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"Favorite": "我的最愛",
"Tag": "標籤",
"Duplicate": "複製",
"Persona": "玩家角色人物",
"Delete": "刪除",
"AI Response Configuration": "AI 回應配置",
"AI Configuration panel will stay open": "上鎖 = AI 設定面板將保持開啟",
"clickslidertips": "點選滑桿下的數字可手動輸入。",
"MAD LAB MODE ON": "瘋狂實驗室模式",
"Documentation on sampling parameters": "取樣參數的說明文件。",
"kobldpresets": "Kobold 預設設定檔",
"guikoboldaisettings": "GUI KoboldAI 設定",
"Update current preset": "更新目前預設",
"Save preset as": "儲存預設為",
"Import preset": "匯入預設",
"Export preset": "匯出預設設定檔",
"Restore current preset": "還原目前預設",
"Delete the preset": "刪除預設",
"novelaipresets": "NovelAI 預設設定檔",
"Default": "預設",
"openaipresets": "OpenAI 預設設定檔",
"Text Completion presets": "文字補充預設",
"AI Module": "AI 模組",
"Changes the style of the generated text.": "變更生成文字的樣式。",
"No Module": "無模組",
"Instruct": "指示",
"Prose Augmenter": "散文增強器",
"Text Adventure": "文字冒險",
"response legth(tokens)": "回應長度(符記數)",
"Streaming": "串流",
"Streaming_desc": "生成時逐位顯示回應。當此功能關閉時,回應將在完成後一次顯示。",
"context size(tokens)": "上下文大小(符記數)",
"unlocked": "解鎖",
"Only enable this if your model supports context sizes greater than 8192 tokens": "僅在您的模型支援超過8192個符記的上下文大小時啟用此功能",
"Max prompt cost:": "最多提示詞費用",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "生成時逐位顯示回應。",
"When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "關閉時,回應將在完成後一次性顯示。",
"Temperature": "溫度",
"rep.pen": "重複懲罰",
"Rep. Pen. Range.": "重複懲罰範圍",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "重複懲罰斜率",
"Rep. Pen. Freq.": "重複懲罰頻率",
"Rep. Pen. Presence": "重複懲罰存在",
"TFS": "TFS",
"Phrase Repetition Penalty": "片語重複懲罰",
"Off": "關閉",
"Very light": "非常輕",
"Light": "輕",
"Medium": "中等",
"Aggressive": "積極",
"Very aggressive": "非常積極",
"Unlocked Context Size": "解鎖的上下文大小",
"Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "上下文滑桿的無限制最大值",
"Context Size (tokens)": "上下文大小(符記數)",
"Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大回應長度(符記數)",
"Multiple swipes per generation": "每次生成多次滑動",
"Enable OpenAI completion streaming": "啟用 OpenAI 補充串流",
"Enable Cohere web-search connector": "啟用 Cohere 網頁搜尋連接器",
"Web-search": "網頁搜尋",
"Allow the model to use the web-search connector.": "允許模型使用網頁搜尋連接器",
"Frequency Penalty": "頻率懲罰",
"Presence Penalty": "存在懲罰",
"Count Penalty": "計數懲罰",
"Top K": "Top K",
"Top P": "Top P",
"Repetition Penalty": "重複懲罰",
"Min P": "Min P",
"Top A": "Top A",
"Quick Prompts Edit": "快速提示詞編輯",
"Main": "主要",
"Jailbreak": "越獄",
"Utility Prompts": "實用提示詞",
"Impersonation prompt": "AI 扮演提示詞",
"Restore default prompt": "還原預設提示詞",
"Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "用於 AI 模仿功能的提示詞",
"World Info Format Template": "世界資訊格式範本",
"Restore default format": "還原預設格式",
"Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt.": "在插入提示詞前包裝已啟用的世界資訊條目。",
"scenario_format_template_part_1": "使用",
"scenario_format_template_part_2": "來標示要插入內容的位置。",
"Scenario Format Template": "情境格式範本",
"Personality Format Template": "個性格式範本",
"Group Nudge Prompt Template": "群組推動提示詞範本",
"Sent at the end of the group chat history to force reply from a specific character.": "在群組聊天歷史結束時發送以強制特定角色人物回覆",
"New Chat": "新聊天",
"Restore new chat prompt": "還原新聊天的提示詞",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new chat is about to start.": "設定在聊天歷史的開頭以表明即將開始新的聊天",
"New Group Chat": "新群組聊天",
"Restore new group chat prompt": "還原預設群組聊天提示詞",
"Set at the beginning of the chat history to indicate that a new group chat is about to start.": "設定在聊天歷史的開頭以表明即將開始新的群組聊天",
"New Example Chat": "新範例聊天",
"Set at the beginning of Dialogue examples to indicate that a new example chat is about to start.": "設定在對話範例的開頭以表明即將開始新的範例聊天",
"Continue nudge": "繼續輔助提示詞",
"Set at the end of the chat history when the continue button is pressed.": "按下繼續按鈕時設定在聊天歷史的末尾",
"Replace empty message": "取代空訊息",
"Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "當文字方塊為空時,發送此字串而不是空白。",
"Seed": "種子",
"Set to get deterministic results. Use -1 for random seed.": "設置以獲取確定性結果。使用 -1 作為隨機種子",
"Temperature controls the randomness in token selection": "溫度控制符記選擇中的隨機性",
"Top_K_desc": "Top K 設定可以選擇的最高符記數量。\n例如Top K 為 20這意味著只保留排名前 20 的符記(無論它們的機率是多樣還是有限的)。\n設定為 0 以停用。",
"Top_P_desc": "Top P(又名核心取樣)會將所有頂級符記加總,直到達到目標百分比。\n例如如果前兩個符記都是 25%,而 Top P 設為 0.5,那麼只有前兩個符記會被考慮。\n設定為 1.0 以停用。",
"Typical P": "Typical P",
"Typical_P_desc": "Typical P 取樣根據符記偏離集合平均熵的程度進行優先排序。\n它會保留累積機率接近預設閾值(例如0.5)的符記,強調那些具有平均信息量的符記。\n設定為 1.0 以停用。",
"Min_P_desc": "Min P 設定基本最小機率。\n這個值會根據最高符記的機率進行調整。例如如果最高符記機率為 80%,而 Min P 設為 0.1 ,那麼只有機率高於 8% 的符記會被考慮。\n設定為 0 以停用。",
"Top_A_desc": "Top A 根據最高符記機率的平方設定符記選擇的門檻。\n例如如果 Top A 值為 0.2,而最高符記機率為 50%,那麼低於 5%(0.2 * 0.5^2) 的符記機率就會被排除。\n設定為 0 以停用。",
"Tail_Free_Sampling_desc": "無尾取樣(Tail-Free Sampling, TFS)會透過分析符記機率的變化率(使用導數)來尋找分佈中的低機率符記尾部。\n它會根據標準化的二階導數保留直到某個閾值(例如0.3)的符記。\n數值越接近 0 ,表示會棄去越多符記。設定為 1.0 以停用。",
"rep.pen range": "重複懲罰範圍",
"Mirostat": "Mirostat",
"Mode": "模式",
"Mirostat_Mode_desc": "0 表示完全停用 Mirostat。1 表示使用 Mirostat 1.0 版本2 表示使用 Mirostat 2.0 版本。",
"Tau": "Tau",
"Mirostat_Tau_desc": "這個設定控制了 Mirostat 輸出的可變性。",
"Eta": "Eta",
"Mirostat_Eta_desc": "這個設定控制 Mirostat 的學習率。",
"Ban EOS Token": "禁止 EOS 符記",
"Ban_EOS_Token_desc": "對於 KoboldCpp (以及可能也適用於 KoboldAI 的其他符記),禁止使用序列結束 (End-of-Sequence, EOS) 符記。這個設定對於故事創作很有幫助,但不應該在聊天和指令模式中使用。",
"GBNF Grammar": "GBNF 語法",
"Type in the desired custom grammar": "輸入所需的自定義語法",
"Samplers Order": "取樣器順序",
"Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "取樣器將按從上到下的順序應用。請小心使用。",
"Tail Free Sampling": "無尾取樣",
"Load koboldcpp order": "載入 koboldcpp 順序",
"Preamble": "前言",
"Use style tags to modify the writing style of the output.": "使用樣式標籤修改輸出的寫作樣式。",
"Banned Tokens": "禁止的符記",
"Sequences you don't want to appear in the output. One per line.": "您不希望在輸出中出現的序列。每行一個,使用文字或符記 ID。",
"Logit Bias": "Logit 偏差",
"Add": "新增",
"Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "有助於禁止或強化某些符記的使用",
"CFG Scale": "CFG 比例",
"Negative Prompt": "負面提示詞",
"Add text here that would make the AI generate things you don't want in your outputs.": "在這裡新增文字,使 AI 生成您不希望在輸出中出現的內容。",
"Used if CFG Scale is unset globally, per chat or character": "如果CFG Scale未在全域、每個聊天或角色人物中設定則使用",
"Mirostat Tau": "Tau",
"Mirostat LR": "Mirostat 學習率",
"Min Length": "最小長度",
"Top K Sampling": "Top K 取樣",
"Nucleus Sampling": "核心取樣",
"Top A Sampling": "Top A 取樣",
"CFG": "CFG",
"Neutralize Samplers": "中和取樣器",
"Set all samplers to their neutral/disabled state.": "將所有取樣器設定為中性/停用狀態。",
"Sampler Select": "選擇取樣器",
"Customize displayed samplers or add custom samplers.": "自訂顯示的取樣器或新增自訂取樣器。",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "Epsilon 截斷",
"Epsilon cutoff sets a probability floor below which tokens are excluded from being sampled": "Epsilon 截斷設定排除符記的機率下限",
"Eta Cutoff": "Eta 截斷",
"Eta_Cutoff_desc": "Eta 截斷是特殊 Eta 取樣技術的主要參數。\n單位為 1e-4合理值為 3。\n設為 0 以停用。\n詳情請參見 Hewitt 等人(2022)撰寫的論文《Truncation Sampling as Language Model Desmoothing》。",
"rep.pen decay": "重複懲罰衰減",
"Encoder Rep. Pen.": "編碼器重複懲罰",
"No Repeat Ngram Size": "無重複Ngram大小",
"Skew": "Skew",
"Max Tokens Second": "最大符記/秒",
"Smooth Sampling": "平滑取樣",
"Smooth_Sampling_desc": "允許您使用二次/三次變換來調整分佈。較低的平滑因子值將更具創造性,通常在 0.2-0.3 之間是最佳點(假設曲線=1。較高的平滑曲線值會使曲線更陡峭這將更加激烈地懲罰低概率選擇。1.0 的曲線值相當於僅使用平滑因子。",
