
553 lines
33 KiB
Raw Blame History

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This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"UI Language": "言語",
"clickslidertips": "スライダーの右側の数字をクリックすると手動で入力できます。",
"kobldpresets": "Kobold 設定",
"guikoboldaisettings": "GUI KoboldAI 設定",
"novelaipreserts": "NovelAI 設定",
"default": "デフォルト",
"openaipresets": "OpenAI 設定",
"text gen webio(ooba) presets": "テキスト生成WebUI(ooba) 設定",
"response legth(tokens)": "応答長(トークン数)",
"select": "選択 ",
"context size(tokens)": "コンテキストサイズ(トークン数)",
"unlocked": "解除",
"Only select models support context sizes greater than 4096 tokens. Increase only if you know what you're doing.": "4096トークンより大きいコンテキストサイズをサポートするのは、一部のモデルのみです。このオプションを変更する前に、自分が何をしているかを理解してください。",
"rep.pen": "Rep. Pen.",
"rep.pen range": "Rep. Pen. 範囲",
"temperature": "温度",
"Encoder Rep. Pen.": "エンコーダー Rep. Pen.",
"No Repeat Ngram Size": "Ngram の非重複サイズ",
"Min Length": "最小長",
"OpenAI Reverse Proxy": "OpenAI 逆プロキシ",
"Alternative server URL (leave empty to use the default value).": "代替サーバーの URL (空白のままでデフォルト値を使用)。",
"Remove your real OAI API Key from the API panel BEFORE typing anything into this box": "このボックスに何かを入力する前に、APIパネルから本物のOAI APIキーを削除してください",
"We cannot provide support for problems encountered while using an unofficial OpenAI proxy": "非公式のOpenAIプロキシを使用して問題が発生した場合にはサポートを提供できません",
"Legacy Streaming Processing": "旧式のストリーミング処理",
"Enable this if the streaming doesn't work with your proxy": "ストリーミングがプロキシと互換性がない場合には、これを有効にしてください",
"Context Size (tokens)": "コンテキストサイズ(トークン数)",
"Max Response Length (tokens)": "最大応答長(トークン数)",
"Temperature": "温度",
"Frequency Penalty": "頻度ペナルティ",
"Presence Penalty": "存在ペナルティ",
"Top-p": "Top-p",
"Display bot response text chunks as they are generated": "生成されたボットの応答テキストチャンクを表示します",
"Top A": "Top-a",
"Typical Sampling": "典型的なサンプリング",
"Tail Free Sampling": "テイルフリーサンプリング",
"Rep. Pen. Slope": "Rep. Pen. スロープ",
"Single-line mode": "シングルラインモード",
"Top K": "Top-k",
"Top P": "Top-p",
"Do Sample": "サンプリングする",
"Add BOS Token": "BOSトークンを追加",
"Add the bos_token to the beginning of prompts. Disabling this can make the replies more creative.": "プロンプトの先頭にbos_tokenを追加します。これを無効にすると、回答がよりクリエイティブになることがあります。",
"Ban EOS Token": "EOSトークンを禁止",
"Ban the eos_token. This forces the model to never end the generation prematurely": "eos_tokenを禁止します。これにより、モデルは生成を早期に終了することはなくなります。",
"Skip Special Tokens": "特殊トークンをスキップ",
"Beam search": "ビームサーチ",
"Number of Beams": "ビーム数",
"Length Penalty": "長さペナルティ",
"Early Stopping": "早期停止",
"Contrastive search": "対照的探索",
"Penalty Alpha": "ペナルティアルファ",
"Seed": "シード",
"Inserts jailbreak as a last system message.": "最後のシステムメッセージに越狱を挿入します。",
"This tells the AI to ignore its usual content restrictions.": "これにより、AIは通常のコンテンツ制限を無視するように指示されます。",
"NSFW Encouraged": "NSFW推奨",
"Tell the AI that NSFW is allowed.": "AIにNSFWが許可されていることを伝えます。",
"NSFW Prioritized": "NSFW優先",
"NSFW prompt text goes first in the prompt to emphasize its effect.": "NSFWプロンプトテキストは、効果を強調するために最初に表示されます。",
"Streaming": "ストリーミング",
"Display the response bit by bit as it is generated.": "生成されると、レスポンスをビットごとに表示します。",
"When this is off, responses will be displayed all at once when they are complete.": "これをオフにすると、レスポンスは完了時に一度にすべて表示されます。",
"Generate only one line per request (KoboldAI only, ignored by KoboldCpp).": "リクエストごとに 1 行のみ生成します (KoboldAI のみ、KoboldCpp では無視されます)。",
"Ban the End-of-Sequence (EOS) token (with KoboldCpp, and possibly also other tokens with KoboldAI).": "End-of-Sequence (EOS) トークンを禁止します (KoboldCpp を使用し、場合によっては KoboldAI を使用する他のトークンも禁止します)。",
"Good for story writing, but should not be used for chat and instruct mode.": "ストーリーを書くのには適していますが、チャットや指示モードには使用しないでください。",
"Enhance Definitions": "定義を強化",
"Use OAI knowledge base to enhance definitions for public figures and known fictional characters": "公共人物および既知の架空のキャラクターの定義を強化するためにOAIの知識ベースを使用する",
"Wrap in Quotes": "引用符で囲む",
"Wrap entire user message in quotes before sending.": "送信前にユーザーメッセージ全体を引用符で囲みます。",
"Leave off if you use quotes manually for speech.": "手動で引用符を使用する場合は省略してください。",
"Main prompt": "メインプロンプト",
"The main prompt used to set the model behavior": "モデルの振る舞いを設定するために使用されるメインプロンプト",
"NSFW prompt": "NSFWプロンプト",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is on": "NSFWトグルがオンの場合に使用されるプロンプト",
"Jailbreak prompt": "越狱プロンプト",
"Prompt that is used when the Jailbreak toggle is on": "越狱トグルがオンの場合に使用されるプロンプト",
"Impersonation prompt": "なりすましプロンプト",
"Prompt that is used for Impersonation function": "なりすまし機能に使用されるプロンプト",
"Logit Bias": "Logitバイアス",
"Helps to ban or reenforce the usage of certain words": "特定の単語の使用を禁止または強化するのに役立ちます",
"View / Edit bias preset": "バイアスプリセットの表示/編集",
"Add bias entry": "バイアスエントリを追加",
"Jailbreak activation message": "越狱アクティベーションメッセージ",
"Message to send when auto-jailbreak is on.": "自動越狱がオンの場合に送信するメッセージ。",
"Jailbreak confirmation reply": "越狱確認返信",
"Bot must send this back to confirm jailbreak": "ボットは越狱を確認するためにこれを送信する必要があります。",
"Character Note": "キャラクターノート",
"Influences bot behavior in its responses": "返信中のボットの振る舞いに影響を与えます",
"API": "API",
"KoboldAI": "KoboldAI",
"Use Horde": "ホルドを使用",
"API url": "API URL",
"Register a Horde account for faster queue times": "より高速なキュータイムのために Horde アカウントを登録する",
"Learn how to contribute your idle GPU cycles to the Hord": "空いている GPU サイクルを Hord に貢献する方法を学ぶ",
"Adjust context size to worker capabilities": "ワーカー機能に合わせてコンテキストサイズを調整する",
"Adjust response length to worker capabilities": "ワーカー機能に合わせて応答長を調整する",
"API key": "API キー",
"Register": "登録する",
"For privacy reasons": "プライバシーのため、API キーはページをリロードするまで非表示になります",
"Model": "モデル",
"Hold Control / Command key to select multiple models.": "複数のモデルを選択するには、Control / Command キーを押してください。",
"Horde models not loaded": "Horde モデルがロードされていない",
"Not connected": "接続されていません",
"Novel API key": "NovelAI API キー",
"Follow": "以下の",
"these directions": "指示",
"to get your NovelAI API key.": "あなたの NovelAI API キーを取得するために。",
"Enter it in the box below": "以下のボックスに入力してください",
"Novel AI Model": "NovelAI モデル",
"No connection": "接続なし",
"oobabooga/text-generation-webui": "",
"Make sure you run it with": "必ず --extensions openai の引数を含めて起動してください",
