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synced 2025-03-16 12:00:11 +01:00
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588 lines
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import { Handlebars, moment, seedrandom, droll } from '../lib.js';
import { chat, chat_metadata, main_api, getMaxContextSize, getCurrentChatId, substituteParams, eventSource, event_types } from '../script.js';
import { timestampToMoment, isDigitsOnly, getStringHash, escapeRegex, uuidv4 } from './utils.js';
import { textgenerationwebui_banned_in_macros } from './textgen-settings.js';
import { getInstructMacros } from './instruct-mode.js';
import { getVariableMacros } from './variables.js';
import { isMobile } from './RossAscends-mods.js';
* @typedef Macro
* @property {RegExp} regex - Regular expression to match the macro
* @property {(substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string} replace - Function to replace the macro
// Register any macro that you want to leave in the compiled story string
Handlebars.registerHelper('trim', () => '{{trim}}');
// Catch-all helper for any macro that is not defined for story strings
Handlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', function () {
const options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
const macroName = options.name;
return substituteParams(`{{${macroName}}}`);
* @typedef {Object<string, *>} EnvObject
* @typedef {(nonce: string) => string} MacroFunction
* @typedef {Object} CustomMacro
* @property {string} key - Macro name (key)
* @property {string} description - Optional description of the macro
export class MacrosParser {
* A map of registered macros.
* @type {Map<string, string|MacroFunction>}
static #macros = new Map();
* A map of macro descriptions.
* @type {Map<string, string>}
static #descriptions = new Map();
* Returns an iterator over all registered macros.
* @returns {IterableIterator<CustomMacro>}
static [Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
for (const macro of MacrosParser.#macros.keys()) {
yield { key: macro, description: MacrosParser.#descriptions.get(macro) };
* Registers a global macro that can be used anywhere where substitution is allowed.
* @param {string} key Macro name (key)
* @param {string|MacroFunction} value A string or a function that returns a string
* @param {string} [description] Optional description of the macro
static registerMacro(key, value, description = '') {
if (typeof key !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Macro key must be a string');
// Allowing surrounding whitespace would just create more confusion...
key = key.trim();
if (!key) {
throw new Error('Macro key must not be empty or whitespace only');
if (key.startsWith('{{') || key.endsWith('}}')) {
throw new Error('Macro key must not include the surrounding braces');
if (typeof value !== 'string' && typeof value !== 'function') {
console.warn(`Macro value for "${key}" will be converted to a string`);
value = this.sanitizeMacroValue(value);
if (this.#macros.has(key)) {
console.warn(`Macro ${key} is already registered`);
this.#macros.set(key, value);
if (typeof description === 'string' && description) {
this.#descriptions.set(key, description);
* Unregisters a global macro with the given key
* @param {string} key Macro name (key)
static unregisterMacro(key) {
if (typeof key !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Macro key must be a string');
// Allowing surrounding whitespace would just create more confusion...
key = key.trim();
if (!key) {
throw new Error('Macro key must not be empty or whitespace only');
const deleted = this.#macros.delete(key);
if (!deleted) {
console.warn(`Macro ${key} was not registered`);
* Populate the env object with macro values from the current context.
* @param {EnvObject} env Env object for the current evaluation context
* @returns {void}
static populateEnv(env) {
if (!env || typeof env !== 'object') {
console.warn('Env object is not provided');
// No macros are registered
if (this.#macros.size === 0) {
for (const [key, value] of this.#macros) {
env[key] = value;
* Performs a type-check on the macro value and returns a sanitized version of it.
* @param {any} value Value returned by a macro
* @returns {string} Sanitized value
static sanitizeMacroValue(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value;
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return '';
if (value instanceof Promise) {
console.warn('Promises are not supported as macro values');
return '';
if (typeof value === 'function') {
console.warn('Functions are not supported as macro values');
return '';
if (value instanceof Date) {
return value.toISOString();
if (typeof value === 'object') {
return JSON.stringify(value);
return String(value);
* Gets a hashed id of the current chat from the metadata.
* If no metadata exists, creates a new hash and saves it.
