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synced 2024-12-14 10:24:47 +01:00
587 lines
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587 lines
20 KiB
- load/download models
- load assign voice ids
- handle apply/available voices button
import { eventSource, event_types } from "../../../script.js"
import { doExtrasFetch, extension_settings, getApiUrl, getContext, modules, ModuleWorkerWrapper } from "../../extensions.js"
export { CoquiTtsProvider }
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Coqui TTS module> "
const UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000
let inApiCall = false
let charactersList = [] // Updated with module worker
let coquiApiModels = {} // Initialized only once
coquiApiModels format [language][dataset][name]:coqui-api-model-id, example:
"en": {
"vctk": {
"vits": "tts_models/en/vctk/vits"
"ja": {
"kokoro": {
"tacotron2-DDC": "tts_models/ja/kokoro/tacotron2-DDC"
const languageLabels = {
"multilingual": "Multilingual",
"en" : "English",
"fr" : "French",
"es" : "Spanish",
"ja" : "Japanese"
function throwIfModuleMissing() {
if (!modules.includes('coqui-tts')) {
toastr.error(`Add coqui-tts to enable-modules and restart the Extras API.`, "Coqui TTS module not loaded.", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
throw new Error(DEBUG_PREFIX,`Coqui TTS module not loaded.`);
function throwLocalOrigin() {
toastr.info("coming soon, ready when ready, etc", DEBUG_PREFIX+' Custom models not supported yet', { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
throw new Error(DEBUG_PREFIX,`requesting feature not implemented yet.`);
function resetModelSettings() {
class CoquiTtsProvider {
// Extension UI and Settings //
defaultSettings = {
voiceMap: "",
voiceMapDict : {}
get settingsHtml() {
let html = `
<div class="flex wide100p flexGap10 alignitemscenter">
<div style="flex: 50%;">
<label for="coqui_character_select">Character:</label>
<select id="coqui_character_select">
<!-- Populated by JS -->
<label for="coqui_model_origin">Models:</label>
<select id="coqui_model_origin">
<option value="none">Select Origin</option>
<option value="coqui-api">Coqui TTS</option>
<option value="local">My models</option>
<div id="coqui_api_model_div">
<select id="coqui_api_language">
<!-- Populated by JS and request -->
<select id="coqui_api_model_name">
<!-- Populated by JS and request -->
<input id="coqui_api_model_install_button" class="menu_button" type="submit" value="Install" />
<span id="coqui_api_model_loading">Loading...</span>
<div id="coqui_api_model_settings">
<select id="coqui_api_model_settings_language">
<!-- Populated by JS and request -->
<select id="coqui_api_model_settings_speaker">
<!-- Populated by JS and request -->
return html
loadSettings(settings) {
// Only accept keys defined in defaultSettings
this.settings = this.defaultSettings
for (const key in settings){
if (key in this.settings){
this.settings[key] = settings[key]
} else {
throw DEBUG_PREFIX+`Invalid setting passed to extension: ${key}`
onSettingsChange() {
async onApplyClick() {
if (inApiCall) {
return; // TOdo block dropdown
const character = $("#coqui_character_select").val();
const model_origin = $("#coqui_model_origin").val();
const model_language = $("#coqui_api_language").val();
const model_name = $("#coqui_api_model_name").val();
let model_setting_language = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_language").val();
let model_setting_speaker = $("#coqui_api_model_settings_speaker").val();
if (character === "none") {
toastr.error(`Character not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX+" voice mapping character", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
if (model_origin == "none") {
toastr.error(`Origin not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX+" voice mapping origin", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
if (model_origin == "local") {
if (model_language == "none") {
toastr.error(`Language not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX+" voice mapping language", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
if (model_name == "none") {
toastr.error(`Model not selected, please select one.`, DEBUG_PREFIX+" voice mapping model", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
if (model_setting_language == "none")
model_setting_language = null;
if (model_setting_speaker == "none")
model_setting_speaker = null;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Current voice map: ",this.settings.voiceMap);
this.settings.voiceMapDict[character] = {model_id: model_name, model_language:model_setting_language, model_speaker:model_setting_speaker};
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Registered new voice map: ",character,":",this.settings.voiceMapDict[character]);
this.settings.voiceMap = "";
for(let i in this.settings.voiceMapDict) {
const voice_settings = this.settings.voiceMapDict[i];
this.settings.voiceMap += i + ":" + voice_settings["model_id"];
if (model_setting_language != null)
this.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_language"] + "]";
if (model_setting_speaker != null)
this.settings.voiceMap += "[" + voice_settings["model_speaker"] + "]";
this.settings.voiceMap += ",";
// DBG: assume voiceName is correct
// TODO: check voice is correct
async getVoice(voiceName) {
const output = {voice_id: voiceName};
return output;
async onModelOriginChange() {
const model_origin = $('#coqui_model_origin').val();
// TODO: show coqui model list
if (model_origin == "coqui-api") {
// TODO show local model list
if (model_origin == "local") {
async onModelLanguageChange() {
const model_origin = $('#coqui_model_origin').val();
const model_language = $('#coqui_api_language').val();
if (model_language == "none") {
.append('<option value="none">Select model</option>')
for(let model_dataset in coquiApiModels[model_language])
for(let model_name in coquiApiModels[model_language][model_dataset]) {
const model_id = coquiApiModels[model_language][model_dataset][model_name]
const model_label = model_name + " ("+model_dataset+" dataset)"
$("#coqui_api_model_name").append(new Option(model_label,model_id));
