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<_commentary>_P1_ passes</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ to _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ feeds a [wonderful|terrific|great|brilliant] ball through to _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A delightful little [ball|pass] finds _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A flick on from _P1_ waits for the one two</_commentary>
<_commentary>A neat dummy run and pass</_commentary>
<_commentary>Great footwork, a clever pass</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ drops the ball at _P0_'s feet</_commentary>
<_commentary>A lofted pass from _P1_ finds its mark</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_POSS__ are on the attack</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_NPOSS__ are on the [defence|backfoot]</_commentary>
<_commentary>An [outstanding|accurate] cross finds _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>Now _T_POSS__ can mount a challenge through _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A ball in by _P1_ [finds|taken by] _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [threads|needles] [a great|the] ball to _P0_ </_commentary>
<_commentary>A [lovely|superb|long|nifty] pass from _P1_ releases _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [long|short|slow] floating pass from _P1_ finds _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [good|great|clever] passing move across the pitch and down the [right|left]</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [quick|well-timed] passing [flick|move] down the [left|right]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ slips past his man and [collects|latches onto] _P1_'s perfectly [timed|weighted] cross.</_commentary>
<_commentary>Another [clever|brilliant|thinking|decent] move [down the wing|through the centre|across the pitch]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [collects|latches onto] _P1_'s [through ball|pass]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [threads|needles] [it|the ball] through the [opponent's|player's] [feet|legs] and finds _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [traps|controls] [it|the ball] with his [boot|heel|chest|thigh] and [sends it|passes|flicks on] to _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [lobs|heads] the ball towards _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ twisting and turning again</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ twisting desperately to lose his man</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ rips [up|through] the [centre|midfield]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [loses|spins past|dribbles past] his [man|marker]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;80 and _GD_ ==0 and _TAVSKILLDIFF_ &gt;= 4" pri="10">A draw would be a good result for the outmatched _T[_TAVSKILL0_ GE _TAVSKILL1_]_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;80 and _GD_ ==1" pri="10">_TW_ need to buckle down and just hold on for a few more minutes</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;20 and _SHOTS_POSS__ &lt; 2">_T_POSS__ need to [get the ball up front more|create more chances|show a bit more spark up front]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_>20 and _GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &gt; 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 8">Only [_SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_] shots: [it's a battle in the midfield|neither side is really trying]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;20 and _GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ = 1">Only 1 shot: [it's a battle in the midfield|neither side is really trying]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&lt;20 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &gt; 2">_MI_ minutes on the clock, and chances from both teams already</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 4">Terrific skills on display</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_ &gt; 75">We enter the dying moments of normal time</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_ &gt;= 7">[So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need a new [pea for his whistle|book|pencil]!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;85">Sure, it's not over till the fat lady sings, but she's warming up right now</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's knocked out by _P1_. _P0_ with the throw.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ dispossessed</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ dispossessed by _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>[_P1_ gives the ball|The ball is given] away [carelessly|cheaply|too easily]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ takes it over the line. A throw-in to _T_POSS__</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [wild|poor|subpar] pass by _P1_ results in a throw-in for _T_POSS__</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes a quick throw-in</_commentary>
<_commentary>A long throw-in from _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>The slide tackle by _P0_ was worthy of topflight baseball.</_commentary>
<_commentary>A heavy ball uncontrolled by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ wins the ball with a [perfectly timed|hard] challenge</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_NPOSS__ [gives the ball away|loses the ball too quickly]</_commentary>
