2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
import os
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
import gradio as gr
import torch
import torchaudio
from data . tokenizer import (
AudioTokenizer ,
TextTokenizer ,
from models import voicecraft
import io
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
import numpy as np
import random
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
import uuid
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-05 17:54:59 +08:00
os . environ [ " CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER " ] = " PCI_BUS_ID "
os . environ [ " CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES " ] = " 0 "
2024-04-05 17:54:24 +08:00
os . chdir ( " /content/VoiceCraft-gradio-colab " )
os . environ [ ' USER ' ] = ' aaa '
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-05 07:42:11 +03:00
TMP_PATH = os . getenv ( " TMP_PATH " , " ./demo/temp " )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
device = " cuda " if torch . cuda . is_available ( ) else " cpu "
whisper_model , align_model , voicecraft_model = None , None , None
def get_random_string ( ) :
return " " . join ( str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) . split ( " - " ) )
2024-04-03 05:16:22 +03:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
def seed_everything ( seed ) :
if seed != - 1 :
os . environ [ ' PYTHONHASHSEED ' ] = str ( seed )
random . seed ( seed )
np . random . seed ( seed )
torch . manual_seed ( seed )
torch . cuda . manual_seed ( seed )
torch . backends . cudnn . benchmark = False
torch . backends . cudnn . deterministic = True
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
class WhisperxAlignModel :
def __init__ ( self ) :
from whisperx import load_align_model
self . model , self . metadata = load_align_model ( language_code = " en " , device = device )
def align ( self , segments , audio_path ) :
from whisperx import align , load_audio
audio = load_audio ( audio_path )
return align ( segments , self . model , self . metadata , audio , device , return_char_alignments = False ) [ " segments " ]
class WhisperModel :
def __init__ ( self , model_name ) :
from whisper import load_model
self . model = load_model ( model_name , device )
2024-04-03 05:16:22 +03:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
from whisper . tokenizer import get_tokenizer
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
tokenizer = get_tokenizer ( multilingual = False )
self . supress_tokens = [ - 1 ] + [
for i in range ( tokenizer . eot )
if all ( c in " 0123456789 " for c in tokenizer . decode ( [ i ] ) . removeprefix ( " " ) )
def transcribe ( self , audio_path ) :
return self . model . transcribe ( audio_path , suppress_tokens = self . supress_tokens , word_timestamps = True ) [ " segments " ]
class WhisperxModel :
def __init__ ( self , model_name , align_model : WhisperxAlignModel ) :
from whisperx import load_model
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
self . model = load_model ( model_name , device , asr_options = { " suppress_numerals " : True , " max_new_tokens " : None , " clip_timestamps " : None , " hallucination_silence_threshold " : None } )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
self . align_model = align_model
def transcribe ( self , audio_path ) :
segments = self . model . transcribe ( audio_path , batch_size = 8 ) [ " segments " ]
return self . align_model . align ( segments , audio_path )
def load_models ( whisper_backend_name , whisper_model_name , alignment_model_name , voicecraft_model_name ) :
global transcribe_model , align_model , voicecraft_model
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-07 00:21:28 +03:00
if voicecraft_model_name == " giga330M_TTSEnhanced " :
voicecraft_model_name = " gigaHalfLibri330M_TTSEnhanced_max16s "
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
if alignment_model_name is not None :
align_model = WhisperxAlignModel ( )
if whisper_model_name is not None :
if whisper_backend_name == " whisper " :
transcribe_model = WhisperModel ( whisper_model_name )
else :
if align_model is None :
raise gr . Error ( " Align model required for whisperx backend " )
transcribe_model = WhisperxModel ( whisper_model_name , align_model )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
voicecraft_name = f " { voicecraft_model_name } .pth "
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
ckpt_fn = f " ./pretrained_models/ { voicecraft_name } "
encodec_fn = " ./pretrained_models/encodec_4cb2048_giga.th "
if not os . path . exists ( ckpt_fn ) :
os . system ( f " wget https://huggingface.co/pyp1/VoiceCraft/resolve/main/ { voicecraft_name } \ ?download \ =true " )