// TODO: populate with corresponding dataset/model pairs got from initialization request
async onModelNameChange() {
const modelId = $("#coqui_api_model_name").val();
if (modelId == "none") {
// Check if already download and propose to do it
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Check if model is already installed",modelId);
let result = await CoquiTtsProvider.checkModelState(modelId);
result = await result.json();
const modelState = result["model_state"];
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX," Model state:", modelState)
if (modelState != "installed") {
$("#coqui_api_model_install_button").on("click", function (){
if (modelState == "corrupted") {
toastr.error("Click repare button to reinstall the model "+$("#coqui_api_model_name").find(":selected").text(), DEBUG_PREFIX+" corrupted model install", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
else {
toastr.info("Click download button to install the model "+$("#coqui_api_model_name").find(":selected").text(), DEBUG_PREFIX+" model not installed", { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000, preventDuplicates: true });
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Request model settings for",modelId);
result = await CoquiTtsProvider.getModelSettings(modelId);
const modelSettings = await result.json();
if (modelSettings["languages"].length > 0) {
.append('<option value="none">Select language</option>')
for(const language of modelSettings["languages"]) {
$("#coqui_api_model_settings_language").append(new Option(language,language));
else {
if (modelSettings["speakers"].length > 0) {
.append('<option value="none">Select speaker</option>')
for(const speaker of modelSettings["speakers"]) {
$("#coqui_api_model_settings_speaker").append(new Option(speaker,speaker));
else {
// API Calls //
static async getModelList(origin) {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
if (origin == "coqui-api")
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/coqui-api/get-models';
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/local/get-models';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {method: 'POST'})
if (!apiResult.ok) {
toastr.error(apiResult.statusText, DEBUG_PREFIX+' Get models list request failed');
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
return apiResult
Check model installation state, return one of ["installed", "corrupted", "absent"]
static async checkModelState(modelId) {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/coqui-api/check-model-state';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
body: JSON.stringify({
"model_id": modelId,
if (!apiResult.ok) {
toastr.error(apiResult.statusText, DEBUG_PREFIX+' Check model state request failed');
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
return apiResult
static async installModel(modelId) {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/coqui-api/install-model';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
body: JSON.stringify({
"model_id": modelId,
if (!apiResult.ok) {
toastr.error(apiResult.statusText, DEBUG_PREFIX+' Install model '+modelId+' request failed');
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
return apiResult
static async getModelSettings(modelId) {
// API is busy
inApiCall = true;
try {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/coqui-api/get-model-settings';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
body: JSON.stringify({
"model_id": modelId,
if (!apiResult.ok) {
toastr.error(apiResult.statusText, DEBUG_PREFIX+' Get model setting request failed for '+modelId);
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
return apiResult
catch (error) {
finally {
inApiCall = false;
// Get speakers
// Expect voiceId format to be like:
// tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/your_tts[2][1]
// tts_models/en/ljspeech/glow-tts
// ts_models/ja/kokoro/tacotron2-DDC
async generateTts(text, voiceId) {
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/text-to-speech/coqui/process-text';
let language = "none"
let speaker = "none"
const tokens = voiceId.replaceAll("]","").split("[");
const modelId = tokens[0]
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Preparing TTS request for",tokens)
// First option
if (tokens.length > 1) {
const option1 = tokens[1]
if (modelId.includes("multilingual"))
language = option1
speaker = option1
// Second option
if (tokens.length > 2)
speaker = tokens[2];
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'
body: JSON.stringify({
"text": text,
"model_id": modelId,
"language": language,
"speaker": speaker
if (!apiResult.ok) {
toastr.error(apiResult.statusText, 'TTS Generation Failed');
throw new Error(`HTTP ${apiResult.status}: ${await apiResult.text()}`);
return apiResult
async fetchTtsFromHistory(history_item_id) {
return Promise.resolve(history_item_id);
// Module Worker //
async function moduleWorker() {
// Skip if module not loaded
if (!modules.includes('coqui-tts'))
// 1) Update characters list
let currentcharacters = new Set();
for (const i of getContext().characters) {
currentcharacters = Array.from(currentcharacters)
if (JSON.stringify(charactersList) !== JSON.stringify(currentcharacters)) {
charactersList = currentcharacters
.append('<option value="none">Select Character</option>')
for(const charName of charactersList) {
$("#coqui_character_select").append(new Option(charName,charName));
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Updated character list to:", charactersList);
// 2) Initialize TTS models lists
if (Object.keys(coquiApiModels).length === 0) {
const result = await CoquiTtsProvider.getModelList("coqui-api");
coquiApiModels = await result.json();
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX,"initialized coqui-api model list to", coquiApiModels);
.append('<option value="none">Select model language</option>')
for(let language in coquiApiModels) {
$("#coqui_api_language").append(new Option(languageLabels[language],language));
console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX,"added language",language);
$(document).ready(function () {
const wrapper = new ModuleWorkerWrapper(moduleWorker);
setInterval(wrapper.update.bind(wrapper), UPDATE_INTERVAL);
}) |