"Blocking API url": "ブロッキング API URL",
"Streaming API url": "ストリーミング API URL",
"to get your OpenAI API key.": "あなたの OpenAI API キーを取得するために。",
"OpenAI Model": "OpenAI モデル",
"View API Usage Metrics": "API 使用メトリックスの表示",
"Bot": "ボット",
"Connect to the API": "API に接続",
"Auto-connect to Last Server": "前回のサーバーに自動接続",
"View hidden API keys": "非表示 API キーを表示",
"Advanced Formatting": "高度なフォーマット",
"AutoFormat Overrides": "自動フォーマットのオーバーライド",
"Disable description formatting": "説明フォーマットを無効にする",
"Disable personality formatting": "パーソナリティフォーマットを無効にする",
"Disable scenario formatting": "シナリオフォーマットを無効にする",
"Disable example chats formatting": "チャットの例のフォーマットを無効にする",
"Disable chat start formatting": "チャット開始フォーマットを無効にする",
"Custom Chat Separator": "カスタムチャットセパレーター",
"Instruct Mode": "インストラクトモード",
"Enabled": "有効",
"Wrap Sequences with Newline": "シーケンスを改行でラップする",
"Include Names": "名前を含める",
"System Prompt": "システムプロンプト",
"Instruct Mode Sequences": "命令モードシーケンス",
"Input Sequence": "入力シーケンス",
"First Output Sequence": "最初の出力シーケンス",
"Last Output Sequence": "最後の出力シーケンス",
"System Sequence Prefix": "システムシーケンスプレフィックス",
"System Sequence Suffix": "システムシーケンスサフィックス",
"Stop Sequence": "停止シーケンス",
"Context Formatting": "コンテキストフォーマッティング",
"Tokenizer": "トークナイザー",
"None / Estimated": "なし/推定",
"Sentencepiece (LLaMA)": "SentencepieceLLaMA",
"Token Padding": "トークンパディング",
"Always add character's name to prompt": "常にキャラクター名をプロンプトに追加",
"Keep Example Messages in Prompt": "プロンプトに例示メッセージを保持",
"Remove Empty New Lines from Output": "出力から空の改行を削除",
"Disabled for all models": "すべてのモデルで無効",
"Automatic (based on model name)": "自動(モデル名に基づく)",
"Enabled for all models": "すべてのモデルで有効",
"Anchors Order": "アンカーオーダー",
"Character then Style": "キャラクター、次にスタイル",
"Style then Character": "スタイル、次にキャラクター",
"Character Anchor": "キャラクターアンカー",
"Style Anchor": "スタイルアンカー",
"Scan Depth": "スキャン深度",
"depth": "深さ",
"Token Budget": "トークン予算",
"budget": "予算",
"Recursive scanning": "再帰的スキャン",
"None": "なし",
"User Settings": "ユーザー設定",
"UI Customization": "UIカスタマイズ",
"Avatar Style": "アバタースタイル",
"Circle": "丸",
"Rectangle": "四角形",
"Chat Style": "チャットスタイル:",
"Default": "デフォルト",
"Bubbles": "吹き出し",
"Chat Width (PC)": "チャット幅PC",
"No Blur Effect": "ボケ効果なし",
"No Text Shadows": "テキストシャドウなし",
"Waifu Mode": "♡ Waifuモード♡",
"Message Timer": "メッセージタイマー",
"Characters Hotswap": "キャラクターのホットスワップ",
"Movable UI Panels": "移動可能なUIパネル",
"Reset Panels": "パネルをリセットする",
"UI Colors": "UIの色",
"Main Text": "本文",
"Italics Text": "斜体テキスト",
"Quote Text": "引用テキスト",
"Shadow Color": "シャドウカラー",
"FastUI BG": "FastUI BG",
"Blur Tint": "ぼかし色合い",
"Font Scale": "フォントスケール",
"Blur Strength": "ぼかしの強度",
"Text Shadow Width": "テキストシャドウの幅",
"UI Theme Preset": "UIテーマプリセット",
"Power User Options": "パワーユーザーオプション",
"Swipes": "スワイプ",
"Background Sound Only": "背景音のみ",
"Auto-load Last Chat": "最後のチャットを自動読み込み",
"Auto-save Message Edits": "メッセージの編集を自動保存",
"Auto-fix Markdown": "Markdownを自動修正",
"Allow : in bot messages": "ボットメッセージで「:」を許可する",
"Auto-scroll Chat": "チャット自動スクロール",
"Render Formulas": "数式のレンダリング",
"Send on Enter": "エンター入力で送信",
"Always disabled": "常に無効",
"Automatic (desktop)": "自動(デスクトップ)",
"Always enabled": "常に有効",
"Name": "名前",
"Your Avatar": "あなたのアバター",
"Extensions API:": "拡張機能API",
"SillyTavern-extras": "SillyTavern-extras",
"Auto-connect": "自動接続",
"Active extensions": "アクティブな拡張機能",
"Extension settings": "拡張機能の設定",
"Description": "説明",
"First message": "最初のメッセージ",
"Group Controls": "グループのコントロール",
"Group reply strategy": "グループの返信戦略",
"Natural order": "自然な順序",
"List order": "リストの順序",
"Allow self responses": "自己応答を許可する",
"Auto Mode": "自動モード",
"Add Members": "メンバーを追加",
"Current Members": "現在のメンバー",
"text": "テキスト",
"Delete": "削除",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Advanced Defininitions": "高度な定義",
"Personality summary": "性格の概要",
"A brief description of the personality": "性格の簡単な説明",
"Scenario": "シナリオ",
"Circumstances and context of the dialogue": "対話の状況と文脈",
"Talkativeness": "おしゃべり度",
"How often the chracter speaks in": "グループチャットでの話し方",
"group chats!": "",
"Shy": "内気",
"Normal": "普通",
"Chatty": "おしゃべりさん",
"Examples of dialogue": "対話の例",
"Forms a personality more clearly": "個性をより明確に形成する",
"Save": "保存",
"World Info Editor": "情報エディタ",
"New Entry": "新規エントリ",
"Export": "エクスポート",
"Delete World": "ワールドの削除",
"Chat History": "チャット履歴",
"Group Chat Scenario Override": "グループチャットシナリオのオーバーライド",
"All group members will use the following scenario text instead of what is specified in their character cards.": "すべてのグループメンバーは、キャラクターカードで指定されたものではなく、以下のシナリオテキストを使用します。",
"Keywords": "キーワード",
"Separate with commas": "コンマで区切る",
"Secondary Required Keywords": "必須の秒要キーワード",
"Content": "内容",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI": "このキーワードがAIにとってどういう意味を持つべきか",
"Memo/Note": "メモ/ノート",
"Not sent to AI": "AIに送信されない",
"Constant": "定数",
"Selective": "選択",
"Before Char": "文字の前に",
"After Char": "文字の後に",
"Insertion Order": "挿入順",
"Tokens:": "トークン",
"Disable": "無効にする",
"${characterName}": "${キャラクター名}",
"CHAR": "文字",
"is typing": "入力中...",
"Back to parent chat": "親チャットに戻る",
"Save bookmark": "ブックマークに保存",
"Convert to group": "グループに変換",
"Start new chat": "新しいチャットを開始",
"View past chats": "過去のチャットを表示",
"Delete messages": "メッセージを削除",
"Impersonate": "なりすます",
"Regenerate": "再生成",
"PNG": "PNG",
"presets": "プリセット",
"Message Sound": "メッセージ音",
"Author's Note": "作者の注記",
