/* league.c Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "cup.h" #include "free.h" #include "league.h" #include "main.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "stat.h" #include "table.h" #include "team.h" #include "user.h" #include "variables.h" /** Create a new league with some default values. @return The league we created. @see League */ League league_new(gboolean new_id) { League new; new.name = NULL; new.names_file = g_strdup(opt_str("string_opt_player_names_file")); new.sid = NULL; new.short_name = NULL; new.symbol = NULL; new.id = (new_id) ? league_id_new : -1; new.layer = -1; new.rr_break = 1; new.average_talent = 0; new.prom_rel.prom_games_dest_sid = NULL; new.prom_rel.prom_games_loser_sid = NULL; new.prom_rel.prom_games_cup_sid = NULL; new.prom_rel.prom_games_number_of_advance = 1; new.prom_rel.elements = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(PromRelElement)); new.teams = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Team)); new.fixtures = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Fixture)); new.table = table_new(); new.table.clid = new.id; new.first_week = new.week_gap = 1; new.two_match_weeks[0] = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(gint)); new.two_match_weeks[1] = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(gint)); new.round_robins = 2; new.yellow_red = 1000; new.stats = stat_league_new("", ""); new.active = TRUE; return new; } /** Create a new PromRelElement with default values. @return The PromRelElement we created. @see PromRelElement */ PromRelElement prom_rel_element_new(void) { PromRelElement new; new.ranks[0] = new.ranks[1] = 0; new.dest_sid = NULL; new.type = PROM_REL_NONE; return new; } /** Get the array index of the given league or cup id. @param clid The id of the league or cup. @return The index in the leagues or cups array. */ gint league_cup_get_index_from_clid(gint clid) { gint i; gint index = -1; if(clid < ID_CUP_START) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(lig(i).id == clid) { index = i; break; } } else for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(cp(i).id == clid) { index = i; break; } if(index == -1) main_exit_program(EXIT_POINTER_NOT_FOUND, "league_cup_get_index_from_clid: couldn't find league or cup with id %d\n", clid); return index; } /** Return the league pointer belonging to the id. @param clid The id we look for. @return The league pointer or NULL if failed. */ League* league_from_clid(gint clid) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(lig(i).id == clid) return &lig(i); main_exit_program(EXIT_POINTER_NOT_FOUND, "league_from_clid: didn't find league with id %d\n", clid); return NULL; } /** Return the id of the next league (or cup if we are at the end of the leagues array). @param clid The id of the current league or cup. @param count_inactive Whether inactive leagues count. */ gint league_cup_get_next_clid(gint clid, gboolean count_inactive) { gint i, return_value = -1; if(clid < ID_CUP_START) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(lig(i).id == clid) break; if(i != ligs->len - 1) { if(lig(i + 1).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(i + 1).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_next_clid(lig(i + 1).id, count_inactive); } else if(acps->len > 0) return_value = acp(0)->id; else { if(lig(0).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(0).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_next_clid(lig(0).id, count_inactive); } } else { for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(acp(i)->id == clid) break; if(i != acps->len - 1) return_value = acp(i + 1)->id; else { if(lig(0).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(0).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_next_clid(lig(0).id, count_inactive); } } return return_value; } /** Return the id of the previous league or cup. @param clid The id of the current league or cup. @param count_inactive Whether inactive leagues count. */ gint league_cup_get_previous_clid(gint clid, gboolean count_inactive) { gint i, return_value = -1; if(clid < ID_CUP_START) { for(i=ligs->len - 1;i>=0;i--) if(lig(i).id == clid) break; if(i != 0) { if(lig(i - 1).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(i - 1).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_previous_clid(lig(i - 1).id, count_inactive); } else if(acps->len > 0) return_value = acp(acps->len - 1)->id; else { if(lig(ligs->len - 1).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(ligs->len - 1).