<_commentary>Bad control by _P1_ lets _P0_ steal the ball from him</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [steals|takes|snatches] the ball away from _P1_ with a sliding tackle</_commentary>
<_commentary>A loose ball [falls|bounces] straight to _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A crunching tackle by _P0_ who [comes away with|wins] the ball</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ is left stranded as _P0_ takes the ball</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ makes a great interception</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ gatecrashes _P1_'s party and comes away with the prize</_commentary>
<_commentary>That wasn't _P1_'s greatest pass as _P0_ intercepts</_commentary>
<_commentary>[Oww|Ouch|Aye korumba], that was a nasty tackle on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>Surely [that must be a sending-off offence|_P1_'s going to get booked for that]?</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [knocks|bowls|crashes] over _P0_ with a double-footed lunge</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [nasty|crunching|fierce] challenge on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ gets his legs taken away from him by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [slicing|nasty|pulverising] challenge by _P1_ on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [vicious|hard] tackle from _P1_ leaves _P0_ lying on the grass in agony</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ clinically takes out _P0_ and leaves him in agony</_commentary>
<_commentary>They don't call _P1_ [the Slayer|the Assassin|Killer|Chopper Reid] for nothing. He's almost [wiped out|run over] [the guy|_P0_]!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Ouch! That's got to hurt</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ is on the ground, and he's not smiling</_commentary>
<_commentary>I don't know about _P0_, but that tackle brought tears to my eyes</_commentary>
<_commentary>A dangerously high boot from _P1_ sends _P0_ to the ground</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_'s black belt in [Karate|Taekwondo|Jujitsu] came in handy then, when he floored _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ just lost his patience and [took|knocked] _P0_ to the ground.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes the full brunt of _P1_'s challenge.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ tried to absorb that tackle, but it's too much for the ref</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ref played the advantage but eventually had to signal the foul on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>Frustration is setting in when you start to see fouls like that.</_commentary>
<_commentary>That's what's known as a professional foul</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ tries to run off a harsh challenge</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ with a bone-crunching tackle. Surely, he won't get away with that.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [infiltrates|sneaks through] the defence and [hammers|cracks] it</_commentary>
<_commentary>A deep cross floats in from _P1_, and _P0_ [slots it towards goal|fires]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ charges towards goal and [fires|unleashes|stabs|shoots]!</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ spins and shoots</_commentary>
<_commentary>A blazing [shot|strike] from _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ finds some space and tries his luck.</_commentary>
<_commentary>A wonderful opportunity opens up for _T_POSS__</_commentary>
<_commentary>A long ball from _P1_ finds _P0_ at the [near|far] post</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [has fluffed it|can't control it|snaps a shot], and his miskick heads [toward goal|goalward]</_commentary>
<_commentary>His [great|excellent] first touch heads it goalwards</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes it on the volley and [hammers|nails|plants] it towards goal</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes it on the volley from _P1_'s pass pushing goalwards</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [fires|shoots|blasts it|hammers it] from [22|20|18|15] yards; looks like it's [drifting|curving|spinning|going wide]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [drifts|dribbles|runs|rushes|strolls|slips|sneaks] into the box, turns inside the defence and fires</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [drifts|crashes|cuts] in from the [right|left] flank and [strikes|shoots|fires]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ tries his luck from [30|25] yards</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [snaps|arrows|beams] a shot towards the [bottom|top] [right|left] corner</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ shoots from close range</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [classy|great|brilliant] [pass|ball] from _P1_ sends _P0_ one on one with the [keeper|goalkeeper|goalie]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_'s [scissor|overhead] kick heads towards the [bottom|top] [left|right]-hand corner</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [waltzes|spins|drifts|rips] past two defenders, [dummies|wrong-foots] the keeper and [flicks|back-heels|clips] the ball [home|towards goal|goalward]</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ lays the ball off to _P0_, who [sends a rocket|fires a piledriver] towards goal</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ charges in with a shot</_commentary>
