#include "callback_func.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "cup.h" #include "finance.h" #include "fixture.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "league.h" #include "live_game.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "start_end.h" #include "team.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "treeview.h" #include "treeview_helper.h" #include "user.h" #include "window.h" /** Show the users' live games. */ void callback_show_next_live_game(void) { gint i, j; for(i=0;ilen;i++) usr(i).counters[COUNT_USER_TOOK_TURN] = 0; for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jlen;j++) if(g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round && fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)) != -1 && g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1 && option_int("int_opt_user_show_live_game", &usr(fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j))). options)) { live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(lig(i).fixtures, Fixture, j)); return; } for(i=0;ilen;i++) for(j=0;jfixtures->len;j++) if(g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_number == week && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).week_round_number == week_round && fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)) != -1 && g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j).attendance == -1 && option_int("int_opt_user_show_live_game", &usr(fixture_user_team_involved(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j))). options)) { live_game_calculate_fixture(&g_array_index(acp(i)->fixtures, Fixture, j)); return; } window_destroy(&window.live, TRUE); /* no more user games to show: end round. */ end_week_round(); setsav0; } /** Handle a click on the player list. @param idx The player number. @param event The type of button click. */ void callback_player_clicked(gint idx, GdkEventButton *event) { /* Only accept single-clicks right now. */ if(event->type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) return; if(event->button == 1) { if(selected_row == -1) { selected_row = idx; return; } player_swap(current_user.tm, selected_row, current_user.tm, idx); if(opt_user_int("int_opt_user_swap_adapts") == 1 && current_user.tm->structure != team_find_appropriate_structure(current_user.tm)) { team_change_structure(current_user.tm, team_find_appropriate_structure(current_user.tm)); team_rearrange(current_user.tm); } game_gui_write_av_skills(); selected_row = -1; treeview_show_user_player_list(); if(stat0 == STATUS_MAIN) treeview_show_next_opponent(); } else if(event->button == 3) { if(stat0 == STATUS_SHOW_TRANSFER_LIST) { selected_row = -1; transfer_add_remove_user_player(player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, idx)); } else if(stat0 == STATUS_SHOW_YA) { selected_row = idx; on_menu_move_to_youth_academy_activate(NULL, NULL); } else { selected_row = idx; window_show_menu_player((GdkEvent*)event); } } setsav0; } /** Show the last match of the current user. @param start Whether we start the replay from the beginning or continue it. */ void callback_show_last_match(gboolean start) { gint i; stat4 = -1; if(start) { stat2 = cur_user; statp = ¤t_user.live_game; window_create(WINDOW_LIVE); current_user.live_game.fix = fixture_from_id(current_user.live_game.fix_id); treeview_show_game_stats(GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.live, "treeview_stats")), ¤t_user.live_game); live_game_set_match(¤t_user.live_game); } else { gtk_widget_set_sensitive(lookup_widget(window.live, "button_pause"), TRUE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(lookup_widget(window.live, "button_resume"), FALSE); } for(i=stat3;ilen;i++) { game_gui_live_game_show_unit(&g_array_index(current_user.live_game.units, LiveGameUnit, i)); if(stat4 == STATUS_SHOW_LAST_MATCH_PAUSE || stat4 == STATUS_SHOW_LAST_MATCH_ABORT) { stat3 = i + 1; break; } } if(stat4 == STATUS_SHOW_LAST_MATCH_PAUSE) { gtk_widget_set_sensitive(lookup_widget(window.live, "button_pause"), FALSE); gtk_widget_set_sensitive(lookup_widget(window.live, "button_resume"), TRUE); } else if(stat4 == STATUS_SHOW_LAST_MATCH_ABORT) { window_destroy(&window.live, TRUE); stat1 = stat2 = stat3 = stat4 = -1; } else stat3 = -1; } /** Show the last match stats of the current user. */ void callback_show_last_match_stats(void) { current_user.live_game.fix = fixture_from_id(current_user.live_game.fix_id); treeview_show_game_stats(GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")), ¤t_user.live_game); } /** Show fixtures by week and round (as opposed to competition-wise). @param type Whether to show current, next or previous weeks. */ void callback_show_fixtures_week(gint