/* youth_academy.c Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "free.h" #include "maths.h" #include "name.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "team.h" #include "user.h" #include "youth_academy.h" /** Set up a youth academy taking the average skill and talent in the team into account. */ void youth_academy_new(User *user) { gint i; gint num_of_youths = math_rndi(const_int("int_youth_academy_youths_lower"), const_int("int_youth_academy_youths_upper")); user->youth_academy.tm = user->tm; user->youth_academy.coach = user->youth_academy.av_coach = QUALITY_AVERAGE; user->youth_academy.pos_pref = PLAYER_POS_ANY; user->youth_academy.percentage = user->youth_academy.av_percentage = const_int("int_youth_academy_default_percentage"); user->youth_academy.counter_youth = math_rnd(const_float("float_youth_academy_youth_counter_lower"), const_float("float_youth_academy_youth_counter_upper")); free_player_array(&user->youth_academy.players); user->youth_academy.players = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Player)); for(i=0;iyouth_academy); } /** Add a new player to the academy based on the average skill value of the user team, the average percentage the user paid for the academy for a period of time and the average youth coach quality. */ void youth_academy_add_new_player(YouthAcademy *youth_academy) { gint i; gfloat pos_probs[4] = {const_float("float_youth_academy_pos_goalie"), const_float("float_youth_academy_pos_defender"), const_float("float_youth_academy_pos_midfielder"), const_float("float_youth_academy_pos_forward")}; gfloat rndom; gfloat av_talent = team_get_average_talent(youth_academy->tm); gfloat percentage_coach_talent_factor; Player new; new.name = name_get(youth_academy->tm->names_file); new.id = player_id_new; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { if(i == youth_academy->pos_pref) pos_probs[i] += (const_float("float_youth_academy_coach_search_addition") * (gfloat)(QUALITY_END - youth_academy->coach)); if(i > 0) pos_probs[i] += pos_probs[i - 1]; } rndom = math_rnd(0, pos_probs[3]); for(i=0;i<4;i++) if(rndom <= pos_probs[i]) { new.pos = i; break; } new.cpos = new.pos; new.age = math_rnd(const_float("float_youth_academy_age_lower"), const_float("float_youth_academy_age_upper")); new.peak_age = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_peak_age_lower") + (new.pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition"), const_float("float_player_peak_age_upper") + (new.pos == PLAYER_POS_GOALIE) * const_float("float_player_peak_age_goalie_addition")); /* Argument for the talent factor function, depending on average coach and percentage values (weighted). */ percentage_coach_talent_factor = (4 - youth_academy->av_coach) * (gfloat)const_int("int_youth_academy_max_percentage") * const_float("float_youth_academy_coach_weight") * 0.25 + youth_academy->av_percentage; /* Applying the talent factor funtion leading to a factor between float_youth_academy_talent_factor_lower and _upper */ percentage_coach_talent_factor = ((const_float("float_youth_academy_talent_factor_upper") - const_float("float_youth_academy_talent_factor_lower")) / ((gfloat)const_int("int_youth_academy_max_percentage") * (1 + const_float("float_youth_academy_coach_weight")))) * percentage_coach_talent_factor + const_float("float_youth_academy_talent_factor_lower"); new.talent = math_gauss_dist( percentage_coach_talent_factor * av_talent * (1 - const_float("float_youth_academy_talent_variance")), percentage_coach_talent_factor * av_talent * (1 + const_float("float_youth_academy_talent_variance"))); new.talent = CLAMP(new.talent, 0, const_float("float_player_max_skill")); new.skill = player_skill_from_talent(&new); new.cskill = new.skill; player_estimate_talent(&new); new.fitness = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_fitness_lower"), const_float("float_player_fitness_upper")); new.health = new.recovery = 0; new.value = player_assign_value(&new); new.wage = player_assign_wage(&new); new.contract = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_contract_lower"), const_float("float_player_contract_upper")); new.lsu = math_rnd(const_float("float_player_lsu_lower"), const_float("float_player_lsu_upper")); new.cards = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerCard)); new.games_goals = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PlayerGamesGoals)); for(i=0;itm; new.participation = FALSE; new.offers = 0; new.streak = PLAYER_STREAK_NONE; new.streak_count = new.streak_prob = 0; g_array_append_val(youth_academy->players, new); } /** Update the users' youth academies. */ void youth_academy_update_weekly(void) { gint i, j; YouthAcademy *ya = NULL; if(sett_int("int_opt_disable_ya")) return; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { ya = &usr(i).youth_academy; for(j=ya->players->len - 1;j>=0;j--) { player_update_weekly(&g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j)); if(g_array_index(ya->players, Player, i).fitness < 0.9) player_update_fitness(&g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j)); else { g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).fitness += math_rnd(-0.05, 0.05); g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).fitness = MIN(g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).fitness, 1); } if(g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).age + 0.1 > const_float("float_player_age_lower") && g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).age + 0.08 <= const_float("float_player_age_lower")) user_event_add(&usr(i), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("Youth %s will be too old for the youth academy soon. Move him to your team or kick him out of the academy. Otherwise he'll probably look for another team to play in."), g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).name); else if(g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).age > const_float("float_player_age_lower")) { user_event_add(&usr(i), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("Youth %s thought he's old enough for a real contract and left your youth academy."), g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j).name); free_player(&g_array_index(ya->players, Player, j)); g_array_remove_index(ya->players, j); } } ya->av_coach = (ya->av_coach * const_float("float_youth_academy_average_weight") + (gfloat)ya->coach) / (const_float("float_youth_academy_average_weight") + 1); ya->av_percentage = (ya->av_percentage * const_float("float_youth_academy_average_weight") + (gfloat)ya->percentage) / (const_float("float_youth_academy_average_weight") + 1); if(ya->percentage > 0) { ya->counter_youth -= ((1 / (gfloat)const_int("int_youth_academy_max_percentage")) * ya->av_percentage + const_float("float_youth_academy_counter_decrease_min")); if(ya->counter_youth <= 0) { ya->counter_youth = math_rnd(const_float("float_youth_academy_youth_counter_lower"), const_float("float_youth_academy_youth_counter_upper")); if(ya->players->len < const_int("int_youth_academy_max_youths")) { youth_academy_add_new_player(ya); user_event_add(&usr(i), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("A new youth registered at your youth academy.")); } else user_event_add(&usr(i), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("A new youth wanted to registered at your youth academy but there was no room for him.")); } } } }