"Smoothing Factor": "平滑因子",
"Smoothing Curve": "平滑曲線",
"DRY_Repetition_Penalty_desc": "DRY 會懲罰那些將輸入的結尾擴充為已在先前輸入中出現過序列的符記。將乘法器設為 0 以停用。",
"DRY Repetition Penalty": "DRY 重複懲罰",
"DRY_Multiplier_desc": "將值設為大於 0 來啟用 DRY。控制對最短受懲罰序列的懲罰幅度。",
"Multiplier": "乘法器",
"DRY_Base_desc": "控制隨著序列長度增加,懲罰增加的速度。",
"Base": "基準值",
"DRY_Allowed_Length_desc": "可以重複而不受懲罰的最長序列長度。",
"Allowed Length": "允許長度",
"Penalty Range": "懲罰範圍",
"DRY_Sequence_Breakers_desc": "序列停止繼續配對的符記,使用引號包裹字串並以逗號分隔清單。",
"Sequence Breakers": "序列中斷器",
"JSON-serialized array of strings.": "序列化JSON的字串陣列。",
"Dynamic Temperature": "動態溫度",
"Scale Temperature dynamically per token, based on the variation of probabilities": "根據機率變化,動態調整每個符記的溫度",
"Minimum Temp": "最低溫度",
"Maximum Temp": "最高溫度",
"Exponent": "指數",
"Mirostat (mode=1 is only for llama.cpp)": "Mirostat(mode=1僅適用於llama.cpp)",
"Mirostat_desc": "Mirostat 是輸出困惑度的恆溫器。\nMirostat 會將輸出的困惑度與輸入的困惑度相配對,\n從而避免了重複陷阱在這個陷阱中隨著自回歸推理產生字串輸出的困惑度趨於零和混亂陷阱困惑度發散。\n有關詳細資訊請參閱 Basu 等人於 2020 年發表的論文《A Neural Text Decoding Algorithm that Directly Controls Perplexity》。\n模式選擇 Mirostat 版本。0=停用1=Mirostat 1.0(僅限 llama.cpp2=Mirostat 2.0。",
"Mirostat Mode": "Mode",
"Variability parameter for Mirostat outputs": "Mirostat 輸出的變異性參數",
"Mirostat Eta": "Eta",
"Learning rate of Mirostat": "Mirostat 的學習率",
"Beam search": "波束搜尋",
"Helpful tip coming soon.": "更多有用提示訊息即將推出。",
"Number of Beams": "波束數量",
"Length Penalty": "長度懲罰",
"Early Stopping": "提前停止",
"Contrastive search": "對比搜尋",
"Contrastive_search_txt": "一種取樣器,通過利用大多數 LLM 的表示空間的等向性,鼓勵多樣性的同時保持一致性。詳情請參閱 Su 等人於2022年發表的論文《A Contrastive Framework for Neural Text Generation》。",
"Penalty Alpha": "懲罰 Alpha",
"Strength of the Contrastive Search regularization term. Set to 0 to disable CS": "對比搜尋正則化項的強度。設定為0以停用CS",
"Do Sample": "進行取樣",
"Add BOS Token": "新增 BOS 符記",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative": "在提示詞的開頭新增 bos_token。停用此功能可以使回應更具創造性",
"Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "禁止 eos_token。這迫使模型不會提前結束生成",
"Ignore EOS Token": "忽略 EOS 符記",
"Ignore the EOS Token even if it generates.": "即使生成也忽略 EOS 符記",
"Skip Special Tokens": "跳過特殊符記",
"Temperature Last": "最後的溫度",
"Temperature_Last_desc": "使用最後應用溫度取樣器。這幾乎總是明智的做法。\n啟用時首先取樣一組合理的符記然後應用溫度來調整它們的相對機率技術上講是 logits。\n停用時首先應用溫度調整所有符記的相對機率然後從中取樣合理的符記。\n停用「最後應用溫度取樣」會增加分佈尾部的概率這傾向於放大獲得不連貫回應的機會。",
"Speculative Ngram": "推測性 Ngram",
"Use a different speculative decoding method without a draft model": "使用不含草稿模型的不同推測性解碼方法。",
"Spaces Between Special Tokens": "特殊符記之間的空格",
"LLaMA / Mistral / Yi models only": "僅限 LLaMA / Mistral / Yi 模型",
"Example: some text [42, 69, 1337]": "範例:\n一些文字 [42, 69, 1337]",
"Classifier Free Guidance. More helpful tip coming soon": "無分類器導引。更多有用提示訊息即將推出",
"Scale": "比例",
"JSON Schema": "JSON 結構",
"Type in the desired JSON schema": "輸入所需的 JSON 結構",
"Grammar String": "語法字串",
"GBNF or EBNF, depends on the backend in use. If you're using this you should know which.": "GBNF 或 EBNF取決於所使用的後端。如果您使用此功能應該知道是哪一種",
"Top P & Min P": "Top P 和 Min P",
"Load default order": "載入預設順序",
"llama.cpp only. Determines the order of samplers. If Mirostat mode is not 0, sampler order is ignored.": "僅適用於 llama.cpp。決定取樣器的順序。如果 Mirostat 模式不為 0則忽略取樣器順序。",
"Sampler Priority": "取樣器優先順序",
"Ooba only. Determines the order of samplers.": "僅適用於 Ooba。決定取樣器的順序。",
"Character Names Behavior": "角色人物名稱行為",
"Helps the model to associate messages with characters.": "幫助模型將訊息與角色人物關聯起來。",
"None": "無",
"character_names_default": "除了團體和過去的玩家角色人物外。否則,請確保在提示中提供名字。",
"Don't add character names.": "不要新增角色人物名稱",
"Completion": "補充",
"character_names_completion": "字元限制僅限拉丁字母數字和底線。不適用於所有來源特別是Claude、MistralAI、Google。",
"Add character names to completion objects.": "新增角色人物名稱來補充物件",
"Message Content": "訊息內容",
"Prepend character names to message contents.": "在訊息內容前新增角色人物名稱",
"Continue Postfix": "繼續後綴",
"The next chunk of the continued message will be appended using this as a separator.": "繼續訊息的下一塊將使用此作為分隔符附加",
"Space": "空格",
"Newline": "換行",
"Double Newline": "雙換行",
"Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "發送前將使用者訊息用引號括起來",
"Wrap in Quotes": "用引號包裹",
"Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "在發送之前將整個使用者訊息用引號包裹。",
"Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "如果您手動使用引號進行發言,請關閉。",
"Continue prefill": "繼續預先填充",
"Continue sends the last message as assistant role instead of system message with instruction.": "繼續將最後的訊息作為助理角色發送,而不是帶有指令的系統訊息。",
"Squash system messages": "合併系統訊息",
"Combines consecutive system messages into one (excluding example dialogues). May improve coherence for some models.": "將連續的系統訊息合併為一個(不包括範例對話)。可能會提高某些模型的一致性。",
"Enable function calling": "啟用函數調用",
"Send inline images": "發送內嵌圖片",
"image_inlining_hint_1": "如果模型支援(例如: GPT-4V、Claude 3 或 Llava 13B則在提示詞中發送圖片。\n使用任何訊息上的",
"image_inlining_hint_2": "動作或",
"image_inlining_hint_3": "選單來附加圖片文件到聊天中。",
"Inline Image Quality": "內嵌圖片品質",
"openai_inline_image_quality_auto": "自動",
"openai_inline_image_quality_low": "低",
"openai_inline_image_quality_high": "高",
"Use AI21 Tokenizer": "使用 AI21 符記器",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Jurassic models, which is more efficient than GPT's.": "對於 Jurassic 模型使用適當的符記器,比 GPT 的更高效",
"Use Google Tokenizer": "使用 Google 符記器",
"Use the appropriate tokenizer for Google models via their API. Slower prompt processing, but offers much more accurate token counting.": "通過 Google 模型的 API 使用適當的符記器。提示詞處理速度較慢,但提供更準確的符記計數。",
"Use system prompt": "使用系統提示詞",
"(Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash only)": "(僅限於 Gemini 1.5 Pro/Flash)",
"Merges_all_system_messages_desc_1": "合併所有系統訊息,直到第一條非系統角色的訊息,並通過 google 的",
"Merges_all_system_messages_desc_2": "字段發送,而不是與其餘提示詞內容一起發送。",
"Assistant Prefill": "預先填充助理訊息",
"Start Claude's answer with...": "開始 Claude 的回答...",
"Assistant Impersonation Prefill": "助理扮演時的預先填充",
"Use system prompt (Claude 2.1+ only)": "使用系統提示詞(僅限 Claude 2.1+)",
"Send the system prompt for supported models. If disabled, the user message is added to the beginning of the prompt.": "為支援的模型發送系統提示詞。停用時,使用者訊息將新增到提示詞的開頭。",
"User first message": "使用者第一條訊息",
"Restore User first message": "還原使用者第一個訊息",
"Human message": "人類訊息、指令等。\n當空白時不加入任何內容也就是需要一個帶有使用者角色的新提示詞。",
"New preset": "新預設",
"Delete preset": "刪除預設",
"View / Edit bias preset": "查看/編輯偏見預設",
"Add bias entry": "新增偏見條目",
"Most tokens have a leading space.": "大多數符記有前導空格",
"API Connections": "API 連線",
"Text Completion": "文字補充",
"Chat Completion": "聊天補充",
"NovelAI": "NovelAI",
"KoboldAI Horde": "KoboldAI Horde",
"KoboldAI": "KoboldAI",
"Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "避免發送敏感資訊到 Horde。",
"Review the Privacy statement": "檢視隱私聲明",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "註冊Horde帳號以縮短排隊時間",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Horde": "了解如何將閒置的 GPU 週期貢獻給 Horde",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "根據 worker 的能力調整上下文大小",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "根據 worker 的能力調整回應長度",
"Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "僅將已批准的 worker 排隊,可以幫助處理不良回應。可能會延長回應時間。",
"Trusted workers only": "僅限受信任的 worker",
"API key": "API 金鑰",
"Get it here:": "在這裡獲取:",