type) { switch(type) { default: g_warning("callback_show_fixtures_week: unknown type %d \n", type); return; break; case SHOW_CURRENT: if(week == 1 && week_round == 1) { stat1 = week; stat2 = week_round; } else if(week_round == 1) { stat1 = week - 1; stat2 = fixture_get_last_week_round(week - 1); } else { stat1 = week; stat2 = week_round - 1; } break; case SHOW_NEXT: fixture_get_next_week(&stat1, &stat2); break; case SHOW_PREVIOUS: fixture_get_previous_week(&stat1, &stat2); break; } treeview_show_fixtures_week(stat1, stat2); } /** Show some fixtures. @param type An integer telling us which league/cup and which week and round to show. */ void callback_show_fixtures(gint type) { const Fixture *fix = fixture_get(type, stat1, stat2, stat3, current_user.tm); treeview_show_fixtures(GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")), fix->clid, fix->week_number, fix->week_round_number); stat1 = fix->clid; stat2 = fix->week_number; stat3 = fix->week_round_number; } /** Show tables. @type Integer telling us whether to show the current user's tables or those of the previous/next league/cup. */ void callback_show_tables(gint type) { gint clid = -1; if(type == SHOW_CURRENT) clid = current_user.tm->clid; else if(type == SHOW_NEXT_LEAGUE) { clid = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat1); while(clid >= ID_CUP_START && cup_has_tables(clid) == -1) clid = league_cup_get_next_clid(clid); } else if(type == SHOW_PREVIOUS_LEAGUE) { clid = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat1); while(clid >= ID_CUP_START && cup_has_tables(clid) == -1) clid = league_cup_get_previous_clid(clid); } else { g_warning("callback_show_tables: unknown type %d \n", type); return; } stat1 = clid; treeview_show_table(GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")), clid); } /** Open the digits window to get a loan. */ void callback_get_loan(void) { gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL]; gint max_loan = finance_team_drawing_credit_loan(current_user.tm, TRUE) + current_user.debt; if(max_loan <= 0) { game_gui_print_message(_("The bank doesn't grant you more money.")); return; } stat1 = STATUS_GET_LOAN; misc_print_grouped_int(max_loan, buf2); sprintf(buf, _("You can take out at most %s."), buf2); window_show_digits(buf, _("Loan"), max_loan, NULL, 0); } /** Open the digits window to pay back a loan. */ void callback_pay_loan(void) { gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL]; gint max_payback = MIN(BUDGET(cur_user), -current_user.debt); if(current_user.debt == 0) { game_gui_print_message(_("You are not indebted.")); return; } if(max_payback <= 0) { game_gui_print_message(_("You don't have enough money to pay back.")); return; } stat1 = STATUS_PAY_LOAN; misc_print_grouped_int(max_payback, buf2); sprintf(buf, _("You can pay back at most %s"), buf2); window_show_digits(buf, _("Payback"), max_payback, NULL, 0); } /** Manage a click on a player of the current team on the transfer list. @param button The mouse button number. @param idx The index of the selected player in the transfer list. */ void callback_transfer_list_user(gint button, gint idx) { gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL], buf3[SMALL]; if(button == 3) { transfer_remove_player(idx); on_button_transfers_clicked(NULL, NULL); setsav0; } else if(button == 1) { if(trans(idx).offers->len == 0) game_gui_print_message(_("There are no offers for the player.")); else if(trans(idx).offers->len > 0 && transoff(idx, 0).status != TRANSFER_OFFER_ACCEPTED) game_gui_print_message(_("There are some offers for the player which you rejected or will see next week.")); else { misc_print_grouped_int(transoff(idx, 0).fee, buf2); misc_print_grouped_int(ABS(transoff(idx, 0).fee - player_of_id_team(current_user.tm, trans(idx).id)->value), buf3); if(transoff(idx, 0).fee - player_of_id_team(current_user.tm, trans(idx).id)->value > 0) strcat(buf3, _(" more")); else strcat(buf3, _(" less")); sprintf(buf, _("%s would like to buy %s. They offer %s for him, which is %s than the player's value. Do you accept?"), transoff(idx, 0).tm->name->str, player_of_id_team(current_user.tm, trans(idx).id)->name->str, buf2, buf3); stat1 = STATUS_TRANSFER_OFFER_USER; stat2 = idx; window_show_transfer_dialog(buf); } } } /** Handle a click on a cpu player for which the offer got accepted. */ void callback_transfer_list_cpu(gint button, gint idx) { gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL], buf3[SMALL]; if(button == 2) return; if(button == 3) { g_array_remove_index(trans(idx).offers, 0); if(trans(idx).offers->len > 0) transfer_offers_notify(&trans(idx), FALSE); game_gui_print_message(_("Your offer has been