2024-01-22 15:56:12 +02:00

669 lines
28 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import { getStringHash, debounce, waitUntilCondition, extractAllWords } from '../../utils.js';
import { getContext, getApiUrl, extension_settings, doExtrasFetch, modules } from '../../extensions.js';
import { animation_duration, eventSource, event_types, extension_prompt_types, generateQuietPrompt, is_send_press, saveSettingsDebounced, substituteParams } from '../../../script.js';
import { is_group_generating, selected_group } from '../../group-chats.js';
import { registerSlashCommand } from '../../slash-commands.js';
import { loadMovingUIState } from '../../power-user.js';
import { dragElement } from '../../RossAscends-mods.js';
import { getTextTokens, tokenizers } from '../../tokenizers.js';
export { MODULE_NAME };
const MODULE_NAME = '1_memory';
let lastCharacterId = null;
let lastGroupId = null;
let lastChatId = null;
let lastMessageHash = null;
let lastMessageId = null;
let inApiCall = false;
const formatMemoryValue = function (value) {
if (!value) {
return '';
value = value.trim();
if (extension_settings.memory.template) {
let result = extension_settings.memory.template.replace(/{{summary}}/i, value);
return substituteParams(result);
} else {
return `Summary: ${value}`;
const saveChatDebounced = debounce(() => getContext().saveChat(), 2000);
const summary_sources = {
'extras': 'extras',
'main': 'main',
const defaultPrompt = '[Pause your roleplay. Summarize the most important facts and events that have happened in the chat so far. If a summary already exists in your memory, use that as a base and expand with new facts. Limit the summary to {{words}} words or less. Your response should include nothing but the summary.]';
const defaultTemplate = '[Summary: {{summary}}]';
const defaultSettings = {
memoryFrozen: false,
SkipWIAN: false,
source: summary_sources.extras,
prompt: defaultPrompt,
template: defaultTemplate,
position: extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT,
depth: 2,
promptWords: 200,
promptMinWords: 25,
promptMaxWords: 1000,
promptWordsStep: 25,
promptInterval: 10,
promptMinInterval: 0,
promptMaxInterval: 100,
promptIntervalStep: 1,
promptForceWords: 0,
promptForceWordsStep: 100,
promptMinForceWords: 0,
promptMaxForceWords: 10000,
function loadSettings() {
if (Object.keys(extension_settings.memory).length === 0) {
Object.assign(extension_settings.memory, defaultSettings);
for (const key of Object.keys(defaultSettings)) {
if (extension_settings.memory[key] === undefined) {
extension_settings.memory[key] = defaultSettings[key];
$('#memory_frozen').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen).trigger('input');
$('#memory_skipWIAN').prop('checked', extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN).trigger('input');
$(`input[name="memory_position"][value="${extension_settings.memory.position}"]`).prop('checked', true).trigger('input');
function onSummarySourceChange(event) {
const value = event.target.value;
extension_settings.memory.source = value;
function switchSourceControls(value) {
$('#memory_settings [data-source]').each((_, element) => {
const source = $(element).data('source');
$(element).toggle(source === value);
function onMemoryFrozenInput() {
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen = value;
function onMemorySkipWIANInput() {
const value = Boolean($(this).prop('checked'));
extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN = value;
function onMemoryPromptWordsInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptWords = Number(value);
function onMemoryPromptIntervalInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptInterval = Number(value);
function onMemoryPromptInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.prompt = value;
function onMemoryTemplateInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.template = value;
function onMemoryDepthInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.depth = Number(value);
function onMemoryPositionChange(e) {
const value = e.target.value;
extension_settings.memory.position = value;
function onMemoryPromptWordsForceInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords = Number(value);
function saveLastValues() {
const context = getContext();
lastGroupId = context.groupId;
lastCharacterId = context.characterId;
lastChatId = context.chatId;
lastMessageId = context.chat?.length ?? null;
lastMessageHash = getStringHash((context.chat.length && context.chat[context.chat.length - 1]['mes']) ?? '');
function getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat) {
if (!Array.isArray(chat) || !chat.length) {
return '';
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
for (let mes of reversedChat) {
if (mes.extra && mes.extra.memory) {
return mes.extra.memory;
return '';
async function onChatEvent() {
// Module not enabled
if (extension_settings.memory.source === summary_sources.extras) {
if (!modules.includes('summarize')) {
const context = getContext();
const chat = context.chat;
// no characters or group selected
if (!context.groupId && context.characterId === undefined) {
// Generation is in progress, summary prevented
