const Team *tm, gint week_number, gint week_round_number) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round_number && (g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[0] == tm || g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[1] == tm)) return TRUE; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round_number && (g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[0] == tm || g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).teams[1] == tm)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Find the league team with the specified name. */ Team* team_get_from_name(const gchar *name) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(strcmp(g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j).name->str, name) == 0) return &g_array_index(lig(i).teams, Team, j); g_warning("team_get_from_name: team with name %s not found.\n", name); return NULL; } /** Show the results of the user team against the specified team. @param buf The buffer to fill with the results. @param sort Whether to sort the results according to home/away. */ void team_write_own_results(const Team *tm, gchar *buf, gboolean sort) { gint i, res[2]; gchar buf2[SMALL], buf3[SMALL], buf4[SMALL], neutral[SMALL]; gint place; GPtrArray *matches = fixture_get_matches(current_user.tm, tm); strcpy(buf4, ""); strcpy(neutral, ""); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { res[0] = math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->result[0], 2); res[1] = math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->result[1], 2); if(res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] != current_user.tm] > res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm]) sprintf(buf2, _("W %d : %d"), res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] != current_user.tm], res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm]); else if(res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] != current_user.tm] < res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm]) sprintf(buf2, _("L %d : %d"), res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] != current_user.tm], res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm]); else sprintf(buf2, _("Dw %d : %d"), res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] != current_user.tm], res[((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm]); if(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->home_advantage) { if(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(matches, i))->teams[0] == current_user.tm) { sprintf(buf3, _("%s (H) "), buf2); place = 0; } else { sprintf(buf3, _("%s (A) "), const_app("string_treeview_live_game_commentary_away_bg"), const_app("string_treeview_live_game_commentary_away_fg"), buf2); place = 1; } } else { sprintf(buf3, _("%s (N) "), buf2); place = -1; } if(!sort || place == 1) strcat(buf4, buf3); else { if(place == 0) { strcpy(buf2, buf4); sprintf(buf4, "%s%s", buf3, buf2); } else if(place == -1) strcat(neutral, buf3); } } sprintf(buf, "%s%s", buf4, neutral); g_ptr_array_free(matches, TRUE); } /** Show a row of WDWWLL type results and the goals for and against. @param tm The team we find the results for. @param buf The buffer we print the results into. */ void team_write_results(const Team *tm, gchar *result_buf, gchar *goals_buf) { gint i; GPtrArray *latest_fixtures = fixture_get_latest(tm); gint res[2], goals[2] = {0, 0}; gint end_idx = latest_fixtures->len - const_int("int_treeview_latest_results"); strcpy(result_buf, ""); end_idx = MAX(0, end_idx); for(i=latest_fixtures->len - 1;i>=end_idx;i--) { res[0] = math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->result[0], 3); res[1] = math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->result[1], 3); goals[0] += math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*) g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))-> result[(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->teams[0] != tm)], 2); goals[1] += math_sum_int_array(((Fixture*) g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))-> result[(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->teams[0] == tm)], 2); if(res[0] == res[1]) strcat(result_buf, _("Dw ")); else if(res[(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->teams[0] == tm)] > res[(((Fixture*)g_ptr_array_index(latest_fixtures, i))->teams[0] != tm)]) strcat(result_buf, _("L ")); else strcat(result_buf, _("W ")); } sprintf(goals_buf, "%d : %d", goals[0], goals[1]); g_ptr_array_free(latest_fixtures, TRUE); } /** Find out whether the team is in the given pointer array. */ gboolean query_team_is_in_teams_array(const Team *tm, const GPtrArray *teams) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teams, i) == tm) return TRUE; return FALSE; }