os . system ( f " mv { voicecraft_name } \ ?download \ =true ./pretrained_models/ { voicecraft_name } " )
if not os . path . exists ( encodec_fn ) :
os . system ( f " wget https://huggingface.co/pyp1/VoiceCraft/resolve/main/encodec_4cb2048_giga.th " )
os . system ( f " mv encodec_4cb2048_giga.th ./pretrained_models/encodec_4cb2048_giga.th " )
ckpt = torch . load ( ckpt_fn , map_location = " cpu " )
model = voicecraft . VoiceCraft ( ckpt [ " config " ] )
model . load_state_dict ( ckpt [ " model " ] )
model . to ( device )
model . eval ( )
voicecraft_model = {
" ckpt " : ckpt ,
" model " : model ,
" text_tokenizer " : TextTokenizer ( backend = " espeak " ) ,
" audio_tokenizer " : AudioTokenizer ( signature = encodec_fn )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
return gr . Accordion ( )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
def get_transcribe_state ( segments ) :
words_info = [ word_info for segment in segments for word_info in segment [ " words " ] ]
return {
" segments " : segments ,
" transcript " : " " . join ( [ segment [ " text " ] for segment in segments ] ) ,
" words_info " : words_info ,
" transcript_with_start_time " : " " . join ( [ f " { word [ ' start ' ] } { word [ ' word ' ] } " for word in words_info ] ) ,
" transcript_with_end_time " : " " . join ( [ f " { word [ ' word ' ] } { word [ ' end ' ] } " for word in words_info ] ) ,
" word_bounds " : [ f " { word [ ' start ' ] } { word [ ' word ' ] } { word [ ' end ' ] } " for word in words_info ]
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
def transcribe ( seed , audio_path ) :
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
if transcribe_model is None :
raise gr . Error ( " Transcription model not loaded " )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
seed_everything ( seed )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
segments = transcribe_model . transcribe ( audio_path )
state = get_transcribe_state ( segments )
return [
state [ " transcript " ] , state [ " transcript_with_start_time " ] , state [ " transcript_with_end_time " ] ,
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ - 1 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # prompt_to_word
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ 0 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # edit_from_word
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ - 1 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # edit_to_word
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
def align_segments ( transcript , audio_path ) :
from aeneas . executetask import ExecuteTask
from aeneas . task import Task
import json
config_string = ' task_language=eng|os_task_file_format=json|is_text_type=plain '
tmp_transcript_path = os . path . join ( TMP_PATH , f " { get_random_string ( ) } .txt " )
tmp_sync_map_path = os . path . join ( TMP_PATH , f " { get_random_string ( ) } .json " )
with open ( tmp_transcript_path , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( transcript )
task = Task ( config_string = config_string )
task . audio_file_path_absolute = os . path . abspath ( audio_path )
task . text_file_path_absolute = os . path . abspath ( tmp_transcript_path )
task . sync_map_file_path_absolute = os . path . abspath ( tmp_sync_map_path )
ExecuteTask ( task ) . execute ( )
task . output_sync_map_file ( )
with open ( tmp_sync_map_path , " r " ) as f :
return json . load ( f )
def align ( seed , transcript , audio_path ) :
if align_model is None :
raise gr . Error ( " Align model not loaded " )
seed_everything ( seed )
fragments = align_segments ( transcript , audio_path )
segments = [ {
" start " : float ( fragment [ " begin " ] ) ,
" end " : float ( fragment [ " end " ] ) ,
" text " : " " . join ( fragment [ " lines " ] )
} for fragment in fragments [ " fragments " ] ]
segments = align_model . align ( segments , audio_path )
state = get_transcribe_state ( segments )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
return [
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
state [ " transcript_with_start_time " ] , state [ " transcript_with_end_time " ] ,
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ - 1 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # prompt_to_word
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ 0 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # edit_from_word
gr . Dropdown ( value = state [ " word_bounds " ] [ - 1 ] , choices = state [ " word_bounds " ] , interactive = True ) , # edit_to_word
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
def get_output_audio ( audio_tensors , codec_audio_sr ) :
result = torch . cat ( audio_tensors , 1 )