removed.")); on_button_transfers_clicked(NULL, NULL); return; } if(current_user.tm->players->len == const_int("int_team_max_players")) { game_gui_show_warning(_("Your roster is already full. You can't buy more players.")); return; } misc_print_grouped_int(transoff(idx, 0).fee, buf2); misc_print_grouped_int(transoff(idx, 0).wage, buf3); sprintf(buf, _("You offered a transfer fee of %s and a wage of %s for %s. The owners and the player are satisfied with your offer. Do you still want to buy the player?"), buf2, buf3, player_of_id_team(trans(idx).tm, trans(idx).id)->name->str); stat1 = STATUS_TRANSFER_OFFER_CPU; stat2 = idx; window_show_transfer_dialog(buf); } /** Handle a click on the transfer list. @param button The mouse button number. @param idx The index of the selected player in the transfer list. */ void callback_transfer_list_clicked(gint button, gint idx) { gchar buf[SMALL]; Transfer *tr = &trans(idx); gint old_fee, old_wage = -1; if(tr->tm == current_user.tm) { callback_transfer_list_user(button, idx); return; } else if(tr->offers->len > 0 && transoff(idx, 0).status == TRANSFER_OFFER_ACCEPTED) { if(transoff(idx, 0).tm == current_user.tm) { if(team_is_user(tr->tm) != -1) { game_gui_print_message(_("User %s didn't consider your offer yet."), user_from_team(tr->tm)->name->str); } else callback_transfer_list_cpu(button, idx); } else game_gui_print_message(_("The player is locked (the team owners are considering an offer currently).")); return; } if(week >= transfer_get_deadline()) { game_gui_print_message(_("The transfer deadline is over.")); return; } stat1 = STATUS_SHOW_TRANSFER_LIST; stat2 = idx; if(tr->offers->len > 0) transfer_get_previous_offer(tr, current_user.tm, &old_fee, &old_wage); if(old_wage == -1) { sprintf(buf, _("You are making an offer for %s. Your scout's recommendations for fee and wage are preset."), player_of_id_team(tr->tm, tr->id)->name->str); window_show_digits(buf, _("Fee"), tr->fee[current_user.scout % 10], _("Wage"), tr->wage[current_user.scout % 10]); } else { sprintf(buf, _("You are making an offer for %s again. Your previous values for fee and wage are preset."), player_of_id_team(tr->tm, tr->id)->name->str); window_show_digits(buf, _("Fee"), old_fee, _("Wage"), old_wage); } } /** Show the contract window for the player with the specified index. */ void callback_offer_new_contract(gint idx) { gint i; gchar buf[SMALL]; Player *pl = player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, idx); gfloat scout_dev = math_rnd(-const_float("float_transfer_scout_deviance_wage"), const_float("float_transfer_scout_deviance_wage")) * (current_user.scout % 10 + 1); GtkSpinButton *spinbuttons[4]; if(pl->contract >= 2) { game_gui_show_warning(_("You can't offer a new contract if the old one is still above 2 years.")); return; } else if(pl->offers == const_int("int_contract_max_offers")) { game_gui_show_warning(_("The player won't negotiate with you anymore.")); return; } stat1 = player_assign_wage(pl); statp = (gpointer)pl; if(pl->age < pl->peak_age) stat1 = MAX(stat1, pl->wage); else stat1 = MIN(stat1, pl->wage); window_create(WINDOW_CONTRACT); sprintf(buf, _("You are negotiating with %s about a new contract. Pay attention to what you're doing; if you don't come to terms with him within %d offers, he's going to leave your team after his current contract expires (unless you sell him). You may only abort BEFORE making the first offer.\nYour scout's recommendations are preset:"), pl->name->str, const_int("int_contract_max_offers")); gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(lookup_widget(window.contract, "label_contract")), buf); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { sprintf(buf, "spinbutton_contract%d", i + 1); spinbuttons[i] = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(lookup_widget(window.contract, buf)); gtk_spin_button_set_value(spinbuttons[i], rint((gfloat)stat1 * (1 + (i * const_float("float_contract_scale_factor") * powf(-1, (pl->age > pl->peak_age)))) * (1 + scout_dev))); } setsav0; } /** Show the player list of a team in the browse-teams mode. */ void callback_show_team(gint type) { GtkTreeView *treeview_right = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")); const Team *tm; const GArray *teams = NULL; const GPtrArray *teamsp = NULL; gint len = -1; if(type == SHOW_CURRENT) { tm = (const Team*)treeview_helper_get_pointer(treeview_right, 2); stat1 = team_get_index(tm); stat2 = tm->clid; } else { if(type == SHOW_NEXT_LEAGUE) { stat2 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat2); while(stat2 >= ID_CUP_START && cup_from_clid(stat2)->teams->len == 0) stat2 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat2); } else if(type == SHOW_PREVIOUS_LEAGUE) { stat2 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat2); while(stat2 >= ID_CUP_START && cup_from_clid(stat2)->teams->len == 0) stat2 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat2); } if(stat2 < ID_CUP_START) { teams = (GArray*)league_cup_get_teams(stat2); len = teams->len; } else { teamsp = (GPtrArray*)league_cup_get_teams(stat2); len = teamsp->len; } if(type == SHOW_NEXT) stat1 = (stat1 == len - 1) ? 