if (is_send_press) {
// Chat/character/group changed
if ((context.groupId && lastGroupId !== context.groupId) || (context.characterId !== lastCharacterId) || (context.chatId !== lastChatId)) {
const latestMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
setMemoryContext(latestMemory, false);
// Currently summarizing or frozen state - skip
if (inApiCall || extension_settings.memory.memoryFrozen) {
// No new messages - do nothing
if (chat.length === 0 || (lastMessageId === chat.length && getStringHash(chat[chat.length - 1].mes) === lastMessageHash)) {
// Messages has been deleted - rewrite the context with the latest available memory
if (chat.length < lastMessageId) {
const latestMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
setMemoryContext(latestMemory, false);
// Message has been edited / regenerated - delete the saved memory
if (chat.length
&& chat[chat.length - 1].extra
&& chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory
&& lastMessageId === chat.length
&& getStringHash(chat[chat.length - 1].mes) !== lastMessageHash) {
delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory;
try {
await summarizeChat(context);
catch (error) {
finally {
async function forceSummarizeChat() {
if (extension_settings.memory.source === summary_sources.extras) {
toastr.warning('Force summarization is not supported for Extras API');
const context = getContext();
const skipWIAN = extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN;
console.log(`Skipping WIAN? ${skipWIAN}`);
if (!context.chatId) {
toastr.warning('No chat selected');
toastr.info('Summarizing chat...', 'Please wait');
const value = await summarizeChatMain(context, true, skipWIAN);
if (!value) {
toastr.warning('Failed to summarize chat');
async function summarizeChat(context) {
const skipWIAN = extension_settings.memory.SkipWIAN;
switch (extension_settings.memory.source) {
case summary_sources.extras:
await summarizeChatExtras(context);
case summary_sources.main:
await summarizeChatMain(context, false, skipWIAN);
async function summarizeChatMain(context, force, skipWIAN) {
if (extension_settings.memory.promptInterval === 0 && !force) {
console.debug('Prompt interval is set to 0, skipping summarization');
try {
// Wait for group to finish generating
if (selected_group) {
await waitUntilCondition(() => is_group_generating === false, 1000, 10);
// Wait for the send button to be released
waitUntilCondition(() => is_send_press === false, 30000, 100);
} catch {
console.debug('Timeout waiting for is_send_press');
if (!context.chat.length) {
console.debug('No messages in chat to summarize');
if (context.chat.length < extension_settings.memory.promptInterval && !force) {
console.debug(`Not enough messages in chat to summarize (chat: ${context.chat.length}, interval: ${extension_settings.memory.promptInterval})`);
let messagesSinceLastSummary = 0;
let wordsSinceLastSummary = 0;
let conditionSatisfied = false;
for (let i = context.chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (context.chat[i].extra && context.chat[i].extra.memory) {
wordsSinceLastSummary += extractAllWords(context.chat[i].mes).length;
if (messagesSinceLastSummary >= extension_settings.memory.promptInterval) {
conditionSatisfied = true;
if (extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords && wordsSinceLastSummary >= extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords) {
conditionSatisfied = true;
if (!conditionSatisfied && !force) {
console.debug(`Summary conditions not satisfied (messages: ${messagesSinceLastSummary}, interval: ${extension_settings.memory.promptInterval}, words: ${wordsSinceLastSummary}, force words: ${extension_settings.memory.promptForceWords})`);
console.log('Summarizing chat, messages since last summary: ' + messagesSinceLastSummary, 'words since last summary: ' + wordsSinceLastSummary);
const prompt = extension_settings.memory.prompt?.replace(/{{words}}/gi, extension_settings.memory.promptWords);
if (!prompt) {
console.debug('Summarization prompt is empty. Skipping summarization.');
console.log('sending summary prompt');
const summary = await generateQuietPrompt(prompt, false, skipWIAN);
const newContext = getContext();
// something changed during summarization request
if (newContext.groupId !== context.groupId
|| newContext.chatId !== context.chatId
|| (!newContext.groupId && (newContext.characterId !== context.characterId))) {
console.log('Context changed, summary discarded');
setMemoryContext(summary, true);
return summary;
async function summarizeChatExtras(context) {
function getMemoryString() {
return (longMemory + '\n\n' + memoryBuffer.slice().reverse().join('\n\n')).trim();
const chat = context.chat;
const longMemory = getLatestMemoryFromChat(chat);
const reversedChat = chat.slice().reverse();
const memoryBuffer = [];
const CONTEXT_SIZE = 1024 - 64;
for (const message of reversedChat) {
// we reached the point of latest memory
if (longMemory && message.extra && message.extra.memory == longMemory) {
// don't care about system
if (message.is_system) {
// determine the sender's name
const entry = `${message.name}:\n${message.mes}`;
// check if token limit was reached
const tokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, getMemoryString()).length;
if (tokens >= CONTEXT_SIZE) {
const resultingString = getMemoryString();
const resultingTokens = getTextTokens(tokenizers.GPT2, resultingString).length;
if (!resultingString || resultingTokens < CONTEXT_SIZE) {
console.debug('Not enough context to summarize');
// perform the summarization API call
try {
inApiCall = true;
const url = new URL(getApiUrl());
url.pathname = '/api/summarize';
const apiResult = await doExtrasFetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bypass-Tunnel-Reminder': 'bypass',
body: JSON.stringify({
text: resultingString,
params: {},
if (apiResult.ok) {
const data = await apiResult.json();
const summary = data.summary;
const newContext = getContext();
// something changed during summarization request
if (newContext.groupId !== context.groupId
|| newContext.chatId !== context.chatId
|| (!newContext.groupId && (newContext.characterId !== context.characterId))) {
console.log('Context changed, summary discarded');
setMemoryContext(summary, true);
catch (error) {
finally {
inApiCall = false;
function onMemoryRestoreClick() {
const context = getContext();
const content = $('#memory_contents').val();
const reversedChat = context.chat.slice().reverse();
for (let mes of reversedChat) {
if (mes.extra && mes.extra.memory == content) {
delete mes.extra.memory;
const newContent = getLatestMemoryFromChat(context.chat);
setMemoryContext(newContent, false);
function onMemoryContentInput() {
const value = $(this).val();
setMemoryContext(value, true);
function reinsertMemory() {
const existingValue = $('#memory_contents').val();
setMemoryContext(existingValue, false);
function setMemoryContext(value, saveToMessage) {
const context = getContext();
context.setExtensionPrompt(MODULE_NAME, formatMemoryValue(value), extension_settings.memory.position, extension_settings.memory.depth);
console.log('Summary set to: ' + value);
console.debug('Position: ' + extension_settings.memory.position);
console.debug('Depth: ' + extension_settings.memory.depth);
if (saveToMessage && context.chat.length) {
const idx = context.chat.length - 2;
const mes = context.chat[idx < 0 ? 0 : idx];
if (!mes.extra) {
mes.extra = {};
mes.extra.memory = value;
function doPopout(e) {
const target = e.target;
//repurposes the zoomed avatar template to server as a floating div
if ($('#summaryExtensionPopout').length === 0) {
console.debug('did not see popout yet, creating');
const originalHTMLClone = $(target).parent().parent().parent().find('.inline-drawer-content').html();
const originalElement = $(target).parent().parent().parent().find('.inline-drawer-content');
const template = $('#zoomed_avatar_template').html();
const controlBarHtml = `<div class="panelControlBar flex-container">
<div id="summaryExtensionPopoutheader" class="fa-solid fa-grip drag-grabber hoverglow"></div>
<div id="summaryExtensionPopoutClose" class="fa-solid fa-circle-xmark hoverglow dragClose"></div>
const newElement = $(template);
newElement.attr('id', 'summaryExtensionPopout')
const prevSummaryBoxContents = $('#memory_contents').val(); //copy summary box before emptying
originalElement.html('<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter justifyCenter wide100p"><small>Currently popped out</small></div>');
setMemoryContext(prevSummaryBoxContents, false); //paste prev summary box contents into popout box
//setup listener for close button to restore extensions menu
$('#summaryExtensionPopoutClose').off('click').on('click', function () {
const summaryPopoutHTML = $('#summaryExtensionDrawerContents');
$('#summaryExtensionPopout').fadeOut(animation_duration, () => {
} else {
console.debug('saw existing popout, removing');
$('#summaryExtensionPopout').fadeOut(animation_duration, () => { $('#summaryExtensionPopoutClose').trigger('click'); });
function setupListeners() {
//setup shared listeners for popout and regular ext menu
$('#memory_restore').off('click').on('click', onMemoryRestoreClick);
$('#memory_contents').off('click').on('input', onMemoryContentInput);
$('#memory_frozen').off('click').on('input', onMemoryFrozenInput);
$('#memory_skipWIAN').off('click').on('input', onMemorySkipWIANInput);
$('#summary_source').off('click').on('change', onSummarySourceChange);
$('#memory_prompt_words').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptWordsInput);
$('#memory_prompt_interval').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptIntervalInput);
$('#memory_prompt').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptInput);
$('#memory_force_summarize').off('click').on('click', forceSummarizeChat);
$('#memory_template').off('click').on('input', onMemoryTemplateInput);
$('#memory_depth').off('click').on('input', onMemoryDepthInput);
$('input[name="memory_position"]').off('click').on('change', onMemoryPositionChange);
$('#memory_prompt_words_force').off('click').on('input', onMemoryPromptWordsForceInput);
$('#summarySettingsBlockToggle').off('click').on('click', function () {
console.log('saw settings button click');
$('#summarySettingsBlock').slideToggle(200, 'swing'); //toggleClass("hidden");
jQuery(function () {