"Send Jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Replace empty message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Send this text instead of nothing when the text box is empty.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"NSFW avoidance prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Prompt that is used when the NSFW toggle is off": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Advanced prompt bits": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"World Info format template": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Wraps activated World Info entries before inserting into the prompt. Use {0} to mark a place where the content is inserted.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Unrestricted maximum value for the context slider": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Chat Completion Source": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Avoid sending sensitive information to the Horde.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Review the Privacy statement": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Learn how to contribute your idel GPU cycles to the Horde": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Trusted workers only": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"For privacy reasons, your API key will be hidden after you reload the page.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"-- Horde models not loaded --": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"No connection...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Get your NovelAI API Key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Text Gen WebUI (ooba)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Chat Completion (OpenAI, Claude, Window/OpenRouter, Scale)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Trim spaces": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Trim Incomplete Sentences": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Include Newline": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Non-markdown strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Replace Macro in Sequences": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Start Reply With": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Show reply prefix in chat": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Worlds/Lorebooks": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Active World(s)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Lore Insertion Strategy": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Sorted Evenly": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Lore First": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Global Lore First": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"-- World Info not found --": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Recursive Scan": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Case Sensitive": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Match whole words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"World/Lore Editor": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"--- None ---": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Comma seperated (ignored if empty)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Use Probability": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Exclude from recursion": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Before Char Defs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"After Char Defs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Probability:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete Entry": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"User Message Blur Tint": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"AI Message Blur Tint": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Chat Width (PC):": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Chat Timestamps": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Prefer Character Card Prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Prefer Character Card Jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Press Send to continue": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Log prompts to console": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Never resize avatars": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Show avatar filenames": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import Card Tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Confirm message deletion": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Spoiler Free Mode": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Auto-swipe": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Minimum generated message length": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Blacklisted words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Blacklisted word count to swipe": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Not Connected": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Persona Management": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Persona Description": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: Before Character Card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"In Story String / Chat Completion: After Character Card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Top of Author's Note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Bottom of Author's Note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"How do I use this?": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Link to World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import Card Lore": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Scenario Override": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Description": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Creator's Notes": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Most chats": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Least chats": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Prompt Overrides (For OpenAI/Claude/Scale APIs, Window/OpenRouter, and Instruct mode)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Insert {{original}} into either box to include the respective default prompt from system settings.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Creator's Metadata (Not sent with the AI prompt)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Everything here is optional": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Created by": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Version": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Tags to Embed": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"How often the character speaks in group chats!