0 : stat1 + 1; else if(type == SHOW_PREVIOUS) stat1 = (stat1 == 0) ? len - 1 : stat1 - 1; else stat1 = 0; if(stat2 < ID_CUP_START) tm = &g_array_index(teams, Team, stat1); else tm = (Team*)g_ptr_array_index(teamsp, stat1); } stat0 = STATUS_BROWSE_TEAMS; if(tm != current_user.tm) treeview_show_player_list_team(treeview_right, tm, current_user.scout % 10); else callback_show_team((type == SHOW_PREVIOUS) ? SHOW_PREVIOUS : SHOW_NEXT); } /** Show a sortable list of all players in a league or cup. */ void callback_show_player_list(gint type) { stat0 = STATUS_SHOW_PLAYER_LIST; switch(type) { default: g_warning("callback_show_player_list: unknown type %d \n", type); return; break; case SHOW_CURRENT: stat1 = current_user.tm->clid; break; case SHOW_NEXT_LEAGUE: stat1 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat1); while(stat1 >= ID_CUP_START && cup_from_clid(stat1)->teams->len == 0) stat1 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat1); break; case SHOW_PREVIOUS_LEAGUE: stat1 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat1); while(stat1 >= ID_CUP_START && cup_from_clid(stat1)->teams->len == 0) stat1 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat1); break; } treeview_show_all_players(stat1); } /** Fire a player. */ void callback_fire_player(gint idx) { gchar buf[SMALL], buf2[SMALL]; Player *pl = player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, idx); stat1 = STATUS_FIRE_PLAYER; stat2 = idx; stat3 = (gint)rint(pl->wage * const_float("float_player_fire_wage_factor") * pl->contract); misc_print_grouped_int(stat3, buf2); sprintf(buf, _("You want to fire %s. Since his contract expires in %.1f years, he demands a compensation of %s. Do you accept?"), pl->name->str, pl->contract, buf2); window_show_yesno(buf); } /** Show a page with the information in the league stats structure. */ void callback_show_league_stats(gint type) { switch(type) { default: g_warning("callback_show_league_stats: unknown type %d \n", type); return; break; case SHOW_CURRENT: stat1 = current_user.tm->clid; break; case SHOW_NEXT_LEAGUE: stat1 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat1); while(stat1 >= ID_CUP_START) stat1 = league_cup_get_next_clid(stat1); break; case SHOW_PREVIOUS_LEAGUE: stat1 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat1); while(stat1 >= ID_CUP_START) stat1 = league_cup_get_previous_clid(stat1); break; } treeview_show_league_stats(stat1); } /** Show the appropriate season history page in the right treeview. */ void callback_show_season_history(gint type) { switch(type) { default: g_warning("callback_show_season_history: unknown type %d \n", type); return; break; case SHOW_CURRENT: stat1 = -1; stat2 = season - 2; break; case SHOW_NEXT_LEAGUE: if(stat1 == -1) stat1 = 0; else if(stat1 == ligs->len - 1) stat1 = -1; else stat1++; break; case SHOW_PREVIOUS_LEAGUE: if(stat1 == -1) stat1 = ligs->len - 1; else if(stat1 == 0) stat1 = -1; else stat1--; break; case SHOW_NEXT: stat2 = (stat2 + 1) % (season - 1); break; case SHOW_PREVIOUS: stat2 = (stat2 == 0) ? season - 2 : stat2 - 1; break; } treeview_show_season_history(stat1, stat2); } /** Show the player list of the next opponent. */ void callback_show_next_opponent(void) { const Fixture *fix = team_get_fixture(current_user.tm, FALSE); const Team *opp = (fix == NULL) ? NULL : fix->teams[fix->teams[0] == current_user.tm]; GtkTreeView *treeview_right = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")); if(opp == NULL) return; stat0 = STATUS_BROWSE_TEAMS; stat1 = team_get_index(opp); stat2 = opp->clid; treeview_show_player_list_team(treeview_right, opp, current_user.scout % 10); } /** Show the player list after the user clicked on a player in the browse players mode. */ void callback_show_player_team(void) { GtkTreeView *treeview_right = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.main, "treeview_right")); const Player *pl = (const Player*)treeview_helper_get_pointer(treeview_right, 2); stat0 = STATUS_BROWSE_TEAMS; stat1 = team_get_index(pl->team); stat2 = pl->team->clid; treeview_show_player_list_team(treeview_right, pl->team, current_user.scout % 10); } /** Show the youth players of the current user. */ void callback_show_youth_academy(void) { gint i; PlayerListAttribute attributes; for(i=0;i