<_commentary>A lay-off from _P1_ sets up _T_POSS__ with a chance</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ gets in behind the defence and strikes</_commentary>
<_commentary>And the ball is smacked into the back of the net!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ scores!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Goal!! Did you see that? [Their goalie|_P1_] certainly didn't.</_commentary>
<_commentary>And the ball [rips|flies|glides|bullets] straight past _P1_ and into the back of the net!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball [whistles|flies|zips|whooshes] past _P1_, and it's a goal!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ wheels away in celebration</_commentary>
<_commentary>What a [mesmerising|marvellous|wonderful|fantastic|brilliant|spectacular] goal!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Goal!! _P1_'s [desperate|despairing|stretched] dive can't keep _P0_'s shot out</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball [lies|is] in the back of the net!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Celebrations abound! They won't forget that [goal|strike|shot] in a hurry</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_'s dance [ignites|sparks] the fans. He celebrates in his [well-known|own|peculiar|special|unique] fashion</_commentary>
<_commentary>Goal! A dipping ball from _P0_ stuns [the keeper|_P1_|_T_NPOSS__]</_commentary>
<_commentary>An outstanding Goal!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Goal! Lady Luck obviously supports _T_TT__</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [curving|hard, inswinging|outswinging|swerving] ball beats _P1_ to the line. Goal!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ ==1">_T_TT_ [take first blood|are first to open the account] today</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &lt;=2 and _T_TT_ == _TLN_">That [strike|goal] has sent the _T_TT_ fans [wild|into a frenzy]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ == 0 ">That [strike|goal] has levelled the score</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &lt;=2">_T_POSS__ have struck [pay dirt|gold]. What a goal!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_T_TT__ == _TLN_ and _GD_ &lt;=2 ">Can _T_TT__ produce a [shock|surprise] comeback?</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_T_TT__ == _TLN_">Lady Luck is smiling on _T_TT__ now</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS_POSS__ &lt; 45">_T_POSS__ score against the run of the play</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_T_TT__ == _TWN_ and _GD_ &gt;3">That's just another nail in the coffin</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes the corner</_commentary>
<_commentary>The keeper pushes it into corner</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_'s fingertips flick it wide</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_'s forced to tip _P0_'s shot over the crossbar</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ makes a [superb|remarkable|fantastic] reflex save to tip it wide</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ pushes it into corner</_commentary>
<_commentary>[He|_P0_] [fired|drifted it] wide!</_commentary>
<_commentary>A wandering shot heads awall</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_'d like to run and hide after that [shocking|dreadful|calamitous|disastrous|awful|terrible] miss</_commentary>
<_commentary>[He|_P0_] should have squared the ball there, but he went alone and lashed wide</_commentary>
<_commentary>[_P1_|Defender] clears</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [pushes|curls] the ball over</_commentary>
<_commentary>A defender back to block, just as it seemed to open up</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ [thumps|smacks|fires] it into row Z</_commentary>
<_commentary>And the [ball|shot] creeps just past the post</_commentary>
<_commentary>That was never really going in.</_commentary>
<_commentary>Oh, what a chance lost!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Lost opportunities like that can cost _T_POSS__ the match.</_commentary>
<_commentary>It looked so promising for _P0_ then.</_commentary>
<_commentary>He'd done all the hard work, but he couldn't finish it off</_commentary>
<_commentary>So near yet so far</_commentary>
<_commentary>So nearly going goalward</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_POSS__ have squandered [a great|their] chance there.</_commentary>
<_commentary>A great run and delivery but no reward</_commentary>
<_commentary>Lady Luck has turned her back on [_P0_|_T_POSS__]</_commentary>
<_commentary>That's a real let-off there for _T_NPOSS__</_commentary>
<_commentary>An audacious attempt, worthy but no payment</_commentary>
<_commentary>There was no gold at the end of that rainbow run</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball [pinballs|bounces] around the penalty area but finds no way in</_commentary>