"Register": "登記",
"View my Kudos": "查看我的稱讚",
"Enter": "輸入",
"to use anonymous mode.": "以使用匿名模式。",
"Clear your API key": "清除您的 API 金鑰",
"For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "基於安全性考量,重新載入頁面後,您的 API 金鑰將被隱藏。",
"Models": "模型",
"Refresh models": "重新整理模型",
"-- Horde models not loaded --": "-- Horde 模型未載入 --",
"Not connected...": "尚未連線...",
"API url": "API URL",
"Example: ": "範例http:// ",
"Connect": "連線",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Novel API key": "NovelAI API 金鑰",
"Get your NovelAI API Key": "取得您的 NovelAI API 金鑰",
"Enter it in the box below": "請在下面的框中輸入",
"Novel AI Model": "NovelAI 模型",
"No connection...": "沒有連線...",
"API Type": "API 類型",
"Default (completions compatible)": "預設(相容補充)",
"TogetherAI API Key": "TogetherAI API 金鑰",
"TogetherAI Model": "TogetherAI 模型",
"-- Connect to the API --": "-- 連線到 API --",
"OpenRouter API Key": "OpenRouter API 金鑰",
"Click Authorize below or get the key from": "點選下方的授權或從以下取得金鑰",
"View Remaining Credits": "檢視剩餘點數",
"OpenRouter Model": "OpenRouter 模型",
"Model Providers": "模型供應商",
"InfermaticAI API Key": "InfermaticAI API 金鑰",
"InfermaticAI Model": "InfermaticAI 模型",
"DreamGen API key": "DreamGen API 金鑰",
"DreamGen Model": "DreamGen 模型",
"Mancer API key": "Mancer API 金鑰",
"Mancer Model": "Mancer 模型",
"Make sure you run it with": "確保您使用以下方式執行它",
"flag": "旗標",
"API key (optional)": "API 金鑰(可選)",
"Server url": "伺服器 URL",
"Example:": "範例127.0.0.1:5000",
"Custom model (optional)": "自訂模型(選填)",
"vllm-project/vllm": "vllm-project/vllm",
"vLLM API key": "vLLM API 金鑰",
"Example:": "範例127.0.0.1:8000",
"vLLM Model": "vLLM 模型",
"PygmalionAI/aphrodite-engine": "PygmalionAI/aphrodite 引擎",
"Aphrodite API key": "Aphrodite API 金鑰",
"Aphrodite Model": "Aphrodite 模型",
"ggerganov/llama.cpp": "ggerganov/llama.cpp",
"Example:": "範例127.0.0.1:8080",
"Example:": "範例127.0.0.1:11434",
"Ollama Model": "Ollama 模型",
"Download": "下載",
"Tabby API key": "Tabby API 金鑰",
"koboldcpp API key (optional)": "KoboldCpp API 金鑰(可選)",
"Example:": "範例127.0.0.1:5001",
"Authorize": "授權",
"Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to openrouter.ai": "使用 OAuth 流程取得您的 OpenRouter API 符記。您將被重新導向到 openrouter.ai",
"Legacy API (pre-OAI, no streaming)": "傳統 API(OAI之前無串流)",
"Bypass status check": "繞過狀態檢查",
"Chat Completion Source": "聊天補充來源",
"Reverse Proxy": "反向代理伺服器",
"Proxy Presets": "代理伺服器預設設定檔",
"Saved addresses and passwords.": "已儲存的地址和密碼",
"Save Proxy": "儲存代理伺服器",
"Delete Proxy": "刪除代理伺服器",
"Proxy Name": "代理伺服器名稱",
"This will show up as your saved preset.": "這將顯示為您儲存的預設",
"Proxy Server URL": "代理伺服器 URL",
"Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "替代伺服器 URL(留空以使用預設值)。",
"Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "在此框中輸入任何內容之前從API面板中刪除您的實際OAI API金鑰",
"We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "我們無法為使用非官方 OpenAI 代理伺服器時遇到的問題提供支援",
"Doesn't work? Try adding": "不起作用?嘗試新增",
"at the end!": "在最後!",
"Proxy Password": "代理伺服器密碼",
"Will be used as a password for the proxy instead of API key.": "將用作代理的密碼,而不是 API 金鑰",
"Peek a password": "顯示密碼",
"OpenAI API key": "OpenAI API 金鑰",
"View API Usage Metrics": "查看 API 使用指標",
"Follow": "遵循",
"these directions": "這些指示",
"to get your OpenAI API key.": "以取得您的 OpenAI API 金鑰。",
"Use Proxy password field instead. This input will be ignored.": "請改用代理密碼欄位。此輸入將被忽略",
"OpenAI Model": "OpenAI 模型",
"Bypass API status check": "繞過 API 狀態檢查",
"Show External models (provided by API)": "顯示外部模型(由 API 提供)",
"Get your key from": "取得您的鑰匙",
"Anthropic's developer console": "Anthropic 的開發者控制台",
"Slack and Poe cookies will not work here, do not bother trying.": "Slack 和 Poe 的 Cookie 在此無效,請勿嘗試。",
"Claude Model": "Claude 模型",
"Window AI Model": "Window AI 模型",
"Model Order": "模型順序",
"Alphabetically": "按字母順序",
"Price": "價格(最便宜的)",
"Context Size": "上下文大小",
"Group by vendors": "按供應商分組",
"Group by vendors Description": "將 OpenAI 、 Anthropic 等等的模型放各自供應商的群組中。可以與排序功能結合使用。",
"Allow fallback routes": "允許備援路徑",
"Allow fallback routes Description": "如果選擇的模型無法滿足要求,會自動選擇替代模型。",
"Scale API Key": "Scale API 金鑰",
"Clear your cookie": "清除您的 Cookie",
"Alt Method": "替代方法",
"AI21 API Key": "AI21 API 金鑰",
"AI21 Model": "AI21 模型",
"Google AI Studio API Key": "Google AI Studio API 金鑰",
"Google Model": "Google 模型",
"MistralAI API Key": "MistralAI API 金鑰",
"MistralAI Model": "MistralAI 模型",
"Groq API Key": "Groq API 金鑰",
"Groq Model": "Groq 模型",
"Perplexity API Key": "Perplexity API 金鑰",
"Perplexity Model": "Perplexity 模型",
"Cohere API Key": "Cohere API 金鑰",
"Cohere Model": "Cohere 模型",
"Custom Endpoint (Base URL)": "自訂端點(Base URL)",
"Custom API Key": "自訂 API 金鑰",
"Available Models": "可用模型",
"Prompt Post-Processing": "提示詞後處理",
"Applies additional processing to the prompt before sending it to the API.": "這個選項會在將提示詞送往 API 之前,對它進行額外的處理。",
"Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "透過發送簡短的測試訊息來驗證您的 API 連線。請注意,您將因此獲得榮譽!",
"Test Message": "測試訊息",
"Auto-connect to Last Server": "自動連線到上次伺服器",
"Missing key": "❌ 鑰匙遺失",
"Key saved": "✔️ 金鑰已儲存",
"View hidden API keys": "查看隱藏的 API 金鑰",
"AI Response Formatting": "AI 回應格式化",
"Advanced Formatting": "進階格式化",
"Context Template": "上下文範本",
"Auto-select this preset for Instruct Mode": "自動選擇此預設用於指令模式",
"Story String": "故事字串",
"Example Separator": "分隔符號範例",
"Chat Start": "聊天開始符號",
"Add Chat Start and Example Separator to a list of stopping strings.": "將聊天開始和範例分隔符號加入終止字串中。",
"Use as Stop Strings": "用作停止字串",
"context_allow_jailbreak": "如果在角色人物卡中定義了越獄,且啟用了「偏好角色人物卡越獄」,則會在提示詞的結尾加入越獄內容。\n這不建議用於文字完成模型因為可能導致不良的輸出結果。",
"Allow Jailbreak": "允許越獄",
"Context Order": "上下文順序",
"Summary": "摘要",
"Author's Note": "作者備註",
"Example Dialogues": "對話範例",
"Hint": "提示訊息",
"In-Chat Position not affected": "摘要和作者的注釋順序僅在未設定聊天中位置時受影響。",
"Instruct Mode": "指示模式",
"Enabled": "啟用",
"instruct_bind_to_context": "如果啟用此選項,系統會根據所選擇的指令範本名稱或偏好,自動選取對應的上下文範本。",
"Bind to Context": "附加到上下文",
"Presets": "預設設定檔",
"Auto-select this preset on API connection": "在 API 連線時自動選擇此預設",
"Activation Regex": "啟用正規表示式",
"Wrap Sequences with Newline": "用換行符包裹序列",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "取代序列中的巨集",
"Skip Example Dialogues Formatting": "跳過範例對話的格式設定",
"Include Names": "包含名稱",
"Force for Groups and Personas": "強制用於群組和玩家角色人物",
"System Prompt": "系統提示詞",
"Instruct Mode Sequences": "指示模式序列",
"System Prompt Wrapping": "系統提示詞換行",
"Inserted before a System prompt.": "插入在系統提示詞之前。",
"System Prompt Prefix": "系統提示詞前綴",
"Inserted after a System prompt.": "插入在系統提示詞之後。",
"System Prompt Suffix": "系統提示詞後綴",
"Chat Messages Wrapping": "聊天訊息換行",
"Inserted before a User message and as a last prompt line when impersonating.": "插入在使用者訊息之前,並在扮演使用者時作為最後一行提示詞。",
"User Message Prefix": "使用者訊息前綴",
"Inserted after a User message.": "插入在使用者提示詞之後。",
"User Message Suffix": "使用者訊息後綴",
"Inserted before an Assistant message and as a last prompt line when generating an AI reply.": "插入在助理訊息之前,並在生成 AI 回覆時作為最後一行提示詞。",
"Assistant Message Prefix": "助理訊息前綴",
"Inserted after an Assistant message.": "插入在助理訊息之後。",
"Assistant Message Suffix": "助理訊息後綴",
"Inserted before a System (added by slash commands or extensions) message.": "插入在系統(透過斜線命令或擴充套件增加)訊息之前。",
"System Message Prefix": "系統訊息前綴",
"Inserted after a System message.": "插入在系統訊息之後",
"System Message Suffix": "系統訊息後綴",
"If enabled, System Sequences will be the same as User Sequences.": "如果啟用,系統序列將與使用者序列相同。",
"System same as User": "系統與使用者相同",
"Misc. Sequences": "其他序列",
"Inserted before the first Assistant's message.": "插入在第一個助理的訊息之前。",
"First Assistant Prefix": "",
"instruct_last_output_sequence": " AI /",
"Last Assistant Prefix": "",
"Will be inserted as a last prompt line when using system/neutral generation.": "使/",
"System Instruction Prefix": "",
"If a stop sequence is generated, everything past it will be removed from the output (inclusive).": "",
"Stop Sequence": "",
"Will be inserted at the start of the chat history if it doesn't start with a User message.": "使",
"User Filler Message": "使",
"Context Formatting": "",
"(Saved to Context Template)": "()",
"Always add character's name to prompt": "",
"Generate only one line per request": "",
"Trim Incomplete Sentences": "",
"Include Newline": "",
"Misc. Settings": "",
"Collapse Consecutive Newlines": "",
"Trim spaces": "",
"Tokenizer": "",
"Token Padding": "",
"Start Reply With": "",
"AI reply prefix": "AI ",
"Show reply prefix in chat": "",
"Non-markdown strings": " Markdown ",
"separate with commas w/o space between": "",
"Custom Stopping Strings": "",
"JSON serialized array of strings": "JSON ",
"Replace Macro in Custom Stopping Strings": "",
"Auto-Continue": "",
"Allow for Chat Completion APIs": " API",
"Target length (tokens)": "()",
"World Info": "",
"Locked = World Editor will stay open": " = ",
"Worlds/Lorebooks": "/",
"Active World(s) for all chats": "",
"-- World Info not found --": "-- --",
"Global World Info/Lorebook activation settings": "/",
"Click to expand": "",
"Scan Depth": "",
"Context %": "",
"Budget Cap": "",
"(0 = disabled)": "(0 = )",
"Scan chronologically until reached min entries or token budget.": "",
"Min Activations": "",
"Max Depth": "",
"(0 = unlimited, use budget)": "(0 = , 使)",
"Insertion Strategy": "",
"Sorted Evenly": "",
"Character Lore First": "",
"Global Lore First": "",
"Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "",
"Recursive Scan": "",
"Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "",
"Case Sensitive": "",
"If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "",
"Match Whole Words": "",
"Only the entries with the most number of key matches will be selected for Inclusion Group filtering": "",
"Use Group Scoring": "使",
"Alert if your world info is greater than the allocated budget.": "",
"Alert On Overflow": "",
"New": "",
"or": "",
"--- Pick to Edit ---": "--- ---",
"Rename World Info": "",
"Open all Entries": "",
"Close all Entries": "",
"New Entry": "",
"Fill empty Memo/Titles with Keywords": "/",
"Import World Info": "",
"Export World Info": "",
"Duplicate World Info": "",
"Delete World Info": "",
"Search...": "...",
"Search": "",
"Priority": "",
"Custom": "",
"Title A-Z": " A-Z",
"Title Z-A": " Z-A",
"Tokens ": " ",
"Tokens ": " ",
"Depth ": " ",
"Depth ": " ",
"Order ": " ",
"Order ": " ",
"UID ": "UID ",
"UID ": "UID ",
"Trigger% ": "% ",
"Trigger% ": "% ",
"Refresh": "",
"User Settings": "使",
"Simple": "",
"Advanced": "",
"UI Language": ":",
"Account": "",
"Admin Panel": "",
"Logout": "",
"Search Settings": "",
"UI Theme": "",
"Import a theme file": "",
"Export a theme file": "",
"Delete a theme": "",
"Update a theme file": "",
"Save as a new theme": "",
"Avatar Style": "",
"Circle": "",
"Square": "",
"Rectangle": "",
"Chat Style:": "",
"Flat": "",
"Bubbles": "",
"Document": "",
"Specify colors for your theme.": "",
"Theme Colors": "",
"Main Text": "",
"Italics Text": "",
"Underlined Text": "",
"Quote Text": "",
"Shadow Color": "",
"Chat Background": "",
"UI Background": "",
"UI Border": "",
"User Message Blur Tint": "使調",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "AI 調",
"Chat Width": "",
"Width of the main chat window in % of screen width": "",
"Font Scale": "",
"Font size": "",
"Blur Strength": "",
"Blur strength on UI panels.": "UI ",
"Text Shadow Width": "",
"Strength of the text shadows": "",
"Disables animations and transitions": "",
"Reduced Motion": "",
"removes blur from window backgrounds": "",
"No Blur Effect": "",
"Remove text shadow effect": "",
"No Text Shadows": "",
"Reduce chat height, and put a static sprite behind the chat window": " Sprite",
"Waifu Mode": "Waifu ",
"Always show the full list of the Message Actions context items for chat messages, instead of hiding them behind '...'": "...",
"Auto-Expand Message Actions": "",
"Alternative UI for numeric sampling parameters with fewer steps": " UI",
"Zen Sliders": "Zen ",
"Entirely unrestrict all numeric sampling parameters": "",
"Mad Lab Mode": "",
"Time the AI's message generation, and show the duration in the chat log": " AI ",
"Message Timer": "",
"Show a timestamp for each message in the chat log": "",
"Chat Timestamps": "",
"Show an icon for the API that generated the message": " API ",
"Model Icon": "",
"Show sequential message numbers in the chat log": "",
"Message IDs": " ID",
"Hide avatars in chat messages.": "",
"Hide Chat Avatars": "",
"Show the number of tokens in each message in the chat log": "",
"Show Message Token Count": "",
"Single-row message input area. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "",
"Compact Input Area (Mobile)": "()",
"In the Character Management panel, show quick selection buttons for favorited characters": "",
"Characters Hotswap": "",
"Enable magnification for zoomed avatar display.": "",
"Avatar Hover Magnification": "",
"Enables a magnification effect on hover when you display the zoomed avatar after clicking an avatar's image in chat.": "",
"Show tagged character folders in the character list": "",
"Tags as Folders": "",
"Tags_as_Folders_desc": "",
"Character Handling": "",
"If set in the advanced character definitions, this field will be displayed in the characters list.": "",
"Char List Subheader": "",
"Character Version": "",
"Created by": "",
"Use fuzzy matching, and search characters in the list by all data fields, not just by a name substring": "使",
"Advanced Character Search": "",
"If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead": "()使",
"Prefer Character Card Prompt": "",
"If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead": "()使",
"Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "",
"Avoid cropping and resizing imported character images. When off, crop/resize to 512x768": "調/調 512x768",
"Never resize avatars": "調",
"Show actual file names on the disk, in the characters list display only": "",
"Show avatar filenames": "",
"Prompt to import embedded card tags on character import. Otherwise embedded tags are ignored": "",
"Import Card Tags": "",
"Hide character definitions from the editor panel behind a spoiler button": "",
"Spoiler Free Mode": "",
"Miscellaneous": "",
"Reload and redraw the currently open chat": "",
"Reload Chat": "",
"Debug Menu": "",
"Smooth Streaming": "",
"Experimental feature. May not work for all backends.": "",
"Slow": "",
"Fast": "",
"Play a sound when a message generation finishes": "",
"Message Sound": "",
"Only play a sound when ST's browser tab is unfocused": " ST ",
"Background Sound Only": "",
"Reduce the formatting requirements on API URLs": " API URL ",
"Relaxed API URLS": " API URL ",
"Ask to import the World Info/Lorebook for every new character with embedded lorebook. If unchecked, a brief message will be shown instead": "/",
"Lorebook Import Dialog": "",
"Restore unsaved user input on page refresh": "使",
"Restore User Input": "使",
"Allow repositioning certain UI elements by dragging them. PC only, no effect on mobile": " UI PC ",
"Movable UI Panels": " UI ",
"MovingUI preset. Predefined/saved draggable positions": "MovingUI /",
"MUI Preset": "MUI ",
"Save movingUI changes to a new file": "UI",
"Reset MovingUI panel sizes/locations.": " MovingUI /",
"Apply a custom CSS style to all of the ST GUI": " CSS ST GUI",
"Custom CSS": " CSS",
"Expand the editor": "",
"Chat/Message Handling": "/",
"# Messages to Load": "",
"The number of chat history messages to load before pagination.": "",
"(0 = All)": "(0 = )",
"Streaming FPS": " FPS",
"Update speed of streamed text.": "",
"Example Messages Behavior": "",
"Gradual push-out": "",
"Always include examples": "",
"Never include examples": "",
"Send on Enter": " Enter ",
"Disabled": "",
"Automatic (PC)": "(PC)",
"Press Send to continue": "",
"Show a button in the input area to ask the AI to continue (extend) its last message": " AI ()",
"Quick 'Continue' button": "",
"Show arrow buttons on the last in-chat message to generate alternative AI responses. Both PC and mobile": " AI PC ",
"Swipes": "",
"Allow using swiping gestures on the last in-chat message to trigger swipe generation. Mobile only, no effect on PC": "使",
"Gestures": "",
"Auto-load Last Chat": "",
"Auto-scroll Chat": "",
"Save edits to messages without confirmation as you type": "",
"Auto-save Message Edits": "",
"Confirm message deletion": "",
"Auto-fix Markdown": " Markdown",
"Render LaTeX and AsciiMath equation notation in chat messages. Powered by KaTeX": " LaTeX AsciiMath KaTeX ",
"Render Formulas": "",
"Disallow embedded media from other domains in chat messages": "",
"Forbid External Media": "使",
"Allow {{char}}: in bot messages": "使 {{char}}:",
"Allow {{user}}: in bot messages": "使 {{user}}:",
"Skip encoding and characters in message text, allowing a subset of HTML markup as well as Markdown": " < > HTML Markdown",
"Show tags in responses": "",
"Allow AI messages in groups to contain lines spoken by other group members": " AI ",
"Relax message trim in Groups": "",
"Log prompts to console": "",
"Requests logprobs from the API for the Token Probabilities feature": " API logprobs ",
"Request token probabilities": "",
"Automatically reject and re-generate AI message based on configurable criteria": " AI ",
"Auto-swipe": "",
"Enable the auto-swipe function. Settings in this section only have an effect when auto-swipe is enabled": "",
"Minimum generated message length": "",
"If the generated message is shorter than this, trigger an auto-swipe": "",
"Blacklisted words": "",
"words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": ",使",
"Blacklisted word count to swipe": "",
"Minimum number of blacklisted words detected to trigger an auto-swipe": "",
"AutoComplete Settings": "",
"Automatically hide details": "",
"Determines how entries are found for autocomplete.": "",
"Autocomplete Matching": "",
"Starts with": "",
"Includes": "",
"Fuzzy": "",
"Sets the style of the autocomplete.": "",
"Autocomplete Style": "",
"Follow Theme": "",
"Dark": "",
"Sets the font size of the autocomplete.": "",
"Sets the width of the autocomplete.": "",
"Autocomplete Width": "",
"chat input box": "",
"entire chat width": "",
"full window width": "",
"STscript Settings": "STscript ",
"Sets default flags for the STscript parser.": " STscript ",
"Parser Flags": "",
"Switch to stricter escaping, allowing all delimiting characters to be escaped with a backslash, and backslashes to be escaped as well.": "使",
"Replace all {{getvar::}} and {{getglobalvar::}} macros with scoped variables to avoid double macro substitution.": " {{getvar::}} {{getglobalvar::}} ",
"Change Background Image": "",
"Filter": "",
"Automatically select a background based on the chat context": "",
"Auto-select": "",
"System Backgrounds": "",
"Chat Backgrounds": "",
"bg_chat_hint_1": "使",
"bg_chat_hint_2": "",
"Extensions": "",
"Notify on extension updates": "",
"Manage extensions": "",
"Import Extension From Git Repo": " Git ",
"Install extension": "",
"Extras API:": "Extras API:",
"Auto-connect": "",
"Extras API URL": "Extras API URL",
"Extras API key (optional)": "Extras API ()",
"Persona Management": "",
"How do I use this?": "使",
"Click for stats!": "",
"Usage Stats": "使",
"Backup your personas to a file": "",
"Backup": "",
"Restore your personas from a file": "",
"Restore": "",
"Create a dummy persona": "",
"Create": "",
"Toggle grid view": "",
"No persona description": "",
"Name": "",
"Enter your name": "",
"Click to set a new User Name": "使",
"Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "",
"Click to set user name for all messages": "使",
"Persona Description": "",
"Example: [{{user}} is a 28-year-old Romanian cat girl.]": "[{{user}} 28 ]",
"Tokens persona description": "",
"Position:": "",
"In Story String / Prompt Manager": " / ",
"Top of Author's Note": "",
"Bottom of Author's Note": "",
"In-chat @ Depth": " @ ",
"Depth:": "",
"Role:": "",
"System": "",
"User": "使",
"Assistant": "",
"Show notifications on switching personas": "",
"Character Management": "",
"Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": " = ",
"Select/Create Characters": "/",
"Favorite characters to add them to HotSwaps": "",
"Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "",
"Total tokens": "",
"Calculating...": "...",
"Tokens": "",
"Permanent tokens": "",
"Permanent": "",
"About Token 'Limits'": "",
"Toggle character info panel": "",
"Name this character": "",
"extension_token_counter": "",
"Click to select a new avatar for this character": "",
"Add to Favorites": "",
"Advanced Definition": "",
"Character Lore": "",
"Chat Lore": "",
"Export and Download": "",
"Duplicate Character": "",
"Create Character": "",
"Delete Character": "",
"More...": "...",
"Link to World Info": "",
"Import Card Lore": "",
"Scenario Override": "",
"Convert to Persona": "",
"Rename": "",
"Link to Source": "",
"Replace / Update": " / ",
"Import Tags": "",
"Search / Create Tags": "/",
"View all tags": "",
"Creator's Notes": "",
"Show / Hide Description and First Message": "/",
"Character Description": "",
"Click to allow/forbid the use of external media for this character.": "/使",
"Ext. Media": "",
"Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "",
"First message": "",
"Click to set additional greeting messages": "",
"Alt. Greetings": "",
"This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "",
"Group Controls": "",
"Chat Name (Optional)": "()",
"Click to select a new avatar for this group": "",
"Group reply strategy": "",
"Natural order": "",
"List order": "",
"Group generation handling mode": "",
"Swap character cards": "",
"Join character cards (exclude muted)": "()",
"Join character cards (include muted)": "()",
"Inserted before each part of the joined fields.": "",
"Join Prefix": "",
"When 'Join character cards' is selected, all respective fields of the characters are being joined together.This means that in the story string for example all character descriptions will be joined to one big text.If you want those fields to be separated, you can define a prefix or suffix here.This value supports normal macros and will also replace {{char}} with the relevant char's name and <FIELDNAME> with the name of the part (e.g.: description, personality, scenario, etc.)": "\r\r\r\r {{char}} <FIELDNAME> ",
"Inserted after each part of the joined fields.": "",
"Join Suffix": "",
"Set a group chat scenario": "",
"Click to allow/forbid the use of external media for this group.": "/使",
"Restore collage avatar": "",
"Allow self responses": "",
"Auto Mode": "",
"Auto Mode delay": "",
"Hide Muted Member Sprites": "",
"Current Members": "",
"Add Members": "",
"Create New Character": "",
"Import Character from File": "",
"Import content from external URL": " URL ",
"Create New Chat Group": "",
"Characters sorting order": "",
"A-Z": "A-Z",
"Z-A": "Z-A",
"Newest": "",
"Oldest": "",
"Favorites": "",
"Recent": "",
"Most chats": "",
"Least chats": "",
"Most tokens": "",
"Least tokens": "",
"Random": "",
"Toggle character grid view": "",
"Bulk_edit_characters": "\n\n\nShift + /\n",
"Bulk select all characters": "",
"Bulk delete characters": "",
"popup-button-save": "",
"popup-button-yes": "",
"popup-button-no": "",
"popup-button-cancel": "",
"popup-button-import": "",
"Advanced Defininitions": "- ",
"Prompt Overrides": "",
"(For Chat Completion and Instruct Mode)": "()",
"Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": " {{original}} ",
"Main Prompt": "",
"Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "使(v2 system_prompt)",
"Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "使(v2 post_history_instructions)",
"Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "( AI )",
"Creator's Metadata": "",
"(Not sent with the AI Prompt)": "( AI )",
"Everything here is optional": "",
"(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "( / )",
"(If you want to track character versions)": "()",
"(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "(使)",
"Tags to Embed": "",
"(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "(使)",
"Personality summary": "",
"(A brief description of the personality)": "()",
"Scenario": "",
"(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "()",
"Character's Note": "",
"(Text to be inserted in-chat @ designated depth and role)": "( @ )",
"@ Depth": "@ ",
"Role": "",
"Talkativeness": "",
"How often the character speaks in group chats!": "",
"How often the character speaks in": "",
"group chats!": "",
"Shy": "",
"Normal": "",
"Chatty": "",
"Examples of dialogue": "",
"Important to set the character's writing style.": "",
"(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "(START)",
"Save": "",
"Chat History": "",
"Import Chat": "",
"Copy to system backgrounds": "",
"Rename background": "",
"Lock": "",
"Unlock": "",
"Delete background": "",
"Chat Scenario Override": "",
"Remove": "",
"Type here...": "...",
"Chat Lorebook": "",
"Chat Lorebook for": "",
"chat_world_template_txt": "\n AI ",
"Select a World Info file for": "",
"Primary Lorebook": "",
"A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "",
"When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": " AI ",
"Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": " JSON ",
"Additional Lorebooks": "",
"Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "",
"NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "",
"Rename chat file": "",
"Export JSONL chat file": " JSONL ",
"Download chat as plain text document": "",
"Delete chat file": "",
"Drag to reorder tag": "",
"Use tag as folder": "",
"Delete tag": "",
"Entry Title/Memo": "/",
"WI Entry Status:🔵 Constant🟢 Normal🔗 Vectorized Disabled": "WI🔵🟢🔗",
"WI_Entry_Status_Constant": "🔵",
"WI_Entry_Status_Normal": "🟢",
"WI_Entry_Status_Vectorized": "🔗",
"WI_Entry_Status_Disabled": "",
"T_Position": "\n\n\n\n@",
"Before Char Defs": "",
"After Char Defs": "",
"Before EM": "",
"After EM": "",
"Before AN": "",
"After AN": "",
"at Depth System": "@D ",
"at Depth User": "@D 👤 使",
"at Depth AI": "@D 🤖 AI ",
"Depth": "",
"Order:": "",
"Order": "",
"Trigger %:": "%",
"Probability": "",
"Duplicate world info entry": "",
"Delete world info entry": "",
"Comma separated (required)": "()",
"Primary Keywords": "",
"Keywords or Regexes": "",
"Comma separated list": "",
"Switch to plaintext mode": "",
"Logic": "",
"AND ANY": "AND ",
"AND ALL": "AND ",
"NOT ALL": "NOT ",
"NOT ANY": "NOT ",
"(ignored if empty)": "()",
"Optional Filter": "",
"Keywords or Regexes (ignored if empty)": "()",
"Comma separated list (ignored if empty)": "()",
"Use global setting": "使",
"Case-Sensitive": "",
"Yes": "",
"No": "",
"Can be used to automatically activate Quick Replies": "",
"Automation ID": " ID",
"( None )": "( )",
"Content": "",
"Exclude from recursion": "",
"Prevent further recursion (this entry will not activate others)": "()",
"Delay until recursion (this entry can only be activated on recursive checking)": "()",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": " AI ",
"Filter to Character(s)": "",
"Character Exclusion": "",
"-- Characters not found --": "-- --",
"Inclusion Group": "",
"Inclusion Groups ensure only one entry from a group is activated at a time, if multiple are triggered.Documentation: World Info - Inclusion Group": "\r\r\r - ",
"Prioritize this entry: When checked, this entry is prioritized out of all selections.If multiple are prioritized, the one with the highest 'Order' is chosen.": "\r",
"Only one entry with the same label will be activated": "",
"A relative likelihood of entry activation within the group": "",
"Group Weight": "",
"Selective": "",
"Use Probability": "使",
"Add Memo": "",
"Text or token ids": " ID",
"close": "",
"prompt_manager_edit": "",
"prompt_manager_name": "",
"A name for this prompt.": "",
"To whom this message will be attributed.": "",
"AI Assistant": "",
"prompt_manager_position": "",
"Injection position. Next to other prompts (relative) or in-chat (absolute).": "",
"prompt_manager_relative": "",
"prompt_manager_depth": "",
"Injection depth. 0 = after the last message, 1 = before the last message, etc.": "0 = 1 = ",
"Prompt": "",
"The prompt to be sent.": "",
"This prompt cannot be overridden by character cards, even if overrides are preferred.": "使",
"prompt_manager_forbid_overrides": "",
"reset": "",
"save": "",
"This message is invisible for the AI": " AI ",
"Message Actions": "",
"Translate message": "",
"Generate Image": "",
"Narrate": "",
"Exclude message from prompts": "",
"Include message in prompts": "",
"Embed file or image": "",
"Create checkpoint": "",
"Create Branch": "",
"Copy": "",
"Open checkpoint chat": "",
"Edit": "",
"Confirm": "",
"Copy this message": "",
"Delete this message": "",
"Move message up": "",
"Move message down": "",
"Enlarge": "",