* @returns {number} The hashed chat id
function getChatIdHash() {
const cachedIdHash = chat_metadata['chat_id_hash'];
// If chat_id_hash is not already set, calculate it
if (!cachedIdHash) {
// Use the main_chat if it's available, otherwise get the current chat ID
const chatId = chat_metadata['main_chat'] ?? getCurrentChatId();
const chatIdHash = getStringHash(chatId);
chat_metadata['chat_id_hash'] = chatIdHash;
return chatIdHash;
return cachedIdHash;
* Returns the ID of the last message in the chat
* Optionally can only choose specific messages, if a filter is provided.
* @param {object} param0 - Optional arguments
* @param {boolean} [param0.exclude_swipe_in_propress=true] - Whether a message that is currently being swiped should be ignored
* @param {function(object):boolean} [param0.filter] - A filter applied to the search, ignoring all messages that don't match the criteria. For example to only find user messages, etc.
* @returns {number|null} The message id, or null if none was found
export function getLastMessageId({ exclude_swipe_in_propress = true, filter = null } = {}) {
for (let i = chat?.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let message = chat[i];
// If ignoring swipes and the message is being swiped, continue
// We can check if a message is being swiped by checking whether the current swipe id is not in the list of finished swipes yet
if (exclude_swipe_in_propress && message.swipes && message.swipe_id >= message.swipes.length) {
// Check if no filter is provided, or if the message passes the filter
if (!filter || filter(message)) {
return i;
return null;
* Returns the ID of the first message included in the context
* @returns {number|null} The ID of the first message in the context
function getFirstIncludedMessageId() {
return chat_metadata['lastInContextMessageId'];
* Returns the ID of the first displayed message in the chat.
* @returns {number|null} The ID of the first displayed message
function getFirstDisplayedMessageId() {
const mesId = Number(document.querySelector('#chat .mes')?.getAttribute('mesid'));
if (!isNaN(mesId) && mesId >= 0) {
return mesId;
return null;
* Returns the last message in the chat
* @returns {string} The last message in the chat
function getLastMessage() {
const mid = getLastMessageId();
return chat[mid]?.mes ?? '';
* Returns the last message from the user
* @returns {string} The last message from the user
function getLastUserMessage() {
const mid = getLastMessageId({ filter: m => m.is_user && !m.is_system });
return chat[mid]?.mes ?? '';
* Returns the last message from the bot
* @returns {string} The last message from the bot
function getLastCharMessage() {
const mid = getLastMessageId({ filter: m => !m.is_user && !m.is_system });
return chat[mid]?.mes ?? '';
* Returns the 1-based ID (number) of the last swipe
* @returns {number|null} The 1-based ID of the last swipe
function getLastSwipeId() {
// For swipe macro, we are accepting using the message that is currently being swiped
const mid = getLastMessageId({ exclude_swipe_in_propress: false });
const swipes = chat[mid]?.swipes;
return swipes?.length;
* Returns the 1-based ID (number) of the current swipe
* @returns {number|null} The 1-based ID of the current swipe
function getCurrentSwipeId() {
// For swipe macro, we are accepting using the message that is currently being swiped
const mid = getLastMessageId({ exclude_swipe_in_propress: false });
const swipeId = chat[mid]?.swipe_id;
return swipeId !== null ? swipeId + 1 : null;
* Replaces banned words in macros with an empty string.
* Adds them to textgenerationwebui ban list.
* @returns {Macro}
function getBannedWordsMacro() {
const banPattern = /{{banned "(.*)"}}/gi;
const banReplace = (match, bannedWord) => {
if (main_api == 'textgenerationwebui') {
console.log('Found banned word in macros: ' + bannedWord);
return '';
return { regex: banPattern, replace: banReplace };
function getTimeSinceLastMessage() {
const now = moment();
if (Array.isArray(chat) && chat.length > 0) {
let lastMessage;
let takeNext = false;
for (let i = chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const message = chat[i];
if (message.is_system) {
if (message.is_user && takeNext) {
lastMessage = message;
takeNext = true;
if (lastMessage?.send_date) {
const lastMessageDate = timestampToMoment(lastMessage.send_date);
const duration = moment.duration(now.diff(lastMessageDate));
return duration.humanize();
return 'just now';
* Returns a macro that picks a random item from a list.