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_previous_clid(lig(ligs->len - 1).id, count_inactive); } } else { for(i=acps->len - 1;i>=0;i--) if(acp(i)->id == clid) break; if(i != 0) return_value = acp(i - 1)->id; else { if(lig(ligs->len - 1).active || count_inactive) return_value = lig(ligs->len - 1).id; else return_value = league_cup_get_previous_clid(lig(ligs->len - 1).id, count_inactive); } } return return_value; } /** Return the fixture coming after the specified week and round. @param league The league the fixtures of which we examine. @return A fixture pointer or NULL. */ Fixture* league_cup_get_next_fixture(gint clid, gint week_number, gint week_round_number) { gint i; GArray *fixtures = league_cup_get_fixtures(clid); for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_number > week_number || (g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_round_number >= week_round_number)) return &g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i); return NULL; } /** Return the fixture coming just before the specified week and round. @param league The league the fixtures of which we examine. @return A fixture pointer or NULL. */ Fixture* league_cup_get_previous_fixture(gint clid, gint week_number, gint week_round_number) { gint i; GArray *fixtures = league_cup_get_fixtures(clid); for(i=fixtures->len - 1;i>=0;i--) if(g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_number < week_number || (g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_number == week_number && g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i).week_round_number < week_round_number)) return &g_array_index(fixtures, Fixture, i); return NULL; } /** Return the average stadium capacity of cpu teams in the specified league or cup. */ gint league_cup_average_capacity(gint clid) { gint i, cnt = 0; gfloat sum = 0; const GArray *teams = NULL; const GPtrArray *teamsp = NULL; if(clid < ID_CUP_START) { teams = (GArray*)league_cup_get_teams(clid); for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(team_is_user(&g_array_index(teams, Team, i)) == -1) { sum += g_array_index(teams, Team, i).stadium.capacity; cnt++; } } else { teamsp = (GPtrArray*)league_cup_get_teams(clid); for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(team_is_user((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teamsp, i)) == -1) { sum += ((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teamsp, i))->stadium.capacity; cnt++; } } return sum / (gfloat)cnt; } /** Get the index of the league with the specified string id. */ gint league_index_from_sid(const gchar *sid) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(strcmp(lig(i).sid, sid) == 0) return i; main_exit_program(EXIT_INT_NOT_FOUND, "league_index_from_sid: no index found for sid '%s'.\n", sid); return -1; } /** Remove the team with the specified id from the teams array without freeing the memory (used in promotion/relegation). */ void league_remove_team_with_id(League *league, gint id) { gint i; for(i=0;iteams->len;i++) if(g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i).id == id) { g_array_remove_index(league->teams, i); return; } g_warning("league_remove_team_with_id: team with id %d in league %s not found\n", id, league->name); } /** Nullify league stuff at the beginning of a season. */ void league_season_start(League *league) { gint i, j; gint idx = league_index_from_sid(league->sid); gboolean user_champ = (team_is_user( team_of_id( g_array_index(lig(0).table.elements, TableElement, 0).team_id)) != -1); gboolean league_above_talent = (team_get_average_talents(league->teams) > league->average_talent * const_float("float_season_end_league_above_talent_factor") && !user_champ); gboolean team_is_top = FALSE; Team *tm = NULL; gfloat team_change_lower = const_float("float_season_end_team_change_lower"), user_champ_addition = const_float("float_season_end_user_champ_addition"), user_champ_best_teams_addition = const_float("float_season_end_user_champ_best_teams_addition"), team_change_upper = const_float("float_season_end_team_change_upper"); gint user_champ_best_teams_limit = const_int("int_season_end_user_champ_best_teams_limit"); gfloat team_change_factor = 0; if(user_champ) { tm = team_of_id( g_array_index(lig(0).table.elements, TableElement, 0).team_id); tm->luck = MAX(tm->luck * const_float("float_season_end_user_champ_luck_factor"), const_float("float_luck_limit")); } else for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(usr(i).tm->luck < 1) usr(i).tm->luck = MIN(usr(i).tm->luck * const_float("float_season_end_user_champ_luck_factor_regen"), 1); for(i=0;itable.elements->len;i++) { g_array_index(league->table.elements, TableElement, i).team = &g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i); g_array_index(league->table.elements, TableElement, i).team_id = g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i).id; g_array_index(league->table.elements, TableElement, i).old_rank = i; for(j=0;jtable.elements, TableElement, i).values[j] = 0; } /*d*/ /* if(league == &lig(0)) */ /* printf("league %s av %.2f ab %d\n", league->name, */ /* team_get_average_talents(league->teams), league_above_talent); */ for(i=0;iteams->len;i++) { team_is_top = (team_get_league_rank(&g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i)) <= user_champ_best_teams_limit && idx == 0 && user_champ); team_change_factor = (team_is_user(&g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i)) == -1) * math_rnd(team_change_lower + user_champ * user_champ_addition + team_is_top * user_champ_best_teams_addition - league_above_talent * (user_champ_addition / 2), team_change_upper + user_champ * user_champ_addition + team_is_top * user_champ_best_teams_addition - league_above_talent * (user_champ_addition / 2)); for(j=0;jteams, Team, i).players->len;j++) player_season_start( &g_array_index( g_array_index( league->teams, Team, i).players, Player, j), team_change_factor); g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i).stadium.average_attendance = g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i).stadium.games = g_array_index(league->teams, Team, i).stadium.possible_attendance = 0; } /* if(league == &lig(0)) */ /* printf("2 league %s av %.2f\n", league->name, */ /* team_get_average_talents(league->teams)); */ } /** Find out whether the team with specified rank in the league would participate in promotion games were the season to end. */ gboolean query_league_rank_in_prom_games(const League *league, gint rank) { gint i, j, k; const Cup *cup = NULL; const CupRound *cup_round = NULL; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(query_league_has_prom_games((&lig(i)))) { cup = cup_from_sid(lig(i).prom_rel.prom_games_cup_sid); for(k=0;krounds->len;k++) { cup_round = &g_array_index(cup->rounds, CupRound, k); for(j=0;jchoose_teams->len;j++) { if(strcmp(g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).sid, league->sid) == 0 && ((rank >= g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).start_idx && rank <= g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).end_idx && g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).randomly) || (rank >= g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).start_idx && rank < g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).start_idx + g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).number_of_teams && !g_array_index(cup_round->choose_teams, CupChooseTeam, j).randomly))) return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** Find out whether there are/were league matches. */ gboolean query_league_matches_in_week(const League *league, gint week_number) { gint i; for(i=0;ifixtures->len;i++) if(g_array_index(league->fixtures, Fixture, i).week_number == week_number) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Add the teams to promote/relegate (from the prom_rel elements) from the league to the array. */ void league_get_team_movements_prom_rel(const League *league, GArray *team_movements) { gint i, j, k; TeamMove new_move; const GArray *elements = league->prom_rel.elements; GArray *dest_idcs = NULL; GPtrArray *dest_sids = NULL; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { dest_sids = misc_separate_strings( g_array_index(elements, PromRelElement, i).dest_sid); gint dest_idcs_int[dest_sids->len]; gint dest_idcs_order[dest_sids->len]; for(j=0;jlen;j++) dest_idcs_int[j] = league_index_from_sid((gchar*)g_ptr_array_index(dest_sids, j)); for(j=g_array_index(elements, PromRelElement, i).ranks[0]; j<=g_array_index(elements, PromRelElement, i).ranks[1]; j++) { dest_idcs = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(gint)); math_generate_permutation(dest_idcs_order, 0, dest_sids->len - 1); for(k=0;klen;k++) g_array_append_val(dest_idcs, dest_idcs_int[dest_idcs_order[k]]); new_move.tm = *(g_array_index(league->table.elements, TableElement, j - 1).team); new_move.prom_rel_type = g_array_index(elements, PromRelElement, i).type; new_move.dest_idcs = dest_idcs; new_move.dest_assigned = FALSE; g_array_append_val(team_movements, new_move); } free_gchar_array(&dest_sids); } } /** Add