mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 03:17:54 +01:00
- Lenny said if `splitUnnamedArgument` is enabled, the callback should always receive an array. - It is intended that if no value was provided, it'll get an array with an empty string. Because.. if no argument was provided for a non-split arg, it'll receive an empty string too.
536 lines
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536 lines
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import { substituteParams } from '../../script.js';
import { delay, escapeRegex, uuidv4 } from '../utils.js';
import { SlashCommand } from './SlashCommand.js';
import { SlashCommandAbortController } from './SlashCommandAbortController.js';
import { SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './SlashCommandArgument.js';
import { SlashCommandBreak } from './SlashCommandBreak.js';
import { SlashCommandBreakController } from './SlashCommandBreakController.js';
import { SlashCommandBreakPoint } from './SlashCommandBreakPoint.js';
import { SlashCommandClosureResult } from './SlashCommandClosureResult.js';
import { SlashCommandDebugController } from './SlashCommandDebugController.js';
import { SlashCommandExecutionError } from './SlashCommandExecutionError.js';
import { SlashCommandExecutor } from './SlashCommandExecutor.js';
import { SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment } from './SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment.js';
import { SlashCommandScope } from './SlashCommandScope.js';
export class SlashCommandClosure {
/**@type {SlashCommandScope}*/ scope;
/**@type {boolean}*/ executeNow = false;
// @ts-ignore
/**@type {SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment[]}*/ argumentList = [];
// @ts-ignore
/**@type {SlashCommandNamedArgumentAssignment[]}*/ providedArgumentList = [];
/**@type {SlashCommandExecutor[]}*/ executorList = [];
/**@type {SlashCommandAbortController}*/ abortController;
/**@type {SlashCommandBreakController}*/ breakController;
/**@type {SlashCommandDebugController}*/ debugController;
/**@type {(done:number, total:number)=>void}*/ onProgress;
/**@type {string}*/ rawText;
/**@type {string}*/ fullText;
/**@type {string}*/ parserContext;
/**@type {string}*/ #source = uuidv4();
get source() { return this.#source; }
set source(value) {
this.#source = value;
for (const executor of this.executorList) {
executor.source = value;
/**@type {number}*/
get commandCount() {
return this.executorList.map(executor=>executor.commandCount).reduce((sum,cur)=>sum + cur, 0);
constructor(parent) {
this.scope = new SlashCommandScope(parent);
toString() {
return `[Closure]${this.executeNow ? '()' : ''}`;
* @param {string} text
* @param {SlashCommandScope} scope
* @returns {string|SlashCommandClosure|(string|SlashCommandClosure)[]}
substituteParams(text, scope = null) {
let isList = false;
let listValues = [];
scope = scope ?? this.scope;
const escapeMacro = (it, isAnchored = false)=>{
const regexText = escapeRegex(it.key.replace(/\*/g, '~~~WILDCARD~~~'))
.replaceAll('~~~WILDCARD~~~', '(?:(?:(?!(?:::|}})).)*)')
if (isAnchored) {
return `^${regexText}$`;
return regexText;
const macroList = scope.macroList.toSorted((a,b)=>{
if (a.key.includes('*') && !b.key.includes('*')) return 1;
if (!a.key.includes('*') && b.key.includes('*')) return -1;
if (a.key.includes('*') && b.key.includes('*')) return b.key.indexOf('*') - a.key.indexOf('*');
return 0;
const macros = macroList.map(it=>escapeMacro(it)).join('|');
const re = new RegExp(`(?<pipe>{{pipe}})|(?:{{var::(?<var>[^\\s]+?)(?:::(?<varIndex>(?!}}).+))?}})|(?:{{(?<macro>${macros})}})`);
let done = '';
let remaining = text;
while (re.test(remaining)) {
const match = re.exec(remaining);
const before = substituteParams(remaining.slice(0, match.index));
const after = remaining.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
const replacer = match.groups.pipe ? scope.pipe : match.groups.var ? scope.getVariable(match.groups.var, match.groups.index) : macroList.find(it=>it.key == match.groups.macro || new RegExp(escapeMacro(it, true)).test(match.groups.macro))?.value;
if (replacer instanceof SlashCommandClosure) {
replacer.abortController = this.abortController;
replacer.breakController = this.breakController;
replacer.scope.parent = this.scope;
if (this.debugController && !replacer.debugController) {
replacer.debugController = this.debugController;
isList = true;
if (match.index > 0) {
if (match.index + match[0].length + 1 < remaining.length) {
const rest = this.substituteParams(after, scope);
listValues.push(...(Array.isArray(rest) ? rest : [rest]));
} else {
done = `${done}${before}${replacer}`;
remaining = after;
if (!isList) {
text = `${done}${substituteParams(remaining)}`;
if (isList) {
if (listValues.length > 1) return listValues;
return listValues[0];
return text;
getCopy() {
const closure = new SlashCommandClosure();
closure.scope = this.scope.getCopy();
closure.executeNow = this.executeNow;
closure.argumentList = this.argumentList;
closure.providedArgumentList = this.providedArgumentList;