function addExtensionControls() {
const settingsHtml = `
<div id="memory_settings">
<div class="inline-drawer">
<div class="inline-drawer-toggle inline-drawer-header">
<div class="flex-container alignitemscenter margin0"><b>Summarize</b><i id="summaryExtensionPopoutButton" class="fa-solid fa-window-restore menu_button margin0"></i></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-icon fa-solid fa-circle-chevron-down down"></div>
<div class="inline-drawer-content">
<div id="summaryExtensionDrawerContents">
<label for="summary_source">Summarize with:</label>
<select id="summary_source">
<option value="main">Main API</option>
<option value="extras">Extras API</option>
<div class="flex-container justifyspacebetween alignitemscenter">
<span class="flex1">Current summary:</span>
<div id="memory_restore" class="menu_button flex1 margin0"><span>Restore Previous</span></div>
<textarea id="memory_contents" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="6" placeholder="Summary will be generated here..."></textarea>
<div class="memory_contents_controls">
<div id="memory_force_summarize" data-source="main" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Trigger a summary update right now." data-i18n="Trigger a summary update right now.">
<i class="fa-solid fa-database"></i>
<span>Summarize now</span>
<label for="memory_frozen" title="Disable automatic summary updates. While paused, the summary remains as-is. You can still force an update by pressing the Summarize now button (which is only available with the Main API)." data-i18n="[title]Disable automatic summary updates. While paused, the summary remains as-is. You can still force an update by pressing the Summarize now button (which is only available with the Main API)."><input id="memory_frozen" type="checkbox" />Pause</label>
<label for="memory_skipWIAN" title="Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN." data-i18n="[title]Omit World Info and Author's Note from text to be summarized. Only has an effect when using the Main API. The Extras API always omits WI/AN."><input id="memory_skipWIAN" type="checkbox" />No WI/AN</label>
<div class="memory_contents_controls">
<div id="summarySettingsBlockToggle" class="menu_button menu_button_icon" title="Edit summarization prompt, insertion position, etc.">
<i class="fa-solid fa-cog"></i>
<span>Summary Settings</span>
<div id="summarySettingsBlock" style="display:none;">
<div class="memory_template">
<label for="memory_template">Insertion Template</label>
<textarea id="memory_template" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="2" placeholder="{{summary}} will resolve to the current summary contents."></textarea>
<label for="memory_position">Injection Position</label>
<div class="radio_group">
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="2" />
Before Main Prompt / Story String
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="0" />
After Main Prompt / Story String
<label for="memory_depth" title="How many messages before the current end of the chat." data-i18n="[title]How many messages before the current end of the chat.">
<input type="radio" name="memory_position" value="1" />
In-chat @ Depth <input id="memory_depth" class="text_pole widthUnset" type="number" min="0" max="999" />
<div data-source="main" class="memory_contents_controls">
<div data-source="main">
<label for="memory_prompt" class="title_restorable">
Summary Prompt
<textarea id="memory_prompt" class="text_pole textarea_compact" rows="6" placeholder="This prompt will be sent to AI to request the summary generation. {{words}} will resolve to the 'Number of words' parameter."></textarea>
<label for="memory_prompt_words">Summary length (<span id="memory_prompt_words_value"></span> words)</label>
<input id="memory_prompt_words" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptWordsStep}" />
<label for="memory_prompt_interval">Update every <span id="memory_prompt_interval_value"></span> messages</label>
<small>0 = disable</small>
<input id="memory_prompt_interval" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptInterval}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinInterval}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxInterval}" step="${defaultSettings.promptIntervalStep}" />
<label for="memory_prompt_words_force">Update every <span id="memory_prompt_words_force_value"></span> words</label>
<small>0 = disable</small>
<input id="memory_prompt_words_force" type="range" value="${defaultSettings.promptForceWords}" min="${defaultSettings.promptMinForceWords}" max="${defaultSettings.promptMaxForceWords}" step="${defaultSettings.promptForceWordsStep}" />
<small>If both sliders are non-zero, then both will trigger summary updates a their respective intervals.</small>
$('#summaryExtensionPopoutButton').off('click').on('click', function (e) {
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_EDITED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, onChatEvent);
eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, onChatEvent);
registerSlashCommand('summarize', forceSummarizeChat, [], ' forces the summarization of the current chat using the Main API', true, true);