buffer = io . BytesIO ( )
torchaudio . save ( buffer , result , int ( codec_audio_sr ) , format = " wav " )
buffer . seek ( 0 )
return buffer . read ( )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
def run ( seed , left_margin , right_margin , codec_audio_sr , codec_sr , top_k , top_p , temperature ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
stop_repetition , sample_batch_size , kvcache , silence_tokens ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
audio_path , transcribe_state , transcript , smart_transcript ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
mode , prompt_end_time , edit_start_time , edit_end_time ,
split_text , selected_sentence , previous_audio_tensors ) :
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
if voicecraft_model is None :
raise gr . Error ( " VoiceCraft model not loaded " )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
if smart_transcript and ( transcribe_state is None ) :
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
raise gr . Error ( " Can ' t use smart transcript: whisper transcript not found " )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
seed_everything ( seed )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
if mode == " Long TTS " :
if split_text == " Newline " :
sentences = transcript . split ( ' \n ' )
else :
from nltk . tokenize import sent_tokenize
sentences = sent_tokenize ( transcript . replace ( " \n " , " " ) )
elif mode == " Rerun " :
colon_position = selected_sentence . find ( ' : ' )
selected_sentence_idx = int ( selected_sentence [ : colon_position ] )
sentences = [ selected_sentence [ colon_position + 1 : ] ]
else :
sentences = [ transcript . replace ( " \n " , " " ) ]
info = torchaudio . info ( audio_path )
audio_dur = info . num_frames / info . sample_rate
audio_tensors = [ ]
inference_transcript = " "
for sentence in sentences :
decode_config = { " top_k " : top_k , " top_p " : top_p , " temperature " : temperature , " stop_repetition " : stop_repetition ,
" kvcache " : kvcache , " codec_audio_sr " : codec_audio_sr , " codec_sr " : codec_sr ,
" silence_tokens " : silence_tokens , " sample_batch_size " : sample_batch_size }
if mode != " Edit " :
from inference_tts_scale import inference_one_sample
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
if smart_transcript :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
target_transcript = " "
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
for word in transcribe_state [ " words_info " ] :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
if word [ " end " ] < prompt_end_time :
2024-04-05 07:00:07 +03:00
target_transcript + = word [ " word " ] + ( " " if word [ " word " ] [ - 1 ] != " " else " " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
elif ( word [ " start " ] + word [ " end " ] ) / 2 < prompt_end_time :
# include part of the word it it's big, but adjust prompt_end_time
2024-04-05 07:00:07 +03:00
target_transcript + = word [ " word " ] + ( " " if word [ " word " ] [ - 1 ] != " " else " " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
prompt_end_time = word [ " end " ]
else :
target_transcript + = f " { sentence } "
else :
target_transcript = sentence
inference_transcript + = target_transcript + " \n "
prompt_end_frame = int ( min ( audio_dur , prompt_end_time ) * info . sample_rate )
_ , gen_audio = inference_one_sample ( voicecraft_model [ " model " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " ckpt " ] [ " config " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " ckpt " ] [ " phn2num " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " text_tokenizer " ] , voicecraft_model [ " audio_tokenizer " ] ,
audio_path , target_transcript , device , decode_config ,
prompt_end_frame )
else :
from inference_speech_editing_scale import inference_one_sample
if smart_transcript :
target_transcript = " "
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
for word in transcribe_state [ " words_info " ] :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
if word [ " start " ] < edit_start_time :
2024-04-05 07:00:07 +03:00
target_transcript + = word [ " word " ] + ( " " if word [ " word " ] [ - 1 ] != " " else " " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
else :
target_transcript + = f " { sentence } "
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
for word in transcribe_state [ " words_info " ] :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
if word [ " end " ] > edit_end_time :
2024-04-05 07:00:07 +03:00
target_transcript + = word [ " word " ] + ( " " if word [ " word " ] [ - 1 ] != " " else " " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
else :
target_transcript = sentence