* @returns {Macro} The random replace macro
function getRandomReplaceMacro() {
const randomPattern = /{{random\s?::?([^}]+)}}/gi;
const randomReplace = (match, listString) => {
// Split on either double colons or comma. If comma is the separator, we are also trimming all items.
const list = listString.includes('::')
? listString.split('::')
// Replaced escaped commas with a placeholder to avoid splitting on them
: listString.replace(/\\,/g, '##<23>COMMA<4D>##').split(',').map(item => item.trim().replace(/##<23>COMMA<4D>##/g, ','));
if (list.length === 0) {
return '';
const rng = seedrandom('added entropy.', { entropy: true });
const randomIndex = Math.floor(rng() * list.length);
return list[randomIndex];
return { regex: randomPattern, replace: randomReplace };
* Returns a macro that picks a random item from a list with a consistent seed.
* @param {string} rawContent The raw content of the string
* @returns {Macro} The pick replace macro
function getPickReplaceMacro(rawContent) {
// We need to have a consistent chat hash, otherwise we'll lose rolls on chat file rename or branch switches
// No need to save metadata here - branching and renaming will implicitly do the save for us, and until then loading it like this is consistent
const chatIdHash = getChatIdHash();
const rawContentHash = getStringHash(rawContent);
const pickPattern = /{{pick\s?::?([^}]+)}}/gi;
const pickReplace = (match, listString, offset) => {
// Split on either double colons or comma. If comma is the separator, we are also trimming all items.
const list = listString.includes('::')
? listString.split('::')
// Replaced escaped commas with a placeholder to avoid splitting on them
: listString.replace(/\\,/g, '##<23>COMMA<4D>##').split(',').map(item => item.trim().replace(/##<23>COMMA<4D>##/g, ','));
if (list.length === 0) {
return '';
// We build a hash seed based on: unique chat file, raw content, and the placement inside this content
// This allows us to get unique but repeatable picks in nearly all cases
const combinedSeedString = `${chatIdHash}-${rawContentHash}-${offset}`;
const finalSeed = getStringHash(combinedSeedString);
// @ts-ignore - have to use numbers for legacy picks
const rng = seedrandom(finalSeed);
const randomIndex = Math.floor(rng() * list.length);
return list[randomIndex];
return { regex: pickPattern, replace: pickReplace };
* @returns {Macro} The dire roll macro
function getDiceRollMacro() {
const rollPattern = /{{roll[ : ]([^}]+)}}/gi;
const rollReplace = (match, matchValue) => {
let formula = matchValue.trim();
if (isDigitsOnly(formula)) {
formula = `1d${formula}`;
const isValid = droll.validate(formula);
if (!isValid) {
console.debug(`Invalid roll formula: ${formula}`);
return '';
const result = droll.roll(formula);
if (result === false) return '';
return String(result.total);
return { regex: rollPattern, replace: rollReplace };
* Returns the difference between two times. Works with any time format acceptable by moment().
* Can work with {{date}} {{time}} macros
* @returns {Macro} The time difference macro
function getTimeDiffMacro() {
const timeDiffPattern = /{{timeDiff::(.*?)::(.*?)}}/gi;
const timeDiffReplace = (_match, matchPart1, matchPart2) => {
const time1 = moment(matchPart1);
const time2 = moment(matchPart2);
const timeDifference = moment.duration(time1.diff(time2));
return timeDifference.humanize(true);
return { regex: timeDiffPattern, replace: timeDiffReplace };
* Substitutes {{macro}} parameters in a string.
* @param {string} content - The string to substitute parameters in.
* @param {EnvObject} env - Map of macro names to the values they'll be substituted with. If the param
* values are functions, those functions will be called and their return values are used.
* @param {function(string): string} postProcessFn - Function to run on the macro value before replacing it.