closure.executorList = this.executorList;
closure.abortController = this.abortController;
closure.breakController = this.breakController;
closure.debugController = this.debugController;
closure.rawText = this.rawText;
closure.fullText = this.fullText;
closure.parserContext = this.parserContext;
closure.source = this.source;
closure.onProgress = this.onProgress;
return closure;
* @returns {Promise<SlashCommandClosureResult>}
async execute() {
// execute a copy of the closure to no taint it and its scope with the effects of its execution
// as this would affect the closure being called a second time (e.g., loop, multiple /run calls)
const closure = this.getCopy();
const gen = closure.executeDirect();
let step;
while (!step?.done) {
step = await gen.next(this.debugController?.testStepping(this) ?? false);
if (!(step.value instanceof SlashCommandClosureResult) && this.debugController) {
this.debugController.isStepping = await this.debugController.awaitBreakPoint(step.value.closure, step.value.executor);
return step.value;
async * executeDirect() {
// closure arguments
for (const arg of this.argumentList) {
let v = arg.value;
if (v instanceof SlashCommandClosure) {
/**@type {SlashCommandClosure}*/
const closure = v;
closure.scope.parent = this.scope;
closure.breakController = this.breakController;
if (closure.executeNow) {
v = (await closure.execute())?.pipe;
} else {
v = closure;
} else {
v = this.substituteParams(v);
// unescape value
if (typeof v == 'string') {
v = v
?.replace(/\\\{/g, '{')
?.replace(/\\\}/g, '}')
this.scope.letVariable(arg.name, v);
for (const arg of this.providedArgumentList) {
let v = arg.value;
if (v instanceof SlashCommandClosure) {
/**@type {SlashCommandClosure}*/
const closure = v;
closure.scope.parent = this.scope;
closure.breakController = this.breakController;
if (closure.executeNow) {
v = (await closure.execute())?.pipe;
} else {
v = closure;
} else {
v = this.substituteParams(v, this.scope.parent);
// unescape value
if (typeof v == 'string') {
v = v
?.replace(/\\\{/g, '{')
?.replace(/\\\}/g, '}')
this.scope.setVariable(arg.name, v);
if (this.executorList.length == 0) {
this.scope.pipe = '';
const stepper = this.executeStep();
let step;
while (!step?.done && !this.breakController?.isBreak) {
// get executor before execution
step = await stepper.next();
if (step.value instanceof SlashCommandBreakPoint) {
console.log('encountered SlashCommandBreakPoint');
if (this.debugController) {
// resolve args
step = await stepper.next();
// "execute" breakpoint
step = await stepper.next();
// get next executor
step = await stepper.next();
// breakpoint has to yield before arguments are resolved if one of the
// arguments is an immediate closure, otherwise you cannot step into the
// immediate closure
const hasImmediateClosureInNamedArgs = /**@type {SlashCommandExecutor}*/(step.value)?.namedArgumentList?.find(it=>it.value instanceof SlashCommandClosure && it.value.executeNow);
const hasImmediateClosureInUnnamedArgs = /**@type {SlashCommandExecutor}*/(step.value)?.unnamedArgumentList?.find(it=>it.value instanceof SlashCommandClosure && it.value.executeNow);
if (hasImmediateClosureInNamedArgs || hasImmediateClosureInUnnamedArgs) {
this.debugController.isStepping = yield { closure:this, executor:step.value };
} else {
this.debugController.isStepping = true;
this.debugController.stepStack[this.debugController.stepStack.length - 1] = true;
} else if (!step.done && this.debugController?.testStepping(this)) {
this.debugController.isSteppingInto = false;
// if stepping, have to yield before arguments are resolved if one of the arguments
// is an immediate closure, otherwise you cannot step into the immediate closure
const hasImmediateClosureInNamedArgs = /**@type {SlashCommandExecutor}*/(step.value)?.namedArgumentList?.find(it=>it.value instanceof SlashCommandClosure && it.value.executeNow);
const hasImmediateClosureInUnnamedArgs = /**@type {SlashCommandExecutor}*/(step.value)?.unnamedArgumentList?.find(it=>it.value instanceof SlashCommandClosure && it.value.executeNow);
if (hasImmediateClosureInNamedArgs || hasImmediateClosureInUnnamedArgs) {
this.debugController.isStepping = yield { closure:this, executor:step.value };
// resolve args
step = await stepper.next();
if (step.value instanceof SlashCommandBreak) {
console.log('encountered SlashCommandBreak');
if (this.breakController) {
} else if (!step.done && this.debugController?.testStepping(this)) {
this.debugController.isSteppingInto = false;
this.debugController.isStepping = yield { closure:this, executor:step.value };
// execute executor
step = await stepper.next();
// if execution has returned a closure result, return that (should only happen on abort)
if (step.value instanceof SlashCommandClosureResult) {
return step.value;
/**@type {SlashCommandClosureResult} */
const result = Object.assign(new SlashCommandClosureResult(), { pipe: this.scope.pipe, isBreak: this.breakController?.isBreak ?? false });
return result;
* Generator that steps through the executor list.