inference_transcript + = target_transcript + " \n "
morphed_span = ( max ( edit_start_time - left_margin , 1 / codec_sr ) , min ( edit_end_time + right_margin , audio_dur ) )
mask_interval = [ [ round ( morphed_span [ 0 ] * codec_sr ) , round ( morphed_span [ 1 ] * codec_sr ) ] ]
mask_interval = torch . LongTensor ( mask_interval )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
_ , gen_audio = inference_one_sample ( voicecraft_model [ " model " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " ckpt " ] [ " config " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " ckpt " ] [ " phn2num " ] ,
voicecraft_model [ " text_tokenizer " ] , voicecraft_model [ " audio_tokenizer " ] ,
audio_path , target_transcript , mask_interval , device , decode_config )
gen_audio = gen_audio [ 0 ] . cpu ( )
audio_tensors . append ( gen_audio )
if mode != " Rerun " :
output_audio = get_output_audio ( audio_tensors , codec_audio_sr )
sentences = [ f " { idx } : { text } " for idx , text in enumerate ( sentences ) ]
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
component = gr . Dropdown ( choices = sentences , value = sentences [ 0 ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
return output_audio , inference_transcript , component , audio_tensors
else :
previous_audio_tensors [ selected_sentence_idx ] = audio_tensors [ 0 ]
output_audio = get_output_audio ( previous_audio_tensors , codec_audio_sr )
sentence_audio = get_output_audio ( audio_tensors , codec_audio_sr )
return output_audio , inference_transcript , sentence_audio , previous_audio_tensors
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
def update_input_audio ( audio_path ) :
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
if audio_path is None :
return 0 , 0 , 0
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
info = torchaudio . info ( audio_path )
max_time = round ( info . num_frames / info . sample_rate , 2 )
return [
gr . Slider ( maximum = max_time , value = max_time ) ,
gr . Slider ( maximum = max_time , value = 0 ) ,
gr . Slider ( maximum = max_time , value = max_time ) ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
def change_mode ( mode ) :
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
tts_mode_controls , edit_mode_controls , edit_word_mode , split_text , long_tts_sentence_editor
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
return [
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
gr . Group ( visible = mode != " Edit " ) ,
gr . Group ( visible = mode == " Edit " ) ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
gr . Radio ( visible = mode == " Edit " ) ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
gr . Radio ( visible = mode == " Long TTS " ) ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
gr . Group ( visible = mode == " Long TTS " ) ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
def load_sentence ( selected_sentence , codec_audio_sr , audio_tensors ) :
if selected_sentence is None :
return None
colon_position = selected_sentence . find ( ' : ' )
selected_sentence_idx = int ( selected_sentence [ : colon_position ] )
return get_output_audio ( [ audio_tensors [ selected_sentence_idx ] ] , codec_audio_sr )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
def update_bound_word ( is_first_word , selected_word , edit_word_mode ) :
if selected_word is None :
return None
word_start_time = float ( selected_word . split ( ' ' ) [ 0 ] )
word_end_time = float ( selected_word . split ( ' ' ) [ - 1 ] )
if edit_word_mode == " Replace half " :
bound_time = ( word_start_time + word_end_time ) / 2
elif is_first_word :
bound_time = word_start_time
else :
bound_time = word_end_time
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
return bound_time
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
def update_bound_words ( from_selected_word , to_selected_word , edit_word_mode ) :
return [
update_bound_word ( True , from_selected_word , edit_word_mode ) ,
update_bound_word ( False , to_selected_word , edit_word_mode ) ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
smart_transcript_info = """
If enabled , the target transcript will be constructed for you : < / br >
- In TTS and Long TTS mode just write the text you want to synthesize . < / br >
- In Edit mode just write the text to replace selected editing segment . < / br >
If disabled , you should write the target transcript yourself : < / br >
- In TTS mode write prompt transcript followed by generation transcript . < / br >
- In Long TTS select split by newline ( < b > SENTENCE SPLIT WON ' T WORK</b>) and start each line with a prompt transcript.</br>
- In Edit mode write full prompt < / br >
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
demo_original_transcript = " But when I had approached so near to them, the common object, which the sense deceives, lost not by distance any of its marks. "
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
demo_text = {
" TTS " : {
" smart " : " I cannot believe that the same model can also do text to speech synthesis as well! " ,
" regular " : " But when I had approached so near to them, the common I cannot believe that the same model can also do text to speech synthesis as well! "
} ,
" Edit " : {
" smart " : " saw the mirage of the lake in the distance, " ,
" regular " : " But when I saw the mirage of the lake in the distance, which the sense deceives, Lost not by distance any of its marks, "
} ,
" Long TTS " : {
" smart " : " You can run TTS on a big text! \n "
" Just write it line-by-line. Or sentence-by-sentence. \n "
" If some sentences sound odd, just rerun TTS on them, no need to generate the whole text again! " ,
" regular " : " But when I had approached so near to them, the common You can run TTS on a big text! \n "
" But when I had approached so near to them, the common Just write it line-by-line. Or sentence-by-sentence. \n "
" But when I had approached so near to them, the common If some sentences sound odd, just rerun TTS on them, no need to generate the whole text again! "
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
all_demo_texts = { vv for k , v in demo_text . items ( ) for kk , vv in v . items ( ) }
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
demo_words = [
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
' 0.029 But 0.149 ' , ' 0.189 when 0.33 ' , ' 0.43 I 0.49 ' , ' 0.53 had 0.65 ' , ' 0.711 approached 1.152 ' , ' 1.352 so 1.593 ' ,
' 1.693 near 1.933 ' , ' 1.994 to 2.074 ' , ' 2.134 them, 2.354 ' , ' 2.535 the 2.655 ' , ' 2.695 common 3.016 ' , ' 3.196 object, 3.577 ' ,
' 3.717 which 3.898 ' , ' 3.958 the 4.058 ' , ' 4.098 sense 4.359 ' , ' 4.419 deceives, 4.92 ' , ' 5.101 lost 5.481 ' , ' 5.682 not 5.963 ' ,
' 6.043 by 6.183 ' , ' 6.223 distance 6.644 ' , ' 6.905 any 7.065 ' , ' 7.125 of 7.185 ' , ' 7.245 its 7.346 ' , ' 7.406 marks. 7.727 '
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
demo_words_info = [
{ ' word ' : ' But ' , ' start ' : 0.029 , ' end ' : 0.149 , ' score ' : 0.834 } , { ' word ' : ' when ' , ' start ' : 0.189 , ' end ' : 0.33 , ' score ' : 0.879 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' I ' , ' start ' : 0.43 , ' end ' : 0.49 , ' score ' : 0.984 } , { ' word ' : ' had ' , ' start ' : 0.53 , ' end ' : 0.65 , ' score ' : 0.998 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' approached ' , ' start ' : 0.711 , ' end ' : 1.152 , ' score ' : 0.822 } , { ' word ' : ' so ' , ' start ' : 1.352 , ' end ' : 1.593 , ' score ' : 0.822 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' near ' , ' start ' : 1.693 , ' end ' : 1.933 , ' score ' : 0.752 } , { ' word ' : ' to ' , ' start ' : 1.994 , ' end ' : 2.074 , ' score ' : 0.924 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' them, ' , ' start ' : 2.134 , ' end ' : 2.354 , ' score ' : 0.914 } , { ' word ' : ' the ' , ' start ' : 2.535 , ' end ' : 2.655 , ' score ' : 0.818 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' common ' , ' start ' : 2.695 , ' end ' : 3.016 , ' score ' : 0.971 } , { ' word ' : ' object, ' , ' start ' : 3.196 , ' end ' : 3.577 , ' score ' : 0.823 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' which ' , ' start ' : 3.717 , ' end ' : 3.898 , ' score ' : 0.701 } , { ' word ' : ' the ' , ' start ' : 3.958 , ' end ' : 4.058 , ' score ' : 0.798 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' sense ' , ' start ' : 4.098 , ' end ' : 4.359 , ' score ' : 0.797 } , { ' word ' : ' deceives, ' , ' start ' : 4.419 , ' end ' : 4.92 , ' score ' : 0.802 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' lost ' , ' start ' : 5.101 , ' end ' : 5.481 , ' score ' : 0.71 } , { ' word ' : ' not ' , ' start ' : 5.682 , ' end ' : 5.963 , ' score ' : 0.781 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' by ' , ' start ' : 6.043 , ' end ' : 6.183 , ' score ' : 0.834 } , { ' word ' : ' distance ' , ' start ' : 6.223 , ' end ' : 6.644 , ' score ' : 0.899 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' any ' , ' start ' : 6.905 , ' end ' : 7.065 , ' score ' : 0.893 } , { ' word ' : ' of ' , ' start ' : 7.125 , ' end ' : 7.185 , ' score ' : 0.772 } ,
{ ' word ' : ' its ' , ' start ' : 7.245 , ' end ' : 7.346 , ' score ' : 0.778 } , { ' word ' : ' marks. ' , ' start ' : 7.406 , ' end ' : 7.727 , ' score ' : 0.955 }
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