<_commentary>That went everywhere except into the net</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball is in the net, but it's disallowed. The offside flag was raised.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_SHOTS_POSS__ &gt; 3 and _GOALS_POSS__ &lt; 1">_P0_ is beginning to wonder what he has to do to score</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_SHOTS_POSS__ &gt; 3 and _GOALS_POSS__ &lt; 1">_T_POSS__ are beginning to wonder what they have to do to score</_commentary> </event>
<_commentary>A sizzling [strike|shot], but [the keeper|the goalie|_P1_] [has asbestos gloves|is sharp enough]</_commentary>
<_commentary>There's a wall out there by the name of _P1_. What a [terrific|sensational] save!</_commentary>
<_commentary>Catching practice for _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ breathes again as the ball [finds its way|deflects] into his arms.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_NPOSS__ get a let-off here with a superb save by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_POSS__ denied by a [great|superb|brilliant] [save|parry] by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>Easy pickings for _P1_. He collects the ball</_commentary>
<_commentary>Great [speed|pace|skill] shown by _P0_, but _P1_ produced a [stunning|superb|just-in-time] blocking tackle</_commentary>
<_commentary>A low shot taken well to his [right|left] by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ gathers it with ease</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ [sprints towards|runs at|lunges at] _P0_ and blocks the shot with his [ankle|body|head|torso|leg|boot]</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [great|brilliant|sensational|rather easy|confident] save by the [keeper|goalie|goalkeeper]</_commentary>
<_commentary>[Saved|Caught|Stopped|Gathered] well by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>Oh, [he|the goalie|the keeper|_P1_] anticipated _P0_'s every move and produced a fine save</_commentary>
<_commentary>That was in by all accounts, but they forgot to tell _P1_, who somehow saved the day</_commentary>
<_commentary>No power in the shot from _P0_. Taken easily by _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>[A|That's a] regulation [stop|save] for [_P1_|the keeper]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ ==1">[_P1_|the goalie] is keeping _TL_ in the game</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's a crowd of _AT_ here as the whistle blows</_commentary>
<_commentary>And we're underway</_commentary>
<_commentary>The two teams are greeted by a wall of noise as they take to the pitch</_commentary>
<_commentary>[The crowd|_AT_ spectators] roar as the players emerge from the tunnel</_commentary>
<_commentary>A cloudless day gives the impression this match is going to sparkle</_commentary>
<_commentary>_AT_ [spectators|fans] can't be wrong. This is the match we have all come to watch</_commentary>
<_commentary>The referee gets the nod from the assistant, and we are away</_commentary>
<_commentary>The [battle|struggle|fight|afternoon contention] begins</_commentary>
<_commentary>The referees are ready, the players set; the whistle blows</_commentary>
<_commentary>The fog lifts, and away we go</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &lt;= 2" pri="10">The teams are well matched. We are in for [a real|an end to end] [tug of war|battle].</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &lt; 5 and _TAVGSKILLDIFF_ &gt;2" pri="10">_T[_TAVSKILL0_ LE _TAVSKILL1_]_ have a slight upper hand.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &gt;=8" pri="10">There's an [undeniable|obvious] gulf in the skill level. This should be a walk-over for _T[_TAVSKILL1_ GE _TAVSKILL0_]_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &gt;=5" pri="10">_T[_TAVSKILL0_ GE _TAVSKILL1_]_ come into this match as underdogs.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &gt;=8" pri="10">_T[_TAVSKILL0_ LE _TAVSKILL1_]_ start the match as sure favourites.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &lt;= 1 and [_TAVSKILL0_ + _TAVSKILL1_] &gt;=85" pri="10">The clash of the [gladiators|titans] [begins|kicks off]</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's half time</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's _RE_ at half time.</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's _RE_ at half time. _TL_'s manager must [find|cook up|conjure up] something special to spur his team on.</_commentary>
<_commentary>Matches like this make managers. _TL_ need inspiration from the [top|gaffer].</_commentary>
<_commentary>The dropped heads tell the story. It's been no picnic here for _TL_.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_TL_'s manager cops a rollicking from the fans as he leaves the dugout</_commentary>
<_commentary>So far, _TW_ and their manager have done everything right.</_commentary>
<_commentary>_TL_'s manager must be [disappointed|furious] with his [team's|lads'] performance this half</_commentary>
<_commentary>One gets the feeling the manager will read _TL_ the riot act</_commentary>
