general _P1_ passes _P0_ _P1_ to _P0_ _P1_ feeds a [wonderful|terrific|great|brilliant] ball through to _P0_ A delightful little [ball|pass] finds _P0_ A flick on from _P1_ waits for the one two A neat dummy run and pass Great footwork, a clever pass _P1_ drops the ball at _P0_'s feet A lofted pass from _P1_ finds its mark _T_POSS__ are on the attack _T_NPOSS__ are on the [defence|backfoot] An [outstanding|accurate] cross finds _P0_ Now _T_POSS__ can mount a challenge through _P0_ A ball in by _P1_ [finds|taken by] _P0_ _P1_ [threads|needles] [a great|the] ball to _P0_ A [lovely|superb|long|nifty] pass from _P1_ releases _P0_ A [long|short|slow] floating pass from _P1_ finds _P0_ A [good|great|clever] passing move across the pitch and down the [right|left] A [quick|well-timed] passing [flick|move] down the [left|right] _P0_ slips past his man and [collects|latches onto] _P1_'s perfectly [timed|weighted] cross. Another [clever|brilliant|thinking|decent] move [down the wing|through the centre|across the pitch] _P0_ [collects|latches onto] _P1_'s [through ball|pass] _P1_ [threads|needles] [it|the ball] through the [opponent's|player's] [feet|legs] and finds _P0_ _P1_ [traps|controls] [it|the ball] with his [boot|heel|chest|thigh] and [sends it|passes|flicks on] to _P0_ _P1_ [lobs|heads] the ball towards _P0_ _P0_ twisting and turning again _P0_ twisting desperately to lose his man _P0_ rips [up|through] the [centre|midfield] _P0_ [loses|spins past|dribbles past] his [man|marker] A draw would be a good result for the outmatched _T[_TAVSKILL0_ GE _TAVSKILL1_]_ _TW_ need to buckle down and just hold on for a few more minutes _T_POSS__ need to [get the ball up front more|create more chances|show a bit more spark up front] Only [_SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_] shots: [it's a battle in the midfield|neither side is really trying] Only 1 shot: [it's a battle in the midfield|neither side is really trying] _MI_ minutes on the clock, and chances from both teams already Terrific skills on display We enter the dying moments of normal time [So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need a new [pea for his whistle|book|pencil]! Sure, it's not over till the fat lady sings, but she's warming up right now lost_possession It's knocked out by _P1_. _P0_ with the throw. _P1_ dispossessed _P1_ dispossessed by _P0_ [_P1_ gives the ball|The ball is given] away [carelessly|cheaply|too easily] _P1_ takes it over the line. A throw-in to _T_POSS__ A [wild|poor|subpar] pass by _P1_ results in a throw-in for _T_POSS__ _P0_ takes a quick throw-in A long throw-in from _P0_ The slide tackle by _P0_ was worthy of topflight baseball. A heavy ball uncontrolled by _P1_ _P0_ wins the ball with a [perfectly timed|hard] challenge _T_NPOSS__ [gives the ball away|loses the ball too quickly] Bad control by _P1_ lets _P0_ steal the ball from him _P0_ [steals|takes|snatches] the ball away from _P1_ with a sliding tackle A loose ball [falls|bounces] straight to _P0_ A crunching tackle by _P0_ who [comes away with|wins] the ball _P1_ is left stranded as _P0_ takes the ball _P0_ makes a great interception _P0_ gatecrashes _P1_'s party and comes away with the prize That wasn't _P1_'s greatest pass as _P0_ intercepts foul [Oww|Ouch|Aye korumba], that was a nasty tackle on _P0_ Surely [that must be a sending-off offence|_P1_'s going to get booked for that]? _P1_ [knocks|bowls|crashes] over _P0_ with a double-footed lunge A [nasty|crunching|fierce] challenge on _P0_ _P0_ gets his legs taken away from him by _P1_ A [slicing|nasty|pulverising] challenge by _P1_ on _P0_ A [vicious|hard] tackle from _P1_ leaves _P0_ lying on the grass in agony _P1_ clinically takes out _P0_ and leaves him in agony They don't call _P1_ [the Slayer|the Assassin|Killer|Chopper Reid] for nothing. He's almost [wiped out|run over] [the guy|_P0_]! Ouch! That's got to hurt _P0_ is on the ground, and he's not smiling I don't know about _P0_, but that tackle brought tears to my eyes A dangerously high boot from _P1_ sends _P0_ to the ground _P1_'s