* @returns {string} The string with substituted parameters.
export function evaluateMacros(content, env, postProcessFn) {
if (!content) {
return '';
postProcessFn = typeof postProcessFn === 'function' ? postProcessFn : (x => x);
const rawContent = content;
* Built-ins running before the env variables
* @type {Macro[]}
* */
const preEnvMacros = [
// Legacy non-curly macros
{ regex: /<USER>/gi, replace: () => typeof env.user === 'function' ? env.user() : env.user },
{ regex: /<BOT>/gi, replace: () => typeof env.char === 'function' ? env.char() : env.char },
{ regex: /<CHAR>/gi, replace: () => typeof env.char === 'function' ? env.char() : env.char },
{ regex: /<CHARIFNOTGROUP>/gi, replace: () => typeof env.group === 'function' ? env.group() : env.group },
{ regex: /<GROUP>/gi, replace: () => typeof env.group === 'function' ? env.group() : env.group },
{ regex: /{{newline}}/gi, replace: () => '\n' },
{ regex: /(?:\r?\n)*{{trim}}(?:\r?\n)*/gi, replace: () => '' },
{ regex: /{{noop}}/gi, replace: () => '' },
{ regex: /{{input}}/gi, replace: () => String($('#send_textarea').val()) },
* Built-ins running after the env variables
* @type {Macro[]}
const postEnvMacros = [
{ regex: /{{maxPrompt}}/gi, replace: () => String(getMaxContextSize()) },
{ regex: /{{lastMessage}}/gi, replace: () => getLastMessage() },
{ regex: /{{lastMessageId}}/gi, replace: () => String(getLastMessageId() ?? '') },
{ regex: /{{lastUserMessage}}/gi, replace: () => getLastUserMessage() },
{ regex: /{{lastCharMessage}}/gi, replace: () => getLastCharMessage() },
{ regex: /{{firstIncludedMessageId}}/gi, replace: () => String(getFirstIncludedMessageId() ?? '') },
{ regex: /{{firstDisplayedMessageId}}/gi, replace: () => String(getFirstDisplayedMessageId() ?? '') },
{ regex: /{{lastSwipeId}}/gi, replace: () => String(getLastSwipeId() ?? '') },
{ regex: /{{currentSwipeId}}/gi, replace: () => String(getCurrentSwipeId() ?? '') },
{ regex: /{{reverse:(.+?)}}/gi, replace: (_, str) => Array.from(str).reverse().join('') },
{ regex: /\{\{\/\/([\s\S]*?)\}\}/gm, replace: () => '' },
{ regex: /{{time}}/gi, replace: () => moment().format('LT') },
{ regex: /{{date}}/gi, replace: () => moment().format('LL') },
{ regex: /{{weekday}}/gi, replace: () => moment().format('dddd') },
{ regex: /{{isotime}}/gi, replace: () => moment().format('HH:mm') },
{ regex: /{{isodate}}/gi, replace: () => moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') },
{ regex: /{{datetimeformat +([^}]*)}}/gi, replace: (_, format) => moment().format(format) },
{ regex: /{{idle_duration}}/gi, replace: () => getTimeSinceLastMessage() },
{ regex: /{{time_UTC([-+]\d+)}}/gi, replace: (_, offset) => moment().utc().utcOffset(parseInt(offset, 10)).format('LT') },
// Add all registered macros to the env object
const nonce = uuidv4();
const envMacros = [];
// Substitute passed-in variables
for (const varName in env) {
if (!Object.hasOwn(env, varName)) continue;
const envRegex = new RegExp(`{{${escapeRegex(varName)}}}`, 'gi');
const envReplace = () => {
const param = env[varName];
const value = MacrosParser.sanitizeMacroValue(typeof param === 'function' ? param(nonce) : param);
return value;
envMacros.push({ regex: envRegex, replace: envReplace });
const macros = [...preEnvMacros, ...envMacros, ...postEnvMacros];
for (const macro of macros) {
// Stop if the content is empty
if (!content) {
// Short-circuit if no curly braces are found
if (!macro.regex.source.startsWith('<') && !content.includes('{{')) {
try {
content = content.replace(macro.regex, (...args) => postProcessFn(macro.replace(...args)));
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`Macro content can't be replaced: ${macro.regex} in ${content}`, e);
return content;
export function initMacros() {
function initLastGenerationType() {
let lastGenerationType = '';
MacrosParser.registerMacro('lastGenerationType', () => lastGenerationType);
eventSource.on(event_types.GENERATION_STARTED, (type, _params, isDryRun) => {
if (isDryRun) return;
lastGenerationType = type || 'normal';
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, () => {
lastGenerationType = '';
MacrosParser.registerMacro('isMobile', () => String(isMobile()));