* Every executor is split into three steps:
* - before arguments are resolved
* - after arguments are resolved
* - after execution
async * executeStep() {
let done = 0;
let isFirst = true;
for (const executor of this.executorList) {
this.onProgress?.(done, this.commandCount);
if (this.debugController) {
this.debugController.namedArguments = undefined;
this.debugController.unnamedArguments = undefined;
// yield before doing anything with this executor, the debugger might want to do
// something with it (e.g., breakpoint, immediate closures that need resolving
// or stepping into)
yield executor;
/**@type {import('./SlashCommand.js').NamedArguments} */
// @ts-ignore
let args = {
_scope: this.scope,
_parserFlags: executor.parserFlags,
_abortController: this.abortController,
_debugController: this.debugController,
_hasUnnamedArgument: executor.unnamedArgumentList.length > 0,
if (executor instanceof SlashCommandBreakPoint) {
// nothing to do for breakpoints, just raise counter and yield for "before exec"
yield executor;
isFirst = false;
} else if (executor instanceof SlashCommandBreak) {
// /break need to resolve the unnamed arg and put it into pipe, then yield
// for "before exec"
const value = await this.substituteUnnamedArgument(executor, isFirst, args);
done += this.executorList.length - this.executorList.indexOf(executor);
this.scope.pipe = value ?? this.scope.pipe;
yield executor;
isFirst = false;
} else {
// regular commands do all the argument resolving logic...
await this.substituteNamedArguments(executor, args);
let value = await this.substituteUnnamedArgument(executor, isFirst, args);
let abortResult = await this.testAbortController();
if (abortResult) {
return abortResult;
if (this.debugController) {
this.debugController.namedArguments = args;
this.debugController.unnamedArguments = value ?? '';
// then yield for "before exec"
yield executor;
// followed by command execution
executor.onProgress = (subDone, subTotal)=>this.onProgress?.(done + subDone, this.commandCount);
const isStepping = this.debugController?.testStepping(this);
if (this.debugController) {
this.debugController.isStepping = false || this.debugController.isSteppingInto;
try {
this.scope.pipe = await executor.command.callback(args, value ?? '');
} catch (ex) {
throw new SlashCommandExecutionError(ex, ex.message, executor.name, executor.start, executor.end, this.fullText.slice(executor.start, executor.end), this.fullText);
if (this.debugController) {
this.debugController.namedArguments = undefined;
this.debugController.unnamedArguments = undefined;
this.debugController.isStepping = isStepping;
done += executor.commandCount;
this.onProgress?.(done, this.commandCount);
abortResult = await this.testAbortController();
if (abortResult) {
return abortResult;
// finally, yield for "after exec"
yield executor;
isFirst = false;
async testPaused() {
while (!this.abortController?.signal?.aborted && this.abortController?.signal?.paused) {
await delay(200);
async testAbortController() {
await this.testPaused();
if (this.abortController?.signal?.aborted) {
const result = new SlashCommandClosureResult();
result.isAborted = true;
result.isQuietlyAborted = this.abortController.signal.isQuiet;
result.abortReason = this.abortController.signal.reason.toString();
return result;
* @param {SlashCommandExecutor} executor
* @param {import('./SlashCommand.js').NamedArguments} args
async substituteNamedArguments(executor, args) {
* Handles the assignment of named arguments, considering if they accept multiple values
* @param {string} name The name of the argument, as defined for the command execution
* @param {string|SlashCommandClosure|(string|SlashCommandClosure)[]} value The value to be assigned
const assign = (name, value) => {
// If an array is supposed to be assigned, assign it one by one
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const val of value) {
assign(name, val);