the team movements from the promotion games to the array. */ void league_get_team_movements_prom_games(const League *league, GArray *team_movements, const GPtrArray *prom_games_teams, gboolean up) { gint i, j; TeamMove new_move; GPtrArray *dest_sids = (up) ? misc_separate_strings(league->prom_rel.prom_games_dest_sid) : misc_separate_strings(league->prom_rel.prom_games_loser_sid); GArray *dest_idcs = NULL; gint dest_idcs_int[dest_sids->len]; gint dest_idcs_order[dest_sids->len]; gint start_idx = 0, end_idx = league->prom_rel.prom_games_number_of_advance; gint prom_type = PROM_REL_PROMOTION; if(!up) { start_idx = league->prom_rel.prom_games_number_of_advance; end_idx = prom_games_teams->len; prom_type = PROM_REL_RELEGATION; } for(i=0;ilen;i++) dest_idcs_int[i] = league_index_from_sid((gchar*)g_ptr_array_index(dest_sids, i)); for(i=start_idx;ilen - 1); for(j=0;jlen;j++) g_array_append_val(dest_idcs, dest_idcs_int[dest_idcs_order[j]]); new_move.tm = *((Team*)g_ptr_array_index(prom_games_teams, i)); new_move.prom_rel_type = prom_type; new_move.dest_idcs = dest_idcs; new_move.dest_assigned = FALSE; g_array_append_val(team_movements, new_move); } free_gchar_array(&dest_sids); } /** Add the teams to promote/relegate from the league to the array and remove them from the leagues. */ void league_get_team_movements(League *league, GArray *team_movements) { GPtrArray *prom_games_teams = NULL; const Cup *prom_cup = NULL; league_get_team_movements_prom_rel(league, team_movements); if(query_league_has_prom_games(league)) { prom_cup = cup_from_sid(league->prom_rel.prom_games_cup_sid); if(prom_cup == NULL) { g_warning("league_get_team_movements: promotion games cup not found for league %s (cup sid %s).\n", league->name, league->prom_rel.prom_games_cup_sid); return; } prom_games_teams = cup_get_teams_sorted(prom_cup); league_get_team_movements_prom_games(league, team_movements, prom_games_teams, TRUE); if(league->prom_rel.prom_games_loser_sid != NULL) league_get_team_movements_prom_games(league, team_movements, prom_games_teams, FALSE); g_ptr_array_free(prom_games_teams, TRUE); } g_array_sort_with_data(league->teams, team_compare_func, GINT_TO_POINTER(TEAM_COMPARE_LEAGUE_RANK + 100)); } /** Find out whether there are unassigned TeamMoves in the array. */ gboolean query_league_team_movements_unassigned(const GArray *team_movements) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(!g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_assigned) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Find out whether there are unassigned team moves with a single destination value. */ gboolean query_league_team_movements_unassigned_single(const GArray *team_movements) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(!g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_assigned && g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_idcs->len == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Print out the movements to the console (debug function). */ void league_team_movements_print(const GArray *team_movements, const gint *league_size, const gint *league_cur_size) { gint i, j; const TeamMove *tmove = NULL; g_print("%-25s Dest \t\t Possible\n\n", "Team"); for(i=0;ilen;i++) { tmove = &g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i); if(tmove->dest_assigned) g_print("%-25s (%d) %s \t\t", tmove->tm.name, league_from_clid(tmove->tm.clid)->layer, lig(g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, 0)).name); else g_print("%-25s (%d) UNASSIGNED \t\t", tmove->tm.name, league_from_clid(tmove->tm.clid)->layer); for(j=0;jdest_idcs->len;j++) g_print("%d ", g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, j)); g_print("\n"); } g_print("%-20s Size Cursize\n", "League"); for(i=0;ilen;i++) g_print("%-20s %d %d\n", lig(i).name, league_size[i], league_cur_size[i]); } /** Compare two leagues when doing promotion/relegation. The league that has fewer teams is preferred. */ gint league_team_movements_compare_dest_idcs(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) { gint league_idx1 = *(gint*)a, league_idx2 = *(gint*)b; const gint *league_cur_size = (const gint*)data; if(league_cur_size[league_idx1] < league_cur_size[league_idx2]) return -1; else if(league_cur_size[league_idx1] > league_cur_size[league_idx2]) return 1; return 0; } /** Assign a random destination for the team move with given index and remove the destination from all other unassigned moves if the dest league is full. */ void league_team_movements_assign_dest(GArray *team_movements, gint idx, const gint *league_size, gint *league_cur_size) { gint i, j, dest_idx; TeamMove *tmove = &g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, idx); if(debug > 60) g_print("league_team_movements_assign_dest %s\n", tmove->tm.name); if(tmove->dest_idcs->len == 1) dest_idx = g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, 0); else { g_array_sort_with_data(tmove->dest_idcs, (GCompareDataFunc)league_team_movements_compare_dest_idcs, (gpointer)league_cur_size); dest_idx = g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, 0); } league_cur_size[dest_idx]++; if(league_cur_size[dest_idx] > league_size[dest_idx]) main_exit_program(EXIT_PROM_REL, "league_team_movements_assign_dest: no room in league %s for team %s.", lig(dest_idx).name, tmove->tm.name); tmove->dest_assigned = TRUE; if(debug > 60) g_print("%s %d -> %d\n", tmove->tm.name, league_from_clid(tmove->tm.clid)->layer, league_from_clid(lig(dest_idx).id)->layer); if(league_cur_size[dest_idx] == league_size[dest_idx]) for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(!g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_assigned) { tmove = &g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i); for(j=tmove->dest_idcs->len - 1; j>= 0; j--) if(g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, j) == dest_idx) g_array_remove_index(tmove->dest_idcs, j); if(tmove->dest_idcs->len == 0) main_exit_program(EXIT_PROM_REL, "league_team_movements_assign_dest: no destinations left for team %s.", tmove->tm.name); } } if(team_is_user(&tmove->tm) != -1) { if(tmove->prom_rel_type == PROM_REL_PROMOTION) user_history_add(&usr(team_is_user(&tmove->tm)), USER_HISTORY_PROMOTED, tmove->tm.name, lig(g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, 0)).name, NULL, NULL); else user_history_add(&usr(team_is_user(&tmove->tm)), USER_HISTORY_RELEGATED, tmove->tm.name, lig(g_array_index(tmove->dest_idcs, gint, 0)).name, NULL, NULL); } } /** Assign all unassigned TeamMoves in the array that only have one destination value. @param league_size The size of all leagues (i.e. how many teams they should contain after promotion/relegation is finished). @param league_cur_size The current size of all leagues (taking into account the assigned team moves). */ void league_team_movements_prune(GArray *team_movements, const gint *league_size, gint *league_cur_size) { gint i; if(debug > 60) g_print("league_team_movements_prune\n"); while(query_league_team_movements_unassigned_single(team_movements)) { for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(!g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_assigned && g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_idcs->len == 1) league_team_movements_assign_dest(team_movements, i, league_size, league_cur_size); } } /** Try to assign destinations for the team movements based on the array of possible destinations. @param league_size The size of all leagues (i.e. how many teams they should contain after promotion/relegation is finished). */ void league_team_movements_destinations(GArray *team_movements, const gint *league_size) { gint i; gint league_cur_size[ligs->len]; if(debug > 60) g_print("league_team_movements_destinations\n"); for(i=0;ilen;i++) league_cur_size[i] = lig(i).teams->len; if(debug > 65) league_team_movements_print(team_movements, league_size, league_cur_size); while(query_league_team_movements_unassigned(team_movements)) { league_team_movements_prune(team_movements, league_size, league_cur_size); for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(!g_array_index(team_movements, TeamMove, i).dest_assigned) league_team_movements_assign_dest(team_movements, i, league_size, league_cur_size); } if(debug > 65) league_team_movements_print(team_movements, league_size, league_cur_size); } /** Find out whether there are any active leagues in the country. */ gboolean query_leagues_active_in_country(void) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) if(lig(i).active) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** Find out whether a given matchday should occur in the same week as the one before or a full week later. */ gboolean query_league_cup_matchday_in_two_match_week(GArray **two_match_weeks, gint matchday) { gint i; for(i=0;ilen;i++) { if(g_array_index(two_match_weeks[0], gint, i) < matchday && matchday <= g_array_index(two_match_weeks[1], gint, i) && (matchday - g_array_index(two_match_weeks[0], gint, i)) % 2 == 1) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }