mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 11:27:50 +01:00
669 lines
28 KiB
669 lines
28 KiB
import { getStringHash, debounce, waitUntilCondition, extractAllWords } from '../../utils.js';
import { getContext, getApiUrl, extension_settings, doExtrasFetch, modules } from '../../extensions.js';
import { animation_duration, eventSource, event_types, extension_prompt_types, generateQuietPrompt, is_send_press, saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams } from '../../../script.js';
import { is_group_generating, selected_group } from '../../group-chats.js';
import { registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js';
import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js';
import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from '../../tokenizers.js';
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = '1_memory';
let lastCharacterId = null;
let lastGroupId = null;
let lastChatId = null;
let lastMessageHash = null;
let lastMessageId = null;
let inApiCall = false;
const formatMemoryValue = function (value) {
if (!value) {
return '';
value = value.trim();
if (extension_settings.memory.template) {
let result = extension_settings.memory.template.replace(/{{summary}}/i, value);
return substituteParams(result);
} else {
return `Summary: ${value}`;
const saveChatDebounced = debounce(() => getContext().saveChat(), 2000);
const summary_sources = {
'extras': 'extras',
'main': 'main',
const defaultPrompt = '[Pause your roleplay. Summarize the most important facts and events that have happened in the chat so far. If a summary already exists in your memory, use that as a base and expand with new facts. Limit the summary to {{words}} words or less. Your response should include nothing but the summary.]';
const defaultTemplate = '[Summary: {{summary}}]';
const defaultSettings = {
memoryFrozen: false,
SkipWIAN: false,
source: summary_sources.extras,
prompt: defaultPrompt,
template: defaultTemplate,
position: extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT,
depth: 2,
promptWords: 200,
promptMinWords: 25,
promptMaxWords: 1000,
promptWordsStep: 25,
promptInterval: 10,
promptMinInterval: 0,
promptMaxInterval: 100,
promptIntervalStep: 1,
promptForceWords: 0,
promptForceWordsStep: 100,
promptMinForceWords: 0,
promptMaxForceWords: 10000,
function loadSettings() {
if (Object.keys(extension_settings.memory).length === 0) {
Object.assign(extension_settings.memory, defaultSettings);
for (const key of Object.keys(defaultSettings)) {
if (extension_settings.memory[key] === undefined) {
extension_settings.memory[key] = defaultSettings[key];
$('#memory_frozen').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen).trigger('input');
$('#memory_skipWIAN').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN).trigger('input');
$(`input[name="memory_position"][value="${extension_settings.memory.position}"]`).prop('checked', true).trigger('input');
function onSummarySourceChange(event) {
const value = event.target.value;
extension_settings.memory.source = value;
function switchSourceControls(value) {
$('#memory_settings [data-source]').each((_, element) => {
const source = $(element).data('source');
$(element).toggle(source === value);
function onMemoryFrozenInput() {
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen = value;
function onMemorySkipWIANInput() {
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN = value;
function onMemoryPromptWordsInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptWords = Number(value);
function onMemoryPromptIntervalInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptInterval = Number(value);
function onMemoryPromptInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.prompt = value;
function onMemoryTemplateInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.template = value;
function onMemoryDepthInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.depth = Number(value);
function onMemoryPositionChange(e) {
const value = e.target.value;
extension_settings.memory.position = value;
function onMemoryPromptWordsForceInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords = Number(value);
function saveLastValues() {
const context = getContext();
lastGroupId = context.groupId;
lastCharacterId = context.characterId;
lastChatId = context.chatId;
lastMessageId = context.chat?.length ?? null;
lastMessageHash = getStringHash((context.chat.length && context.chat[context.chat.length - 1]['mes']) ?? '');
function getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat) {
if (!Array.isArray(chat) || !chat.length) {
return '';
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
for (let mes of reversedChat) {
if (mes.extra && mes.extra.memory) {
return mes.extra.memory;
return '';
async function onChatEvent() {
// Module not enabled
if (extension_settings.memory.source === summary_sources.extras) {
if (!modules.includes('summarize')) {
const context = getContext();
const chat = context.chat;
// no characters or group selected
if (!context.groupId && context.characterId === undefined) {
// Generation is in progress, summary prevented
