/* Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" #include "variables.h" /** Return the string going with the option named 'name'. @param name The name of the option. @return The string_value of the option. @see #Option */ gchar* option_string(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) return ((Option*)element)->string_value; main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "option_string: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); return NULL; } /** Return the GString pointer going with the option. */ gchar** option_string_pointer(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) return &((Option*)element)->string_value; main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "option_string: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); return NULL; } /** Return the integer going with the option named 'name'. @param name The name of the option. @return The value of the option. @see #Option */ gint option_int(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) return ((Option*)element)->value; main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "option_int: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); return -1; } /** Return the address of an options variable. */ gint* option_int_pointer(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) return &((Option*)element)->value; main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "option_int: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); return NULL; } /** Return the int going with the option named 'name' cast to float and divided by 1000. @param name The name of the option. @return The value of the option cast to float and divided by 1000. @see #Option */ gfloat option_float(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) return (gfloat)((Option*)element)->value / 100000; main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "option_float: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); return -1; } /** Change the value of a string option in the array. @param name The name of the option. @param option_array The option array. @param new_value The value we set. */ void option_set_string(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist, const gchar *new_value) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element == NULL) g_warning("option_set_string: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); else misc_string_assign(&((Option*)element)->string_value, new_value); } /** Change the value of an int option in the array. @param name The name of the option. @param option_array The option array. @param new_value The value we set. */ void option_set_int(const gchar *name, OptionList *optionlist, gint new_value) { gpointer element = g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element == NULL) g_warning("option_set_int: option named %s not found\nMaybe you should delete the .bygfoot directory from your home dir", name); else ((Option*)element)->value = new_value; } /** Add an option to the optionlist with the given values. */ void option_add(OptionList *optionlist, const gchar *name, gint int_value, const gchar *string_value) { gint i; Option new; gpointer element = NULL; if(optionlist->list != NULL) g_datalist_get_data(&optionlist->datalist, name); if(element != NULL) main_exit_program(EXIT_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "Option named '%s' already contained in optionlist.", name); new.name = g_strdup(name); new.value = int_value; new.string_value = (string_value == NULL) ? NULL : g_strdup(string_value); if(optionlist->list == NULL) { optionlist->list = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Option)); g_datalist_init(&optionlist->datalist); } g_array_append_val(optionlist->list, new); for(i=0;ilist->len;i++) g_datalist_set_data(&optionlist->datalist, g_array_index(optionlist->list, Option, i).name, &g_array_index(optionlist->list, Option, i)); }