def update_demo ( mode , smart_transcript , edit_word_mode , transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ) :
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
if transcript not in all_demo_texts :
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
return transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
replace_half = edit_word_mode == " Replace half "
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
change_edit_from_word = edit_from_word == demo_words [ 2 ] or edit_from_word == demo_words [ 3 ]
change_edit_to_word = edit_to_word == demo_words [ 11 ] or edit_to_word == demo_words [ 12 ]
demo_edit_from_word_value = demo_words [ 2 ] if replace_half else demo_words [ 3 ]
demo_edit_to_word_value = demo_words [ 12 ] if replace_half else demo_words [ 11 ]
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
return [
demo_text [ mode ] [ " smart " if smart_transcript else " regular " ] ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
demo_edit_from_word_value if change_edit_from_word else edit_from_word ,
demo_edit_to_word_value if change_edit_to_word else edit_to_word ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Blocks ( ) as app :
with gr . Row ( ) :
with gr . Column ( scale = 2 ) :
load_models_btn = gr . Button ( value = " Load models " )
with gr . Column ( scale = 5 ) :
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
with gr . Accordion ( " Select models " , open = False ) as models_selector :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Row ( ) :
2024-04-07 00:21:28 +03:00
voicecraft_model_choice = gr . Radio ( label = " VoiceCraft model " , value = " giga830M " ,
choices = [ " giga330M " , " giga830M " , " giga330M_TTSEnhanced " ] )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
whisper_backend_choice = gr . Radio ( label = " Whisper backend " , value = " whisperX " , choices = [ " whisper " , " whisperX " ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
whisper_model_choice = gr . Radio ( label = " Whisper model " , value = " base.en " ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
choices = [ None , " base.en " , " small.en " , " medium.en " , " large " ] )
align_model_choice = gr . Radio ( label = " Forced alignment model " , value = " whisperX " , choices = [ None , " whisperX " ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Row ( ) :
with gr . Column ( scale = 2 ) :
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
input_audio = gr . Audio ( value = " ./demo/84_121550_000074_000000.wav " , label = " Input Audio " , type = " filepath " , interactive = True )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Group ( ) :
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
original_transcript = gr . Textbox ( label = " Original transcript " , lines = 5 , value = demo_original_transcript ,
info = " Use whisper model to get the transcript. Fix and align it if necessary. " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Accordion ( " Word start time " , open = False ) :
transcript_with_start_time = gr . Textbox ( label = " Start time " , lines = 5 , interactive = False , info = " Start time before each word " )
with gr . Accordion ( " Word end time " , open = False ) :
transcript_with_end_time = gr . Textbox ( label = " End time " , lines = 5 , interactive = False , info = " End time after each word " )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
transcribe_btn = gr . Button ( value = " Transcribe " )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
align_btn = gr . Button ( value = " Align " )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Column ( scale = 3 ) :
with gr . Group ( ) :
transcript = gr . Textbox ( label = " Text " , lines = 7 , value = demo_text [ " TTS " ] [ " smart " ] )
with gr . Row ( ) :
smart_transcript = gr . Checkbox ( label = " Smart transcript " , value = True )
with gr . Accordion ( label = " ? " , open = False ) :
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
info = gr . Markdown ( value = smart_transcript_info )
with gr . Row ( ) :
mode = gr . Radio ( label = " Mode " , choices = [ " TTS " , " Edit " , " Long TTS " ] , value = " TTS " )
split_text = gr . Radio ( label = " Split text " , choices = [ " Newline " , " Sentence " ] , value = " Newline " ,
info = " Split text into parts and run TTS for each part. " , visible = False )
edit_word_mode = gr . Radio ( label = " Edit word mode " , choices = [ " Replace half " , " Replace all " ] , value = " Replace half " ,
info = " What to do with first and last word " , visible = False )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
with gr . Group ( ) as tts_mode_controls :
