/* free.h Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FREE_H #define FREE_H #include "bygfoot.h" #include "cup_struct.h" #include "job_struct.h" #include "league_struct.h" #include "live_game_struct.h" #include "name_struct.h" #include "player_struct.h" #include "team_struct.h" #include "user_struct.h" #define free_gchar_ptr(string) {g_free(string); string = NULL;} void free_g_array(GArray **array); void free_g_ptr_array(GPtrArray **array); void free_g_string(GString **string); void free_memory(void); void free_users(gboolean reset); void free_user(User *user); void free_country(Country *cntry, gboolean reset); void free_leagues_array(GArray **leagues, gboolean reset); void free_league(League *league); void free_joined_leagues(GArray **joined_leagues); void free_teams_array(GArray **teams, gboolean reset); void free_team(Team *team); void free_cups_array(GArray **cups, gboolean reset); void free_cup(Cup *cup); void free_cup_choose_team(CupChooseTeam *cup_choose_team); void free_variables(void); void free_gchar_array(GPtrArray **array); void free_player_array(GArray **players); void free_player(Player *pl); void free_live_game(LiveGame *match); void free_lg_commentary(gboolean reset); void free_option_list(OptionList *optionlist, gboolean reset); void free_event(Event *event); void free_support_dirs(void); void free_tables(GArray **tables); void free_new_tables(GArray **new_tables); void free_league_stats(LeagueStat *stats); void free_season_stats(gboolean reset); void free_transfer_list(void); void free_name_list(NameList *namelist, gboolean reset); void free_names(gboolean reset); void free_mmatches(GArray **mmatches, gboolean reset); void free_strategies(void); void free_bets(gboolean reset); void free_job(Job *job, gboolean free_tm); void free_jobs(gboolean reset); void free_news(gboolean reset); void free_newspaper(gboolean reset); #endif