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2005-01-09 21:21:22 +01:00
#ifndef ENUMS_H
#define ENUMS_H
/** Indices for the #finances variable. */
enum FinanceValue
FIN_PRIZE = 0, /**< Prize money at the end of the season. */
FIN_DEBTS, /**< User's debts. */
FIN_MONEY, /**< User's money. */
FIN_TICKETS, /**< Ticket income (weekly). */
FIN_JOURNEY, /**< Journey costs (weekly). */
FIN_WAGES, /**< Wages (weekly). */
FIN_SCOUT, /**< Scout wage (weekly). */
FIN_PHYSIO, /**< Physio wage (weekly). */
FIN_TRANSFERS_IN, /**< Transfer fees income (weekly). */
FIN_TRANSFERS_OUT, /**< Transfer fees spent (weekly). */
FIN_STADIUM, /**< Stadium improvement (weekly). */
FIN_STAD_BILLS, /**< Bills for riots or fire or so (weekly). */
/** Indices for the #counters variable. */
enum CounterValue
COUNT_LOAN = 0, /** How many weeks until user has to pay back his loan. */
COUNT_OVERDRAWN, /**< How often the user overdrew his bank account. */
COUNT_POSITIVE, /**< How many weeks until the bank account has to be positive
or at least not overdrawn). */
COUNT_SUCCESS, /**< How successful the user is. */
COUNT_WARNING, /**< Whether there was already a warning about rumours (new coach). */
COUNT_INC_CAP, /**< How many weeks until the stadium capacity is increased. */
COUNT_INC_SAF, /**< How often the stadium safety was increased (in a week). */
COUNT_AUTOSAVE, /**< How often the game is autosaved. */
/** Indices for the #options variable. */
enum OptionValue
OPT_BOOL_CONF_NEW_ROUND = 0, /**< Whether beginning of a new week round has to be confirmed. */
OPT_BOOL_CONF_UNFIT, /**< Unfit player confirmation. */
OPT_BOOL_CONF_QUIT, /**< Quit confirmation. */
OPT_BOOL_OVERWRITE, /**< Clicking on save overwrites current save game. */
OPT_BOOL_SHOW_LIVE, /**< Whether live game is shown. */
2005-01-10 16:24:15 +01:00
OPT_LIVE_SPEED, /**< Live game speed. */
2005-01-09 21:21:22 +01:00
OPT_BOOL_LIVE_TENDENCY, /**< Tendency bar. */
OPT_BOOL_MAXIMIZE, /**< Whether to start maximized. */
OPT_BOOL_NOTIFY, /**< Whether transfer list notification is on. */
OPT_NOTIFY_POS, /**< Whether we look for a certain position. */
OPT_NOTIFY_LEAGUE_UPPER, /**< League with lowest index for notification. */
OPT_NOTIFY_LEAGUE_LOWER, /**< League with highest index for notification. */
OPT_BOOL_NOTIFY_CUPS, /**< Notify when player from international cups. */
OPT_NOTIFY_AGE_UPPER, /**< Upper age bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_AGE_LOWER, /**< Lower age bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_SKILL_UPPER, /**< Skill bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_SKILL_LOWER, /**< Skill bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_ETAL_UPPER, /**< Etal bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_ETAL_LOWER, /**< Etal bound. */
OPT_NOTIFY_VALUE, /**< Upper value bound. */
OPT_BOOL_JOBS, /**< Whether job offers are shown. */
OPT_MESS, /**< Message style. */
OPT_BOOL_PREFER_MESS, /**< Messages instead of popups when possible. */
OPT_BOOL_AUTOSAVE, /**< Whether autosave is on. */
OPT_AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL, /**< How often to autosave. */
OPT_BOOL_SORT_TRANSFERS, /**< Whether to sort transfers. */
OPT_SORT_TRANSFERS_ATTRIBUTE, /**< Which attribute to sort. */
OPT_BOOL_SORT_TRANSFERS_DESCENDING, /**< Whether we sort descending. */
OPT_BOOL_REARRANGE, /**< Whether the players get sorted when a new structure is given. */
OPT_BOOL_SWAP, /**< Whether the players get sorted when two players are swapped. */
OPT_HISTORY_TEAM_INTERVAL, /**< Interval of team history update. */
OPT_HISTORY_PLAYER_INTERVAL, /**< Interval of player history update. */
OPT_HISTORY_TEAM_MAX, /**< Maximum length of team history. */
OPT_HISTORY_PLAYER_MAX, /**< Maximum length of player history. */
OPT_BOOL_HISTORY_TEAM_DELETE, /**< Whether team histories get deleted each new season. */
OPT_BOOL_HISTORY_PLAYER_DELETE, /**< Whether player histories get deleted each new season. */
OPT_BOOL_BOOST, /**< Whether player boost is on. */
OPT_BOOL_COMPRESS, /**< Whether to zip-compress savegames. */
OPT_BOOL_OBJECTIVE, /**< Whether season objective is on. */
OPT_PENALTY_SHOOTER, /**< The id of the penalty shooter. */