prompt_to_word = gr . Dropdown ( label = " Last word in prompt " , choices = demo_words , value = demo_words [ 10 ] , interactive = True )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
prompt_end_time = gr . Slider ( label = " Prompt end time " , minimum = 0 , maximum = 7.93 , step = 0.001 , value = 3.016 )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
with gr . Group ( visible = False ) as edit_mode_controls :
with gr . Row ( ) :
edit_from_word = gr . Dropdown ( label = " First word to edit " , choices = demo_words , value = demo_words [ 2 ] , interactive = True )
edit_to_word = gr . Dropdown ( label = " Last word to edit " , choices = demo_words , value = demo_words [ 12 ] , interactive = True )
with gr . Row ( ) :
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
edit_start_time = gr . Slider ( label = " Edit from time " , minimum = 0 , maximum = 7.93 , step = 0.001 , value = 0.46 )
edit_end_time = gr . Slider ( label = " Edit to time " , minimum = 0 , maximum = 7.93 , step = 0.001 , value = 3.808 )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
run_btn = gr . Button ( value = " Run " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Column ( scale = 2 ) :
output_audio = gr . Audio ( label = " Output Audio " )
with gr . Accordion ( " Inference transcript " , open = False ) :
inference_transcript = gr . Textbox ( label = " Inference transcript " , lines = 5 , interactive = False ,
info = " Inference was performed on this transcript. " )
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
with gr . Group ( visible = False ) as long_tts_sentence_editor :
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
sentence_selector = gr . Dropdown ( label = " Sentence " , value = None ,
info = " Select sentence you want to regenerate " )
sentence_audio = gr . Audio ( label = " Sentence Audio " , scale = 2 )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
rerun_btn = gr . Button ( value = " Rerun " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
with gr . Row ( ) :
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
with gr . Accordion ( " Generation Parameters - change these if you are unhappy with the generation " , open = False ) :
stop_repetition = gr . Radio ( label = " stop_repetition " , choices = [ - 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ] , value = 3 ,
info = " if there are long silence in the generated audio, reduce the stop_repetition to 2 or 1. -1 = disabled " )
sample_batch_size = gr . Number ( label = " speech rate " , value = 4 , precision = 0 ,
2024-04-07 00:21:28 +03:00
info = " The higher the number, the faster the output will be. "
" Under the hood, the model will generate this many samples and choose the shortest one. "
" For giga330M_TTSEnhanced, 1 or 2 should be fine since the model is trained to do TTS. " )
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
seed = gr . Number ( label = " seed " , value = - 1 , precision = 0 , info = " random seeds always works :) " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
kvcache = gr . Radio ( label = " kvcache " , choices = [ 0 , 1 ] , value = 1 ,
info = " set to 0 to use less VRAM, but with slower inference " )
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
left_margin = gr . Number ( label = " left_margin " , value = 0.08 , info = " margin to the left of the editing segment " )
right_margin = gr . Number ( label = " right_margin " , value = 0.08 , info = " margin to the right of the editing segment " )
2024-04-07 00:21:28 +03:00
top_p = gr . Number ( label = " top_p " , value = 0.9 , info = " 0.9 is a good value, 0.8 is also good " )
2024-04-04 20:31:07 -05:00
temperature = gr . Number ( label = " temperature " , value = 1 , info = " haven ' t try other values, do not recommend to change " )
top_k = gr . Number ( label = " top_k " , value = 0 , info = " 0 means we don ' t use topk sampling, because we use topp sampling " )
codec_audio_sr = gr . Number ( label = " codec_audio_sr " , value = 16000 , info = ' encodec specific, Do not change ' )
codec_sr = gr . Number ( label = " codec_sr " , value = 50 , info = ' encodec specific, Do not change ' )
silence_tokens = gr . Textbox ( label = " silence tokens " , value = " [1388,1898,131] " , info = " encodec specific, do not change " )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
audio_tensors = gr . State ( )
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
transcribe_state = gr . State ( value = { " words_info " : demo_words_info } )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
mode . change ( fn = update_demo ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
inputs = [ mode , smart_transcript , edit_word_mode , transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] ,