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Important to set the character's writing style.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Samplers Order": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Samplers will be applied in a top-down order. Use with caution.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Repetition Penalty": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Epsilon Cutoff": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Rep. Pen. Range.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Rep. Pen. Freq.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Rep. Pen. Presence": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Enter it in the box below:": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"separate with commas w/o space between": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Suggest replies": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Show suggested replies. Not all bots support this.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Use 'Unlocked Context' to enable chunked generation.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"It extends the context window in exchange for reply generation speed.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"AI reply prefix": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Custom Stopping Strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"JSON serialized array of strings": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"words you dont want generated separated by comma ','": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Enter your name": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Name this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Search / Create Tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Describe your character's physical and mental traits here.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Chat Name (Optional)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Any contents here will replace the default Main Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: system_prompt)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Any contents here will replace the default Jailbreak Prompt used for this character. (v2 spec: post_history_instructions)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(Botmaker's name / Contact Info)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(If you want to track character versions)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(Describe the bot, give use tips, or list the chat models it has been tested on. This will be displayed in the character list.)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(Write a comma-separated list of tags)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(A brief description of the personality)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(Circumstances and context of the interaction)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(Examples of chat dialog. Begin each example with START on a new line.)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Injection text (supports parameters)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Injection depth": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Type here...": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Comma separated (required)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Comma separated (ignored if empty)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"What this keyword should mean to the AI, sent verbatim": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Not sent to the AI": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"(This will be the first message from the character that starts every chat)": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Not connected to API!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"AI Response Configuration": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"AI Configuration panel will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Update current preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create new preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Export preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete the preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"NSFW block goes first in the resulting prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Enables OpenAI completion streaming": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Wrap user messages in quotes before sending": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Restore default prompt": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"New preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete preset": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Restore default jailbreak": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Restore default reply": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Restore defaul note": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Can help with bad responses by queueing only the approved workers. May slowdown the response time.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Clear your API key": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Refresh models": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Get your OpenRouter API token using OAuth flow. You will be redirected to": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Verifies your API connection by sending a short test message. Be aware that you'll be credited for it!