"Welcome to SillyTavern!": " SillyTavern!",
"welcome_message_part_1": "",
"welcome_message_part_2": "",
"welcome_message_part_3": "",
"welcome_message_part_4": "",
"welcome_message_part_5": "",
"welcome_message_part_6": "",
"Discord server": "",
"welcome_message_part_7": "",
"SillyTavern is aimed at advanced users.": "SillyTavern 使",
"If you're new to this, enable the simplified UI mode below.": " UI ",
"Change it later in the 'User Settings' panel.": "使",
"Enable simple UI mode": " UI ",
"Looking for AI characters?": " AI ",
"onboarding_import": "",
"from supported sources or view": "",
"Sample characters": "",
"Your Persona": "",
"Before you get started, you must select a persona name.": "",
"welcome_message_part_8": "",
"welcome_message_part_9": "",
"Persona Name:": "",
"Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "",
"Enable automatic replies from this character": "",
"Trigger a message from this character": "",
"Move up": "",
"Move down": "",
"View character card": "",
"Remove from group": "",
"Add to group": "",
"Alternate Greetings": "",
"Alternate_Greetings_desc": "\n",
"Alternate Greetings Hint": "",
"(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "()",
"Forbid Media Override explanation": "/使",
"Forbid Media Override subtitle": "",
"Always forbidden": "",
"Always allowed": "",
"View contents": "",
"Remove the file": "",
"Unique to this chat": "",
"Checkpoints inherit the Note from their parent, and can be changed individually after that.": "",
"Include in World Info Scanning": "",
"Before Main Prompt / Story String": " / ",
"After Main Prompt / Story String": " / ",
"as": "",
"Insertion Frequency": "",
"(0 = Disable, 1 = Always)": "(0 = , 1 = )",
"User inputs until next insertion:": "使",
"Character Author's Note (Private)": "()",
"Won't be shared with the character card on export.": "",
"Will be automatically added as the author's note for this character. Will be used in groups, but can't be modified when a group chat is open.": "使",
"Use character author's note": "使",
"Replace Author's Note": "",
"Default Author's Note": "",
"Will be automatically added as the Author's Note for all new chats.": "",
"Chat CFG": " CFG",
"1 = disabled": "1 = ",
"write short replies, write replies using past tense": "使",
"Positive Prompt": "",
"Use character CFG scales": "使 CFG ",
"Character CFG": " CFG",
"Will be automatically added as the CFG for this character.": " CFG",
"Global CFG": " CFG",
"Will be used as the default CFG options for every chat unless overridden.": " CFG ",
"CFG Prompt Cascading": "CFG ",
"Combine positive/negative prompts from other boxes.": "/",
"For example, ticking the chat, global, and character boxes combine all negative prompts into a comma-separated string.": "",
"Always Include": "",
"Chat Negatives": "",
"Character Negatives": "",
"Global Negatives": "",
"Custom Separator:": "",
"Insertion Depth:": "",
"Token Probabilities": "",
"Select a token to see alternatives considered by the AI.": " AI ",
"Not connected to API!": " API",
"Type a message, or /? for help": ", /? ",
"Continue script execution": "",
"Pause script execution": "",
"Abort script execution": "",
"Abort request": "",
"Continue the last message": "",
"Send a message": "",
"Close chat": "",
"Toggle Panels": "",
"Back to parent chat": "",
"Save checkpoint": "",
"Convert to group": "",
"Start new chat": "",
"Manage chat files": "",
"Delete messages": "",
"Regenerate": "",
"Ask AI to write your message for you": " AI ",
"Impersonate": "AI 使",
"Continue": "",
"Bind user name to that avatar": "使",
"Change persona image": "",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "",
"Delete persona": "",
"These characters are the winners of character design contests and have outstandable quality.": "",
"Contest Winners": "",
"These characters are the finalists of character design contests and have remarkable quality.": "",
"Featured Characters": "",
"Attach a File": "",
"Open Data Bank": "",
"Enter a URL or the ID of a Fandom wiki page to scrape:": " URL Fandom ID ",
"Examples:": "",
"Example:": "",
"Single file": "",
"All articles will be concatenated into a single file.": "",
"File per article": "",
"Each article will be saved as a separate file.": "",
"Data Bank": "",
"These files will be available for extensions that support attachments (e.g. Vector Storage).": "()",
"Supported file types: Plain Text, PDF, Markdown, HTML, EPUB.": "PDFMarkdownHTMLEPUB",
"Drag and drop files here to upload.": "",
"Date (Newest First)": "()",
"Date (Oldest First)": "()",
"Name (A-Z)": "(A-Z)",
"Name (Z-A)": "(Z-A)",
"Size (Smallest First)": "()",
"Size (Largest First)": "()",
"Bulk Edit": "",
"Select All": "",
"Select None": "",
"Global Attachments": "",
"These files are available for all characters in all chats.": "",
"Character Attachments": "",
"These files are available the current character in all chats they are in.": "",
"Saved locally. Not exported.": "",
"Chat Attachments": "",
"These files are available to all characters in the current chat.": "",
"Enter a base URL of the MediaWiki to scrape.": " MediaWiki URL",
"Don't include the page name!": "",
"Enter web URLs to scrape (one per line):": " URL()",
"Enter a video URL to download its transcript.": " URL ",
"Expression API": " API",
"Fallback Expression": "退",
"ext_sum_with": "",
"ext_sum_main_api": "API",
"ext_sum_current_summary": "",
"ext_sum_restore_previous": "",
"ext_sum_memory_placeholder": "...",
"Trigger a summary update right now.": "",
"ext_sum_force_text": "",
"Disable automatic summary updates. While paused, the summary remains as-is. You can still force an update by pressing the Summarize now button (which is only available with the Main API).": " Main API",
"ext_sum_pause": "",
"Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN.": "使 API API WI/AN",
"ext_sum_no_wi_an": "/",
"ext_sum_settings_tip": "",
"ext_sum_settings": "",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder": "",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_1_desc": "使",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_1": "",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_2_desc": "使",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_2": "",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_3_desc": "使",
"ext_sum_prompt_builder_3": "",
"Summary Prompt": "",
"ext_sum_restore_default_prompt_tip": "",
"ext_sum_prompt_placeholder": " AI {{words}} ",
"ext_sum_target_length_1": "",
"ext_sum_target_length_2": "",
"ext_sum_target_length_3": "",
"ext_sum_api_response_length_1": "API",
"ext_sum_api_response_length_2": "",
"ext_sum_api_response_length_3": "",
"ext_sum_0_default": "0 = ",
"ext_sum_raw_max_msg": "[] ",
"ext_sum_0_unlimited": "0 = ",
"Update frequency": "",
"ext_sum_update_every_messages_1": "",
"ext_sum_update_every_messages_2": "",
"ext_sum_0_disable": "0 = ",
"ext_sum_auto_adjust_desc": "調",
"ext_sum_update_every_words_1": "",
"ext_sum_update_every_words_2": "",
"ext_sum_both_sliders": "",
"ext_sum_injection_template": "",
"ext_sum_memory_template_placeholder": "{{summary}} ",
"ext_sum_injection_position": "",