black belt in [Karate|Taekwondo|Jujitsu] came in handy then, when he floored _P0_ _P1_ just lost his patience and [took|knocked] _P0_ to the ground. _P0_ takes the full brunt of _P1_'s challenge. _P0_ tried to absorb that tackle, but it's too much for the ref The ref played the advantage but eventually had to signal the foul on _P0_ Frustration is setting in when you start to see fouls like that. That's what's known as a professional foul _P0_ tries to run off a harsh challenge _P1_ with a bone-crunching tackle. Surely, he won't get away with that. scoring_chance _P0_ [infiltrates|sneaks through] the defence and [hammers|cracks] it A deep cross floats in from _P1_, and _P0_ [slots it towards goal|fires] _P0_ charges towards goal and [fires|unleashes|stabs|shoots]! _P0_ spins and shoots A blazing [shot|strike] from _P0_ _P0_ finds some space and tries his luck. A wonderful opportunity opens up for _T_POSS__ A long ball from _P1_ finds _P0_ at the [near|far] post _P0_ [has fluffed it|can't control it|snaps a shot], and his miskick heads [toward goal|goalward] His [great|excellent] first touch heads it goalwards _P0_ takes it on the volley and [hammers|nails|plants] it towards goal _P0_ takes it on the volley from _P1_'s pass pushing goalwards _P0_ [fires|shoots|blasts it|hammers it] from [22|20|18|15] yards; looks like it's [drifting|curving|spinning|going wide] _P0_ [drifts|dribbles|runs|rushes|strolls|slips|sneaks] into the box, turns inside the defence and fires _P0_ [drifts|crashes|cuts] in from the [right|left] flank and [strikes|shoots|fires] _P0_ tries his luck from [30|25] yards _P0_ [snaps|arrows|beams] a shot towards the [bottom|top] [right|left] corner _P0_ shoots from close range A [classy|great|brilliant] [pass|ball] from _P1_ sends _P0_ one on one with the [keeper|goalkeeper|goalie] _P0_'s [scissor|overhead] kick heads towards the [bottom|top] [left|right]-hand corner _P0_ [waltzes|spins|drifts|rips] past two defenders, [dummies|wrong-foots] the keeper and [flicks|back-heels|clips] the ball [home|towards goal|goalward] _P1_ lays the ball off to _P0_, who [sends a rocket|fires a piledriver] towards goal _P0_ charges in with a shot A lay-off from _P1_ sets up _T_POSS__ with a chance _P0_ gets in behind the defence and strikes goal Goal!!! And the ball is smacked into the back of the net!!! _P0_ scores!!! Goal!! Did you see that? [Their goalie|_P1_] certainly didn't. And the ball [rips|flies|glides|bullets] straight past _P1_ and into the back of the net!!! The ball [whistles|flies|zips|whooshes] past _P1_, and it's a goal!!! _P0_ wheels away in celebration What a [mesmerising|marvellous|wonderful|fantastic|brilliant|spectacular] goal!! Goal!! _P1_'s [desperate|despairing|stretched] dive can't keep _P0_'s shot out The ball [lies|is] in the back of the net!!! Celebrations abound! They won't forget that [goal|strike|shot] in a hurry _P0_'s dance [ignites|sparks] the fans. He celebrates in his [well-known|own|peculiar|special|unique] fashion Goal! A dipping ball from _P0_ stuns [the keeper|_P1_|_T_NPOSS__] An outstanding Goal! Goal! Lady Luck obviously supports _T_TT__ A [curving|hard, inswinging|outswinging|swerving] ball beats _P1_ to the line. Goal! _T_TT_ [take first blood|are first to open the account] today That [strike|goal] has sent the _T_TT_ fans [wild|into a frenzy] That [strike|goal] has levelled the score _T_POSS__ have struck [pay dirt|gold]. What a goal! Can _T_TT__ produce a [shock|surprise] comeback? Lady Luck is smiling on _T_TT__ now _T_POSS__ score against the run of the play That's just another nail in the coffin miss [He|_P0_] [fired|drifted it] wide! A wandering shot heads awall _P0_'d like to run and hide after that [shocking|dreadful|calamitous|disastrous|awful|terrible] miss [He|_P0_] should have squared the ball there, but he went alone and lashed wide [_P1_|Defender] clears _P0_ [pushes|curls] the ball over A defender back to block, just as it seemed to open up _P0_ [thumps|smacks|fires] it into row Z And the [ball|shot] creeps just past the post That was never really