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Locked = World Editor will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Entries can activate other entries by mentioning their keywords": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Lookup for the entry keys in the context will respect the case": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"If the entry key consists of only one word, it would not be matched as part of other words": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Open all Entries": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Close all Entries": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Export World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Rename World Info": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Save changes to a new theme file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"removes blur and uses alternative background color for divs": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"If checked and the character card contains a prompt override (System Prompt), use that instead.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"If checked and the character card contains a jailbreak override (Post History Instruction), use that instead.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"AI Response Formatting": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Change Background Image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Extensions": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to set a new User Name": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to lock your selected persona to the current chat. Click again to remove the lock.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to set user name for all messages": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create a dummy persona": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Management": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Locked = Character Management panel will stay open": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Select/Create Characters": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Token counts may be inaccurate and provided just for reference.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to select a new avatar for this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Add to Favorites": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Advanced Definition": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Character Lore": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Export and Download": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Duplicate Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"View all tags": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to set additional greeting messages": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Show / Hide Description and First Message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Click to select a new avatar for this group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Set a group chat scenario": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Restore collage avatar": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create New Character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import Character from File": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Import content from external URL": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create New Chat Group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Characters sorting order": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Add chat injection": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Remove injection": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Select a World Info file for": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Primary Lorebook": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"A selected World Info will be bound to this character as its own Lorebook.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"When generating an AI reply, it will be combined with the entries from a global World Info selector.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Exporting a character would also export the selected Lorebook file embedded in the JSON data.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Additional Lorebooks": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Associate one or more auxillary Lorebooks with this character.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"NOTE: These choices are optional and won't be preserved on character export!": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Rename chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Export JSONL chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Download chat as plain text document": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete chat file": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete tag": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Translate message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Generate Image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Create Bookmark": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Open bookmark chat": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Copy this message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete this message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Move message up": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Move message down": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Temporarily disable automatic replies from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Enable automatic replies from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Trigger a message from this character": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"View character card": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Remove from group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Add to group": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Abort request": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Send a message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Ask AI to write your message for you": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Continue the last message": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Bind user name to that avatar": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Select this as default persona for the new chats.": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Change persona image": "NEEDS TRANSLATION",
"Delete persona": "NEEDS TRANSLATION"