"How many messages before the current end of the chat.": "",
"ext_regex_title": "",
"ext_regex_new_global_script": "+ ",
"ext_regex_new_scoped_script": "+ ",
"ext_regex_import_script": "",
"ext_regex_global_scripts": "",
"ext_regex_global_scripts_desc": "",
"ext_regex_scoped_scripts": "",
"ext_regex_scoped_scripts_desc": "",
"Regex Editor": "",
"Test Mode": "",
"ext_regex_desc": "(Regex)使/()",
"Input": "",
"ext_regex_test_input_placeholder": "...",
"Output": "",
"ext_regex_output_placeholder": "",
"Script Name": "",
"Find Regex": "",
"Replace With": "",
"ext_regex_replace_string_placeholder": "使 {{match}} $1$2 ",
"Trim Out": "",
"ext_regex_trim_placeholder": "",
"ext_regex_affects": "",
"ext_regex_user_input": "使",
"ext_regex_ai_output": "AI ",
"Slash Commands": "",
"ext_regex_min_depth_desc": " N 0 = 1 = ",
"Min Depth": "",
"ext_regex_min_depth_placeholder": "",
"ext_regex_max_depth_desc": " N 0 = 1 = ",
"ext_regex_other_options": "",
"Only Format Display": "",
"ext_regex_only_format_prompt_desc": "",
"Only Format Prompt (?)": "()",
"Run On Edit": "",
"ext_regex_substitute_regex_desc": " {{macros}}",
"Substitute Regex": "",
"ext_regex_import_target": "",
"ext_regex_disable_script": "",
"ext_regex_enable_script": "",
"ext_regex_edit_script": "",
"ext_regex_move_to_global": "",
"ext_regex_move_to_scoped": "",
"ext_regex_export_script": "",
"ext_regex_delete_script": "",
"Trigger Stable Diffusion": " Stable Diffusion",
"sd_Yourself": "",
"sd_Your_Face": "",
"sd_Me": "",
"sd_The_Whole_Story": "",
"sd_The_Last_Message": "",
"sd_Raw_Last_Message": "",
"sd_Background": "",
"Image Generation": "",
"sd_refine_mode": " API ",
"sd_refine_mode_txt": "",
"sd_interactive_mode": "",
"sd_interactive_mode_txt": "",
"sd_multimodal_captioning": "使使",
"sd_multimodal_captioning_txt": "使",
"sd_expand": "使",
"sd_expand_txt": "",
"sd_snap": "()調(SDXL)",
"sd_snap_txt": "調",
"Source": "",
"sd_auto_url": ": {{auto_url}}",
"Authentication (optional)": "()",
"Example: username:password": ":",
"Important:": "",
"sd_auto_auth_warning_1": "使",
"sd_auto_auth_warning_2": " SD Web UI SillyTavern ",
"sd_drawthings_url": ": {{drawthings_url}}",
"sd_drawthings_auth_txt": " DrawThings HTTP API SillyTavern ",
"sd_vlad_url": ": {{vlad_url}}",
"The server must be accessible from the SillyTavern host machine.": " SillyTavern ",
"Hint: Save an API key in Horde KoboldAI API settings to use it here.": " Horde KoboldAI API API 便使",
"Allow NSFW images from Horde": " Horde NSFW ",
"Sanitize prompts (recommended)": "()",
"Automatically adjust generation parameters to ensure free image generations.": "調",
"Avoid spending Anlas": " Anlas ",
"Opus tier": "Opus ",
"View my Anlas": " Anlas ",
"These settings only apply to DALL-E 3": " DALL-E 3",
"Image Style": "",
"Image Quality": "",
"Standard": "",
"HD": "",
"sd_comfy_url": ": {{comfy_url}}",
"Open workflow editor": " workflow ",
"Create new workflow": " workflow",
"Delete workflow": " workflow",
"Enhance": "",
"Refine": "",
"Decrisper": "",
"Sampling steps": "",
"Width": "(W)",
"Height": "(H)",
"Resolution": "",
"Model": "",
"Sampling method": "",
"Karras (not all samplers supported)": "Karras()",
"SMEA versions of samplers are modified to perform better at high resolution.": "SMEA ",
"DYN variants of SMEA samplers often lead to more varied output, but may fail at very high resolutions.": "SMEA DYN ",
"DYN": "DYN",
"Scheduler": "調",
"Restore Faces": "",
"Hires. Fix": "",
"Upscaler": "",
"Upscale by": "",
"Denoising strength": "",
"Hires steps (2nd pass)": " (2nd pass)",
"Preset for prompt prefix and negative prompt": "",
"Style": "",
"Save style": "",
"Delete style": "",
"Common prompt prefix": "",
"sd_prompt_prefix_placeholder": "使 {prompt} ",
"Negative common prompt prefix": "",
"Character-specific prompt prefix": "",
"Won't be used in groups.": "",
"sd_character_prompt_placeholder": "\n",
"Character-specific negative prompt prefix": "",
"sd_character_negative_prompt_placeholder": "",
"Shareable": "",
"Image Prompt Templates": "",
"Vectors Model Warning": "",
"Translate files into English before processing": "",
"Manager Users": "使",
"New User": "使",
"Status:": "",
"Created:": "",
"Display Name:": "",
"User Handle:": "使",
"Password:": "",
"Confirm Password:": "",
"This will create a new subfolder...": "...",
"Current Password:": "",
"New Password:": "",
"Confirm New Password:": "",
"Debug Warning": "",
"Execute": "",
"Are you sure you want to delete this user?": "使",
"Deleting:": "",
"Also wipe user data.": "使",
"Warning:": "",
"This action is irreversible.": "",
"Type the user's handle below to confirm:": "使",
"Import Characters": "",
"Enter the URL of the content to import": " URL",
"Supported sources:": "",
"char_import_1": "ChubID",
"char_import_example": "",
"char_import_2": "Chub LorebookID",
"char_import_3": "JanitorAI UUID",
"char_import_4": "Pygmalion.chat UUID",
"char_import_5": "AICharacterCard.com ID",
"char_import_6": " PNG ",
"char_import_7": "",
"char_import_8": "RisuRealm",
"Supports importing multiple characters.": "",
"Write each URL or ID into a new line.": " URL ID ",
"Export for character": "",
"Export prompts for this character, including their order.": "",
"Export all": "",
"Export all your prompts to a file": "",
"Insert prompt": "",
"Delete prompt": "",
"Import a prompt list": "",
"Export this prompt list": "",
"Reset current character": "",
"New prompt": "",
"Prompts": "",
"Total Tokens:": "",
"prompt_manager_tokens": "",
"Are you sure you want to reset your settings to factory defaults?": "",
"Don't forget to save a snapshot of your settings before proceeding.": "",
"Settings Snapshots": "",
"Record a snapshot of your current settings.": "",
"Make a Snapshot": "",
"Restore this snapshot": "",
"Hi,": "",
"To enable multi-account features, restart the SillyTavern server with": " config.yaml ",
"set to true in the config.yaml file.": " true SillyTavern ",
"Account Info": "",
"To change your user avatar, use the buttons below or select a default persona in the Persona Management menu.": "使使",
"Set your custom avatar.": "",
"Remove your custom avatar.": "",
"Handle:": "使",
"This account is password protected.": "",
"This account is not password protected.": "",
"Account Actions": "",
"Change Password": "",
"Manage your settings snapshots.": "",
"Download a complete backup of your user data.": "使",
"Download Backup": "",
"Danger Zone": "",
"Reset your settings to factory defaults.": "",
"Reset Settings": "",
"Wipe all user data and reset your account to factory settings.": "使",
"Reset Everything": "",
"Reset Code:": "",
"Want to update?": "",
"How to start chatting?": "",
"Click _space": "",
"and select a": "",
"Chat API": " API",
"and pick a character.": "",
"You can browse a list of bundled characters in the": "",
"Download Extensions & Assets": "",
"menu within": "",
"Confused or lost?": "",
"click these icons!": "",
"in the chat bar": "",
"SillyTavern Documentation Site": "SillyTavern ",
"Extras Installation Guide": "Extras ",
"Still have questions?": "",
"Join the SillyTavern Discord": " SillyTavern Discord",
"Post a GitHub issue": " GitHub ",
"Contact the developers": ""