going in. Oh, what a chance lost! Lost opportunities like that can cost _T_POSS__ the match. It looked so promising for _P0_ then. He'd done all the hard work, but he couldn't finish it off So near yet so far So nearly going goalward _T_POSS__ have squandered [a great|their] chance there. A great run and delivery but no reward Lady Luck has turned her back on [_P0_|_T_POSS__] That's a real let-off there for _T_NPOSS__ An audacious attempt, worthy but no payment There was no gold at the end of that rainbow run The ball [pinballs|bounces] around the penalty area but finds no way in That went everywhere except into the net The ball is in the net, but it's disallowed. The offside flag was raised. _P0_ is beginning to wonder what he has to do to score _T_POSS__ are beginning to wonder what they have to do to score save A sizzling [strike|shot], but [the keeper|the goalie|_P1_] [has asbestos gloves|is sharp enough] _P1_'s fingertips flick it wide There's a wall out there by the name of _P1_. What a [terrific|sensational] save! Catching practice for _P1_ _P1_ breathes again as the ball [finds its way|deflects] into his arms. _T_NPOSS__ get a let-off here with a superb save by _P1_ _T_POSS__ denied by a [great|superb|brilliant] [save|parry] by _P1_ Easy pickings for _P1_. He collects the ball _P1_'s forced to tip _P0_'s shot over the crossbar Great [speed|pace|skill] shown by _P0_, but _P1_ produced a [stunning|superb|just-in-time] blocking tackle A low shot taken well to his [right|left] by _P1_ _P1_ gathers it with ease _P1_ makes a [superb|remarkable|fantastic] reflex save to tip it wide _P1_ [sprints towards|runs at|lunges at] _P0_ and blocks the shot with his [ankle|body|head|torso|leg|boot] A [great|brilliant|sensational|rather easy|confident] save by the [keeper|goalie|goalkeeper] [Saved|Caught|Stopped|Gathered] well by _P1_ Oh, [he|the goalie|the keeper|_P1_] anticipated _P0_'s every move and produced a fine save That was in by all accounts, but they forgot to tell _P1_, who somehow saved the day No power in the shot from _P0_. Taken easily by _P1_ [A|That's a] regulation [stop|save] for [_P1_|the keeper] [_P1_|the goalie] is keeping _TL_ in the game start_match It's a crowd of _AT_ here as the whistle blows And we're underway The two teams are greeted by a wall of noise as they take to the pitch [The crowd|_AT_ spectators] roar as the players emerge from the tunnel A cloudless day gives the impression this match is going to sparkle _AT_ [spectators|fans] can't be wrong. This is the match we have all come to watch The referee gets the nod from the assistant, and we are away The [battle|struggle|fight|afternoon contention] begins The referees are ready, the players set; the whistle blows The fog lifts, and away we go The teams are well matched. We are in for [a real|an end to end] [tug of war|battle]. _T[_TAVSKILL0_ LE _TAVSKILL1_]_ have a slight upper hand. There's an [undeniable|obvious] gulf in the skill level. This should be a walk-over for _T[_TAVSKILL1_ GE _TAVSKILL0_]_ _T[_TAVSKILL0_ GE _TAVSKILL1_]_ come into this match as underdogs. _T[_TAVSKILL0_ LE _TAVSKILL1_]_ start the match as sure favourites. The clash of the [gladiators|titans] [begins|kicks off] half_time It's half time It's _RE_ at half time. It's _RE_ at half time. _TL_'s manager must [find|cook up|conjure up] something special to spur his team on. Matches like this make managers. _TL_ need inspiration from the [top|gaffer]. The dropped heads tell the story. It's been no picnic here for _TL_. _TL_'s manager cops a rollicking from the fans as he leaves the dugout So far, _TW_ and their manager have done everything right. _TL_'s manager must be [disappointed|furious] with his [team's|lads'] performance this half One gets the feeling the manager will read _TL_ the riot act _TL_ will be on the receiving end of their manager's [scolding|wrath|shellacking] _TW_ are [only|mere] 45 minutes away from a stunning victory _TL_ [head|traipse|trudge] into the tunnel to await the manager's scolding A half _TL_ will quickly want to forget _T[_POSS1_ GE 70]_ is dominating the possession _T[_POSS1_ GE 60]_ have had the [most|lion's share|better half] of the possession this half _T0_ may have had more possession, but _T1_ have utilised their chances better _T1_ may have had more possession, but _T0_ have utilised their chances better _T[_POSS1_ GE 75]_ seems to be the only team out there Well, the [banks are closed|tide is out|lolly bag remains empty]: [no goals this half|no one has managed to break the wall] At this stage, one up [might not be|might just be] enough With the number of shots so far, one up might not be enough Sure, it's a low-scoring game, but we've had plenty of shots _T[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ have had [plenty of|numerous] chances to [finish|seal] this match _T[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ have had _SHOTS[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ chances to [finish|seal|clinch] this match No bickies in the barrel yet, and [it looks like the baker's on strike|to be honest, no one's baking] It's raining goals. [_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_] so far, and it's only the first half! There are two teams out there, but only [_T[_FOULS0_ GE _FOULS1_]_|one of them] is playing football It's a bloodbath out there, not a football match. [So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need new office supplies! [So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need a new [pea for his whistle|book|pencil]! [_PEN0_ + _PEN1_] penalties already extra_time After a close match, the teams head into extra time It's still _RE_: extra time After _MI_ minutes, it's still _RE_: extra time Who'll break down first? Extra time it is It's down to determination and fitness now as we head into extra time penalties Who would've thought _MI_ minutes ago it would come down to this? And now, we have the tense drama of a penalty shootout Two teams, equal until now in every respect, face off in penalties The teams can't do it, so now it's one on one. A striker against the keeper No goals so far, but now we'll see [some|at least one] as we head to penalties end_match The match is over! _TW_ are triumphant!!! The fans boo _TL_ off the pitch After _MI_ minutes, the match ends with a _RE_ The referee glances at his watch and blows for full time Well, that's that. It ends _RE_ _TW_'s manager will be [delighted|thrilled] with that result _RE_, what an astonishing result for _TW_ A draw, then. Still, a point is a point. Well, that's that. It ends _RE_ in _TW_'s favour What a match to remember. Action-packed with [_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_] goals! _TL_ were slaughtered by _GD_ goals. _TW_ will be sipping champagne tonight. What [a great victory|an amazing win] for _TW_ _TL_ were up against a giant, and the _RE_ scoreline shows it own_goal Oh no, the ball [ricocheted|deflected] off _P0_ into the net It's a pinball in the penalty box, finally spinning off _P0_ across the line That's a [great|powerful] shot, and it's deflected off _P0_ and into the back of the net _P0_ passes the ball back to his goalie. Oh no, the keeper's [missed|botched] it! It's an own goal by _P0_! That little misunderstanding has cost _T_TT__ a goal header _P1_ chips the ball towards _P0_, who heads the ball towards goal A diving header by _P0_ He just floated in mid-air, then thunder-headed it towards home That came off the back of _P0_'s head! A [glancing|powerful|flicking|well-angled] header towards the net from _P0_ _P0_'s head finds the end of the long cross post A [sweet|sudden] strike by _P0_ hits the post And the shot glances wide off the post I'm surprised the post managed to withstand that cracking shot cross_bar The ball dinked over _P1_ but hit the crossbar and bounced [to safety|back into play|out of play] The ball smacks into the crossbar with _P1_ stranded _P1_ seemed to be everywhere at once, finally tipping the ball off the crossbar penalty _P0_ steps up to take the penalty _P0_ has a chance to score with a penalty kick _P0_ can make some _T_POSS__ worries [disappear|go away|fade] with this penalty Can [_P0_|_T_POSS__] convert the spot kick? You must bury the nerves, swallow and concentrate when you're taking penalties _T_POSS__ look like they are playing for penalties. _T_POSS__ can [sneak ahead|take the lead] if they convert this _P0_ can [square the match|equalize] with this shot _P0_: A late penalty now may force this match to a draw _T_NPOSS__ have given away an easy chance for _T_POSS__ to [come|crawl] back into this match _P0_ can seal up the match with a goal here free_kick A short free kick from _P0_ _P0_ drives the free kick low and hard _P0_ takes the free kick quickly and curls it around the wall _P0_ curls the free kick over the wall A free kick: _P0_ plays the ball out wide A free kick: _P0_ hits a long ball up the pitch A free kick whipped across the face of goal by _P0_ foul_yellow _P1_ for a [dangerous|reckless|late] slide tackle on _P0_ _P1_ for a foul on _P0_ _P1_ for [kicking|throwing|carrying] the ball away after the whistle _P1_ for time wasting _P1_ for handball _P1_ for stopping _P0_ taking a quick free kick _P1_ is booked for repeated dissent foul_red _P1_ is reprimanded for high kicking _P1_ is given his marching orders for contempt _P1_ for his malicious showing of studs _P1_ for intentional handball _P1_ is sent off for stopping a clear goal-scoring opportunity _P1_ has been red carded for [punching|slapping|pushing|head-butting] _P0_ _P1_ for swearing at the opposition fans foul_red_injury _P1_ fouls, and the stretcher bearers come racing on with _P0_ lying in agony on the turf Foul by _P1_; _P0_ seems to be injured... he might have to be substituted send_off _P0_ has been sent off _P0_ is sent off. _T_TT__ is now down a man injury _P0_'ll have to [go|limp off|leave the pitch] after what seems a painful [ankle|knee|arm|wrist|shoulder|back|head|neck|hamstring|groin|chest] injury _P0_ looks like he's [badly|seriously] injured The physio's had a look, and _P0_ must be taken off temp_injury _P0_ looks like he's pulled a muscle, but he should be able to continue _P0_ has picked up a slight knock _P0_ tries to run off a slight groin strain _P0_ has overstretched a muscle: seems ok _P0_ receives some attention and continues _P0_ has a large cut above his [left|right] eye, but it's quickly patched up, and he'll be able to continue stadium_breakdown _T0_ is undergoing stadium problems The floodlights have just [gone out|died] Heavy fog is causing havoc here at _T0_'s ground stadium_riots The peasants are revolting And the fans are throwing [flares|things] onto the pitch The riot police have moved in to stop fighting between sets of opposition supporters One fan has managed to [get|leap] onto the pitch and has begun to [attack|harass|pummel] the referee The fans pour onto the pitch in a full-scale pitch invasion stadium_fire A fire is consuming _T_TT__'s stadium Some away fans have set fire to the [north|south] stand A flare chucked onto the touchline has started a [massive|dangerous|horrific] blaze A speaker has gone up in flames, and now the blaze is spreading around the entire stadium substitution _T_TT__ make a substitution: _P0_ comes on to replace _P1_ _T_TT__ need some fresh legs. _P0_ comes on to replace _P1_ _P1_ goes off to applause from his fans. _P0_ replaces him _P1_ doesn't look too happy as he is replaced by _P0_ _P0_ comes off the bench to replace _P1_ _P0_ on for _P1_ structure_change _T_TT__ have changed their structure to _EX_ _T_TT__ restructure themselves into a _EX_ formation style_change _T_TT__ have changed their style to _EX_ _T_TT__ change to a _EX_ style _T_TT__ try to create an opening by attacking _T_TT__ change to _EX_ and ease off A last-ditch effort: _T_TT__ change to _EX_ _MR_ minutes left. _T_TT__ try a change of tactics with _EX_ style Half-time style change for _T_TT__ to _EX_ boost_change _T_TT__ have changed their boost to _EX_ It looks like _T_TT__ have given up _T_TT__ must think they have this match sewn up _T_TT__ have gone up a gear Boost on. _T_TT__ are throwing everything they've got