if (is_send_press) {
// Chat/character/group changed
if ((context.groupId && lastGroupId !== context.groupId) || (context.characterId !== lastCharacterId) || (context.chatId !== lastChatId)) {
const latestMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
setMemoryContext(latestMemory, false);
// Currently summarizing or frozen state - skip
if (inApiCall || extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen) {
// No new messages - do nothing
if (chat.length === 0 || (lastMessageId === chat.length && getStringHash(chat[chat.length - 1].mes) === lastMessageHash)) {
// Messages has been deleted - rewrite the context with the latest available memory
if (chat.length < lastMessageId) {
const latestMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
setMemoryContext(latestMemory, false);
// Message has been edited / regenerated - delete the saved memory
if (chat.length
&& chat[chat.length - 1].extra
&& chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory
&& lastMessageId === chat.length
&& getStringHash(chat[chat.length - 1].mes) !== lastMessageHash) {
delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory;
try {
await summarizeChat(context);
catch (error) {
finally {
async function forceSummarizeChat() {
if (extension_settings.memory.source === summary_sources.extras) {
toastr.warning('Force summarization is not supported for Extras API');
const context = getContext();
const skipWIAN = extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN;
console.log(`Skipping WIAN? ${skipWIAN}`);
if (!context.chatId) {
toastr.warning('No chat selected');
toastr.info('Summarizing chat...', 'Please wait');
const value = await summarizeChatMain(context, true, skipWIAN);
if (!value) {
toastr.warning('Failed to summarize chat');
async function summarizeChat(context) {
const skipWIAN = extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN;
switch (extension_settings.memory.source) {
case summary_sources.extras:
await summarizeChatExtras(context);
case summary_sources.main:
await summarizeChatMain(context, false, skipWIAN);
async function summarizeChatMain(context, force, skipWIAN) {
if (extension_settings.memory.promptInterval === 0 && !force) {
console.debug('Prompt interval is set to 0, skipping summarization');
try {
// Wait for group to finish generating
if (selected_group) {
await waitUntilCondition(() => is_group_generating === false, 1000, 10);
// Wait for the send button to be released
waitUntilCondition(() => is_send_press === false, 30000, 100);
} catch {
console.debug('Timeout waiting for is_send_press');
if (!context.chat.length) {
console.debug('No messages in chat to summarize');
if (context.chat.length < extension_settings.memory.promptInterval && !force) {
console.debug(`Not enough messages in chat to summarize (chat: ${context.chat.length}, interval: ${extension_settings.memory.promptInterval})`);
let messagesSinceLastSummary = 0;
let wordsSinceLastSummary = 0;
let conditionSatisfied = false;
for (let i = context.chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (context.chat[i].extra && context.chat[i].extra.memory) {
wordsSinceLastSummary += extractAllWords(context.chat[i].mes).length;
if (messagesSinceLastSummary >= extension_settings.memory.promptInterval) {
conditionSatisfied = true;
if (extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords && wordsSinceLastSummary >= extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords) {
conditionSatisfied = true;
if (!conditionSatisfied && !force) {
console.debug(`Summary conditions not satisfied (messages: ${messagesSinceLastSummary}, interval: ${extension_settings.memory.promptInterval}, words: ${wordsSinceLastSummary}, force words: ${extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords})`);
console.log('Summarizing chat, messages since last summary: ' + messagesSinceLastSummary, 'words since last summary: ' + wordsSinceLastSummary);
const prompt = extension_settings.memory.prompt?.replace(/{{words}}/gi, extension_settings.memory.promptWords);
if (!prompt) {
console.debug('Summarization prompt is empty. Skipping summarization.');
console.log('sending summary prompt');
const summary = await generateQuietPrompt(prompt, false, skipWIAN);
const newContext = getContext();
// something changed during summarization request
if (newContext.groupId !== context.groupId
|| newContext.chatId !== context.chatId
|| (!newContext.groupId && (newContext.characterId !== context.characterId))) {
console.log('Context changed, summary discarded');
setMemoryContext(summary, true);
return summary;
async function summarizeChatExtras(context) {
function getMemoryString() {
return (longMemory + '\n\n' + memoryBuffer.slice().reverse().join('\n\n')).trim();
const chat = context.chat;
const longMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
const memoryBuffer = [];
const CONTEXT_SIZE = 1024 - 64;
for (const message of reversedChat) {
// we reached the point of latest memory
if (longMemory && message.extra && message.extra.memory == longMemory) {
// don't care about system
if (message.is_system) {
// determine the sender's name