<_commentary>_TL_ will be on the receiving end of their manager's [scolding|wrath|shellacking]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &gt;=8 and _GD_ &lt;=1 and _TAVSKILL_TLN__ &lt; _TAVSKILL_TWN__" pri="10">_TW_ are [only|mere] 45 minutes away from a stunning victory</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &gt;0">_TL_ [head|traipse|trudge] into the tunnel to await the manager's scolding</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_&gt;0">A half _TL_ will quickly want to forget</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS0_ &gt;= 70 or _POSS1_ &gt;= 70">_T[_POSS1_ GE 70]_ is dominating the possession</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS0_ &gt;= 60 or _POSS1_ &gt;= 60">_T[_POSS1_ GE 60]_ have had the [most|lion's share|better half] of the possession this half</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS0_ &gt; 50 and _GOALS1_ &gt; _GOALS0_">_T0_ may have had more possession, but _T1_ have utilised their chances better</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS1_ &gt; 50 and _GOALS0_ &gt; _GOALS1_">_T1_ may have had more possession, but _T0_ have utilised their chances better</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_POSS0_ &gt;= 75 or _POSS1_ &gt;= 75">_T[_POSS1_ GE 75]_ seems to be the only team out there</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ = 0 ">Well, the [banks are closed|tide is out|lolly bag remains empty]: [no goals this half|no one has managed to break the wall]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ = 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 2">At this stage, one up [might not be|might just be] enough</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ = 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 2">With the number of shots so far, one up might not be enough</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 2 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 8">Sure, it's a low-scoring game, but we've had plenty of shots</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 1 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 4">_T[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ have had [plenty of|numerous] chances to [finish|seal] this match</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 2 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 3">_T[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ have had _SHOTS[_SHOTS0_ LE _SHOTS1_]_ chances to [finish|seal|clinch] this match</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ = 0 and _SHOTS0_ + _SHOTS1_ &lt; 2">No bickies in the barrel yet, and [it looks like the baker's on strike|to be honest, no one's baking]</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt;= 6">It's raining goals. [_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_] so far, and it's only the first half!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_FOULS0_ - _FOULS1_ &lt;= 4 or _FOULS1_ - _FOULS0_ &lt;=4">There are two teams out there, but only [_T[_FOULS0_ GE _FOULS1_]_|one of them] is playing football</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_ &gt;= 8">It's a bloodbath out there, not a football match.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_ &gt;= 10">[So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need new office supplies!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_ &gt;= 10">[So many|[_FOULS0_ + _FOULS1_]] fouls. The ref's gonna need a new [pea for his whistle|book|pencil]!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_PEN0_ + _PEN1_ &gt; 1">[_PEN0_ + _PEN1_] penalties already</_commentary>
<_commentary>After a close match, the teams head into extra time</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's still _RE_: extra time</_commentary>
<_commentary>After _MI_ minutes, it's still _RE_: extra time</_commentary>
<_commentary>Who'll break down first? Extra time it is</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's down to determination and fitness now as we head into extra time</_commentary>
<_commentary>Who would've thought _MI_ minutes ago it would come down to this?</_commentary>
<_commentary>And now, we have the tense drama of a penalty shootout</_commentary>
<_commentary>Two teams, equal until now in every respect, face off in penalties</_commentary>
<_commentary>The teams can't do it, so now it's one on one. A striker against the keeper</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt; 1">No goals so far, but now we'll see [some|at least one] as we head to penalties</_commentary>
<_commentary>The match is over!</_commentary>
<_commentary>_TW_ are triumphant!!!</_commentary>
<_commentary>The fans boo _TL_ off the pitch</_commentary>
<_commentary>After _MI_ minutes, the match ends with a _RE_</_commentary>
<_commentary>The referee glances at his watch and blows for full time</_commentary>
<_commentary>Well, that's that. It ends _RE_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_TW_'s manager will be [delighted|thrilled] with that result</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TAVSKILLDIFF_ &lt;=4 and _TWN_ = _T[_TAVSKILL0_ GE _TAVSKILL1_]_" pri="10"> _RE_, what an astonishing result for _TW_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ = 0 " pri="10">A draw, then. Still, a point is a point.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &lt; 0 " pri="10">Well, that's that. It ends _RE_ in _TW_'s favour</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_ &lt;= 6" pri="10">What a match to remember. Action-packed with [_GOALS0_ + _GOALS1_] goals!</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &lt;= 4" pri="10">_TL_ were slaughtered by _GD_ goals.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ >= 2" pri="10">_TW_ will be sipping champagne tonight.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="[_TLAYER0_ - _TLAYER1_]&gt; 1 or [_TLAYER1_ - _TLAYER0_] &gt;1 and _TLAYER_TWN__ &gt; _TLAYER_TLN__" pri="10">What [a great victory|an amazing win] for _TW_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ &gt; 3 and _TLAYER[_GOALS1_ &gt; _GOALS0_]_ &gt;= _TLAYER[_GOALS1_ &lt; _GOALS0_]_" pri="10">_TL_ were up against a giant, and the _RE_ scoreline shows it</_commentary>