outputs = [ transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
edit_word_mode . change ( fn = update_demo ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
inputs = [ mode , smart_transcript , edit_word_mode , transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] ,
outputs = [ transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
smart_transcript . change ( fn = update_demo ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
inputs = [ mode , smart_transcript , edit_word_mode , transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] ,
outputs = [ transcript , edit_from_word , edit_to_word ] )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
load_models_btn . click ( fn = load_models ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
inputs = [ whisper_backend_choice , whisper_model_choice , align_model_choice , voicecraft_model_choice ] ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
outputs = [ models_selector ] )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
input_audio . upload ( fn = update_input_audio ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
inputs = [ input_audio ] ,
outputs = [ prompt_end_time , edit_start_time , edit_end_time ] )
transcribe_btn . click ( fn = transcribe ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
inputs = [ seed , input_audio ] ,
outputs = [ original_transcript , transcript_with_start_time , transcript_with_end_time ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
prompt_to_word , edit_from_word , edit_to_word , transcribe_state ] )
align_btn . click ( fn = align ,
inputs = [ seed , original_transcript , input_audio ] ,
outputs = [ transcript_with_start_time , transcript_with_end_time ,
prompt_to_word , edit_from_word , edit_to_word , transcribe_state ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
mode . change ( fn = change_mode ,
inputs = [ mode ] ,
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
outputs = [ tts_mode_controls , edit_mode_controls , edit_word_mode , split_text , long_tts_sentence_editor ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
run_btn . click ( fn = run ,
inputs = [
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
seed , left_margin , right_margin ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
codec_audio_sr , codec_sr ,
top_k , top_p , temperature ,
stop_repetition , sample_batch_size ,
kvcache , silence_tokens ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
input_audio , transcribe_state , transcript , smart_transcript ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
mode , prompt_end_time , edit_start_time , edit_end_time ,
split_text , sentence_selector , audio_tensors
] ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
outputs = [ output_audio , inference_transcript , sentence_selector , audio_tensors ] )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
sentence_selector . change ( fn = load_sentence ,
inputs = [ sentence_selector , codec_audio_sr , audio_tensors ] ,
outputs = [ sentence_audio ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
rerun_btn . click ( fn = run ,
inputs = [
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
seed , left_margin , right_margin ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
codec_audio_sr , codec_sr ,
top_k , top_p , temperature ,
stop_repetition , sample_batch_size ,
kvcache , silence_tokens ,
2024-04-04 22:22:27 +03:00
input_audio , transcribe_state , transcript , smart_transcript ,
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
gr . State ( value = " Rerun " ) , prompt_end_time , edit_start_time , edit_end_time ,
split_text , sentence_selector , audio_tensors
] ,
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
outputs = [ output_audio , inference_transcript , sentence_audio , audio_tensors ] )
2024-04-06 16:42:50 -05:00
2024-04-03 20:24:34 +03:00
prompt_to_word . change ( fn = update_bound_word ,
inputs = [ gr . State ( False ) , prompt_to_word , gr . State ( " Replace all " ) ] ,
outputs = [ prompt_end_time ] )
2024-04-03 05:01:55 +03:00
edit_from_word . change ( fn = update_bound_word ,
inputs = [ gr . State ( True ) , edit_from_word , edit_word_mode ] ,
outputs = [ edit_start_time ] )
edit_to_word . change ( fn = update_bound_word ,
inputs = [ gr . State ( False ) , edit_to_word , edit_word_mode ] ,
outputs = [ edit_end_time ] )
edit_word_mode . change ( fn = update_bound_words ,
inputs = [ edit_from_word , edit_to_word , edit_word_mode ] ,
outputs = [ edit_start_time , edit_end_time ] )
2024-04-02 17:58:15 +03:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
2024-04-05 17:40:48 +08:00
app . launch ( share = True )