const entry = `${message.name}:\n${message.mes}`;
// check if token limit was reached
const tokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, getMemoryString()).length;
if (tokens >= CONTEXT_SIZE) {
const resultingString = getMemoryString();
const resultingTokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, resultingString).length;
if (!resultingString || resultingTokens < CONTEXT_SIZE) {
console.debug('Not enough context to summarize');
// perform the summarization API call
try {
inApiCall = true;
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/summarize';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass',
body: JSON.stringify({
text: resultingString,
params: {},
if (apiResult.ok) {
const data = await apiResult.json();
const summary = data.summary;
const newContext = getContext();
// something changed during summarization request
if (newContext.groupId !== context.groupId
|| newContext.chatId !== context.chatId
|| (!newContext.groupId && (newContext.characterId !== context.characterId))) {
console.log('Context changed, summary discarded');
setMemoryContext(summary, true);
catch (error) {
finally {
inApiCall = false;
function onMemoryRestoreClick() {
const context = getContext();
const content = $('#memory_contents').val();
const reversedChat = context.chat.slice().reverse();
for (let mes of reversedChat) {
if (mes.extra && mes.extra.memory == content) {
delete mes.extra.memory;
const newContent = getLatestMemoryFromChat(context.chat);
setMemoryContext(newContent, false);
function onMemoryContentInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
setMemoryContext(value, true);
function reinsertMemory() {
const existingValue = $('#memory_contents').val();
setMemoryContext(existingValue, false);
function setMemoryContext(value, saveToMessage) {
const context = getContext();
context.setExtensionPrompt(MODULE_NAME, formatMemoryValue(value), extension_settings.memory.position, extension_settings.memory.depth);
console.log('Summary set to: ' + value);
console.debug('Position: ' + extension_settings.memory.position);
console.debug('Depth: ' + extension_settings.memory.depth);
if (saveToMessage && context.chat.length) {
const idx = context.chat.length - 2;
const mes = context.chat[idx < 0 ? 0 : idx];
if (!mes.extra) {
mes.extra = {};
mes.extra.memory = value;
function doPopout(e) {
const target = e.target;
//repurposes the zoomed avatar template to server as a floating div
if ($('#summaryExtensionPopout').length === 0) {
console.debug('did not see popout yet, creating');
const originalHTMLClone = $(target).parent().parent().parent().find('.inline-drawer-content').html();
const originalElement = $(target).parent().parent().parent().find('.inline-drawer-content');
const template = $('#zoomed_avatar_template').html();
const controlBarHtml = `<div class="panelControlBar flex-container">
<div id="summaryExtensionPopoutheader" class="fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber hoverglow"></div>
<div id="summaryExtensionPopoutClose" class="fa-solid fa-circle-xmark hoverglow dragClose"></div>
const newElement = $(template);
newElement.attr('id', 'summaryExtensionPopout')
const prevSummaryBoxContents = $('#memory_contents').val(); //copy summary box before emptying
originalElement.html('<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter justifyCenter wide100p"><small>Currently popped out</small></div>');
setMemoryContext(prevSummaryBoxContents, false); //paste prev summary box contents into popout box
//setup listener for close button to restore extensions menu
$('#summaryExtensionPopoutClose').off('click').on('click', function () {
const summaryPopoutHTML = $('#summaryExtensionDrawerContents');
$('#summaryExtensionPopout').fadeOut(animation_duration, () => {
} else {
console.debug('saw existing popout, removing');
$('#summaryExtensionPopout').fadeOut(animation_duration, () => { $('#summaryExtensionPopoutClose').trigger('click'); });
function setupListeners() {
//setup shared listeners for popout and regular ext menu
$('#memory_restore').off('click').on('click', onMemoryRestoreClick);
$('#memory_contents').off('click').on('input', onMemoryContentInput);
$('#memory_frozen').off('click').on('input', onMemoryFrozenInput);
$('#memory_skipWIAN').off('click').on('input', onMemorySkipWIANInput);
$('#summary_source').off('click').on('change', onSummarySourceChange);
$('#memory_prompt_words').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptWordsInput);
$('#memory_prompt_interval').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptIntervalInput);
$('#memory_prompt').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptInput);
$('#memory_force_summarize').off('click').on('click', forceSummarizeChat);
$('#memory_template').off('click').on('input', onMemoryTemplateInput);
$('#memory_depth').off('click').on('input', onMemoryDepthInput);
$('input[name="memory_position"]').off('click').on('change', onMemoryPositionChange);
$('#memory_prompt_words_force').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptWordsForceInput);
$('#summarySettingsBlockToggle').off('click').on('click', function () {