<_commentary>Oh no, the ball [ricocheted|deflected] off _P0_ into the net</_commentary>
<_commentary>It's a pinball in the penalty box, finally spinning off _P0_ across the line</_commentary>
<_commentary>That's a [great|powerful] shot, and it's deflected off _P0_ and into the back of the net</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ passes the ball back to his goalie. Oh no, the keeper's [missed|botched] it! It's an own goal by _P0_!</_commentary>
<_commentary>That little misunderstanding has cost _T_TT__ a goal</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ chips the ball towards _P0_, who heads the ball towards goal</_commentary>
<_commentary>A diving header by _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>He just floated in mid-air, then thunder-headed it towards home</_commentary>
<_commentary>That came off the back of _P0_'s head!</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [glancing|powerful|flicking|well-angled] header towards the net from _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_'s head finds the end of the long cross</_commentary>
<_commentary>A [sweet|sudden] strike by _P0_ hits the post</_commentary>
<_commentary>And the shot glances wide off the post</_commentary>
<_commentary>I'm surprised the post managed to withstand that cracking shot</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball dinked over _P1_ but hit the crossbar and bounced [to safety|back into play|out of play]</_commentary>
<_commentary>The ball smacks into the crossbar with _P1_ stranded</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ seemed to be everywhere at once, finally tipping the ball off the crossbar</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ steps up to take the penalty</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ has a chance to score with a penalty kick</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ can make some _T_POSS__ worries [disappear|go away|fade] with this penalty</_commentary>
<_commentary>Can [_P0_|_T_POSS__] convert the spot kick?</_commentary>
<_commentary>You must bury the nerves, swallow and concentrate when you're taking penalties</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_PEN_POSS__ &gt; 1">_T_POSS__ look like they are playing for penalties.</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_ = 0">_T_POSS__ can [sneak ahead|take the lead] if they convert this</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_GD_=1 and _GOALS_POSS__ &lt; _GOALS_NPOSS__">_P0_ can [square the match|equalize] with this shot</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;85 and _GD_=1 and _GOALS_POSS__ &lt; _GOALS_NPOSS__">_P0_: A late penalty now may force this match to a draw</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;85 and _GD_=1 and _GOALS_POSS__ &lt; _GOALS_NPOSS__">_T_NPOSS__ have given away an easy chance for _T_POSS__ to [come|crawl] back into this match</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;85 and _GD_=1 and _GOALS_POSS__ &gt; _GOALS_NPOSS__">_P0_ can seal up the match with a goal here</_commentary>
<_commentary>A short free kick from _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ drives the free kick low and hard</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ takes the free kick quickly and curls it around the wall</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ curls the free kick over the wall</_commentary>
<_commentary>A free kick: _P0_ plays the ball out wide</_commentary>
<_commentary>A free kick: _P0_ hits a long ball up the pitch</_commentary>
<_commentary>A free kick whipped across the face of goal by _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for a [dangerous|reckless|late] slide tackle on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for a foul on _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for [kicking|throwing|carrying] the ball away after the whistle </_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for time wasting</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for handball</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for stopping _P0_ taking a quick free kick</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ is booked for repeated dissent</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ is reprimanded for high kicking</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ is given his marching orders for contempt</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for his malicious showing of studs</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for intentional handball</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ is sent off for stopping a clear goal-scoring opportunity</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ has been red carded for [punching|slapping|pushing|head-butting] _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ for swearing at the opposition fans</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ fouls, and the stretcher bearers come racing on with _P0_ lying in agony on the turf</_commentary>
<_commentary>Foul by _P1_; _P0_ seems to be injured... he might have to be substituted</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ has been sent off</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ is sent off. _T_TT__ is now down a man</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_'ll have to [go|limp off|leave the pitch] after what seems a painful [ankle|knee|arm|wrist|shoulder|back|head|neck|hamstring|groin|chest] injury</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ looks like he's [badly|seriously] injured</_commentary>