const definition = executor.command.namedArgumentList.find(x => x.name == name);
// Prefer definition name if a valid named args defintion is found
name = definition?.name ?? name;
// Unescape named argument
if (value && typeof value == 'string') {
value = value
.replace(/\\\{/g, '{')
.replace(/\\\}/g, '}');
// If the named argument accepts multiple values, we have to make sure to build an array correctly
if (definition?.acceptsMultiple) {
if (args[name] !== undefined) {
// If there already is something for that named arg, make the value is an array and add to it
let currentValue = args[name];
if (!Array.isArray(currentValue)) {
currentValue = [currentValue];
args[name] = currentValue;
} else {
// If there is nothing in there, we create an array with that singular value
args[name] = [value];
} else {
args[name] !== undefined && console.debug(`Named argument assigned multiple times: ${name}`);
args[name] = value;
// substitute named arguments
for (const arg of executor.namedArgumentList) {
if (arg.value instanceof SlashCommandClosure) {
/**@type {SlashCommandClosure}*/
const closure = arg.value;
closure.scope.parent = this.scope;
closure.breakController = this.breakController;
if (this.debugController && !closure.debugController) {
closure.debugController = this.debugController;
if (closure.executeNow) {
assign(arg.name, (await closure.execute())?.pipe);
} else {
assign(arg.name, closure);
} else {
assign(arg.name, this.substituteParams(arg.value));
* @param {SlashCommandExecutor} executor
* @param {boolean} isFirst
* @param {import('./SlashCommand.js').NamedArguments} args
* @returns {Promise<string|SlashCommandClosure|(string|SlashCommandClosure)[]>}
async substituteUnnamedArgument(executor, isFirst, args) {
let value;
// substitute unnamed argument
if (executor.unnamedArgumentList.length == 0) {
if (!isFirst && executor.injectPipe) {
value = this.scope.pipe;
args._hasUnnamedArgument = this.scope.pipe !== null && this.scope.pipe !== undefined;
} else {
value = [];
for (let i = 0; i < executor.unnamedArgumentList.length; i++) {
/** @type {string|SlashCommandClosure|(string|SlashCommandClosure)[]} */
let v = executor.unnamedArgumentList[i].value;
if (v instanceof SlashCommandClosure) {
/**@type {SlashCommandClosure}*/
const closure = v;
closure.scope.parent = this.scope;
closure.breakController = this.breakController;
if (this.debugController && !closure.debugController) {
closure.debugController = this.debugController;
if (closure.executeNow) {
v = (await closure.execute())?.pipe;
} else {
v = closure;
} else {
v = this.substituteParams(v);
value[i] = v;
if (!executor.command.splitUnnamedArgument) {
if (value.length == 1) {
value = value[0];
} else if (!value.find(it=>it instanceof SlashCommandClosure)) {
value = value.join('');
// unescape unnamed argument
if (typeof value == 'string') {
value = value
?.replace(/\\\{/g, '{')
?.replace(/\\\}/g, '}')
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value = value.map(v=>{
if (typeof v == 'string') {
return v
?.replace(/\\\{/g, '{')
?.replace(/\\\}/g, '}');
return v;
value ??= '';
// Make sure that if unnamed args are split, it should always return an array
if (executor.command.splitUnnamedArgument && !Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [value];
return value;
* Auto-fixes the pipe if it is not a valid result for STscript.
* @param {SlashCommand} command Command being executed
#lintPipe(command) {
if (this.scope.pipe === undefined || this.scope.pipe === null) {
console.warn(`/${command.name} returned undefined or null. Auto-fixing to empty string.`);
this.scope.pipe = '';
} else if (!(typeof this.scope.pipe == 'string' || this.scope.pipe instanceof SlashCommandClosure)) {
console.warn(`/${command.name} returned illegal type (${typeof this.scope.pipe} - ${this.scope.pipe.constructor?.name ?? ''}). Auto-fixing to stringified JSON.`);
this.scope.pipe = JSON.stringify(this.scope.pipe) ?? '';