console.log('saw settings button click');
$('#summarySettingsBlock').slideToggle(200, 'swing'); //toggleClass("hidden");
jQuery(function () {
function addExtensionControls() {
const settingsHtml = `
<div id="memory_settings">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter margin0"><b>Summarize</b><i id="summaryExtensionPopoutButton" class="fa-solid fa-window-restore menu_button margin0"></i></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<div id="summaryExtensionDrawerContents">
<label for="summary_source">Summarize with:</label>
<select id="summary_source">
<option value="main">Main API</option>
<option value="extras">Extras API</option>
<div class="flex-container justifyspacebetween alignitemscenter">
<span class="flex1">Current summary:</span>
<div id="memory_restore" class="menu_button flex1 margin0"><span>Restore Previous</span></div>
<textarea id="memory_contents" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="6" placeholder="Summary will be generated here..."></textarea>
<div class="memory_contents_controls">
<div id="memory_force_summarize" data-source="main" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Trigger a summary update right now." data-i18n="Trigger a summary update right now.">
<i class="fa-solid fa-database"></i>
<span>Summarize now</span>
<label for="memory_frozen" title="Disable automatic summary updates. While paused, the summary remains as-is. You can still force an update by pressing the Summarize now button (which is only available with the Main API)." data-i18n="[title]Disable automatic summary updates. While paused, the summary remains as-is. You can still force an update by pressing the Summarize now button (which is only available with the Main API)."><input id="memory_frozen" type="checkbox" />Pause</label>
<label for="memory_skipWIAN" title="Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN." data-i18n="[title]Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN."><input id="memory_skipWIAN" type="checkbox" />No WI/AN</label>
<div class="memory_contents_controls">
<div id="summarySettingsBlockToggle" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Edit summarization prompt, insertion position, etc.">
<i class="fa-solid fa-cog"></i>
<span>Summary Settings</span>
<div id="summarySettingsBlock" style="display:none;">
<div class="memory_template">
<label for="memory_template">Insertion Template</label>
<textarea id="memory_template" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="2" placeholder="{{summary}} will resolve to the current summary contents."></textarea>
<label for="memory_position">Injection Position</label>
<div class="radio_group">
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="2" />
Before Main Prompt / Story String
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="0" />
After Main Prompt / Story String
<label for="memory_depth" title="How many messages before the current end of the chat." data-i18n="[title]How many messages before the current end of the chat.">
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="1" />
In-chat @ Depth <input id="memory_depth" class="text_pole widthUnset" type="number" min="0" max="999" />
<div data-source="main" class="memory_contents_controls">
<div data-source="main">
<label for="memory_prompt" class="title_restorable">
Summary Prompt
<textarea id="memory_prompt" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="6" placeholder="This prompt will be sent to AI to request the summary generation. {{words}} will resolve to the 'Number of words' parameter."></textarea>
<label for="memory_prompt_words">Summary length (<span id="memory_prompt_words_value"></span> words)</label>
<input id="memory_prompt_words" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptWordsStep}" />
<label for="memory_prompt_interval">Update every <span id="memory_prompt_interval_value"></span> messages</label>
<small>0 = disable</small>
<input id="memory_prompt_interval" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptInterval}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinInterval}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxInterval}" step="${defaultSettings.promptIntervalStep}" />
<label for="memory_prompt_words_force">Update every <span id="memory_prompt_words_force_value"></span> words</label>
<small>0 = disable</small>
<input id="memory_prompt_words_force" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptForceWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinForceWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxForceWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptForceWordsStep}" />
<small>If both sliders are non-zero, then both will trigger summary updates a their respective intervals.</small>
$('#summaryExtensionPopoutButton').off('click').on('click', function (e) {
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_EDITED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, onChatEvent);
registerSlashCommand('summarize', forceSummarizeChat, [], '– forces the summarization of the current chat using the Main API', true, true);