<_commentary>The physio's had a look, and _P0_ must be taken off</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ looks like he's pulled a muscle, but he should be able to continue</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ has picked up a slight knock</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ tries to run off a slight groin strain</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ has overstretched a muscle: seems ok</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ receives some attention and continues</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ has a large cut above his [left|right] eye, but it's quickly patched up, and he'll be able to continue </_commentary>
<_commentary>_T0_ is undergoing stadium problems</_commentary>
<_commentary>The floodlights have just [gone out|died]</_commentary>
<_commentary>Heavy fog is causing havoc here at _T0_'s ground</_commentary>
<_commentary>The peasants are revolting</_commentary>
<_commentary>And the fans are throwing [flares|things] onto the pitch</_commentary>
<_commentary>The riot police have moved in to stop fighting between sets of opposition supporters</_commentary>
<_commentary>One fan has managed to [get|leap] onto the pitch and has begun to [attack|harass|pummel] the referee</_commentary>
<_commentary>The fans pour onto the pitch in a full-scale pitch invasion</_commentary>
<_commentary>A fire is consuming _T_TT__'s stadium</_commentary>
<_commentary>Some away fans have set fire to the [north|south] stand</_commentary>
<_commentary>A flare chucked onto the touchline has started a [massive|dangerous|horrific] blaze</_commentary>
<_commentary>A speaker has gone up in flames, and now the blaze is spreading around the entire stadium</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ make a substitution: _P0_ comes on to replace _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;60">_T_TT__ need some fresh legs. _P0_ comes on to replace _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ goes off to applause from his fans. _P0_ replaces him</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P1_ doesn't look too happy as he is replaced by _P0_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ comes off the bench to replace _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_P0_ on for _P1_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ have changed their structure to _EX_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ restructure themselves into a _EX_ formation</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ have changed their style to _EX_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ change to a _EX_ style</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_EX_ == 'ATTACK'">_T_TT__ try to create an opening by attacking</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;75 and _EX_ == 'BALANCED'">_T_TT__ change to _EX_ and ease off</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;75 and _EX_ == 'ATTACK'">A last-ditch effort: _T_TT__ change to _EX_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;75">_MR_ minutes left. _T_TT__ try a change of tactics with _EX_ style</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_TIME_=1 and _MR_ &gt;= 44">Half-time style change for _T_TT__ to _EX_</_commentary>
<_commentary>_T_TT__ have changed their boost to _EX_</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;75 and _EX_ == 'ANTI' and _TT_ == _TLN_">It looks like _T_TT__ have given up</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_MI_&gt;75 and _EX_ == 'ANTI' and _TT_ == _TWN_">_T_TT__ must think they have this match sewn up</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_EX_ = 'ON'">_T_TT__ have gone up a gear</_commentary>
<_commentary cond="_EX_ = 'ON' and _MI_ &gt;75" pri="10">Boost on. _T_TT__ are throwing everything they've got</_commentary>
good delivery
brain fade
frustrating tackle
lost patience
plenty of room
little room
no words to describe this
frustration setting in
whipped the ball in
once again, team has failed to score
down he goes
whenever they attack they look like scoring
desperate to get a goal by half time
leading at half time gives team a psychological advantage
lethargic start
takes up a good position
accepts the ball from
team needs to address the amount of room they are giving team
player shows some past tricks
player/team's pride is on the line here
stem the tide
team/player causing all the problems
knocks it onto player
its all doom and gloom
shot forces a fine save from goalie
that's the worse 45 minutes I've seen for a long time
points are in the bag
they have all the possesion but haven't produced
desperate times require desperate means
hard day at the office
plenty of chances out there
lining up for the shot
keeper is a tough nut to crack
dangerous ball into the box
teams been pulled apart this half
lteam in deep trouble
great first-half performance
one-way traffic out there, all teams way
oozing with confidence
converts from the spot
full credit
passionate play
team needed that save
picks out player
lack of communication
throws caution to the wind
sent goalie the wrong way
goalie alert to the danger
goalie has been beaten ? times today