/* misc2_callback_func.c Bygfoot Football Manager -- a small and simple GTK2-based football management game. http://bygfoot.sourceforge.net Copyright (C) 2005 Gyözö Both (gyboth@bygfoot.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "callbacks.h" #include "callback_func.h" #include "file.h" #include "finance.h" #include "free.h" #include "game_gui.h" #include "job.h" #include "league.h" #include "maths.h" #include "misc.h" #include "misc2_callback_func.h" #include "option.h" #include "player.h" #include "support.h" #include "team.h" #include "treeview.h" #include "treeview2.h" #include "treeview_helper.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "user.h" #include "window.h" /** Transfer a user player. */ void misc2_callback_transfer_user_player(void) { Team *new_team = transoff(stat2, 0).tm; if(team_is_user(new_team) != -1) { if(new_team->players->len < const_int("int_team_max_players") && BUDGET(team_is_user(new_team)) >= transoff(stat2, 0).fee) { current_user.money += transoff(stat2, 0).fee; current_user.money_in[1][MON_IN_TRANSFERS] += transoff(stat2, 0).fee; user_from_team(new_team)->money -= transoff(stat2, 0).fee; user_from_team(new_team)->money_out[1][MON_OUT_TRANSFERS] -= transoff(stat2, 0).fee; if(player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id)->id == opt_user_int("int_opt_user_penalty_shooter")) opt_user_set_int("int_opt_user_penalty_shooter", -1); player_copy(player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id), new_team, new_team->players->len); player_of_idx_team(new_team, new_team->players->len - 1)->contract = (gfloat)math_rndi(const_int("int_transfer_contract_lower"), const_int("int_transfer_contract_upper")); player_of_idx_team(new_team, new_team->players->len - 1)->wage = transoff(stat2, 0).wage; g_array_remove_index(current_user.tm->players, player_id_index(current_user.tm, trans(stat2).id)); transfer_remove_player(stat2); } else { game_gui_show_warning(_("%s couldn't afford to buy %s or his roster was full."), user_from_team(new_team)->name, player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id)->name); user_event_add(user_from_team(new_team), EVENT_TYPE_WARNING, -1, -1, NULL, _("You didn't have enough money to buy %s or your roster was full."), player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id)->name); g_array_remove_index(trans(stat2).offers, 0); if(trans(stat2).offers->len > 0 && transoff(stat2, 0).status == TRANSFER_OFFER_NOT_CONSIDERED) transoff(stat2, 0).status = TRANSFER_OFFER_ACCEPTED; } } else { current_user.money += transoff(stat2, 0).fee; current_user.money_in[1][MON_IN_TRANSFERS] += transoff(stat2, 0).fee; player_remove_from_team(current_user.tm, player_id_index(current_user.tm, trans(stat2).id)); } treeview_show_user_player_list(); game_gui_set_main_window_header(); on_button_transfers_clicked(NULL, NULL); } /** Transfer a cpu player to a user team. */ void misc2_callback_transfer_cpu_player(void) { if(current_user.tm->players->len > const_int("int_team_max_players") || BUDGET(cur_user) < transoff(stat2, 0).fee) { game_gui_show_warning(_("Your player roster is full or you don't enough money.")); return; } player_copy(player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id), current_user.tm, current_user.tm->players->len); player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, current_user.tm->players->len - 1)->contract = (gfloat)math_rndi(const_int("int_transfer_contract_lower"), const_int("int_transfer_contract_upper")); player_of_idx_team(current_user.tm, current_user.tm->players->len - 1)->wage = transoff(stat2, 0).wage; user_from_team(current_user.tm)->money -= transoff(stat2, 0).fee; user_from_team(current_user.tm)->money_out[1][MON_OUT_TRANSFERS] -= transoff(stat2, 0).fee; player_replace_by_new(player_of_id_team(trans(stat2).tm, trans(stat2).id), FALSE); transfer_remove_player(stat2); treeview_show_user_player_list(); game_gui_set_main_window_header(); if(week < transfer_get_deadline() || transfer_list->len > 0 ) on_button_transfers_clicked(NULL, NULL); else on_button_back_to_main_clicked(NULL, NULL); } /** Change the user team's structure to a value he's specified. */ gboolean misc2_callback_change_structure(gint structure) { gint poss_struct = team_find_appropriate_structure(current_user.tm); if(math_get_place(structure, 1) + math_get_place(structure, 2) + math_get_place(structure, 3) != math_get_place(poss_struct, 1) + math_get_place(poss_struct, 2) + math_get_place(poss_struct, 3)) { game_gui_show_warning(_("The structure value %d is invalid."), structure); return FALSE; } team_change_structure(current_user.tm, structure); treeview_show_user_player_list(); setsav0; return TRUE; } /** Handle a click on the contract offer button. */ void misc2_callback_contract_offer(void) { gint i; gchar buf[SMALL]; GtkSpinButton *spinbutton; gint value = 0; Player *pl = (Player*)statp; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(lookup_widget(window.contract, "button_contract_cancel"), FALSE); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { sprintf(buf, "radiobutton_contract%d", i + 1); if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(lookup_widget(window.contract, buf)))) { sprintf(buf, "spinbutton_contract%d", i + 1); spinbutton = GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(lookup_widget(window.contract, buf)); value = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(spinbutton); if(value >= (gint)rint((gfloat)stat1 * (1 + (i * const_float("float_contract_scale_factor") * powf(-1, (pl->age > pl->peak_age)))))) { pl->contract += (i + 1); pl->offers = 0; pl->wage = value; game_gui_show_warning(_("%s accepts your offer."), pl->name); window_destroy(&window.contract, FALSE); } else { pl->offers++; if(pl->offers < const_int("int_contract_max_offers")) game_gui_show_warning(_("%s rejects your offer. You may still make %d offers."), pl->name, const_int("int_contract_max_offers") - pl->offers); else { game_gui_show_warning(_("%s rejects your offer and won't negotiate with you anymore. You should sell him before his contract expires (he'll simply leave your team otherwise)."), pl->name); window_destroy(&window.contract, FALSE); } } break; } } } /** Add a user to the users array. */ void misc2_callback_add_user(void) { GtkTreeView *treeview_user_management_teams = GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.user_management, "treeview_user_management_teams")); GtkEntry *entry_user_management = GTK_ENTRY(lookup_widget(window.user_management, "entry_user_management")); const gchar *user_name = gtk_entry_get_text(entry_user_management); User new_user = user_new(); Team *tm = (Team*)treeview_helper_get_pointer(treeview_user_management_teams, 2); if(strlen(user_name) > 0) { misc_string_assign(&new_user.name, user_name); gtk_entry_set_text(entry_user_management, ""); } new_user.tm = tm; new_user.team_id = tm->id; user_history_add(&new_user, USER_HISTORY_START_GAME, tm->name, league_cup_get_name_string(tm->clid), NULL, NULL); g_array_append_val(users, new_user); file_load_user_conf_file(&usr(users->len - 1)); user_set_up_team(&usr(users->len - 1)); treeview_show_users( GTK_TREE_VIEW(lookup_widget(window.user_management, "treeview_user_management_users"))); treeview_show_team_list(treeview_user_management_teams, FALSE, FALSE); setsav0; } /** Handle a click in the MM window treeview. @param widget The treeview widget. @param row_num The row that's been clicked on. @param col_num The column number. */ void misc2_callback_mmatches_button_press(GtkWidget *widget, gint row_num, gint col_num) { if(row_num < current_user.mmatches->len) { if(col_num == TREEVIEW_MMATCH_COL_REPLAY) { stat1 = STATUS_SHOW_LAST_MATCH; stat3 = 0; callback_show_last_match(TRUE, &g_array_index(current_user.mmatches, MemMatch, row_num).lg); } else if(col_num == TREEVIEW_MMATCH_COL_REMOVE) { gtk_widget_hide(widget); free_g_string(&g_array_index(current_user.mmatches, MemMatch, row_num).competition_name); free_gchar_ptr(g_array_index(current_user.mmatches, MemMatch, row_num).country_name); free_live_game(&g_array_index(current_user.mmatches, MemMatch, row_num).lg); g_array_remove_index(current_user.mmatches, row_num); treeview2_show_mmatches(); gtk_widget_show(widget); } else if(col_num == TREEVIEW_MMATCH_COL_EXPORT) { stat5 = STATUS_SELECT_MM_FILE_EXPORT; stat4 = row_num; window_show_file_sel(); } } else if(row_num == current_user.mmatches->len && col_num == 1) { if(current_user.live_game.units->len == 0) { game_gui_show_warning(_("No match stored.")); return; } user_mm_add_last_match(FALSE, FALSE); treeview2_show_mmatches(); } } /** Find out whether the user's application for the job is accepted and show the appropriate popups. @return TRUE if accepted, FALSE otherwise. */ gboolean misc2_callback_evaluate_job_application(Job *job, User *user) { if(!query_job_application_successful(job, user)) { game_gui_show_warning( _("The owners of %s politely reject your application. You're not successful enough in their eyes."), job_get_team(job)->name); return FALSE; } if(job->type != JOB_TYPE_NATIONAL) { game_gui_show_warning( /* A lame duck is someone who will quit his job soon and thus doesn't have a lot of influence/impact anymore, e.g. an American president during the last 2 years of his second presidency. */ _("The owners of %s accept your application. Since %s don't want to get stuck with a lame duck, you get fired instantly and spend the rest of the current season tending your garden."), job_get_team(job)->name, user->tm->name); job_change_country(job); } else game_gui_show_warning( _("The owners of %s accept your application."), current_user.tm->name); user_change_team(user, team_of_id(job->team_id)); if(job->type == JOB_TYPE_NATIONAL) job_remove(job, TRUE); else free_jobs(TRUE); return TRUE; }